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Return of Her Italian Duke

Page 12

by Rebecca Winters

  He’s back now, Gemma.

  He’s back now, so what are you going to do about it?

  * * *

  Ten days playing on the beach beneath the Grecian sun had turned both of them into bronzed facsimiles of themselves. The shiny hair on Vincenzo’s wood nymph reflected golden highlights that hadn’t been visible before their trip. He never tired of watching Gemma or the voluptuous mold of her body.

  She lay in the late-afternoon light on a lounger by the pool wearing a new turquoise-and-blue bikini.

  “We’ve invented a new phrase, Gemma. Beach potatoes.”

  She lowered the thriller she was reading and broke into serious laughter, the kind he remembered from long ago. The nervous, worried woman he’d started out with on their flight to Bari was no longer visible. He loved this new Gemma, who seemed carefree and relaxed.

  But she hadn’t broken down, letting him know she wanted him to make love to her. The signs that she was ready to give him the answer he was waiting for hadn’t come.

  The zebra doesn’t lose its stripes. Dimi’s warning had haunted him throughout the night.

  He’d decided to speak his mind now. There was no sense in putting it off, especially since the phone call he’d just received from Dimi.

  Their loungers were placed side by side. She turned her head toward him. “I can see that look on your face.”

  “What look is that?”

  “The one that says you’ve got something important to say.”

  “I can’t hide much from you, can I?”

  “Do you want to?” Her anxious question startled him. Well, well...beneath her calm facade she wasn’t calm at all.

  “No, Gemma. I was teasing. What I wanted to tell you was that while you were out in the sea a few minutes ago, Dimi phoned me.”

  “I didn’t realize.” She looked alarmed. “Is your aunt worse?”

  “No. He called me because he just got word that my uncle died of liver failure in prison last night. They rushed him to the hospital, but it was too late.”

  Gemma sat up and slid her feet to the patio. “I hardly know what to say.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  “I’m sure he needs you right now.”

  Vincenzo nodded. “I’ve already made the flight arrangements for morning. When we reach Milan, we’ll drive to his villa.”

  “In that case I’d better start getting packed.”

  “Wait—before you go in the room, there’s something else I must tell you. I’ve been hoping you’d break down and talk to me about the thing I want most to hear. Since you haven’t, I’ve decided you need another nudge.”

  “I don’t understand,” she cried softly.

  “I’m renouncing the title right away. My uncle’s death convinces me even more it’s the right thing to do. Now Dimi and I can wipe the slate clean and be done with it. Even your mother would approve and give you her blessing. I’m looking forward to talking to her.”

  A gasp escaped her lips.

  “Why the consternation? It’s what you’ve always wanted so we could be together. Deep down it’s what I’ve wanted, too. These days with you have been the happiest of my life. I’m not going to let anything change that now.”

  He got up from the lounger to pick up the towels and carry them into the room. She followed with the sunscreen and her book, but when he looked at her, she reminded him of a person suffering from shellshock. Good! The situation couldn’t go on this way any longer.

  “While I’m at the front desk making arrangements for an early-morning drive to the airport, why don’t you decide where you want to go for dinner? I’ll be back in a little while.”

  “To be honest, I’m not hungry. We had a late lunch.”

  “Then I’ll stop at the deli for some snacks in case you change your mind later.” He put on a sport shirt and left the room.

  * * *

  Gemma put her book down and sat on the bed, alarmed.

  Vincenzo was going to renounce his title! He honestly believed that by getting rid of it, he’d be freed of the curse and Gemma would be happy. Her poor darling Vincenzo believed it would open up the way for her mother’s blessing on their marriage.

  But Gemma wasn’t happy. Not at all.

  She didn’t want him to give up something that was part of him. He was already proving to be a wonderful duca through his vision of the castello and by all the great things he’d done to this point to restore the family’s good name.

  Unfortunately, until he could accept the whole of himself—until he could trust himself the way she trusted him—how could they be married? How could she live with herself knowing he was tearing himself and the fabric of his life apart just to be with her?

  Gemma couldn’t let him renounce the title, she just couldn’t. She wouldn’t let him. Somehow she had to find a way to stop him.

  Oh, help! Her mother wasn’t even home from her trip yet. She didn’t know Vincenzo was back in Gemma’s life! Gemma hadn’t told Mirella about the job at the castello yet, either. She thought Gemma and Filippa were out together looking for jobs.

  Propelled by anxiety, she headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. Then she started packing, trying to sort out her thoughts. She wouldn’t be able to work on Vincenzo tonight, not when he had Dimi’s family on his mind. In a few days she would find the right time to beg him to listen to her, but it couldn’t be right now.

  As for her mother, Gemma would wait until she returned from England before she told her the news that would shake her mamma’s world once more.

  * * *

  An hour later Vincenzo returned and could see Gemma had showered. Her bags were basically packed and now she was in bed looking a beautiful golden honey blond. Though she’d opened the same book she’d been reading earlier, the page never turned.

