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Page 24

by Bobbi Smith

  With an effort, Rose put the sadness from her. This was Jenny's wedding day. She would be happy for her friend. She would celebrate her joy.

  Rose vowed to herself, though, that before she left for Philadelphia in two days, she would make the time to seek out Dan. She was determined do it, even if she had to go into the High Time Saloon again to find him. She planned to tell him good-bye and give him and Fernada copies of their pictures.

  If nothing else, once she'd gone, Dan would have the picture to remember the time they had together.

  "With this ring I thee wed," Cole repeated what the minister had instructed as he slipped the plain gold band on Jenny's finger.

  "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife," Reverend Ford intoned solemnly over them. "Cole, you may kiss your bride."

  Cole needed no further urging. He turned to Jenny and drew her to him, kissing her. It was a cherishing exchange that only hinted at the passion to come. Jenny enjoyed his kiss, but couldn't wait to be alone with him to more fully explore that passion. They'd already agreed to travel to the Branding Iron for their wedding night. They knew they would have more privacy there.

  When Cole ended the kiss, everyone in the parlor rushed forward to congratulate them, and the men on the porch let out a cheer.

  Frances had planned a party and had set up tables outside. Everyone headed that way, wanting to celebrate.

  "I get you first," Rose insisted as Cole and Jenny started outside. "Come on over here. We've got everything all set up."

  Cole and Jenny were surprised to find that she'd set up her camera in a sunny area and was ready to take their photograph.

  "Thank you, Rose! What a wonderful idea!" Jenny hugged her impulsively.

  Jenny and Cole stood still patiently for Rose as she worked her magic, and then they went to join the others who were already celebrating.

  It was a joyous time, a loving time.

  "I never thought I would see this day, although I always knew a marriage between them would be perfect," Frances said to Louie and Evelyn, her voice strained with heartfelt emotion.

  "They'll do well together," Louie said.

  "Yes, they will," Evelyn agreed. She watched as her niece gazed adoringly up at Cole. Evelyn was delighted that they had found true happiness at last.

  Jenny saw Rose standing by herself and slipped away from Cole for a moment. She sought out her friend, wanting to thank her for all her moral support and help.

  "Rose - I would have given up hope without you," she told her, kissing her cheek.

  Rose grinned. "I'm just glad you two are together the way you were always meant to be."

  "So am I." Jenny looked over toward Cole. "So what are you going to do about Dan?"

  Rose was shocked. She hadn't thought anyone had noticed her distress. "There's not much I can do. I don't know what happened. We had a wonderful time together, and then suddenly he couldn't wait to get away."

  "Are you planning to give up without a fight?" Jenny asked.

  "No. I was thinking I'd go see him at the High Time once more before I go home."

  "Good. Do you love him?" Jenny asked bluntly.

  Rose looked deeply thoughtful. "I'm not sure. I've never been in love. How do you know?"

  "You know you're in love when that person means more to you than anything in the whole world and you want his happiness more than your own. I can't imagine a life without Cole now. I want to be with him always."

  "I know what I shared with Dan was special. But we're so different. What do we have in common?"

  "Love? It does conquer all. Do you care about him enough to change for him? To give up something for him?"

  "I don't know..." She was hesitant, trying to sort out the truth of her feelings.

  "That's the question you have to answer. No one can answer it for you. Look in your heart. You'll know."

  Cole came to claim her then. "It's about time to go if we're going to make it to the ranch before dark." Jenny looked up at him and said breathlessly, "I'm ready."

  Cole certainly knew he was more than ready to leave. The sooner he was alone with Jenny, the we'd better.

  "Good-bye, Rose," Cole said as he escorted his bride to the waiting carriage.

  "Think about what I said," Jenny called back as Cole lifted her into the vehicle.

  Everyone waved and cheered again as they headed out.

  Cole reined in at the cemetery and helped Jenny down. Together they paid a quiet visit to her parents' graves and to Gene's. He'd been buried there late the day before. After a long moment, they started on their way again, their moods brightening in the glow of their love.

