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Page 17

by Carsen Taite

  Jordan grinned. “Wow, when you put it that way, we’re long overdue.”

  “Ah, the Jordan I know and love. Now, take off your clothes and prepared to be ravished. I have quite a large collection of erotica mixed in with the romance novels and I’ve been waiting to try out some new moves on the right person.”

  Pulling her shirt off, Jordan said, “I’m developing a new fondness for your book collection.”

  “Consider this a private reading.” Sitting directly across from her, Mac traced her lips up Jordan’s bare abdomen, licking her way to her taut and ready breasts. Circling one nipple with flicks of her searching tongue, she stroked the other to aching erectness. Jordan’s back arched as she thrust her chest willingly into Mac’s loving embrace. With her arms around Mac’s back, she loosened the sling and gently removed Mac’s shirt. Urging her back down on the bed, she lowered herself until the tips of their breasts lightly grazed one another. Holding herself above Mac, she moved from side to side, reveling in the way the gentle caress of the barest touch ignited sparks of pleasure between them.

  “Closer, come closer,” Mac urged.

  “Have to be careful, dear. Your ribs are healing.”

  Mac gasped. “Jordan, I want to feel you against me. I could come right now.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. I want to feel our first time.”

  Jordan leaned across the bed and grabbed a silk-covered pillow. Propping it under Mac’s head, she lowered herself slightly to kiss her swollen lips. Mac locked onto her, pulling her closer, writhing beneath her, struggling for release. Gently detaching herself, Jordan motioned her intentions and received a hazy smile signaling assent. Turning, she settled her legs on either side of Mac’s pillowed head and lowered herself into her lover’s musky scent. Softly she traced Mac’s inner thighs, enjoying the accompanying shocks and spasms she elicited with her tongue. Soon she felt her own thighs twitching from pleasure shocks and it became hard to tell whether the source of the titillation was the touch she gave or received.

  Basking in the power of their combined caress, they shifted attention to each other’s cores in synchronicity. Their strokes moved lightly at first, then with forceful measure as their tongues teased then kneaded. As their pleasure and passion mingled, the sum of the whole became too much for either to contain. Their bucking bodies welcomed release while each woman struggled to hold on for a moment more, lost in the intimate touch craved for so long.

  Release eventually won out and they surrendered to the swath of pleasure cutting through their veins. Releasing cries of consummated craving, they climaxed together.

  “What day is it?”

  Mac opened one eye at a time and turned her head toward the sound of the voice beside her. It appeared the words came from nothing more than a bundle of tousled red hair resting on the pillow beside her. Beaming as she reflected on the night before, she answered, “Pick a day, any day. It’s a good one.”

  The rumpled red hair came to life as Jordan sat up and stretched a greeting to the sun shining in the floor-to-

  ceiling windows lining her loft. Reaching for a switch on her nightstand, she commanded the blinds to close.

  Mac grunted. “Hey, what did you do that for? It’s a beautiful sunny day outside.”

  Leaning down to kiss Mac good morning, Jordan replied, “Honey, don’t you think we gave enough of a show last night?”

  “A little like closing the barn door after the horse’s been stolen.”

  “Only one free show for the crowd. I have plans for you this morning and I have no desire to share them with anyone who might be pleasure-seeking outside these windows.”

  “Fair enough.” Mac returned her kiss. “Back to my original question, what day is it?”

  “It’s Sunday, dear. Why, you have a hot date?”

  “I absolutely have a hot date and I’m in bed with her now.” Mac snuggled in close to Jordan’s naked body, enjoying the warmth of her lover’s touch and dreading the information she was about to relay. “I invited the gang to brunch today.”

  “Gee, I haven’t been to the grocery in days. I haven’t a clue what we’ll serve.”

  Mac poked Jordan in the side. “You know I meant the restaurant, silly. They’ll be there at eleven.”

  Checking the bedside clock, Jordan said, “It’s ten now. If you call now, you can probably catch them before they head out.” Catching the look on Mac’s face, she paused. “Ah, you want to go, don’t you?”

  “A little.”

  “You aren’t feeling strange about last night, are you?”

  Mac, puzzled at first, quickly realized she needed to explain lest Jordan jump to the wrong conclusions. Drawing her close, she whispered, “I feel lots of things about last night—loved, satisfied, and excited, among others. Strange isn’t on the list.

  As much as I don’t want to put on clothes and share this time with anyone else, I want to go. Partly because I promised them I would be there, but mostly because I want them to know about us, unless you don’t want them to know.”

  Jordan’s laugh conveyed her relief at knowing Mac didn’t regret their newfound intimacy. “You will not rest until you flush my reputation as a playgirl. I should have known you were out to get me from the start.”

  Mac smacked her with a pillow. “I don’t think you need to worry about your reputation. You can still be a playgirl, but all your playing will be with me. If last night is any indication, you have enough play in you to keep us frisky for a lifetime.”

  “Don’t you forget it. Now, if we’re going to make brunch, we better hustle.” Jordan stood at the edge of the bed giving her a wicked smile. “We only have one hour and one shower.”

  “Well, Mac, I guess you won’t have as much need for the romance in these pages anymore.” Haley picked up a book from the collection under Mac’s chair.

  Jordan interrupted Mac’s response with a question. “You know, while you were laid up, I started reading the novel you’ve been reading. What’s it called?”

  “Lost Lives, Lost Loves.”

  “Right. Well, I must say it didn’t seem very romantic to me. Great lovemaking scenes, but it seemed like the two main characters weren’t going to stay together. Irreconcilable differences.”

  “They’ll get together,” Mac said confidently.

  “Seriously, I don’t think so.”

  “They’ll not only get together, they’ll live happily ever after.”

  Jordan shook her head. “I don’t see it.”

  “Honey, it’s a romance. The main characters always get together. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t be a romance.”

  “It’s that easy?”

  “Oh, it’s not always easy, but it’s always inevitable.”

  “Wanna be main characters with me?” Jordan asked with a grin.

  Mac smiled. “Oh, sweetheart, we’ve been each other’s main characters for a very long time.”

  “Then I guess we all know how this story ends,” Jordan concluded. She punctuated the remark with a passionate kiss.

  As their lips sealed the promise of love, Mac stared into her best friend’s eyes and saw the woman she’d been looking for all along. Her future wife.





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