  Before they’d come on this trip, she’d claimed to be all mixed up. But these days in Greece had proved to him they were divinely happy doing the kinds of things other couples did on vacation. So why had the announcement she’d wanted to hear caused her to lose her concentration? Whatever was going on, he intended to get to the bottom of it.

  She looked up at him with those dazzling green eyes. “Hi.”

  “Buonasera. I bought a few spinach rolls in case you want them.”

  “Thank you. Maybe I’ll try one in a little while. Vincenzo? When you talk of marriage, do you even know where you’d want to live? You have a huge business empire in New York and are building one here. Once the resort is running smoothly, do you intend to go back and forth to the States? Are you and your friends going to put other people in charge at the castello? Don’t they have to get back to New York, too?”

  He unbuttoned his shirt before getting ready to shower and flashed her a piercing glance. “Don’t you think I need an answer to my question first? The most important one I’ll ever ask?”

  Without waiting for a response, he went into the bathroom. When he came out later wearing his bathrobe, he discovered her, white-faced, sitting on the side of the bed in her nightgown, waiting for him.

  “Vincenzo—I can’t answer your question.”

  They’d been through this before. He shuddered. “Why not?”

  “Because I’ve thought long and hard about it, and I don’t want you to renounce your title. Not for me. I couldn’t live with it.”

  “I’m not doing it for you. I thought you understood me. Isn’t that what our whole trip has been about? Enjoying life like normal people?”

  She got to her feet. “But you’re not an ordinary man.”

  He shook his head. “Thank you for your nonanswer. I finally understand the meaning of déjà vu.” After shutting off the lights, he climbed in his side of the bed. “I’m tired, Gemma. We have an early-morning call.”

  So saying
, he turned away from her, unable to deal with this right now. Dimi’s words were screaming in his head.

  Just be warned. You’ve been in hell for years. Two weeks with her might still not be enough to make her see the light.


  GEMMA HADN’T SLEPT at all and was numb with pain. Vincenzo’s rare show of sarcasm last night, followed by his silence, was worse than any visible anger.

  On Friday morning he rented a car at the airport in Milan and drove them to an area off the Duomo with a few secluded properties of the wealthy. She wasn’t surprised when he pulled into the courtyard of a small, exquisite nineteenth-century palazzo. This represented the world he intended to give up.

  After what he’d told her last night, she believed him. Her opinion didn’t enter into his decision to give up the title. He’d hated it all his life and didn’t want anything to do with it, period!

  But in her heart she felt it was wrong, because he was the best thing that had happened to the Gagliardi family in two hundred years. Though she couldn’t convince him of this, maybe Dimi would listen before it was too late.

  Vincenzo helped her out of the car and walked her to the front entrance. To her surprise the double doors opened and his black-haired cousin stood there, almost as tall as Vincenzo. In trousers and an open-necked white shirt, he’d turned into one of the most attractive Italian men she’d ever seen. He too had the Gagliardi build and silver eyes, though his features were his mother’s.

  “Dimi!” she cried. The world stopped for a moment as a myriad of memories from their youth passed through her mind. He held out his arms and she ran into them. After he’d swung her around at least three times, she cried for him to put her down. “You look so wonderful!”

  He wiped his eyes. “I swear I never thought to see you again in this life. Come with me.” She felt his arm go around her shoulders. “We’ll go out to the garden to talk.”

  “I’ll look in on Zia Consolata while you two get reacquainted.”

  “Perfetto, Vincenzo.”

  Together they walked through a palazzo filled with treasures, leaving Vincenzo behind.

  “How beautiful!” she exclaimed when they reached the sunroom that led to the outside patio. The rose beds were in full bloom. Dimi sat down beside her next to the wrought-iron table with an umbrella to shield them from the hot sun.

  “Mamma loves it out here.”

  “Of course she does.”

  He hadn’t lost that sweet smile. “Let me take a good look at you.” His eyes played over her. “Short or long hair, you’re a vision, Gemma. That’s an extraordinary tan you and Vincenzo acquired in Greece. Your body was so white that day at the lake when—”

  “Don’t you dare say another word!”

  Dimi burst into laughter. The sound took her back years. “I see my cousin told you about that.”

  “I’d rather not think about it.” She reached over and grasped his hand. “He’s told me all about your mother...and now your father.”

  His features sobered. “To be honest, I’m surprised his diseased liver held out as long as it did.”

  She squeezed his fingers before letting him go. “I understand your mother isn’t aware of what has happened.”

  “No. Besides Alzheimer’s, she has developed bradycardia, a slow heartbeat. The doctor inserted a pacemaker, but her body has rejected it. She’s close to death now and never leaves her room.”

  “Would it be possible for me to talk to her?”

  “That wouldn’t be a good idea. She gets agitated by anyone who comes. But you’re welcome to look in on her before you leave.”

  “Thank you.” A lump had lodged in her throat. “Dimi, how can we help you with your father’s funeral? Vincenzo couldn’t get here soon enough.”

  “That’s the way it has always been between us. If you want to know the truth, there’s little to be done. My cousin and I are planning on the priest giving a blessing at the grave site tomorrow morning behind the castello. That’s where all the Gagliardis are buried. No one will be invited.”

