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Sun, Sand, Sex

Page 9

by Linda Lael Miller; Jennifer Apodaca; Shelly Laurenston

  Of her.

  And the worst part was, nobody stood up for Lexie. She’d been doing it all herself, and when her world crumbled, her asshole brother yelled at her.

  He realized Koontz was talking and tore his gaze from the bottle. “What?”

  Dark eyes locked in on him. “Oh shit, Vardolous. You’re falling for her.”

  “No. I’m doing my job.” As a courtesy to his old friend, Nick had gone to see Koontz first thing, declared why he was at the resort and that the apprehension would be low key. Mac had been surprised by the idea of Lexie being a fugitive. “There’s a complication. Lexie has had some trouble with a stalker back in Santa Barbara. We’re hoping a PI she hired can catch him before I take her back.”

  Mac studied him. “Think he’ll track her?”

  Who knew with these freaks? “She was easy to find.”

  He nodded. “I’ll tell the staff to be on the lookout.”

  “Thanks.” Wouldn’t hurt to have another layer of protection.

  Mac settled his dark blue eyes on him. “I can help with security. Can’t do anything about your feelings for Lexie.”

  Nick kept himself under tight control. She was in trouble, and he had to stay clearheaded to help her while doing his job. Sex and intimacy clouded judgment. “I don’t have feelings for her. She’s a job, nothing more. The sooner I get Lexie Rollins off my hands, the better.”

  Mac lifted his gaze behind Nick and winced.

  The hair on the back of Nick’s neck stood up. “Shit.” He turned around to see Lexie standing there. She had on a pretty sundress, her hair flowing in soft waves in a sharp contrast to her tight mouth and wide eyes. Before he could react, she turned around to walk away. Jumping up, Nick said, “Lexie, I just meant that—”

  She turned and the skirt of her sundress whirled around her legs. Color rushed into her cheeks while her eyes shimmered with either anger or unshed tears. “I know what you meant. I’m going to get some dinner. I came to let you know in case you were hungry, but now I think eating together is a bad idea.” She walked away.

  Mac hurried past him. “Lexie, hey!” He caught her arm.

  Nick watched her shoulders tighten, then relax when she saw it was Mac.

  “Lexie, come have dinner with my wife and me. We have plenty of food. Shelly was hoping Nick would come over, but he turned me down. Besides, she’ll like you much better than she likes Nick.”

  Furious, Nick closed the space between them. “She’s not going anywhere.”

  Lexie ignored him. “Would you mind giving me a ride? Nick confiscated my car keys. I can grab a taxi to come back.”

  Like hell she would. “I’ll drive you. I’m not letting you leave the resort without me.”

  She frowned at Mac. “I thought Nick wasn’t going? I’ve changed my mind, I’ll stay here and eat.”

  It was slowly sinking into his head that Lexie had dressed up a little bit. She had on a bit of make-up, had brushed out her long hair, and wore high-heeled sandals. She’d come looking for him, planning to ask him to have dinner. Then he’d gone and hurt her feelings. Damn it. He walked over and shoulder-bumped Mac out of his way. “Lexie, I just meant that I will feel better when you’re safe.”

  “You’ll feel better when you get your money.” She barely spared a glance for him. “Thanks for the invitation, Mac. Maybe another time when I’m free of my current situation.”

  Him? Was she talking about him?

  Mac didn’t give him a chance to ask. “Lexie, please reconsider. Shelly would love to meet you. Nick can come if he wants to, but I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you.”

  Now he bothered her? Frowning, Nick crossed his arms over his chest. “I go where she goes.”

  Both of them ignored him. Lexie said, “Are you sure your wife won’t mind?”

  Mac’s face split in a grin. “No, and I’ll bring you back tonight and make sure you get in your room safely.”

  Damn it, when did he disappear? “I will bring her back!”

  “Thanks, Mac.” Lexie walked off with him toward the employee parking lot.

  Nick stood there by himself. “What the hell just happened?”


  “Another margarita?”

  Lexie grinned up at Mac as he poured the chilled drink into her glass. “I’m not driving, why not?” Two margaritas and she felt no pain.

