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Blink of an Eye: Beginnings Series Book 8

Page 17

by Jacqueline Druga

  Dean lifted his head up. He knew and he felt what Frank wanted. “Go on. Tell him.”

  Just as Robbie was about to ask ‘tell me what?’, he saw Frank move from Dean. At that moment, quietly, and seriously, Frank told Robbie everything.


  In just enough time so as not to be too late for Andrea’s dinner and hear her complain or possibly make him sit on the couch for holding things up, Robbie returned home. His mood had changed from his upbeat one to a somber one. He was in shock over what Frank had told him about Dean and a little upset that he wasn’t included in the big ‘help Dean and cover up’ plan. After all, he was good at keeping secrets. He could keep the truth from the community for their best interest. Opening his door quietly, he saw his father still in the same place he was when he left, probably because Joe couldn’t move around too much at that point. “Hey, Dad.”

  “Just in time.” Joe looked at Robbie, returned to his work, then looked quickly back at him. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I can’t believe it.” Robbie slowly shook his head, walking around the couch to the arm of the sofa.

  “Can’t believe what?”

  “I didn’t even see it coming. I didn’t know. I don’t pay much attention to him. But how did I miss it. I lived with him for a week straight. Was I the one who was blind? I consider myself a perceptive guy.”

  “Robert? Where are you going with this?” Joe asked, not wanting to come straight out with it.

  “Dean.” Robbie tilted his head. “I understand why you are keeping it from the community, but me too? I could help like Frank, but I still can’t believe it.”

  “Robbie. This is not to be mentioned to anyone. Got that?”

  “I got it. Frank told me. He wouldn’t have, had I not hit Dean in the head with something I tossed at him. Then again, Dad, people are gonna know something is up if Dean and Frank are hanging out together.” With his hands on his hips, Robbie looked so much in disbelief.

  Joe looked up at his son, and just under Robbie’s arm he saw the vision of Andrea walk into the room. “Robbie.”

  “I can’t believe Dean is ...”

  “Robbie.” Joe tried to halt him.


  Joe’s hands immediately covered his face when Andrea zipped around and into the living room.

  “Robbie?” she questioned. “What did you just say?”

  Joe shook his head. “Robbie.”

  Robbie looked at Andrea. “Oh I know, Andrea. I found out, don’t worry about it. It’s safe with me.”

  “What is?”

  “Oh you’re good acting all dumb. I was just over Frank’s. Dean’s blindness.” At that point Robbie didn’t even notice that Joe was hunching more.

  “His ... his what?” Andrea’s mouth dropped open. “Dean’s what?”

  Robbie spun to Joe. “She doesn’t know?”

  Joe peeked through his spread fingers. “She does now.”

  “Dad, she is Council. How can she not know?”

  “Robert,” Joe scolded, “enough. Thanks for adding more fuel to her fire.” Joe looked up to Andrea and he waited for the Andrea-blast at him for holding back the truth. “Andrea.” Joe held up his hand in a calming fashion. “Dean didn’t want you to know. He was afraid you’d pull him from everything when he is perfectly capable of doing things, just differently. He is working really hard.” Joe wondered if that did it. Did it do it? He didn’t think it did when Andrea’s mouth dropped open even wider. Joe hunched and cringed in preparation for what he wasn’t in the mood to hear.

  Andrea let out a strong gasp. “Sweet Jesus. Sweet Jesus. Sweet Jesus.” Her hand covered her mouth. “Oh ... my ... Sweet Jesus.” She heaved out with emotional dramatics. “Oh.” Her other hand fanned herself. “Dean is blind? He has lost his sight?” Faster she fanned herself. “Oh that poor man. That poor, poor man.” With her trembling hands out, Andrea made a painful squeezed up face, shaking her head back and forth. “Oh Dean!” In such fifties-movie-fashion, Andrea covered her mouth with the back of her hand, let out a single short sob, raced from that living room, and out the door.

  “Damn it.” Joe turned as fast as he could. “Where is she going?”

  “One guess.” Robbie walked to the door. “I’ll go chase her. I know you’re crippled.”

  “Stop her before she gets us both is deep shit.”

  “Got it.” Robbie flew out.


  “Dean!” With her loud blast out, the front door to Frank’s house opened and Andrea charged in.

