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Cross My Heart

Page 11

by A. M. Hartnett

  Reaching between them, Evie wrapped her hand around Ryan’s growing cock and with the other hand she tugged at Seth’s drawstring. One swift movement on his part and he’d set his dick free and wrapped her hand around it. As she jerked them both, she closed her eyes and wondered if she had it in her to take them both at once.

  ‘Have her suck you hard again,’ Seth murmured, then rose from the bed.

  He kicked his bottoms away and knelt between Evie’s legs, then, noticing both their gazes upon him, he grinned and smeared his dick with Evie’s juices.

  ‘Unless you want her to suck me.’ He looked at Evie as he said this, then at Ryan. ‘Or you want to do it, or both of you at once. Otherwise, someone get me a condom.’

  Evie felt the same shudder go through Ryan. As Seth stroked himself, the wild look in his eyes told them that playtime was almost over. Evie or Ryan, it didn’t matter. He was hard and he was ready, and he wanted what he had come for: the delicious fuck that had been promised to him.

  Ryan looked down and stilled the hand moving over his slippery shaft. ‘She’ll suck you. I haven’t had nearly enough fun with her yet – have I, baby?’

  He covered her smile with his mouth. His kiss was devastating but quick before he drew back and Seth came forward.

  ‘Look at you, bad girl,’ he said admiringly as she pushed up on to her elbows. He cupped the back of her head, and she followed his gaze to where Ryan had taken his former post. Familiar hands pushed her knees apart, and unfamiliar fingers fanned out around her clit.

  Still sensitive, Evie shuddered as he touched her and looked from one man to another. They paid no attention to one another as once more their fingers joined in a wicked dance over her sex. She moved with them, lifting her ass off the mattress to meet the spirals of pleasure they invoked, and turned her head towards the thick cock in front of her. She reached for him, but lost the motivation as a sudden throb rocked her and moaned.

  Seth said something she couldn’t hear through the roaring in her ears, nor did she catch Ryan’s response, but it must have been some collusion against her. Ryan pushed her legs close to her chest and drove deep inside. His thrusts were shallow, a maddening contrast to Seth’s manic fingers. She didn’t know which thrill to chase – Seth’s determined strokes or Ryan’s slow motion against her inner wall – so she clamped down on both of them, on Seth’s wrist at the back of her head and Ryan’s hand squeezing her thigh, and endured both the slow and fast torture until they culminated in another feverish swell that stole her breath.

  Going limp, with only Seth’s hand to keep her from collapsing on to the bed, Evie wasn’t sure she could withstand another go. The circuitry in her mind and body was fried and she raised a hand in front of her to beg for a reprieve, but she should have known better.

  When had Ryan ever given her a chance to catch her breath? Never, and Seth was no more charitable. He pushed forward, sliding over her lips in the wake of the deep breath she took.

  Ryan hooked her knees in the crook of his elbows and held her open as his thrusts became fiercer. She could feel his stare upon her face, upon her lips puckered around Seth’s cock, and felt what it did to him. He was as hard and eager as he had been in the living room, working his hips without his usual temperance. Instead he was wild and grunting each time he went balls deep – every time Seth did the same.

  ‘He’d better slow down,’ Seth murmured, looking mountainous as he gazed down upon her. ‘I’m going to need him lively, aren’t I? He might find himself in the same position you’re in.’

  The picture he put in her head was so powerful she felt faint. As his laughter smothered her, Evie closed her eyes and surrendered to sensation.

  It was as though Seth had changed everything she thought she knew in this room. It became his domain, conquered with just a few words. While Ryan shoved hard and fast, Seth merely tilted his hips and she took what was given.

  One hand still clasping his wrist, she wrapped the other around him, determined to inflict the same chaos upon him. As she jerked him, he indulged her with a low moan that rumbled through the room, but only for a moment before drawing her hand away and pulling away from her eager mouth.

  He leaned down and whispered close to her ear, ‘Ready for something that’ll blow your mind?’

  The mischief shining in his dark eyes infected her, and she followed his gaze to Ryan.

  Seth beckoned with a crook of his fingers. ‘Come here and give your woman a kiss now that her mouth isn’t full.’

  ‘She wear you out or something?’ Ryan joked as he covered Evie’s body.

  Grateful to have him close again, Evie slung her arms over his shoulders and kissed him hard. He sank down upon her and for a moment there were just the two of them, until the bed bounced and Ryan lifted his head.

  Over his shoulder, Seth bowed and Evie heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper.

  This was it. Ryan’s expression mirrored all the panic and exhilaration she felt, and to calm him as much as herself she brought him close again.

  ‘You don’t have to do this,’ she whispered against his mouth. ‘You can change your mind.’

  ‘I don’t want to,’ he said quickly, then shuddered as she wriggled her hand between their bodies. He buried his face against her neck and breathed hard as, behind him, Seth uncapped a bottle of lube.

  Evie caught his gaze and mouthed, ‘Be gentle.’ He returned a smile that was more sweet than wicked, and Ryan sucked in a sharp breath as Seth’s hand disappeared from her view.

  ‘Keep doing that,’ he murmured, muffled against her shoulder. She didn’t know who he was talking to and it didn’t matter. She jerked him with the firm strokes she knew he liked and he began to squirm.