  Well, less pain, anyway.

  Nick’s comment about getting her off his hands had hurt. She had put on a dress and some make-up and thought maybe they could go to dinner and at least be friends.

  She’d been wrong. He couldn’t wait to get rid of her and pick up his money.

  Sipping her margarita, she felt Nick’s gaze on her from where he sat on her left. They were sitting in Mac and Shelly’s lush backyard, eating crab legs. Three of them were having a good time.

  Nick appeared to be brooding. He’d been brooding since he’d shown up at the house one minute after Mac and Lexie had arrived in Mac’s car. At least she hadn’t had to ride with Nick and feel his urgency to get rid of her.

  From across the table, Shelly said, “So tell us about yourself, Lexie. How did you manage to get the Super Bounty Hunter on your trail?”

  “Ha. Funny,” Nick said as he picked up his iced tea and drank it.

  Lexie considered suggesting that one or two margaritas might restore his sense of humor, but she decided to ignore him. She was having fun in spite of him. Shelly was one of those beautiful women you couldn’t hate because she was nice with a quirky sense of humor. Mac had a tendency to touch her every few minutes in the unconscious way of lovers. As much as Lexie hated the wedding planning business, she had seen real love occasionally, and these two had it.

  Shelly shot Nick a frown, then said to Lexie, “I shouldn’t have asked, maybe you don’t want to tell us.”

  Shrugging, Lexie explained about William Harry Livingston and the staple gun.

  Shelly burst out laughing while Mac looked bemused. He said, “You can’t be serious. They are charging you with assault and battery for that?” He looked over at Nick. “I’m thinking we need to pay this guy a visit.”

  “Hell, yeah. But it’ll have to wait until this stalker problem is resolved.”

  Lexie swiveled her gaze between Mac and Nick. Then she looked at Shelly. “What are they talking about?”

  “Defending your honor or whatever the enlightened Neanderthals are calling it this year.” Shelly shrugged and picked up her drink.

  “That’s ridiculous.” Even though she was on her third drink and a little looped, Lexie still couldn’t believe Nick and Mac were serious. Mac hardly knew her, and Nick couldn’t wait to get rid of her.

  Shelly set her glass down. “They don’t get that women can take care of themselves. Just ignore them.”

  Nick snorted. “Ask Lexie what her asshole brother did about the groom exposing himself, then filing charges against her.”

  “Nick!” She turned to glare at him. “Don’t call my brother that. I told you…”

  He stared right back at her. “That he leeches off your mom, and now you. I remember. Any other leeching siblings?”

  “Amber is not a leech! She’s young, and she’s just getting her photography business going. You don’t know anything about my family.”

  “They all use you and leech off you. Don’t want to know any more than that.”

  Loneliness wrapped around her, making her suddenly feel separated from the three of them. For a couple hours, she’d been part of the group. Until Nick opened his big mouth and told Mac and Shelly that her own family didn’t support her. Anger roiled inside of her, fueled by the margaritas. “What makes you so different from them? I’m no more than a bounty to you.” Crap, too late she realized she was practically yelling. She looked at Shelly and Mac, who’d been so nice to her. “Sorry.”

  Nick grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look at him. His green eyes burned into her. “The difference is that I believe you. I won’t let anyone
hurt you. If anyone tries, I’ll hurt them. Does that clear it up for you?”

  Stunned stupid, she sat there like a lump. Why? Why would he do that? Until she finally remembered. “Because I’m your job?”

  He let go of her, turned back to look into his glass. “Yes.”

  Shelly blew out a long breath. “Nick, you’re an idiot. I’ve never seen you act like this.”

  Lexie took control. “It’s okay, Shelly. He’s being honest. It’s not a big deal.” It was to her, but she could keep that to herself. She drained her margarita.

  Shelly smiled encouragingly. “So you don’t like wedding planning. What do you want to do?”

  Looking up into Shelly’s pretty dark eyes, Lexie surprised herself by saying, “I want to write. Um, books. Thrillers.”

  Shelly perked up. “Really? I love to read! Are you writing something now?”