  Frank let out a surprising shriek at the sight of Andrea racing forward.

  Dean whispered up to Frank and Henry, “What, what is going on ... Uh!” Suddenly he felt the tight embrace of someone and felt himself being pulled into a body. He knew it was a woman because he could feel his head pressed between the breasts.

  “Oh, Dean. Oh, Dean! Sweet Jesus.” Andrea grasped him tightly to her. Her hands ran through is hair over and over. “What has happened to you? You poor man. You poor, poor man.”

  Dean’s arms flopped about. He was in Andrea’s control as she cradled him. Muffled and from within her grip, Dean called out, “Frank ...” In such struggle he sounded. “I’m ... suffocating.”

  Frank winced and stomped his foot. “Andrea!” He reached out to pull her away. “What the fuck?”

  “No.” She smacked at Frank’s reaching hand, then held Dean again. “I’m here for you, Dean. I am here for you.” She laid her lips to the top of his head, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Don’t you worry your little self one bit about me. Lord knows you have lost enough. I will not take any more from you. You poor soul.” Andrea’s head jerked up when she heard Henry’s laughing. Quickly she spun to face Henry, bringing Dean with her, bouncing Dean like a little girl holding a rag doll close to her chest. “You find humor in this?” she asked with a scold.

  Henry’s top lip quivered and he stepped farther back. “No, Ma’am.” Using long strides, Henry sneaked from that dining room, grabbing the towel from Frank’s shoulder. He walked into the kitchen, covered his mouth with that towel, and released the laughter that he had fought hard to contain.

  “I’ll pray for you, Dean.” Andrea gripped his head into her bosom more. “I will pray for you. What are these men doing to you now? Probably misguiding you. You know Frank does not like you.”

  Dean’s hand reached out like a quicksand victim reaching for shore, his fingers reached for Frank. “Frank!” So mumbled his words were. “Help.”

  “Andrea!” Frank yelled. “Let the man go. What are you, fuckin gone? He’s not a child!” Frank reached for Dean. “Let ... him ...” He pulled and struggled. “Go!”

  “No!” Andrea whipped Dean away from Frank.

  Frank brought his hand to his own face in a frustrated smack. Just as he ran it across the bridge of his nose he saw, over his fingers, Robbie walking into the room. “Robbie!’

  Out of breath, Robbie stepped forward. “Andrea, do you ever run fast for an old woman. Shit.”

  With his jaw twitching, Frank stepped to Robbie. “What did you do?”

  “I uh ...”

  “You told her, didn’t you?”

  “Well I thought she knew.”

  Grunting loudly through clenched jaws, Frank brought his hands to his head. “You’re killing me! You are fuckin killing me!”

  “Frank.” Robbie nervously tried to cover up. “Look, it was innocent.”

  “Look at Dean!” Frank pointed, his face so red. “He is clenched in the jaws of fuckin hell, and I can’t pull him out!”

  “He’s being nurtured, Frank. Maybe that’s what he needs right now.”

  “He needs to breathe!”

  “Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” Robbie asked. “So she found out.”

  “She wouldn’t have found out nothing, had you not been the stupid asshole who opened his mouth!”

  “Well you’re the stupid asshole who thought you could hide the fact t
hat the man is blind!”

  “Oh I ought to nail your ass right now! I should have known better than to trust you with anything!”

  “No, Frank, Dean should have known better than to trust you!”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Boys!” Andrea screamed out so close to them. “Stop this bickering. Dean does not need this!”

  From staring at each other in a heated brother argument, both Frank and Robbie, at the same time, switched their views to Andrea. Not only had she made her way to them, but she brought along Dean, still held tightly in her embrace.

  Frank’s eyes went down to see Dean who was struggling not only to break free but also to stand up. His knees were against the carpet. “Will you let the man up! God!” Finally, knowing he had to get firm, Frank walked behind Andrea, took hold of her arms and pulled them outward and away from Dean.

  Dean dropped to the floor, and let out a loud gasp for air.

  Robbie reached down for him, knowing full well that Dean’s perception was off. “Let me help you up.” He led to Dean to his feet. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to tell her.”

  Dean shook his head. “Maybe it’s better that she knows.”

