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Romance: “Broken Heart” A Young Adult and Adult Romance Novella

Page 5

by Morris Fenris

  The next day was crisp and clear and saw Maggie driving herself back to Fairfield County. She loved living in Fairfield and always enjoyed the drive back into Manhattan. Maggie hadn’t heard from Geoffrey and hoped he had gotten the message she left. If he did, she was surprised he hadn’t called. Her cell phone rang.

  “Oh shoot”, Maggie said out loud. She rummaged in the bag on the seat next to her whilst keeping the car steady with one hand. She saw that it was Gillian calling, when she pressed the answer key.

  “Hi Gillian,” Maggie answered trying to sound light-hearted.

  “Mother, where are you?” Gillian did not sound light-hearted.

  “The children are waiting to go to the Mall.”

  “I left Geoffrey a message, last night, explaining,” Maggie didn’t want to tell Gillian what she was doing just yet and so, wasn’t too pleased that it was her who had called.

  “Geoffrey is here with me and he didn’t know about any message,” Gillian answered. Maggie could hear voices in the background. Geoffrey’s voice came through the phone.

  “Hi, honey,” He said. Maggie sighed to herself at his voice. “I didn’t get home last night. Why didn’t you call my cell?”

  Why hadn’t Maggie called his cell? Because she didn’t want to speak to him. It didn’t seem so much of a lie if she didn’t say the words out loud.

  “I... well, it was late,” stammered Maggie. Although if Geoffrey checked the message he would know that was a lie too.

  “I have to go see a sick friend. I’m sorry, I wouldn’t be going unless I had to. Well you know how it is.” Maggie hoped he would say fine and disconnect.

  “What friend, Maggie, do I know her?” Geoffrey sounded concerned.

  “Erm, no, no it’s someone from a long time ago. Someone I haven’t seen for a long while.”

  “Oh, I see,” Geoffrey’s voice lowered. “Well, when will you be back? Are you going far?

  Before she realized what she was saying Maggie answered

  “Just to Fairfield.”

  “Fairfield?” Geoffrey repeated. Maggie heard Gillian repeat the word and then heard her voice through the phone.

  “Why would you be going to Fairfield?”

  Maggie couldn’t answer. Gillian shouted through the phone.

  “Mom? Mom?”

  “Why do you think?” Maggie said in almost a whisper.

  Gillian became worried now. “What’s happened? Is it Dad?”

  Maggie couldn’t see Geoffrey but she could imagine the look on his face.

  “Yes, it is but he’s fine, sort of. He had a heart attack and Sally came for me and….” Before she could finish, Gillian interrupted.

  “Sally? But why? What is going on Mom?”

  “I’m sorry, Gillian, I have to go, I’m driving. Tell Geoffrey I’m sorry and I’ll call him when I get to Fairfield.”

  “But Mo….” That was all Maggie heard as she pressed the button on the phone to end the call.

  How could she explain this to Geoffrey when she didn’t even understand it herself?

  Chapter 18

  Thirty minutes later she was at the house. She noticed that Sally’s car was already there. Maggie went straight up to the bedroom, knocked lightly on the door and walked in. Her eyes flew around the room when she didn’t see Leonard in the large bed.

  “Maggie.” the voice came from across the room. It was Leonard. He sat in the old high back chair still in his nightwear with a blanket over his knees and a book on his lap. “I wasn’t sure you would come back.”

  “You should know by now, Leonard, I always keep my promises. You’re looking decidedly better this morning,” Maggie said a little suspiciously. It was Megan the nurse who answered.

  “That’s the medication for you,” she explained. “Plus a good hearty breakfast this morning. You certainly worked a miracle here Mrs. Faulkner.”

  “Please, call me Maggie.”

  Maggie removed her scarf and coat and put them and her bag in another chair. She went across the room and sat on the small stool next to Leonard.

  “Had I known you would be doing so well after one night, I wouldn’t have rushed over here.” Maggie said as she righted herself on the small stool.

  “You rushed?” Leonard sounded pleased. “To see me?”

  Maggie blushed a little, mortified with herself for doing so.

  “I, well, well, you looked so ill last night. I was worried. I didn’t want to have to give Gillian bad news.” She tried to sound non-committal. Leonard smiled at her. She knew he could still see right through her.