  “Not even me?” she asked in a small voice.

  Gemma knew the location well. It was located in a special section deep in the forest. Vincenzo had met her there several times and had given her a history of the Gagliardi line. There was one spectacular monument among the headstones where the first Duca di Lombardi was buried. But she hadn’t visited the family cemetery since coming to the castello. Duca Emanuele would be buried there now.

  A strange sound came out of Dimi. “He doesn’t deserve anyone as kind and loving as you being with us to say goodbye.”

  “Your father gave you life.” Tears filled her eyes. “I can’t imagine my youth without you. For that, I’m grateful to him. Something in his brain had been wired wrong, but look how you’ve turned out. You’ve been the greatest blessing to your mother, who has always adored you.”

  Dimi got out of the chair and paced for a few minutes, reminding her so much of Vincenzo when he had something painful on his mind. She stood up and walked over to him, putting her hands on his arms.

  “You and Vincenzo are the greatest of all the Gagliardi men. I know, because I grew up with you for seventeen years and never saw anything but goodness in either of you.”

  He shook his head.

  “I beg you to listen to me, Dimi. Don’t let the actions of your fathers stain your lives and prevent you from doing the extraordinary things you were meant to do. You’ve both risen above the evil and corruption that entrapped them. Can’t you see it’s within your power to restore the good name you inherited?”

  His features hardened, just like Vincenzo’s did. It was uncanny. “That’s a tall order, Gemma.”

  “Of course it isn’t! Look at me.” He lifted his eyes to her. “Vincenzo doesn’t believe in destiny. He says your titles came as an accident of birth. Does that matter? You could raise the bar above everyone else. In fact, you’ve already started.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve heard Vincenzo’s partners talking. The two of you have hired dozens and dozens of local workers who’ve been unemployed to help restore the castello and grounds. Vincenzo started Nistri Technologies in southern Italy, putting over five hundred people to work. And Cosimo told me in private that you’ve started a huge new charity for Alzheimer’s victims in honor of your mamma.

  “You’ve done amazing things and opened doors only you could with your money and your positions as leaders. Please promise me you’ll think about it and talk to him before he makes a mistake I can’t bear for either of you to make.”

  He stared at her through narrowed eyes. “What happened to the girl who couldn’t see past the title that divided you?”

  She drew in a deep breath. “She grew up and is standing in front of you with no more blinders on. On this trip Vincenzo has shown me he can be a duca and the most wonderful man who ever lived, all at the same time. I’m so proud of both of you and all you’ve accomplished. It’s made me see clearly at last. But he needs to believe it, too. You both do.”

  Gemma couldn’t tell if she was getting through to Dimi or not. “Will you let me do something for you?”

  “What would that be?”

  “Stay with your mamma while you bury your father? It will be my way of showing my respect. She was a lovely woman and so kind to me. I realize she won’t know me, but I can be in the room while you and Vincenzo do your part in the morning. In a small way it will make me feel connected again. If my mother weren’t away on her trip, she’d want to be with the principessa at a time like this, too. Everyone loved her.”

  A mournful sigh escaped before Dimi drew her into his arms. He rocked her for a long time without saying anything. Suddenly Vincenzo’s shadow fell over them.

  “Zia Consolata is asleep. I’m going to run Gemma to her p
ensione right now, but I’ll be back.”

  Dimi let her go. “I haven’t even offered you something to eat or drink.”

  “We ate on the plane. See you soon.”

  Gemma waited for Dimi’s answer, but he didn’t say anything as he escorted her and Vincenzo through the palazzo to the front entrance. Dimi’s eyes locked with Gemma’s. “You have no idea what it meant to see you today.”

  “I feel the same way. Piu tardi, Dimi.” She kissed his cheek and hurried out to the car. Vincenzo joined her for the twenty-minute drive to Sopri.

  “Is Consolata as bad as Dimi said?”

  “Worse. I can’t see her lasting long now. We may have another funeral before long.”

  “Thank you for taking me with you to see him. I love him.”

  “That was quite a hug he gave you.”

  Within a few minutes Vincenzo pulled up to the pensione and helped her take in her bags. She stood at the door. “I told him I’d like to stay with Consolata in the morning. Will you let me know if he’d like that?”

  His lips had formed a thin line. “I’ll call you later after I’ve talked to him.”

  Gemma bit her lip as he walked back to the car and drove away. No sooner had she shut the door than her phone rang. Hoping he had regretted his hasty departure, she clicked on without checking the caller ID. Her heart was thudding. “Vincenzo?”

  “No. It’s Filippa.”

  The world spun for a moment and then settled back just as quickly. “It’s great to hear your voice. Did you get the job?”

  “No, I’m no longer in Canada. Instead of returning to Florence, I flew straight to Milan to see you. Do you mind if I come by the castello to talk? I’ve rented a car.”

  “I just got home from a trip with Vincenzo and am at the pensione alone. By all means, come!” Gemma knew in her heart Vincenzo wouldn’t be by again today, and she needed her friend. “We’ll eat lunch here and catch up.”


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