Book Read Free

Of Minds and Masters

Page 23

by Paul Ormond

  “I think so. It appears to be the bacteria colony interacting with inReal, but I need to get a closer look,” SoHee said as she fired up her own inReal device. As she did, the green mass moved towards her. Small extensions of light began to reach out of the green ball. SoHee instinctively put up her hands to defend herself and the green ball stopped a few feet from her. She looked back in wonder at the mass. The glowing green ball now hovered in the centre of the room. The tentacles of light that emitted from the orb slowly danced forward in a rhythmic pattern. With her inReal still engaged, SoHee slowly reached her hand out and the tentacles coalesced together and began to extend towards her. As the mass of energy came into contact with SoHee, her InReal began to pulsate with light. The green glow that was SoHee’s bacteria began to throb and it sent several flashes down the mass of tentacles that had connected to SoHee’s display.

  “What is happening?” Mitch shouted to Sohee.

  “I have no idea, but I think the bacteria is bonding with my inReal. I’m going to see if I can analyze it using the device,” SoHee said.

  “Don’t try to analyze it. Just believe that you can talk to it,” Mitch said.

  “What are you talking about?” SoHee said as she typed rapidly into the panel.

  “You need to trust me. I can help you control it, but just listen to me. It is how this stuff works. Just think about what you want it to do,” He said as the green light continued to send pulses of energy towards SoHee. “If you don’t try then there’s no telling what will happen. Just think that you can stop it. Think that you can control it.”

  SoHee stopped typing and brought her hands to the top of her head. She looked scared and the pulses were getting stronger. “What do you mean think? I just think what I want and it will do it?” she shouted.

  “Just try it,” Mitch said.

  SoHee closed her eyes and she began to mutter to herself in Korean again. The pulses began to slow and the light from the orb at the center of the green mass became less intense. SoHee opened her eyes and looked intently at the sphere in front of her.

  “It seems like it is capable of interaction,” She said as she peered into the swirling ball. She moved closer to it and there was a flutter of activity along its surface. She raised her hand and the mass extended an appendage from its body. SoHee moved her arm and it moved with her.

  “It looks like it has made a link with my device. I’m able to control it and manipulate it,” She said with wonder.

  “Just think it and you will be able to do it,” Mitch said again.

  “How do you know all this?” SoHee said as she continued to make motions.

  “Uh, there’s a lot you don’t know about me,” Mitch said almost under his breath.

  Outside people had begun to gather at the windows and they watched as SoHee continued to interact with what had been her bacteria colony. She reached her hand out in front of her. She imagined herself picking up the case that housed the colony and she watched as the mass reached out and picked up the box. She imagined it being placed back down and the arm placed the box back down. More people were gathering at the windows and a small crowd began to form. SoHee took several steps around the room and the green mass followed her.

  “It looks like your goo is alive,” Mitch said.

  “It was always alive, but this is incredible. I still need to analyze the molecules. I wonder if I can do it here,” she thought aloud and a panel appeared in front of her. In the screen she could see a cell that appeared to be from her bacteria colony, but something had changed, there were small extensions of light emitting from the cell and it appeared to be exhibiting the same properties as the mass itself.

  “The cells have taken on the properties of inReal. It is as if each cell is its own device, but they have coordinated themselves somehow. It seems that every cell is responsive to my thoughts and commands. It’s unbelievable,” She said as she typed more commands into her inReal panel. “My device is able to send signals and each cell responds in turn to the signals forming a single response. It is as if the bacteria has organized itself into a single entity and it has somehow bonded to my device.”

  As SoHee continued to interact with her bacteria several security guards pushed their way through the mass of people that were watching the spectacle unfold. They forced all of the people back and made a corridor through the crowd. More mindHIve Security guards rushed into the room wearing blue hazmat suits. They had their inReal devices activated. After them came a tall man with a bald head wearing a dark suit. He casually strode into the room with his hands behind his back.