  Lexie told herself not to think about Nick sitting beside her and judging her. “I was in the UCLA writing program but when my mom had her heart attack I dropped out to take over My Perfect Wedding.”

  Nick snorted. “Right.”

  That did it. Hadn’t she heard it all her life? That she wasn’t ever going to make it as a writer, so she needed to be realistic and take over My Perfect Wedding? That her dream was selfish and stupid? That she was the plain ordinary sibling, not the creative type like Larry and Amber? Tears burned at the back of her eyes and clogged her throat, but she would not let Nick Vardolous make her cry. She wouldn’t let anyone make her cry. Anger was easier. “I don’t care what you or my family think. I am writing my book. I’m almost done. And I’m not doing it to prove anything to you or them. I’m doing it for me.” She stood up and realized her head was a little fuzzy from the drinks. Carefully she turned her back on Nick and asked Mac and Shelly, “May I use your phone to call a cab?”

  Mac met her gaze. “I’ll take you back, Lexie.”

  Nick said, “I’ll take her.”

  She shook her head, then got dizzy and had to grab the edge of the table. It was hard to hold on to her dignity and the table while everyone stared at her, but she did her best. “I’ll just get a cab. Thank you for dinner.” She escaped inside the house before anyone could stop her. Finding a phone in the kitchen, she picked it up to dial information.

  Nick came in and said, “Put the phone down.”

  Lexie shook her head. She leaned over to the kitchen window to look out and saw that Mac and Shelly were still sitting outside.

  Nick took the phone from her hand and set it down. He trapped her between his body and the counter. “Shelly’s right. You’re turning me into an idiot. I can’t think around you.”

  Frowning, she wondered just how drunk she was.

  He moved his hands up her bare arms. “I believe you, Lexie. You can tell me anything and I believe you.”

  She wanted to look away, but his gaze held her captive. “You didn’t. Not about my book.”

  He threaded his fingers into her hair. “I did. And I believe you left school to rescue your family. It just pisses me off that you did. They don’t deserve you. And you deserve much better than them.”

  Why was he being nice to her? He stood so close that she could smell the scent of his soap mixed with his body heat. He made her feel small and protected, and it confused her. “I must be drunk. I never drink more than one drink.” She closed her eyes to escape his stare. “I just want to be impulsive and free for once.”

  “You’re not drunk. You’re feeling loose and you were feeling happy until I ruined it for you.” He lowered his head. “I can’t do this.” He said the words and pressed his mouth to hers.

  She was drunk, she had to be, because she put her arms around him. Nick slid one hand to her bare upper back, pressing her closer to him. Then he said against her lips, “More, Lexie.”

  She opened her mouth, feeling the slide of his tongue fill her. Heat washed over her, and raw need to fill the gaping loneliness inside of her. Running her hands over him, she felt the hard ridge of muscles. Everything else drained from her thoughts but Nick.

  Until he made a noise and lifted his head. His green eyes were almost all gold. “We can’t. I can’t risk it.”

  Cold dread mixed with embarrassment. “Right. I’m your job.”

  He wrapped his hand around a length of her hair, gently tilting her head back. “Because you matter. I won’t screw up and let you get hurt or dead just because I’m horny. I did that once, and Ellen died.” He dragged in a breath. “She was murdered right in front of me.”

  Nick had the TV on and tried desperately not to think of Lexie in the bed a few feet away. She had her laptop opened, he presumed to work on her book, but the typing had stalled. She had to be tired. Propped up on the uncomfortable lounge chair wearing only his pants, he flipped channels and hoped something would catch his attention.

  “You live here, in San Diego, don’t you? You knew exactly where Mac and Shelly lived. You and Mac seem to have a history together, like you’ve been friends a long time.”

  He could practically hear her thinking. “Yes.” Before he could stop himself, he added, “I’m not home much.” But that was going to change.

  “Ellen’s murder happened here, in San Diego?”

  He stared hard at the TV. “I’m not going to talk about it.”

  “I’ll give you the bed if you’ll tell me.”

  “Go to sleep, Lexie.”

  In his peripheral vision, he saw her set the laptop aside and scoot to the end of the bed. “You can’t sleep in that chair, you’re too big. I’ll trade you even if you won’t tell me.”