  When as they were out of sight, of the ranch, Cole reined the horses in and turned to Jenny. Without a word, she knew what he wanted. They came together in a blazing embrace, hungry for each other, no longer wanting to be denied. Cole pulled her against him as his mouth claimed hers again and again. Jenny was as eager as Cole, and she met him in each ardent kiss. She wanted him desperately and could hardly wait to experience the true beauty of his love.

  "If this was a bigger carriage, you'd be in trouble right now," he growled as he controlled his raging passion.

  "I think I'd like to be in trouble with you," she told him.

  He urged the team on again, at an even faster pace. He'd waited his whole life for this night. He could hardly wait to get to the Branding Iron and carry her over the threshold.

  Jenny sat close beside him and daringly rested her hand on his thigh as he drove the carriage. She felt him tense beneath her hand and smiled to herself at his reaction. It pleased her to know that she could excite him with just a simple touch. She had never fully understood the power of a woman, but she was learning.

  The sun was just setting as they reached Cole's ranch. When Cole had sent for his suit to wear today, he'd let Fred know about the wedding and his plans for their wedding night. He could see Fred now, waiting on the porch for him as he stopped at the hitching rail.

  "Evening, Mr. and Mrs. Randall," Fred said, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of them.

  "Good evening, Fred," Jenny greeted him as Cole started to lift her down from the carriage.

  "I told the boys about the wedding, and we're all real happy for you," Fred went on. "We'll make sure you're not interrupted tonight."

  "Good," Cole said firmly.

  "You can put me down," Jenny said.

  "Not yet," he answered, swinging her up into his arms.

  Fred hastily got out of Cole's way as he strode for the front door.

  "I have to carry my bride over the threshold," Cole insisted. He opened the door and stepped through. He didn't put her down until after he'd claimed a warm kiss.

  "Good night, Cole," Fred called from out on the porch.

  He wasn't the least bit surprised when Cole didn't answer but simply kicked the door shut behind them.

  "Lucky man," he said to himself as he started out to the bunkhouse to give the men the news that the boss was home with his bride.

  Jenny gave a throaty laugh as the door slammed shut behind them. "Don't you think you should lock it?" she asked.

  "They wouldn't dare interrupt me tonight," Cole replied, heading straight for his bedroom with her in his arms.

  "I can walk, you know."

  "I don't want to risk you running away from me," he told her, a teasing glint in his eyes.

  "The only place I'd run would be right back to you," Jenny told him, then tugged him down to her for a quick kiss as he kept walking.

  Cole reached his bedroom and finally had to put her down so he could light a lamp. Jenny stared about the room, taking in the dark, heavy furniture that gave it a very masculine feeling. The bed was wide and looked comfortable. She was going to enjoy finding out just how comfortable that very night.

  As she stared at the bed, though, a memory she had long denied returned with a vengeance. All too clearly she remembered Mira talking about how she'd been in Cole's bed. A shudder of disgust
racked her, and her joyous expression faded.

  "What is it?" Cole asked. He had looked back at her and seen the sudden change in her.

  "Nothing-" she lied, wanting to just forget it.

  Cole was too attuned to her, though, and he knew something was troubling her deeply. "Jenny-we're married now. We're man and wife. If something's bothering you, you need to tell me. I can't make things better if I don't know what's wrong."

  He'd expected to turn away from lighting the lamp, sweep her up in his arms, and lay her on the bed. He'd wanted to make love to her right then-quickly, urgently. But this was more important-something that had to be resolved first. They had to learn to always be honest with each other.

  Jenny saw the earnestness in Cole's expression. She knew she would never find the joy she'd hoped for in his arms tonight if she didn't tell him about her conversation with Mira.

  "Jenny," he said more softly. "Tell me what's troubling you."

  "It's It's Mira." She watched his expression carefully as she spoke, wanting to see if he was going to try to lie to her or hide anything from her.

