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Blink of an Eye: Beginnings Series Book 8

Page 56

by Jacqueline Druga

  “That was the plan, Henry. Had we known we could have stopped them before they ever left.”

  “Do you suppose John Matoose knows about everything.”

  “I haven’t clue what John knows. We do know he hasn’t been in the Communications room in two weeks.”

  Henry’s head swayed back and forth. “What is he up to now?”

  “I thought for sure the fax would have led him straight to George. But, as far as we can tell. He hasn’t even tried.”

  “Do you think it’s because something is gonna happen.”

  “Yep.” Frank closed his eyes for a second and then kissed Nick. “And I have this idea. If you feel like rambling, why don’t you find Ellen. Fix this. She’s in a forgiving mood. Plus, she’s at the woman’s meeting and all of them are all for you too being girlfriends again. I think. Not sure. Maybe. Who knows. But if you go over there and pull a Jerry McGuire, El loved that movie, you’ll be a hit. Just like Tom Cruise did in that movie, walked into the woman’s meeting.”

  “I can’t do that, Frank. Though there’s nothing I would like more than to talk to Ellen. Not so much about what happened, but about nothing. Just get into one of those conversations that we used to have. Going back and forth without any silence. Besides the fact that I don’t know if I can do it, I think I have burned my final bridge with her.”

  “You have to try. With this virus hitting us, we all need to stand strong. Arguments aside. I’m even being nice to Dean. I’ll tell you what. I’ll make you a deal. You go over and try, just try to be that friend again and I’ll ... I’ll ... I’ll change every one of Nick’s diapers for you for one month.”

  Henry’s head sprang up. “A whole month? How about bathing him too.”

  “Not like I don’t do most of his baths, but yes, I’ll bathe him too.”

  “Can I have the flowers?”

  “Henry.” Frank gave him a smirk. “No, what are you nuts. Those flowers are my key to getting laid to ... getting ... take the damn flowers.”

  “Thanks, Frank.” Henry sprang up running to the kitchen to get the flowers. “This is great.” He came back out holding them. “No diapers for a month, no baths and I get to give her flowers.” He stopped cold. “What am I doing?” His arm dropped.

  “You’re going to salvage the friendship.” Frank opened the door for him.

  “I can do this, right?” Henry asked.

  “You can do this.” Frank hurried Henry out and closed the door. “Probably.”


  Divided into teams of four, the women were in Jenny’s living room. Two teams remained, battling out who would be the champions of Beginnings Jeopardy. Jenny was the hostess of the event, standing before them, the rest of the women cheering on. A huge game board she had made herself, perched on the chair behind her. Jenny looked over to Josephine who sat in a chair keeping score, she doubled checked her just in case Josephine was cheating again, or made a mistake. She often did that when she had too much to drink.

  “OK,” Jenny said chipper. “Cindy, it’s your team’s turn. Pick a category.”

  “We’ll take Beginnings Entertainment for twenty, Jenny.”

  Jenny snickered at the ‘ooh’ that filled the room when she pulled out the question. “I’m the most recent form of entertainment. Enjoyed only by the men. I can take hours to accomplish. Minutes to set up. Some say I’m even more fun when played drunk. What game am I?”

  They huddled, Cindy’s group did and with a nod, Cindy stood up. “Are you ... Find the misplaced brain-dead Field workers?”

  “Ding, ding, ding,” Jenny said. “Twenty points, Josephine, write that down. Two ... zero, that’s right ... Ellen, your team.”

  Ellen looked pleased. “We’re going for it, Jenny, give us Dirt of the Earth for twenty-five.”

  So cocky Jenny looked, taking that question from the slot. “Here it goes ... I was originally labeled Beginnings’ biggest pervert. Staring at butts, men or women from the second I came in. Now I am labeled Beginnings’ highest trusted pervert. Who am I?”

  Ellen’s eyes widened and she spoke very seriously. “Henry.”

  Jenny made a buzzing sound. “No, Ellen, weren’t you listening. I said, ‘when he came in’. Henry was always here.”

  “And he is now,” Ellen said with a slight point.

