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Don't Worry Baby_A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance

Page 84

by Eva Luxe

When the night was over, I wallowed in disappointment, and the only person I was angry with was myself. I had waited for a man I knew wouldn’t come. I had trusted a man that had hurt me before. Every hurt I felt now— the heartache, the disappointment, the sorrow— was on me. It felt like shit to know that this time I had been in control and had done this to myself.

  As I sat at my table with everyone getting up to leave, I thought about what Kina had said, that Kyle deserved one more chance. But what had it been when we’d slept together and stayed in the same apartment? Hadn’t that been a second chance after what happened the first time? I didn’t know anymore. All I knew was that I wanted to go him, to sleep and maybe figure it out in the morning. Maybe with the new light of day, everything would look different.

  A girl could hope.

  A sound of breaking glass broke through my running thoughts. I looked around, my eyes scanning the room around me, finding the last stragglers heading out the door. I gathered my things into my purse then stood up to make my way back to the entrance and exit. As I made my way over there, I saw Kina greeting the last attendees before her eyes found me.

  “Did you enjoy the event, Maya?” she beamed at me.

  “It was a very nice evening. Just what I needed. Thank you for inviting me,” I gave her a warm smile.

  “Do you need a lift back to Kyle’s or anything?” she said as she waved to the last couple walking out.

  “No, I’m actually staying at a hotel right now,” I answered as I fished around my purse for my keys. Where could they have gone? I groaned at the realization they must be at the table, dropped or something.

  “Is something wrong?”

  I feigned happy sarcasm, “Everything is great! Just left my keys in there, so I’m going to go get those real quick. Kinda important to drive my car.”

  Kina laughed. “Okay, well I’ll wait at my car parked right outside until you leave, all right? I have to lock up the building, so come get me when you’re ready.”

  With clenched fists, I marched back into the ballroom, to my table, to my seat, looking for my keys. I checked around my chair, on the floor, flipping up the table clothes and shining my phone’s flashlight everywhere. But they couldn’t be found.

  I huffed as I stood back up, winded from searching. Then I heard the jangle of keys...

  “Looking for these?”

  I didn’t know who I was expecting to be behind me with my keys, but it was not who was there. I’d know those eyes anywhere.


  He flashed me a grin as my eyes widened with fear. He looked completely different now. He had shaved all of his hair off, ditched the glasses and even bulked up a bit, looking fitted in his suit.

  “What are you doing here?” I managed to say out loud.

  “Why...I’m picking you up and taking you home, silly Maya,” his words dripped with hunger.

  “But those are my keys...” I pointed to the keys in his hands.

  He dangled them with two fingers at eye level, turning his head. “Oh, I know. I thought I’d drive tonight.”

  Is he crazy? Where did he come from? And where is this conversation coming from?

  “No, that’s nice of you. But I can drive myself. Thank you for finding the keys-” I tried grabbing them from him, but he pulled them away, out of reach.

  When I backed down, he brought the keys back closer to himself and examined them, stroking the lining of every key on the ring with his fingertip.

  “You know, I think it’s time we picked up where we left off. It’s been a while, Maya, and I’ve been patient waiting for you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re not engaged anymore, right?” he looked up with a crooked smile.

  How in the world did he know that? Kyle and I hadn’t made a public announcement of it. For God’s sake, we “broke up” just recently. There was no way Tyler could have known.

  “O-of course I’m still engaged!” my voice was shaky as I showed him the ring on my finger.

  “Silly Maya, that’s not what I hear!” he said in a sing-songy voice. You and your fiancé had a fight and you stormed out. Such a shame, really. But good for me.”

  He took a step toward me, and I instinctively took a step backwards, away from him. My mind was racing, trying to figure out how he knew everything. Kyle and I made sure to tell the same story to everyone who asked us, I posted on my social media and everything. When I didn’t answer back, he continued,

  “You might be wondering how I figured out this big fat lie you’ve told me...and everyone else for that matter,” he began as he pulled out a golden tube of red lipstick and started writing on his hand. “You see, I may or may not have bugged you or maybe your fiancé with a tiny microphone, whichever you think it is or maybe it’s both.” He gave a dramatic shrug of the shoulders.

  “You did what?!” I was getting angry, my blood boiling in my veins.

  “It wasn’t that hard, honestly. The best part? I heard everything. Everything.” He licked his lips and showed me his hand, the same stark red strokes of the word: LIAR.

  I gulped. Everything? He heard...everything? Us talking? Us arguing? Us having sex?! My boiling blood began to drain from my body as my knees started to buckle, and I nearly collapsed onto the chair. Everything...? I was in such shock that I hadn’t realized that Tyler moved towards me to catch me from falling down, supporting me in his arms.

  “You poor thing; I’ve rendered you speechless. It’s okay,” he held me to him and stroked my hair. “I’ll make everything all better, my sweet Maya.”

  I was ready to push Tyler off of me when we heard someone calling from the lobby area outside the doors.

  “Hello? Hello! Maya? Maya are you in here?”

  It was Kyle!

  My eyes lit up and ignited the fire in my blood again. This was my chance. I looked up at Tyler, who was fixated on the sound of someone’s voice coming through the doors.