  Maggie spent most of the day at the house and had lunch with Leonard and Sally. By the afternoon, however, Leonard said he was tired and had to go back to bed and rest. He quickly fell into a deep sleep. Maggie took the opportunity to wander around the garden. She had always loved these large gardens and really missed the out-doors. She also liked gardening although she had a gardener. Old Peter had taught her a few gardening tricks over the years. She was surprised when Sally told her he was still working for Leonard on a part-time basis and had his grandson who was studying horticulture, helping him.

  As Maggie wandered the grounds, she felt as though she had never been away. What did she really want? What was she doing here? She thought to herself. Did she still have feelings for Leonard? What about Geoffrey? Maggie felt so confused. She was brought out of her reverie by the ringing of her cell phone. Looking at the panel she saw it was Gillian. Only then did she realize she had completely forgotten her promise to call back. She answered the phone.

  “Hi, Gillian.”

  “Oh, so you haven’t forgotten how to use your phone?” Gillian answered sarcastically. “I have been going out of my mind waiting for you to ring. Goodness knows what Geoffrey is thinking.

  “Where’s Geoffrey?” Maggie asked not even sure if she was hoping he would be there to speak to.

  “He’s gone home,” Gillian informed her. “Looking rather dejected, I might add. How is Dad doing?”

  “He’s a lot better, actually. I really thought he was about to die when I saw him yesterday. That’s why I rushed back.” Maggie explained.

  “I’ve arranged with Lorna to look after the office for me, tomorrow and I’ll come across to see him,” Gillian told Maggie. “Will you still be there, or do you intend coming back this evening?”

  “I’m coming back of course,” Maggie answered. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I don’t know, Mom, you tell me.”

  A long silence followed, Maggie didn’t know what to say to Gillian. She couldn’t explain any of this to herself. Finally, Maggie broke the silence.

  “I’d better go, Gillian, I’ll call you when I get home.”

  “I think you would do better calling Geoffrey,” Gillian retorted. Do you realize how confused he’s feeling right now?”

  “I will, I’ll call him as soon as I get home.” Maggie confirmed. She knew exactly how Geoffrey was feeling, she was feeling the same way herself.

  The two women ended the call and Maggie returned to the house.

  Chapter 19

  She bumped into Sally coming down the stairs.

  “You’ve worked wonders here, Maggie. I haven’t seen Leonard smile for I don’t know how long.” Sally was smiling like a Cheshire cat herself. Maggie just smiled back and went up the stairs to Leonard’s room. He was sitting up in bed talking to his nurse. He turned as Maggie entered the room.

  “Maggie, come here,” he called. “Let me look at your beautiful face. I thought it might all have been a dream, you coming back.”

  Maggie sat in the chair by the bed. “I’m not exactly back, Leonard.”

  Leonard’s smile faded and he looked down at his nervous hands. Maggie knew that look. The one he saved for any occasion when he couldn’t get his own way, although she noticed he wasn’t quite the same: he had a sadness in his eyes, he never used to have. Maggie could feel her resolve begin to melt.

  “Gillian is coming up to see you tom
orrow,” she announced before her heart made any rash decisions on her behalf. Leonard looked up, his eyes glistening.

  “That will be nice,” he said quietly.

  Maggie couldn’t bear to see Leonard like this. The once strong man who had always fought hard for whatever he wanted in life, laying there, looking broken. She knew instantly that if Geoffrey had not come into her life, she wouldn’t even consider going back to Manhattan. She would stay at Fairfield and make sure that Leonard recovered properly. But since she had Geoffrey, she would have to tell him. He would understand, wouldn’t he?

  “I have to go, Leonard,” Maggie said suddenly. As she saw the strained look on Leonard’s face she quickly added. “I just have to see someone but I’ll be back tomorrow. I need to sort some things out if I’m coming back here.”

  She couldn’t believe she had just said that nor could Leonard by the look on his face. He lit up like the fourth of July.

  “Really?” he asked. “Oh Maggie, you don’t know what that means to me.”

  Sally entered the room and Leonard called to her.

  “Sally, Maggie’s coming back. Isn’t that good news?”

  “Are you staying here tonight, Maggie?” Sally asked, although she didn’t seem quite as enthused as Leonard.