  “Thanks,” Robbie told him. “Oh and, Dean, your hair is messed up.”

  Frank saw Andrea stepping to Dean again and he blocked the way with his body. “Don’t.” He held out a finger at her. “Don’t. Back off.”

  “You back off!” She smacked at Frank’s finger. “Just who do you think you are pointing that Slagel finger at me? Dean needs me! He needs comfort.”

  “Dean needs to be treated like there is nothing wrong with him! He doesn’t need to be treated like an invalid, because he’s not! You hear me?” Frank blared at her. “Now settle your ass down right now or I will tell my father how you’re acting!”

  Andrea’s bottom lip moved up to meet her top lip. She crossed her arms tightly to her body. “Well I’m ...” She shivered a sob. “I’m telling your father how you’re talking to me.”

  “Oh tell my father. I don’t care,” Frank scoffed at her.

  “Joe!” Andrea saw Joe standing in the door. She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Frank moved to Dean. “You’re safe. She found someone else to molest.”

  “God.” Dean caught his breath and ran his fingers through his tossed hair. “I felt like I was on Space Mountain.”

  “I bet.” Frank shook his head and looked back to his father who comforted Andrea by the door. Joe didn’t look like he wanted the task, but he did it anyhow. “What is up with her?” Frank asked, then walked to the door and tried to be calm. “Andrea. You think you’re calm enough to sit your ass down and talk about this without stuffing Dean’s face into your breasts.”

  Joe winced. “Tact, Frank. She’s just concerned.”

  “Concerned? Not often do I feel sorry for Dean, but you should have seen what she did to him.”

  Andrea pulled from Joe’s hold. She wiped her hand down her face. “I am just very upset by all of this. I feel very sorry for him.”

  “Don’t,” Frank instructed. “Don’t. Dean is fine. Dean will do just fine without anyone feeling sorry for him. Of course now, because of the scene you made, the man’s dinner is cold.” Frank saw Henry sneaking back into the room. “Not to mention you frightened away Henry.”

  “I’m sorry,” Andrea spoke and walked to Dean. “Dean, I’m sorry I overreacted like that.”

  Just to be on the safe side, Dean stepped back in fear of getting pummeled again. “That’s fine, Andrea.”

  “Just to make it up to you,” Andrea sniffled, “I am going to send you some of my spaghetti. We’ll talk about everything tomorrow. Deal?”

  Dean nodded.

  “Good.” Andrea walked back over to Joe. “We’ll leave. Robbie? Robbie, dinner. Come now.”

  Robbie closed his eyes and silently whined, “All right.” He looked at Frank and Henry who raised their eyebrows at him.

  Andrea paused in the door before leaving. “Henry, do you mind walking up and getting the food?”

  “No, not at all.” Henry walked forward only to have his arm snatched back by Frank. “What, Frank?”

  Frank pulled Henry close cupping his hand over Henry’s ear and whispering to him.

  Henry gave a thumbs-up. “Got it, Frank.” He grinned and walked to the door and out with Andrea, Joe, and Robbie. Henry was ready to seize the opportunity and take advantage of her guilt like Frank wanted; so he asked what he thought would be the most important question of the evening. “Hey, Andrea? Do you think we can have some of those brownies?”


  “All in bed.” Frank stepped down the last step of his stairs. “And early too. How about that? Dean, good job on washing Joey’s hair. I told you all you had to do was the squeak test and you’d know the soap was out.” He walked over to the couch. “How’s that sewing going?”

  “Good.” Dean held on to a stuffed animal, sutures in his hand as he repaired small gashes. “Only Ellen would think it enjoyable to slash a teddy bear.”

  Henry, who was sitting on the arm of the couch with his feet on the cushions, looked to Frank who stood behind the couch. “Ellen had a good idea. She’s always said she likes the way Dean stitches.” Henry looked down to what Dean did. “Good Job. I think El will have to judge.”

  Frank sighed, “If she ever comes home.”

  Henry ignored Frank’s comment and returned to Dean. “So, Dean, will it be the same way when you stitch someone?”

  “They won’t be fuzzy,” Dean commented. “But I guess I’ll still have to feel the gashes and follow it with ...” Dean sniffed. He raised his head and sniffed again. “Do you smell cigarette smoke?”