  Jenny turned around. “Oh my gosh, Henry’s here. Why are you here, Henry, and why do you have flowers?”

  Henry nervously stepped in. “I feel really dumb about this. I’ll just ...” He set the flowers on the table by the door. “Set these down so I don’t look too much like a sap. But they’re for you.”

  “Me?” Jenny asked.

  “No, Ellen.”

  “Why are you bringing Ellen, flowers? She’s back with Frank, sort of.”

  “I know. But I’m not here to rekindle the understanding or primary,” Henry said. “I’m here to get my friend back. Just my friend.”

  Ellen didn’t say anything.

  Henry ran his hands through his hair, then dropped them. It was so apparent how nervous he was. “El, I don’t know how much more I can say. I’ve said I am sorry so many times. But if you want me to, I will say I am sorry every day for the rest of my life. I’ll say anything to you, just to be able to talk to you. I miss my friend. I really miss my friend. I miss our tea. Our gossip. I miss having lunch with you. I can’t do anything right anymore. And I know that has a lot to do with the fact that something is missing from my life. That something is ...”

  “Stop.” Ellen stepped to him.

  “You aren’t going to yell at me again are you?” Henry asked frightened.

  “No.” Ellen shook her head. “You had me when you walked in the door.”

  Jenny shirked loudly. “Oh my God, this is from Jerry McGuire, Henry, you borrowed from Jerry McGuire. I love that movie.”

  Ellen said, “I hate that movie.”

  “What?” Henry gasped. “Frank said.”

  “There you have it, Henry.” Jenny held out her hand. “Frank said.”

  “Great, just great.” Henry lowered his head and shook it. “I’m killing Frank. I’m sorry. I’ll leave.” He turned for the door.

  “Wait,” Ellen called out. “I’ll be open to being forgiving, OK? I’ll try.”

  Henry smiled gently. “Thank you.”

  Before anymore could be said, there was a single knock at the door and Ben and Todd walked in. “Ladies,” Ben called out then shrieked when he saw Henry. “You said no men were allowed. Why is he here that ... that ... bastard.”

  Jenny walked to Ben and laid a hand on his back. “I know seeing him in traumatizing. Henry is leaving.”

  “Yes, yes, I am.” Henry walked to the open door, paused, said ‘thank you’ again and left.

  The moment the door closed, Ben’s ‘down’ demeanor switched to an ‘up’ one ... “The dresses are nearly complete. Final alteration time!” He noticed the quiet of the room. “We’re not going to wear them. Are we?”

  Andrea stood up slowly from her seat gazing at a loss at the dress Todd held. “No.” She moved to the blue garment running her hand down it, lifting the tag that said her name. “We’re not going to wear them. We decided, no wedding, no dresses. We thought we would, but we can’t. It would be a little sad, don’t you think? Sorry, Ben.”

  “Wait!” Ellen held up her hands. “All of us have planed this big party. This was supposed to be a wedding. Ben and Todd worked their asses off on the dresses and the tuxes. So why can’t we have a wedding huh? So what, Henry won’t marry me,” Ellen spoke strong. “So what. But you know what? Cheer up ladies, cause tomorrow afternoon Beginnings is going to have the first and biggest wedding ever here. Complete with food, entertainment, servants and ...” She touched the wedding gown. “Dresses.” She moved to the door. “Start planning. Ben and Todd, get your sewing kits ready for the final alterations. I’m going to go talk to him now.” She started walking out the door. “Guaranteed. There will be a wedding in Beginnings tom



  A look of ‘proud’ barreled over Frank’s face as he stood at the altar by Reverend Bob watching Ellen begin her procession down the aisle. Paul’s perfect organ playing of ‘Trumpet Voluntary’ added to the feel that surrounded him in Beginnings’ small, but packed chapel. So beautiful Ellen looked to him. Perfect. More beautiful than he had ever seen her in their entire lives. She literally took his breath away. As he watched her walk nearer to him, Frank felt his heart pounding from his chest. So enamored with her at that moment he stopped noticing the choking he had felt from the bow tie he wore. All he could feel were his feelings for Ellen. And though he never thought it were possible, Frank swore right there and then, he fell in love with her all over again.