  "What about Mira?" Cole was confused. He frowned. He had no idea why Jenny would be worrying about the other woman on this, their wedding night.

  "She told me," Jenny answered simply.

  "Told you what?"

  She swallowed tightly. She looked at the bed again and then back at Cole. "She told me about you."

  Suddenly he began to understand what had happened. He knew Mira far too well and could just imagine what she'd done. "And just what did Mira tell you about `us'?"

  "She told me she knew how comfortable your bed was and-"

  Cole gave a shake of his head and swore under his breath. "When did she tell you this?"

  "At the social."

  "I don't doubt it. She was probably jealous," he said tightly.

  "But is it true?" She had to know.

  "Jenny, if we're going to have a happy marriage, it's going to start right now with you trusting me. Mira and I have never meant anything to each other. I was her escort to several social functions, but any relationship between us never went further than a kiss. I've never been serious about her or any other woman. I've only been serious about you."

  "How could she have been in your bed?"

  "One night right after you came back to Durango, I came home to the ranch to find her here waiting for me. I had no intention of getting involved with anyone, and she knew it. It was late, though, and a storm came up. Mira said the weather was too bad and it was too late for her to ride back home, so I invited her to spend the night."


  As aggressive as Mira was, Jenny could only imagine what had happened between them.

  Cole could see where Jenny's thoughts were going, and he spoke up sharply. "Don't even think it, Jenny. Mira has always been far more interested in me than I've been in her-especially since you've been back in town. I fixed the guest room for her and then I went and spent the night with the boys in the bunkhouse. Fred and the others are my witnesses. You can go ask them right now, but I swear what I'm telling you is the truth."


  "Really. I wasn't about to set myself up for trouble that night, and I had a feeling Mira was going to be trouble. If she told you she was in my bed, she might have come in here during the night, but I wasn't here. If she was in my bed, she was in it alone." Cole met Jenny's gaze and held it with his own as he solemnly told her, "I give you my word on that."

  Jenny gazed at the man she loved and knew he was telling the truth. She went to him and looped her arms around his neck, drawing him down to her for a passionate kiss.

  "I love you, Cole Randall."

  "And I love you."

  "Let's make new memories for me in your bed," Jenny said with a throaty laugh.

  "I like the way you think, woman."

  They moved together to the bed.

  "I want to see you tonight, Jenny all of you," he murmured as he pressed heated kisses to her throat, then moved up to reclaim her lips.

  Cole began to unfasten the buttons at the back of her gown as he continued to kiss her.

  Jenny did not stand idly before him. She, too, was eager to know the full joy of loving him. She helped him shed his jacket and then worked feverishly to unbutton his shirt. She finished her task before Cole and slipped her hands inside to caress the hardmuscled width of his chest. He was hot and sleek, and she loved the way he felt beneath her touch. Jenny pressed her lips to his chest, and she couldn't help smiling a bit when Cole groaned. She had never been so brazen with him before, and she was loving the freedom of being able to touch him and hold him and caress him.

  He was hers.

  Cole was growing ever more frustrated with the buttons on her gown. He was close to ripping the offending garment from her. When at long last he finally freed the last button, he reached up to slip the gown from her shoulders.

  Jenny drew back and looked up at him. Her eyes were dark with desire. With slow deliberation, she stepped out of her shoes, and then lowered the gown from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She stood before him clad only in her chemise and petticoats. She could see the fire burning in Cole's gaze and reached up to loosen the ribbons that held the chemise. Oh so slowly she stripped herself of the last barrier between them.

  Cole threw off his jacket and shirt without taking his eyes off Jenny. His gaze raked over her in a heated, visual caress. She was perfect beautiful.

  Cole reached out for her, wanting her, needing her, and Jenny went to him, ready to know the fullness of his lovemaking. He lifted her in his arms, and together they lay upon the bed. Each caress, each kiss was an expression of their love for one another.