  Henry inhaled. “As a matter of fact, I do.” He swung his legs over the couch and stood up sniffing ... He followed the scent to Frank. “Frank?”


  “You smell like cigarettes.”

  “Ow!” Dean screamed, when he pricked himself with a needle. “Is that Frank who smells like smoke? Frank, were you smoking?”

  “Fuck no. I hate that shit.”

  Henry shook his head as he smelled him. “No, Frank, you really smell like it.”

  “Henry.” Frank palmed his hand over Henry’s head and moved him. “Get your nose off of me. It was Robbie. He was here, upstairs with me smoking that shit when I was putting the kids to bed.”

  Henry laughed. “Robbie wasn’t here.”

  “Yes he was.” Frank got defensive. “How would you know? Where were you fifteen minutes ago?”

  “Frank,” Henry sounded so annoyed, “I ran to my house for five minutes.”

  “That’s when he was here.”

  “In the five minutes that I was gone? Right. Dean, was Robbie here?”

  Dean shook his head. “No.”

  Frank scoffed, “Dean, how the hell would you know? You’re blind.”

  “I would think Robbie would say something to me, Frank.”

  “Well.” Frank fluttered his lips. “He doesn’t like you, so there.”

  Henry chuckled as he sat back down on the couch. “Right, Frank. If you’re smoking, why aren’t you admitting it. You smell like it. What’s the big deal? Own up to it. Just because it would be admitting a weakness, not to mention, it would really make you look like a hypocrite for getting on the people who do ...”

  “Enough!” Frank shouted. “Drop the shit. Robbie came in, ignored Dean, walked up stairs, annoyed me by smoking, and left. All right? Fuck. You people are on my nerves.” He took a deep breath. “Now ... the kids are asleep. It’s just us guys. You know what time it is. We’d better do this before Ellen gets home and intrudes.”

  Henry nodded. “We’d better. She might walk in any second.”

  Dean shrugged. “Then again, she might not. But do it, Frank. Do it now.” He set down the teddy bear. “I’m ready.”

  “Yeah me too.” Frank backed up. “Time to break out
the adult stuff.”

  Henry started to stand up. “I’ll get it, Frank.”

  “No.” Frank held his hand up. “I’ll get it. Stay put and sit with Betsy Ross.” He walked to the kitchen, stopping inside and peeking into the living room first. He moved to the sink and opened the last drawer, reaching far in the back and pulling out a small bottle. Peeking out into the living room again, Frank took a drink, a long one, and then another. He replaced the bottle and ignored Henry who called out to hurry him along. “I’m coming,” Frank hollered back. He grabbed three glasses, holding them between his fingers then he picked up the plate of brownies. Smiling at them, he carried them into the living room and set them down on the table.

  Henry, like a kid, lowered himself to the floor by the coffee table. “Milk, Frank.”

  “I’m getting it. I only have two hands.”

  “And napkins. Andrea’s brownies are gooey.” Henry uncovered the plate. “Dean, we’ll make sure we tell you if you get chocolate on your face.”

  “Gee thanks, Henry.”

  “No problem.”

  “Milk, plates, and napkins.” Frank set them down on the coffee table and sat on the couch. He grabbed a glass, filled it with milk, and set it on the table in front of Dean. “Coffee table, twelve o’clock is your milk, Dean.”

  “Thanks, Frank.”

  Frank watched Henry serve up a brownie. “Give Dean two, Henry. He was the one stuck in Andrea’s boobs.” Frank took the plate and handed it to Dean. “These look good, Dean. Messy. Hey, I bet that was a scary thing being smothered by Andrea like that.”

  Dean shrugged. “I guess. It was more frightening not being in control.”

  Henry waved his hand at them. “That was nothing. I had a high price to pay for these brownies too. I had to sit with Andrea and have coffee and ... and listen to her stories about her teenage years.” Henry gave Frank his brownies. “And not to mention, I had to hear about how old she was, Frank, when she lost her virginity.”

  Frank cringed. “Ouch. Sorry, Henry, but does anyone know what is up with Andrea lately? Dean, is she going through a change of life or something?”

  “Possibly,” Dean answered, “but I’ve never known a woman to get so happy when it’s a change of life. Wow, these are good.”


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