  Ellen had barely reached the end of the aisle when Frank couldn’t wait anymore. He approached her holding out his hand.

  Reverend Bob tapped him on the shoulder. “Frank.”

  Frank ignored him and laid his hands on Ellen’s face.

  “Frank.” Reverend Bob tapped him again. “You’re not supposed to be doing this.”

  “Shut up, will you?” Frank snapped in a whisper at Reverend Bob then faced Ellen. “You look beautiful.” He leaned to kiss her.

  “Frank!” Reverend Bob had enough. “Get back. The bride would like to make her approach.”

  “All right.” Frank pointed, kissed Ellen with a smile and stepped back. As best man, he took place behind the groom. He nudged him when the ‘Bridal March’ began, looking up the aisle. “I can’t believe she’s gonna be my mom.”

  Through his gritted teeth, Joe spoke to Frank, “Quiet.”

  “What is this, wife number twenty-two.”


  “I won’t call her, mom.”

  “Shut your goddamn mouth. Sorry, Reverend.”

  Joe put on his best smile, faced the aisle and watched Andrea, wearing that off-white wedding dress, walk down the aisle toward him.

  At the end of the march, Joe and Andrea joined arms and stepped before Reverend Bob. He opened is bible. “We are gathered here today,” Reverend Bob spoke with passion. “In God’s house, to join in holy matrimony, this man, Joseph Anthony Slagel and this woman Andrea Gertrude ...” he shifted his eyes to Frank and Robbie’s snickering, “... Gertrude Winters.” He continued on, ignoring the childish behavior of Joe’s children. “God gave us the gift of marriage. And for that, we should cherish it. Joe, Andrea, today for the two of you this isn’t just a joining of marriage, but a joining of families.” He gave a stern scolding face to Frank who loudly moaned ‘oh my God’. “Before we begin, Jenny has a poem so fitting for this occasion, she would like to share it with you. Jenny.”

  So serous Jenny stood before the congregation as she read her poem.

  “Today ... Joe and Andrea get married. We hope ... that their lives don’t get hairy. Troubles so often may cause them to fight. But they will try hard, really hard not to with all their might. And all of us know their love will prevail. And they’ll live happily ever after until they get even older. Thank you.”

  Giving a loving smile to Andrea and Joe, Jenny re-took her place as a bridesmaid next to Ellen.

  Frank looked with a snicker to Robbie. “Hey, that didn’t rhyme at the end.”

  “I know. Now see that will drive me nuts all day,” Robbie commented.

  “Me too.”

  “Kind of like sex without the orgasm.”

  “You aren’t kidding.” Frank nudged his brother thinking he was being quiet. “Hey, Robbie? Jenny’s your partner. You have to dance with her.”

  “I wouldn’t have to if Ben wouldn’t have refused to do the final fitting on Henry.”

  “I heard he punched him.”

  Robbie shook his head. “I heard slapped.”

  “Boys!” Joe shouted. “Can I get married? Christ ... sorry, Reverend, continue.”

  “As I was saying though the chitter-chatter of annoying men.” He looked at Frank and Robbie. “Joseph Anthony Slagel, do you take this woman, Andrea Gert ... Boys ... Gertrude Winters to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold ...”

  “Yeah,” Joe interrupted.

  “I didn’t finish.”

  “Yeah but I know all of that stuff. Yeah, I’ll do it.”

  Trying to remain calm, Reverend Bob faced Andrea. “Do you, Andrea, take Joe to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer till death do you part?”

  So dramatic Andrea spoke with tears rolling like a waterfall down her cheeks. “I do.”

  Frank covered his eyes. “Oh God. I can’t watch.”

  Robbie leaned into him. “Do you suppose Dad will slip her the ...”

  “Robbie.” Frank spun to him.

  “Boys!” Joe yelled. “Let the man finish. Christ ... sorry, Reverend.”

  Reverend Bob wiped his forehead, looking more forward to the moonshine punch than any food they would serve. “Then by the power invested in me, by the Land Of Beginnings Montana and by God. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slagel. What God has joined together, let no man or children put asunder. You may kiss your bride, Joe.”