  “No,” answered Maggie. “I have someone I need to see in Manhattan. I’ll come back tomorrow and bring some things with me.” Maggie turned back to Leonard as she rose from the chair.

  “I’d better get going, Leonard. I don’t want it to be too late when I get back.”

  “Maybe tomorrow, we could go out for a drive,” Leonard suggested.

  Maggie looked back surprised. “But, surely you’re not well enough yet.”

  “Well, let’s see shall we?” Leonard threw back the bedcovers and swung his legs effortlessly over the side of the bed. Maggie couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Leonard stood up by the side of the bed grinning from ear to ear.

  “Leonard?” she said “How? But I thought….” She stammered not able to take in what she was seeing. Leonard sat back down on the bed, took Maggie’s hands and pulling her to him.

  “Oh I’ve been ill, Maggie and I’ve had a heart attack. But most of all, I couldn’t bear to be without you any longer.”

  Sally was staring at Leonard, wide eyed. She had obviously fallen for his ploy along with Maggie. Sally walked across to the foot of the bed.

  “But, Leonard. You were so ill. You hadn’t taken your medication.”

  Leonard looked like the cat who had the cream “Well, not all of it. But let’s be honest here, I wasn’t going to let myself die now was I. I just wanted to prove to Maggie that she needed to be here. To make her see that this is what we both need.”

  Maggie pulled her hands out of Leonard’s. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. But then, why was she so surprised. Leonard had played these little tricks often over the years to get what he wanted.

  “You never cease to amaze me, Leonard,” Maggie said, calmer than she actually felt. Leonard smiled at her, he was so pleased with himself.

  “You smug bastard!” Maggie spat out at him. Sally physically recoiled at the phrase. Leonard, however, just seemed even more pleased with himself.

  “And to think, I almost fell for it,” Maggie shook her head, raising her eyes to the ceiling. She had a wry smile on her face.

  “What an idiot, I am. After all these years, you would think I could see through your games,” Maggie picked up her bag and took her coat from the back of the chair. “Obviously spending the last year with an honest, caring man has made me too trusting. Now, if you don’t mind, I have to go and see if I can salvage a real relationship with a man who knows what love and friendship is.”

  As she turned, Leonard called after her.

  “Maggie!” His tone was harsher now. “You cannot go. You know we belong together. You won’t be happy with anyone else, you’re just deluding yourself.”

  Maggie stopped half way to the door. “No, Leonard. I was…I was too busy mourning a relationship that didn’t even deserve a thought, only to realize that true love was staring me in the face. I just hope I haven’t hurt him so much that he can’t forgive me.”

  “You won’t be happy with normality, Maggie,” Leonard carried on. “You need excitement. Excitement like we had. Not knowing what will happen one day to the next.”

  “No, Leonard that was your excitement. All I had was the brunt of it, when it didn’t go your way. I need a man to share my life with, to share the good and the bad not just take the blame for the bad and be left out of any good. I really don’t know why I didn’t leave you years ago.”

  Maggie turned and marched purposefully out of the door. She could hear Leonard shouting after her and Sally trying to reason with him. All Sally got in return were some very unkind words. Not that she would mind, she worshipped Leonard, always had.

  Maggie settled herself in her car and set off on the journey home. She wondered if she should ring Geoffrey but then thought against it. That was the coward’s way out. She needed to face him and talk this through with him. She would be honest with him. Tell him she almost broke his heart. She would tell him she loved him.

  She only hoped it wasn’t too late, that she hadn’t already broken his heart and that he could forgive her. She realized how much she loved him and how much she needed to rely on the strength of his love for her to ask his forgiveness. He did say he loved her, right? In the year they’d been together, he’d proven his commitment to her; they’d become comfortable with each other and she felt safe with him. Didn’t some wise person say that true love is patient and it endures all things? Maggie would soon find out…

  The End.

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  About the Author

  Morris Fenris was born into a poor family in the Fiji Islands. Thanks to his own grit, determination and the support of his loving parents, he was able to embark on a journey that has seen him attain a good education and work in many parts of the world.

  Morris has been writing since childhood, drawing on his experiences in life and emulating the styles of his favorite authors.

  Morris enjoys reading and writing in a wide range of genres and has plans for many more books. If you’d like to get in touch with this author, please message him on Twitter at #MorrisFenris or find him on Facebook.

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