  She was probably tormenting him on purpose. She had on panties, a tank top, and way too much skin showing. Gritting his teeth, he said, “Get back in that bed.”

  “Tell me about Ellen.”

  He looked over at her. Her eyes were heavy from the alcohol and fatigue. She sat cross-legged. Dropping his eyes, he saw her nipples pebbled against the thin shirt, her slightly rounded belly, her thighs spread, and…the powder blue panties barely covering her.

  His dick snapped to attention. He threw his arm over his eyes and said, “You’re making me pay for hurting your feelings.”

  “I…uh…no. I just thought you’d feel better if you talked about Ellen.”

  He lifted his arm off his face and looked at her sincere face. “Why?”

  She met his gaze. “Because I saw the pain in your eyes when you told me tonight. I don’t want you to hurt so much, Nick.”

  Shit. “Trying to fix me, Lexie? With your family out of reach, am I your project?”

  He heard the movement on the bed. Maybe she’d leave him the hell alone. Then her warm hand touched his chest.

  His balls seized up with raw lust.

  She said, “Go take the bed. I’ll leave you alone.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her down on top of him. To his surprise, she went boneless, letting him catch her weight on top of him. The contact warmed him and inflamed his lust. “You are stubborn.” He put his hand over her head, holding her face to his chest. He just wanted to hold her. Was that so wrong?

  Softly, she said, “Be glad I don’t have my staple gun.”

  He laughed. Damn, she was funny. His cock throbbed, but having her on top of him, feeling her take each breath, eased the old pain in him.

  She moved her hand, laying her spread fingers and palm on his chest. “Nick, how long ago did she die?”

  “Eight years.” Hell, she’d slipped that answer out of him by distracting him.

  “What happened?”

  “If I tell you, will you promise to go to sleep?”

  She took a breath, expanding her breasts against him. “I’ll promise to shut up. Best offer.”

  He stroked her hair, enjoying the soft feel of it. “Eight years ago I owned a karate studio with Mac.” He felt her start to talk and said, “Let me tell it all or I won’t do it.”

  She nodded.

  “I had a student, Ellen. She was learning s
traight self-defense. I moved her to Mac’s class and started dating her. Eventually I learned that her ex-husband had been arrested for drugs and got out on bond. Ellen was going to testify against him. He was calling her, threatening her, and she was scared. I was convinced that Mac and I could protect her. After all, we were both black belts, young, and we thought we were invincible.” He stopped talking, the memories bitter.

  She lay quietly on top of him. Just her hand moved, stroking his chest in gentle circles.

  Nick ran his hand down the length of her hair, and farther to the small of her back. She felt warm and solid and made the memory bearable. He went on. “We hadn’t made love because her ex had been a brute. We were going slow. One night, at her place, we both got hot and horny. I never gave her safety a thought. I just got us both naked and was deep inside her when her ex-husband broke in.” His body involuntarily tightened at the memory.

  Lexie kept touching him with her hands. The feel of her hands trying to soothe him reached deep inside him, and his muscles relaxed. But she didn’t say anything. Not a word.

  He took a breath and forced the words out. “I jumped off her, sure I could handle anything. He had a gun and shot Ellen before I could get to him. I still remember her ragged scream of pain as I slammed into him. I knocked him unconscious. I would have killed him.” His whole body tightened and strained against the vivid memory. “But Ellen was bleeding. I had to try to stop it.”

  Lexie lifted her head, looking up into his eyes.

  He was stunned to see her eyes were bright with unshed tears. He heard his voice say, “She was dead by the time the paramedics got there.”


  The memory gnawed at him, but worse was the fear that it could happen to Lexie. She was so vital, so alive, and she deserved a good life. He shifted her off him, and when she stood up, he looked into her face and told her the brutal truth. “You wanted to know, now you know. I keep my emotions in check, and I don’t mix sex and work.”


  Nick woke up to an empty room. Leaping off the lounge chair, he checked the bathroom.

  No Lexie.

  Where the hell did she go? His heart pounding, he grabbed the phone and dialed Mac’s cell phone.


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