  Frank whined so loudly turning from the view of his father embracing then finally kissing Andrea. “Tell me when it’s over, Robbie.”

  “Not yet.”


  “Not yet.”

  “What the fuck is he doing. Foreplay?”


  As Frank turned back around, he grunted at the backhand to his gut his father gave him. “Sorry.”

  Reverend Bob had one more announcement. “As a special request from the bride, she has asked that a special song be played for the recessional.” He nodded to Paul who then began to play. It was slow, deep, gospel-like.

  Joe and Andrea began their decent arm and arm.

  Frank walked out with his arm out to Ellen. “Ready.”

  “Yep.” She took it.

  “Nice ceremony.”

  “Who are you kidding, you didn’t pay attention.”

  “You’re right.”

  Ellen stopped cold, center aisle when Paul began to sing. “He isn’t.”

  “He is.” Frank began walking with her again. And he and Ellen laughed the rest of the way from the chapel. Laughing at Robbie’s ‘quit touching me’ remarks to Jenny. But most of all laughing as Paul wailed out with such emotions, his very own, soul-filled, gospel version of ... The ‘Silly’ song.


  Paul was the disk jockey and he played typical wedding music. Elevator renditions of pop music for the pre-dinner feel, it was almost as if he were being obviously sarcastic.

  Frank saw Henry, sitting at a table, he felt bad for him, because Henry was the only person there, not looking as if he were having a good time.

  “So ...” Frank sat down. “How about them reprogrammed SUTs, man are they good waiters.”

  “The programs is pretty cool,” Henry spoke monotone.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You know, Frank. This wedding. The other day. Everything. I feel I can’t catch a break. And even though it wasn’t supposed to be real, this wedding was supposed to be mine and Ellen’s. This party was supposed to be ours. And it is such a great party.”

  “They’ll be another one day.”

  “Oh, sure, when Ellen gets married to you.”

  “I don’t know if that will happen,” Frank said. “But I can’t promise that we won’t be back together.”

  “You’ll be primary, Frank. And believe it or not, you’ll have the understanding with Dean.”



  “What about me?” Dean sat down at the table.

  Frank lifted his head looking so annoyed. “Did we ask you to sit here with us.”

  “No. But I am.” Dean scooted his chair closer. “How’s it going, Henry. You OK?”

rank’s hand raised and fell hard on the table. “Look at him just coming in and taking over the conversation. Dean. Go away.”

  “Frank. Shut the hell up.”

  “Ouch.” Frank shivered and proceeded to rock on the hind legs of the chair.

  Dean rolled his eyes. “Anyhow. This wedding certainly turned out to be the surprise union of the century, didn’t it Frank. Your Dad and Andrea.”

  “It sucks,” Frank grumbled. “Especially since Andrea’s in her fuckin flighty mode. She asked me dance with her, she said she wanted to dance with her oldest son. I’m not dancing with her, she’ll probably see a smudge of dirt on my face and do that licking her fingers thing.”

  Henry cringed. “That is so gross. I’d gag if she did that to me.”

  With smiling eyes, Dean looked at Frank. Then wiped the thought of calling over Andrea to clean Henry’s face, from his mind. “So.” Dean cleared his throat.

  “Dean,” Frank snapped. “You think we care what you’re gonna say.”

  “Frank.” Dean came back sarcastic. “Do you think I care what you think. And I’m going to talk, so just rock back in forth in your feeble minded manner and let me go. I was going to say, last night when Ellen came home all excited, telling me she would be really late because the wedding was going on. I thought for sure she was marrying you, Frank.”

  “No way?” Frank snickered. “When she stopped by to tell me she wasn’t coming over for that reason, I thought for sure she was marrying you.”

  Henry sulked. “When I heard there was a wedding, I thought it was Robbie and Ellen.”

  “Robbie!” Frank questioned loudly. “I’d kill him. Why would she marry my brother?”

  Dean answered that one. “To annoy everyone. You know Ellen would do something like that just to throw a monkey wrench into everyone’s lives.”


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