  The doorknob started to jiggle, rattling and echoing in the empty ballroom. The doors began to creak as they opened, and with all my strength in my lungs, I screamed out,


  Chapter 19 – Kyle

  Rage had never filled my body faster than in the moment I opened the doors to the ballroom. There, standing in another man’s arms, was Maya. I couldn’t see who it was in the dimly lit room, but it didn’t matter to me at that point. I was going to beat the shit out of whoever had his hands on Maya. I had come all this way to win her back, and nothing was going to stand in my way.

  “Kyle! Help me! It’s Tyler!”

  Her shouts snapped me out of my anger then her words hit me: “It’s Tyler.”

  Without thinking, I ran over to her and pried her from Tyler’s grip and shoved him away, and he tumbled toward a table, trying to regain his balance. I quickly turned to Maya to see if she was okay.

  “Maya. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  “No, not yet. He just confessed to everything,” she looked me dead in the eye.

  My eyes narrowed and whipped back at Tyler, that son of a bitch.

  “Call the police. Now,” I told her.

  She nodded and got out her phone to dial.

  “Damn, Kyle. I never knew you had it in you,” a familiar voice cooed from the table.

  How did he know my name? I turned my head, tilting it to get a better assessment of why it sounded familiar. I stepped closer, slowly, careful not to get too close to this guy.

  “You might as well give up now, Tyler. The cops are on their way,” I warned him, ready to dash and tackle him down if it came down to it. I just hoped my years in football would come in handy here.

  “Tsk, tsk. That’s not the name you usually call me by,” he said as he turned around from the table. My feet stopped in their tracks, mimicking the stop of my pulse. No way.


  As if reading my mind, Louie opened his arms with jazz hands, “Tada! How’s it going, boss man?”

  “What the fu
ck are you doing?!” I demanded and took big strides to him. I grabbed him by the collar, gripping hard enough I might have torn his shirt.

  “Whoa, hey now. Let’s calm down now, shall we?” he put his palms as a peaceful gesture.

  “I will not be calm until you tell me what in the hell you’re doing with Maya!”

  Maya then came over,

  “The cops are on their way here! Don’t try anything stupid, Tyler!”

  Louie...or Tyler...whatever his name is...snickered, which then erupted into a maniacal laugh. I lost my grip, unable to believe this was Louie in front of me, and let him go.

  Maya jumped to my side, “Kyle! Don’t let him go! You had him!”

  I gritted my teeth and stared down at my fists, the fists that let me down.

  “Didn’t fake fiancé tell you? We know each other,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “What?” Maya said, whipping her gaze from me to him. “How?”

  “Oh, we see each other at work every day. It’s no big deal. He’s been a real great mentor,” he continued.

  “Louie. What does being a great CA mentor have to do with anything with this?” I growled at him.

  “Louie? His name is Tyler!” Maya looked at me with confused eyes.

  “Louie T.— Tyler— Baker,” I snarled under my breath. I felt stupid I hadn’t figured it out sooner.

  “You’ve been a wonderful mentor of becoming the new, younger and improved you, Kyle,” he lowered his gaze at me then averted it to Maya’s. “The job is whatever— great money— but what I wanted to gain from working at the firm was getting to know you, Kyle, and in result, be a better you for Maya than you did back in college.”

  Maya covered her mouth in shock and shook her head.

  “You son of a bitch,” I growled again. “That’s why you were so damn nosy to learn about me and my life all the damn time.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, Kyle. I was merely studying to get my reward— my sweet Maya,” he sighed as he stared longingly at her. “And now I will finally get what I deserve!”

  He pushed passed me, knocking me over to the next table, and lunged at her, pinning her down to the floor.

  Maya was helpless, screaming and kicking her legs, trying to break free from his grasp.

  When I regained my composure, I turned and saw him nuzzling his face into her neck as her screams continued to cry out. The veins in my body were ready to burst with exploding hot blood. Adrenaline took over, and before I knew it, I had tackled Louie, pummeling clear over Maya and flipping to the other side of the room. I had him pinned to the ground when the doors crashed open with the police shining flashlights at all three of us.

  “Freeze! Miami PD! Put your hands in the air!”


  It was a blur, like I had blacked out. The sound in my ears muffled as everyone moved and shuffled around me. Everything slowed down in time.

  I had my jacket around Maya as we watched the police take Louie away in handcuffs. I dared him to glance back at us as he got into the cop car, but he didn’t. The tension in my shoulders relaxed.

  “Let me take you home,” I gave her shoulder a squeeze.

  She nodded in agreement.

  On the drive, we mostly stayed silent, unsure of what to say. Maya had told me where she was staying, and I knew how to get there but didn’t want to take her back. I needed to talk to her; we needed to talk and work this out. And she shouldn’t be alone tonight after what just happened. At the freeway junction that separated us in opposite directions, I jerked the car toward my apartment.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Her voice wasn’t unfriendly. Instead, she sounded tired.

  “I would like to talk,” I said.

  “I’m listening.”

  “I want to sort this out. Will you come over to my place tonight?” It was a tall order, but I had to try. Maya thought about it for a while. I waited.