  Their passion grew unbounded until Cole could no longer wait to be one with her. He had to make her his own in all ways. He left her only long enough to shed the rest of his clothing, then returned to the bed, moving over her. His body was a searing brand upon her, and Jenny gasped at the contact, so intimate.

  "I love you, Cole," she told him, looking up at him, her eyes luminous with wonder.

  Cole slowly, carefully pressed home the proof of his love for her, breaching her innocence and making her his. With infinite care and tender caresses, he gentled her. His need was great, but he struggled to go slowly, wanting to make this moment special for her. He began to move, glorying in the beauty of their union.

  Jenny was an innocent, but her passion for her husband was untamed. She eagerly matched him in each kiss as her desire blossomed. She held on to Cole, thrilling at the power of his love, accepting and giving.

  They were one.

  Cole sought only to show her the depth of his love for her. He worshiped at the altar of her body. With each caress, he brought her closer and closer to the perfection of their lovemaking. When at last, ecstasy claimed her and she cried out his name, he held her to him, thrilling to know that he had pleased her. He sought his own release then, and lost himself in the mindless joy that was loving her. They collapsed together, their bodies still joined, their hearts beating as one.

  They loved.

  The night was long and dark, but Jenny and Cole never slept. They were too caught up in the fever of their excitement. Again and again, Cole reached out to Jenny, stoking the embers of her desire, setting her on fire with her need to be one with him. Over and over, the inferno of their passion flamed white-hot as they sought love's ultimate release. Together, they reached the peaks of rapture.

  "I never knew loving you could be so wonderful," Jenny told Cole as she rested in his arms. She had been an innocent and had known little of what truly went on between a man and a woman, but this night her husband had tutored her well and she had loved every minute of her lessons.

  Cole rose up over Jenny and smiled down at her. "I'm glad I pleased you."

  "You more than pleased me," she replied, her voice taking on a husky note. She gave him an inviting smile as she lifted one hand to caress his cheek. "I love you, Cole, with al
l my heart. I'm sorry I hurt you."

  "Nothing matters now except the fact that we're together," he told her, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss. "And I'm never going to let you go."


  "Promise," he repeated, and then he went on to show her how he intended to keep her.

  Much later, Jenny sighed happily, "I find I quite enjoy being your wife."

  Dawn was brightening the eastern sky when they finally sought rest. Spent from their night of passion, they lay in each other's arms, filled with the peace and joy only true love can bring.

  Mira had had time to come up with a new plan to seduce Cole as she'd ridden out to talk to the ranch hands the day before. It wasn't going to be easy. She'd already discovered that; she knew she had to act and act fast.

  Damn, but she hated that woman!

  And she was almost beginning to hate Cole for being so stupid where Jenny was concerned. She couldn't understand why the man wanted anything to do with Jenny after the way she'd treated him. That was why she thought she was perfect for Cole. She would never do him wrong. She would never leave him. She loved him and wanted only to make him happy. One way or another, she planned to prove that to him today.

  She would ride straight to the Branding Iron and find some way to seduce Cole. She ignored the desperation she was really feeling. She refused to acknowledge the nagging thought in the back of her mind that she might fail that he really might not want her. She wanted Cole and she was going to get him.

  She was tired of watching him hover over Jenny all the time. Just because they had to work together to run the Lazy S didn't mean he couldn't marry Mira. Once she had him in her bed, she was certain he wouldn't want to even look at another woman. She intended to keep him so satisfied that the thought of bedding another woman would never occur to him. The trouble was, she had to get him in bed to prove it to him, and so far he wasn't cooperating.

  Mira denied the possibility of failure. She wanted Cole more than she'd ever wanted anything in her life. She would not be denied.

  She rose before dawn and headed for the Branding Iron, ready to win the man she loved, one way or another. Since her brother had told her that Jenny was going to recover, she figured that Cole would have returned to his own home. She would catch him home alone this morning before he rode out to go to work, and she was going to do everything in her power to get him in bed. Nothing was going to stop her today. Her future, her very well-being, depended on her success.


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