  “This area is being placed under lockdown. Our security system has detected a biohazard threat in this room. We will be placing the affected subject and the material into quarantine after we have successfully contained the outbreak,” Gerald Tobero said coolly.

  “What do you mean quarantine?” Mitch shouted at them. “You’re not gonna lock her up, are you?”

  “We will do what is necessary to secure the area,” Gerald said. “Ready your devices and prepare to activate containment measures.” The guards all readied themselves and strings of light extended from their arms.

  “What are they doing, Mitch?” SoHee said as she looked around. The goo followed her motions and flutters of light shimmered along its outer edges.

  “Don’t panic. It will be alright,” Mitch said, but he didn’t really believe what he was saying as he said it.

  “Begin the containment process,” Gerald ordered. The MindHive guards each unleashed rope like appendages of light from their hands. The ropes extended out and attempted to ensnare the green mass. SoHee instinctively began to swat away the ropes and the goo followed her actions. Huge tentacles reached out and swatted around the room. The guards were sent reeling backwards. “Security team, seize the girl,” Gerald shouted. “Use non-lethal force.”

  The team began to close in on SoHee. She was terrified and she backed away and the goo followed her. SoHee crouched down and the goo formed a defensive position around her. It swiped out at anything that came near her. The MindHIve guards had gotten their ropes out again and one guard was able to wrap his rope around the glowing orb. He tried to pull on the rope, but he was yanked off of his feet and sent flying into a workstation. The goo continued to swat around the room sending more equipment flying. The laser-scope fell to the ground and exploded. More guards rushed forward and wrapped their ropes around the flailing green orb.

  “We’ve got it connected. Shut it down,” Gerald said into his earpiece. Almost immediately the orb was encased in a blue sphere. All activity in the sphere froze and the goo appeared to be locked in stasis. Mitch looked down at SoHee and she was frozen inside her orb as swell. She was clutching her head and her eyes were shut. She looked terrified.

  “Let’s get ‘em out of here,” Gerald said.

  “Where are you taking her? She didn’t do anything wrong,” Mitch shouted as the guards elevated SoHee’s orb off of the ground and began to lead her and the goo away.

  “We’re taking her somewhere safe,” Gerald said. “This material is dangerous. It needs to be properly stored and examined. You’d be well advised to watch your tone, Mister Mythic.”

  “You can’t just lock her up like that. This is MindHIve’s fault anyway. It wasn’t her idea,” Mitch shouted as he watched SoHee get led away through the crowd.

  “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was. It’s my job to make sure that security is maintained at all times. You better step back or you can join her,” Gerald snapped back.

  Mitch stood there seething as he watched SoHee and her goo being led away. The overhead sprinklers showered down water on his head as several MindHIve employees rushed in with fire extinguishers to contain the blazes that had ignited during the chaos.


  Robert wiped the sweat from his brow as he removed his helmet. Above him the strike force was still practicing inside the orb. Allan handed Robert a towel and a water bottle as he sat down a
nd loosened the zipper on his uniform.

  “These suits are like ovens. I am sweating like a migrant refugee in this thing,” Robert said. “Let's get some lightweight stuff for the game tomorrow night.”

  “Noted sir,” Allan said as he stood by.

  “And don’t stand so close to me Allan. You’re suffocating me. Can’t you see that I need some space? I can actually hear you breathing, and you know how much that bothers me,” Robert snapped out. He took the water bottle that Allan had handed him and dumped it on his head. “And get me some more water. I‘m dying over here.”

  As he sat there catching his breath he realized that he was sitting right next to Gerald Tobero. “Man, how do you keep sneaking up on me like that? I pay you to keep me safe, not give me a heart attack,” Robert said in dismay.

  “Apologies sir. It was not my intention to upset you,” Gerald said with his usual cool demeanor. “We’ve contained the outbreak and the subjects are in stasis”

  “Well played, Gerald. I’m hearing some exciting things from our scientists,” Robert said as he wiped the water off of his face. “It seems that the mutation occurred as we predicted; however, we may have a problem with the girl.”