  “All right,” she finally said to my surprise. I thought she might have protested more. “We can talk when we get there.”

  “Okay,” I said and kept driving.

  I had cooked that night, something I hardly ever did, in hopes I would have surprised her. Grilled cheese and salad was the only thing I knew how to make. I wished I could do more, make her the meal she deserved, like chicken or steak or something. Even mac and cheese would have been a step up, but I had a limited arsenal so I had to make do.

  My salad was a bunch of ingredients, oddly chopped and thrown together in the hopes that I was doing it right. I had picked up a salad dressing and hoped the meal would impress her. I wanted her to realize that I would make an effort. That our relationship— if we could have one— would be something I would work on.

  When I had met her at college I had been nervous to ask her out on a date, because she was intimidating. All independent women were. But this time, it was worse. This time, I knew what I would be losing if she rejected me. This seemed like an “all or nothing” deal. I had a lot to gain, and a hell of a lot to lose.

  I was no stranger to losing things that were important to me, but that didn’t mean it would hurt any less.

  When we walked into my apartment, I grabbed my jacket off of her. “Thank you for coming.”

  She nodded and walked further in. For the first time tonight, I noticed the dress she was wearing and how it accentuated her curves. Maya always looked good.

  “It might be cold now...but I made supper,” I said, pointing to the counter.

  Maya looked surprised. “You don’t cook,” she said.

  “I did tonight. I wanted to do something special for you.”

  A small smile bled onto her face, and it was something, enough to show me it had worked, it had meant something. I pulled out her chair so we could eat while we talked, so we could face each other instead of sitting side by side at the counter.

  “I owe you an apology,” I said once we had taken a few bites and Maya had sampled my food.

  “I thought you didn’t owe me anything.”

  I closed my eyes briefly. “Please, I don’t want to fight. I shouldn’t have said that. I was way out of line, and I’m sorry.”

  Maya nodded once. Forgiveness or agreement?

  “I am also sorry for how I acted when we broke up years ago. And for breaking up with you in the first place. I hurt you, and I was wrong.”

  “I thought you didn’t want me anymore,” Maya said.

  I shook my head. “I wanted you. I’ve always wanted you. But I felt like a failure. Everything I had worked for had disappeared just like that, and I thought that I wasn’t good enough for you anymore. You love sports. You dated a football player. You love to train. I didn’t think the person I was without football would be good enough for you. Why would it be? It wasn’t good enough for me, either.”

  Maya shook her head. “I would have been there for you. I wanted to be.”

  I nodded. I had known she would, but I’d felt so unworthy. Looking back now, it had been stupid. But what could I do? There was no changing the past.

  “So, all of this is because of Jacob and his professional football career?” Maya asked, and I winced. When she said it like that, it sounded so petty.

  But I nodded, because it was true.

  “For a while, I tried to accept it,” I said. “I wanted to be happy for him. But I couldn’t stand by him and watch him live the life I didn’t have. I couldn’t watch him play football knowing I would forever stand on the sidelines.”

  Maya frowned, “Are you injured somehow?”

  I shook my head.

  “So it’s just your wounded pride then.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “You don’t need to be a bitch about it.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’m still upset, but I know I’m making it worse. What I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to stop playing football altogether. Why don’t you join a club? I’m sure there are many of them around town.”

  I nodded slowly. I had thought about th
at, too, but I was too worried that I would resent Jacob even more if I still played. It was never the real deal.

  “What if I hate it?” I asked.

  “Then you’ll know. But until you try, you won’t. Besides, you tackled Tyler pretty good earlier. You’ve still got football in your blood.”

  It was like a light went on. I had spiraled around in the darkness for so long, wallowing in my own self-pity, that somehow I hadn’t seen how easy it could have been. I had been such an idiot.

  “I’m sorry for everything I did to you,” I said. “Back in the day...and now. I want to be with you. I don’t want you to lose you again. Having you with me these past few days was amazing.”

  Maya smiled and nodded, putting her plate down on the coffee table. When she shifted closer to me, I did the same.

  “I don’t want to lose you, either, Kyle, but you can’t shut me out,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “So, how about we work through this? Together.”

  I nodded, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. “I’d like that.”

  She leaned into me, pressing her lips against mine, and finally, for the first time in a long time, I could breathe again.

  Chapter 20 – Maya

  Everything was all right again. Kyle would have to work through a lot of things still, but he had finally opened up to me. And now that I knew what was going on in his life, what had really happened, we would be okay.

  Now that I knew why he’d broken up with me, it was easier to forgive him for breaking my heart when there had been nothing wrong between us and when we should have been able to make it for the long haul. Having that mystery solved was huge for me.

  When he had invited me over, I had told myself I would hear him out as long as he was willing to be open with me about what was going on. I hadn’t expected it from him, though. While we had spent time together over the past few days, he had seemed set on pushing me away from anything personal.

  But he had surprised me and changed. He had cooked for me, which had been a big deal to him. He had been honest, even though it had been hard. I knew it had been really hard. I appreciated that I meant enough to him that he took the risk to bare himself like that. It took more than anyone else would understand, because Kyle had a lot of pride. I had known that from the start.


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