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Of Minds and Masters

Page 13

by Paul Ormond

  “You can’t open the gate. That means you can’t go back,” Mitch said as he realized Drak’s predicament.

  “Yes, that true. Unless I find Gateway, for me this always one way mission,” Drak said looking out at the cavern.

  “Why did you volunteer for it? Are you suicidal? What about your family?” Mitch asked.

  “My family dead, Mitch” Drak said. “I search for them for long time. I try not give up hope, but they gone. Masters kill them,” Drak said.

  “What? How do you know that’s true?” Mitch said.

  “I just know. What I do now, I do for all people. Masters can’t control everything, I fight back. This my revenge. We destroy network. They have no power. Masters no different from any people. They lie and cheat and people believe them. That how they have power. Take away technology and they weak, like everybody else,” Drak said as he stared up at the sky.

  “How are you going to destroy the network?” Mitch asked.

  “Master’s gateway network all connected. If we destroy one gateway, then we can destroy all gateways. Chain reaction,” Drak said.

  “Where is the gateway?” Mitch asked again.

  “Gateway not anywhere. It everywhere, but to use need big energy and special technology only Masters have. We still learning how it works same as everything. Push against dark matter strong enough with positive energy and portal opens on other side. Enough energy gateway open, not enough gateway close. Too much energy gateway explode. Big problem,” Drak said.

  “So you wanna blow up the gateway? What happens when you blow it up? Is it like a nuke or something?” Mitch wondered.

  “Bigger than that. If too much of wrong energy go through gateway it cause explosion,” Drak said.

  “How do you plan on setting off a negative energy explosion?” Mitch said perplexed.

  “I must get into system here and find when and where Masters plan to activate gateway. If I find this, I can set off reaction using device,” Drak said.

  “How will you do that?” Mitch said.

  “I must enter gateway and set off reaction,” Drak said.

  “You’re going to blow up the gateway from the inside. How will you get out?” Mitch asked.

  “I won’t,” Drak said.

  “So, this is a terrorist suicide mission and you’ve dragged me into it. What am I doing here?” Mitch shouted out. “I can’t believe I was almost ok with this. Oh my God, what time is it? I’ve gotta get home,” Mitch said as he shot down to the bottom of the cavern and began to walk towards the tunnel that led outside. Drak followed after him and caught up to him at the mouth of the tunnel.

  “I’m sorry that you involved now, but this bigger than you, bigger than anyone. If you saw what happened to my people, then you feel same way,” Drak said while keeping pace with Mitch as they made their way along the tunnel.

  “I’m not sure how it works where you’re from, but you can’t just go dumping this kind of thing on people,” Mitch said when they reached the door.

  “I know it lot to think about, but time is short. Things start happening faster now. Soon you will see that I not lie. You see what danger we all in,” Drak said as he swung open the metal door leading to the sewage drain. Mitch could make out the faintest of light at the opening of the tunnel. The sun had begun to rise.

  “I know you’re not lying. I just don't know what I can do about any of this,” Mitch said when they stepped out of the storm drain.

  “You can try and that’s all that matters. Your time will come and it may be sooner than you think,” Drak said while the first rays of dawn began to filter through pine trees.


  “How do you respond to the allegations being made that your company is operating outside of the law?” Senator Brigsby asked, as the flashes on cameras popped and the TV cameras recorded away.

  “Well, Senator, that’s an incredibly difficult question to answer due to the circumstances that we are discussing,” Robert said. He had been in this position before. He had learned the trick to answering questions that were poised by politicians long ago: the answer needed to be just vague enough to make it seem like the question was answered, yet reveal nothing at all.

  “We sit upon the precipice of a bold new frontier in technology development. It is impossible for me to say what is legal and what isn’t legal, if the laws are yet to be written. But to answer your question directly, it has always been company policy at MindHIve to put our users first. It is with this in mind that we have crafted our technology. It’s the very technology that has now become a staple of modern life in this country. The American people have overwhelmingly chosen to use our products over any other and they have, in no way, been forced to do so. If our company is operating outside of the law, then the people of this country are all criminals,” Robert said.

  “Mr. Chapman, I do believe you have failed to understand the scope of my question,” Senator Bigsby said. “Our sources have revealed that your company has obtained access to surveillance equipment that is off limits to the private sector. If this is true, then you are in direct violation of the terms of the FTC’s service compliance charter. How do you respond to these allegations?”

  “The very fact that we are being accused of accessing and misusing technology and data that our company develops and operates on behalf of the government is absurd to say the least. MindHIve has never in any way compromised the security of this country and it is for this reason that the government chose our company to develop the technology that now monitors and protects the security of the American people. If my company is operating outside of the law, then it is the duty of this government to change that law. It is companies like MindHive and the innovations and developments we produce that have allowed this country to thrive. Government chokeholds like this only serve to hinder our economy,” Robert boomed into the mic.