  “Yes, it’s unfortunate that the symbiosis of the subjects occurred before we could interfere. We’re working on separating the link, but there may be a few complications. It appears that there may be more to inReal that we previously knew. Somehow the connection between the two subjects is unrelated to the girl’s device,” Gerald said.

  “You seem to know an awful lot about everything, Gerald. Just remember to keep any information from leaking out,” Robert said with a grin. “We’re discovering new things about inReal every moment. That’s what this whole convention is all about. I’ve got the right people working on it as we speak. How are things looking for tomorrow night?” Robert asked.

  “All is ready as you suggested, but I would advise you to scale back your involvement in the game. Not much is known about the G forces one experiences using inReal at these velocities,” Gerald said as they watched the soldiers whip around the sphere and bat the ball of light back and forth.

  “Oh, it’s cute when you worry about me like that,” Robert said. “I’ll be fine. Just make sure that we don’t have any more incidents or outbreaks. The world will be watching this event. It needs to be the spectacle that we have been hyping.”

  “Understood, sir,” Gerald said.

  “You’re a good soldier, Gerald,” Robert said as he got to his feet. “I’m glad that I can trust you to keep an eye on everything. I’ve got pressing matters to deal with. Immediately inform me if anything arises that I need to know.”

  “Of course, sir,” Gerald said and he rose to his feet as well.

  Robert walked out of the dome as Allan tailed behind him and a little to his right.

  “I’ve got some uniform designs for you to choose from. We have several options available. You can make your selection now if you like. You can find the options on your inReal,” Allan said as he kept pace with Robert.

  “Excellent work, Allan,” Robert said as he brought up his inReal panel. “Oh these look good.” He panned through several displays and stopped at a blue and black form fitting suit. “These ones here, we’ll need two sets, one in red and one in blue,” he instructed Allan.

  “I understand, sir. I’ll inform the design department right away,” Allan said as he brought up his inReal panel.

  “And get some gum or something. Your breath smells like you’ve been eating those Martian meal packs. Those things are disgusting. I can’t believe how much money I spent on that tripe,” Robert snapped at Allan.

  “I’ll get right on it, sir,” Allan said as they entered into the MindHIve employee dome. People wearing blue shirts scrambled in every direction and more employees were sitting at desks and answering phones or typing into computers. Although the people attending the convention had quickly taken to inReal within the confines of the MindHive convention, the rest of the world was still operating through traditional forms of communication. Everybody looked up as Robert strode through the dome wearing his space suit. He didn’t pay them any mind has he made his way to the captains quarters. Allan quickly stepped ahead of him and opened the door before Robert could bark at him.

  “Well done, Allan,” Robert said as he stepped through the door. Allan was about to follow him through the door, but Robert stopped him. “That’s far enough. I have some important business to attend to and I do not want to be disturbed in any way. Post those uniforms on the official MindHIve account. I want to add some more buzz to the event.”

  “Understood, sir,” Allan said as he stepped back and meekly closed the door. The door slid shut and sealed Robert into a room of comfortable silence. The main cabin was empty save for a vacant reception desk and some chairs assembled around a long meeting table. Blue floor lighting ran around the length of the room and it cast a soothing glow over the empty space. Robert didn’t waste any time taking in the scenery. He took a deep breath and immediately made his way to the inner quarters and shut the door.

  The enclave was cool and quiet. He quickly stripped himself out of his damp and sweaty space suit and then dropped himself into an egg shaped chair. So far the day had gone rather well, as first days go, he thought to himself. The Martian meals had been disappointing, but everybody knew that those were failures even before the convention. There had been minimum disturbances at the gate and aside from the containment issues regarding the girl and her bacteria, everything else had gone swimmingly.