  He had agreed to appear at the hearing at the behest of the president and several senators. They believed it would be for the best if he sat in front of the committee in order to let the press and the people believe that MindHIve was following the law and that the company’s interests would be of benefit to the people. He had personally donated millions to Senator Bigsby’s re-election campaign the year before, so Robert knew there wouldn’t be any surprises. All the politicians he had access to were all involved in his clandestine operation in some form or another and they new the risks if they should cross him. He continued to answer the questions asked by all of the senators as vaguely as possible. Each question had already been gone over by his lawyers and he knew that nothing he said would incriminate him or his company.

  This hearing had been set to investigate MindHIve’s use of security satellites ahead of the tech convention. It was all theater. MindHIve had already been using the system for weeks now. Robert just didn’t want some nosy reporter making a freedom of information request and discover what he was up to. Soon it wouldn’t matter, but for now it was best to play it safe. He continued to smile and answer and questions. When it was all over, he and his lawyers were surrounded by reporters on the steps of the Senate and Robert was forced to answer more questions.

  “Mr. Chapman, when will the inReal devices be released?” one reporter asked.

  “I appeared before the senate today in order to address issues that the government has regarding our latest developments. We are here to ensure the American people that MindHIve has their best interests in mind. The government is doing its job and we are doing ours. As to your question, the security issues that were at the forefront of this hearing have to do with how MindHIve will implement our inReal devices into real world scenarios. We will be making our first live testing of the beta network at our annual tech convention, which will be held for the first time ever in a remote location.” Robert said into a gaggle of microphones. “We’ve had a busy day and I have a plane to catch. Thank you all for being the voice of the people,” he said as his security detail cleared a path for him through the crowd to a
waiting limousine.

  He got in the car and sat down. His assistant Allan was about to follow him in but Robert waved him off. “You follow in the other car. There are things I need to discuss with Mr. Tobero.” Allan made a face and then he went to the next car in the procession. The door was shut amidst the throng of spectators and reporters still trying to get a soundbite or a quote. Robert turned to face his security chief who sat opposite Robert at the front end of the limousine.

  “Good afternoon, Gerald. I hear you have some news for me,” Robert said as he settled into his seat.

  “That’s correct, sir. We have detected the signature in the area where we believed it to be active. We are continuing to monitor it around the clock and we are certain that it can be detained at any time,” Gerald said.

  “For now, it’s best if we continue to monitor the situation,” Robert said. “Once we have secured the area we will be able to properly contain the situation. What I just did today should give us total control of everything within the jurisdiction. Until that time comes, I don’t want any local law enforcement catching wind of what we are doing. This operation requires absolute secrecy. If all goes well, we’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone.”

  “Agreed sir. We don’t believe that the subject represents a flight risk. They appear to be following a set pattern of movement and they shouldn’t be difficult to track down,” Gerald said.

  “Doesn’t it seem too easy though?” Robert thought out loud. “Once again, it’s strange that we could so easily locate the fugitive.”

  “Although it’s possible that the culprit is unaware of our monitoring capabilities, it does appear a little too easy. As we discussed earlier, we are aware of the possibilities of a trap and we have simulated several scenarios, all of which indicate that our forces will be able to detain the fugitive,” Gerald responded.

  “We need him alive. We need to know what he knows before we hand him over to the proper authorities,” Robert said. “Is everything ready for this evening’s exercises?”

  “Yes sir. The team had been preparing all day,” Gerald said with his usual cool demeanor. “Are you sure that this is the best way to proceed? This type of combat exercise, training or not, has proven to be the most dangerous type of combat to engage in. I want to ensure that you aren’t taking any unnecessary risks.”

  “I am well aware of the risks. I’m the one who made this stuff and I’m the one who tested it out,” Robert said. “Who else but me should continue with these developments? Hand to hand combat is the next likely step. Just think of the practical applications for this type of technology. It could be used for crowd control during protests or in prisons. The possibilities really are endless and you are aware that I am one of the world’s greatest innovators, aren’t you? I fully intend to be the one taking this technology to the limit.”

  “I understand, sir. You truly are ahead of your time. Your plane is waiting on the tarmac. All security protocols have been followed to the letter. You should be back safely at MindHIve headquarters in a few hours,” Gerald said.

  The limousine pulled up to the awaiting plane. It had begun to rain. Allan opened the door of the limousine and held an umbrella out to cover Robert’s head in the downpour. The media mob had followed the MindHIve procession to the airport and Robert waved to the reporters as he was rushed onto the plane. MindHIve Air, as the plane was known, quickly taxied to the runway and was in the air in a matter of moments. It set down on MIndHIve’s private runway a few hours later and rolled smoothly into the hangar. Robert stepped off of his private jet and was met by several members of his staff who all congratulated him with a round of applause as he walked off the plane to an awaiting cart.

  “Thank you people. All in a day’s work. Somebody’s gotta make sure the government doesn’t get their hands on this place right?” he said.

  “You are getting really positive responses from the media. It looks like the senate will approve the new legislation and hand it over to the president by week’s end,” an executive said.