  His little stunt with #epiccrotchshot boy had worked out in Robert’s favor as well. He knew that he had the kid rattled. He was excited to see how Mitch would perform the next day. The prisoner hadn’t yet revealed how much the kid was aware of, but judging by what Robert had seen, he knew enough. He was just a stupid kid from a small town and Robert looked forward to toying with him in the game.

  He had been going at a breakneck pace all day. He was completely exhausted, but he had one more thing to do. He sighed as he got to his feet. He went to a wall opposite the door and waved his hand in front of a panel. A door slid open to reveal a shower stall. He entered and pressed more buttons and he was immediately doused in a warm spray on all sides. Soap was applied from some unseen mechanism and he was rinsed again. Before he knew what was happening he was being blown with warm air. The door of the shower opened and a robotic arm handed him a freshly pressed towel. “That was refreshing, I guess,” he said aloud as he stepped out of the shower stall. He touched another panel to the left of the stall and a door slid open to reveal several suits hung in pristine condition.

  Robert dressed himself in a gray suit with a blue tie and he checked himself in the mirror. He admired his salt and pepper beard. He felt that it added to his look. Although Robert was over fifty years old he still had a youthful appearance. His athleticism had served him well in university. Football had always been his sport. The animal nature of the game brought out the best in him and he earned a reputation for his fearlessness and his ferociousness. In fact, nothing really scared Robert. Fear was something that seemed alien to him. As far as he was concerned fear was a weakness and it could be easily exploited and he often made use of his ability to frighten people in order to get what he wanted. There was nothing that he feared in the world nor any other world for that matter. The Masters didn’t scare him for one-second. He knew how their game worked and he knew how to play it. They were paper tigers at best at he only had to play along until he saw the moment to strike.

  He stepped away from the mirror and walked to the center of the room. He paused and took his inReal device out of his pocket and placed it on the ground. He raised his hands above his head and brought up the orange orb. After opening the access panel he deftly spun the orb. He then stepped back and got down upon his knees and placed his head upon the floor.

  “Robert, my humble servant, it is always a pleasure to see you bowed before me. Our emperor knows that you
serve him well,” Commander Holrathu’s voice said as Robert looked up. “Rise up before me, my soldier. We are all proud of the work you have done for our cause and the Emperor has even spoken of you with favor.”

  “It is my only wish to serve him well. The fact that the Emperor has mentioned this loyal subject by name fills my heart with joy,” Robert said as he bowed low before the commander.

  “Enough with the pleasantries. Are you prepared to transfer the prisoner? We are eager to have this nuisance put to rest,” Commander Holrathu asked.

  “We believe we are prepared, but we would like to run a few more diagnostic tests in order to ensure that everything will run smoothly. The prisoner is fully contained and we will be able to transfer him to you once we are certain that our portal is 100 percent operational. I wouldn’t want to upset the emperor with any minor errors that could have been avoided,” Robert said as he loaded on his charm.

  “That is the Robert that we know and love. Preparation is key. We all know that the emperor frowns upon mistakes. If anything were to happen to compromise the transfer of this prisoner the emperor would be most unforgiving. He takes this matter very personally. Any infractions will be punished to the full extent of the Emperor’s law,” Commander Holrathu said.

  “I understand fully, sir. We are taking all of the necessary precautions in order to ensure the success of this undertaking,” Robert said.

  “The Emperor will be happy to hear that everything is in good hands. I shall inform him myself. We will await your signal. We were pleased to see that you were able to create the connection and it appears that the power generator you have constructed is able to produce the correct amount of energy to open the portal. Once you have completed your system analysis we will begin the transfer process,” Commander Holrathu said as he looked down upon Robert. “You’ve been a busy boy, Robert. How have the Emperor’s new subjects taken to their collars?”

  “We are still in the preliminary testing phases, but the responses have been beyond expectation. As predicted, the people are frothing at the mouth to get their hands on the devices. I am certain that once we are able to reach our full production capacity, containing the population will not be a problem. Given the right amount of time and the proper marketing we can be sure that none shall escape the grasp of the Emperor,” Robert said as he bowed low again.


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