  “Of course they will. If not, heads will roll,” Roberts said and chuckled to himself. “None of those straw men will stand in my way. But that is the least of my worries. Is everything ready in building three? I’m excited to get underway. My body feels stiff after sitting around all day answering boring questions.”

  “The security forces and the engineers are standing by awaiting your arrival as instructed, Sir,” Allan said from just behind Robert and a little to his right.

  “Very good, let’s head over. I feel like I need some action,” Robert said while cracking his knuckles.

  Building three was now the official headquarters of MindHIve’s inReal force, as they had been colloquially named by those with knowledge of the operation. Gerald had carefully selected the most elite squad of mercenary soldiers available and recruited them for Robert’s special project. A lucrative contract and access to advanced technology made it an easy sell. The team now consisted of a several dozen of the finest soldiers that money could buy. After being introduced to the technology a few weeks before, they had been actively training for combat in building three all the while.

  Two burly men from Robert’s security detail opened the doors for him as he walked into the cavernous office space. Some members of the inReal force were engaged in a combat training scenario that had them bring their shields together to form a protective front. They moved about together much like Roman Legionnaires. Other soldiers were practicing motion or taking shots at holographic enemies.

  “Working hard or hardly working?” Robert shouted as his mercenaries dropped what they were doing and gathered themselves at attention. “At ease soldiers. I’m not some slave-driving general. Well, maybe I am, but don’t tell anyone?” Robert said with a grin.

  “Now, who’s ready to bust some heads?” he roared. “I just sat through three hours of Senate hearings. I’m ready to snap someone in half.” As he shouted at his soldiers, he crossed his arms and engaged his device. He stalked forward predator-like and hovered in the middle of the room. “I hear you have all been preparing for today’s exercise,” Robert shouted out. “Who among you is ready to take me on?”

  “I am, sir,” said a brave looking young man with a beard.

  “Come forward. It’s Davis right?” Robert asked as the soldier stepped forward.

  “That’s correct, sir. Lieutenant Jordan Davis Navy Seal retired,” Davis said.

  “You look a little young to be retired. How is that possible?” Robert asked.

  “It had something to do with a lucrative private sector contract that I was urged to take,” Davis said.

  “I heard the boss is a real jerk. I bet you’d like to kick his butt,” Robert said.

  “I’ll take on anyone that I’m instructed to, sir. I follow my orders,” Davis said.

  “Well then, Lieutenant Davis, your jerk boss orders you to come at him with all you got. Engage your weapon system and attack,” Roberts said.

  “Yes sir,” Davis said, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Come get some, Davis,” Robert said as he elevated into the air. Davis charged at him and Robert blasted him with several orbs as he came forward. The ex-navy seal quickly drew up his arms and created a shield around him. Robert’s orbs were easily deflected. Davis quickly changed direction and raised both of his fists and struck at Robert’s side. Robert quickly blocked the onslaught and backed up.

  “You bad boy,” he said as he glared at Davis.

  Davis charged again and Robert made a shield to block the blow. As Davis swung out Robert deftly pushed to the side at the last moment. Davis turned back to see where Robert was, only to see Robert charging at him with a glowing fist. Davis threw up his shield and caught Robert’s fist in the nick of time. Robert tried to counter attack but the marine saw his other hand coming. Their arms were locked for a moment, but the younger Davis managed to shove Robert back. As Robert gathered his balance, the marine charged at him through t
he air. Just as he was about to strike, Robert slipped to the side narrowly avoiding the onslaught.

  They battled back and forth for several minutes while the other members of the security force watched in awe. It began to appear that Davis had the upper hand. Robert’s fitness seemed to be failing him and he was breathing heavily. Davis appeared poised for the kill and he came in ready to take down his boss. Robert cowered as Davis closed in. As Davis struck, Robert pushed below the striking marine who lost his balance after missing his strike. Robert pushed up quickly and struck the marine from behind. Immediately, a red light went off in the room, indicating a confirmed kill.

  Robert lowered himself to the ground casually and disengaged his device. Davis came behind him and Robert wrapped up the soldier in a big hug after he had settled on the ground. “That was an incredible battle people. Give it up for Lieutenant Davis,” Robert shouted. All of the other mercenaries cheered and clapped and Davis begrudgingly accepted their praise.

  “What did we just witness people?” Robert asked. “This is something I learned a long time ago as a young executive. You can never be sure of your victory, no matter how certain it is. Always be ready and never underestimate your opponent. The battle field and the board room are not that much different. Both require skill and tactic and the army with greater discipline is all but guaranteed a victory. Those that strike out irrationally are those that are easily defeated.” Robert paused for a moment and looked around at his forces.“Now, who’s next?” he shouted.

  “Ready sir,” all of the soldiers shouted out.

  “Ok, you there,” Robert said as he pointed at another burly looking soldier. “Step forward. What’s you name?”

  “McDavid. Sergeant Grant McDavid U.S. Army retired, at your service sir,” McDavid said.

  “Another retired guy. How old are you?” Robert asked.

  “I’m 34 sir,” McDavid replied.


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