  Seth delivered a crack to Ryan’s ass hard enough that Evie felt the resonance.

  ‘Stay just like that,’ Seth said and scuttled closer. He clamped a hand on Ryan’s shoulder and gave Evie a wink. ‘You keep doing what you’re doing, sweetheart.’

  At once the bed became tense. Ryan slipped his fingers into Evie’s hair and clamped down as every muscle in his body seemed to go taut. Before her eyes, Seth’s fingers pressed white into Ryan’s flesh.

  ‘There we go,’ Seth hissed, then chuckled. ‘Haven’t busted anyone’s cherry in a while. Let’s hope I live up to expectation.’

  Beneath Evie’s slick palm, Ryan’s cock throbbed as he gurgled into her shoulder. Seth loomed like an eclipse as he reached for the headboard. The whole room quaked as Evie took the weight of both men as Seth pushed forward.

  ‘Oh, fuck.’ Ryan lifted his head and looked down at Evie. His face red and his teeth bared, he looked like a feral animal on a leash, and thrilled to be there.

  She anchored him as the impact of Seth’s thrusts jolted both of them. She didn’t mind the sting where he twisted her hair against her scalp or the crush of two bodies. He’d left her sated not once but twice, and now it was his turn to go ecstatic with being made someone else’s plaything.

  Seth pressed his mouth against Ryan’s ear. ‘Think you can take it a little harder?’

  Ryan’s only sound was an incoherent garble, but he arched his back in invitation.

  Evie wished she could say something, to inflict sinful words upon him the way he had done to her so many times when she was at his mercy, but even if she’d had an iota of his talent she would still have held her tongue. As Seth rose up behind Ryan and grasped his hips, Ryan pushed back and she saw that he was already too far gone. She didn’t even know if he saw her as he stared down at her, until a delirious smile curled his lips and he went down fast, bruising her mouth with his kiss.

  His moan vibrated against her mouth, escalating with every jolt of Seth’s big body against his. His mounting pleasure made her breathless. She’d never felt him so weakened by it before.

  ‘I’m coming,’ he said, words barely formed as they spilled over her lips. He hid his face against her once more, wet mouth against her shoulder and fingers clenching once more in her h
air. ‘Baby, I’m coming.’

  The demon behind him showed no mercy. Sweat beading on his shoulders, Seth wrested control of Ryan’s bucking hips and held him in place as he conquered. Enveloped by the magnificent frenzy all around her, Evie slung her legs up and rested her feet against the small of Ryan’s back and just moved with him, with both of them, tugging Ryan’s slick cock in hard and fast strokes until he went taut. His manic spluttering against her ceased, as did the hot gush of his breath as he jetted along her belly.

  Evie squeezed her thighs against Ryan’s and wrapped her arms around his shoulders to hold on through the upheaval of Seth’s final thrusts. Watching her friend’s expression become so feral struck her with disbelief that took her breath away. He shoved hard and went deep, and as the wildness on his features was washed away by euphoria she gasped to hold back her manic laughter.

  Tomorrow this will seem like a dream, she thought, as Seth fell forward with Ryan’s trembling body as his support. Tomorrow, when I wake up, we’ll all have to convince each other that this really happened.

  For now, though, she gave Seth her hand when he sought it and held Ryan closer.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dread had roused him. He’d opened his eyes and was lying flat on his back, the bedding twisted around his ankles. For a few moments he just sprawled and worried about what would be the aftermath of last night’s glorious fuck. He began to get out of bed and she flipped on to her stomach to snuggle into the crook of his arm, and he felt OK.

  Ryan had never seen Evie sleep so soundly before. She actually snored, and he had to stifle his laughter at the little puffs that fluttered her hair away from her mouth.

  I should get up, he thought. They both had work later, and he wanted to have coffee ready for her when she woke up, but getting out of bed was an abysmal option when the alternative was watching her sleep.

  It was just the two of them. He didn’t know when Seth had left, but he was grateful for the time alone with Evie. They were going to need it.

  His thigh started to cramp. He shifted just a little but she was such a light sleeper that that was all it took to wake her. Her snoring stopped and she swelled in his arms, and then she sighed.

  ‘I’m not going to work today,’ she said without opening her eyes.

  Ryan chuckled. ‘Excellent idea.’

  ‘I mean, I could, but I’d have to drag myself along the floor during the tours.’ She lifted her head and shot him a goofy grin. ‘How are you doing?’

  ‘Good. I’m good. Great. I’m…awesome,’ he replied quickly, then winced. ‘Wow. That sounded a little mental.’

  Her giggle sent tingles through him, and he closed his arms around her as she cuddled closer.

  ‘No, really, are you OK? Last night was kind of a big deal for you.’ She lowered her voice. ‘I mean, you kind of lost your virginity last night.’

  ‘So did you. First threesome,’ he reminded her.

  He could tell she didn’t agree that last night had been as monumental for her sexual history, but she didn’t argue. She rested her chin upon his chest and after a moment her mouth curved up to match the mischief in her eyes.

  ‘Was it what you thought it would be like?’

  ‘Not a bit.’ He laughed along with her and wriggled up on to his elbows. ‘If you’re looking for me to explain what it was like, I can’t, any more than you can explain to me what it’s like to be fucked. It was just…’ His grin widened until his cheeks hurt. ‘Fucking awesome, especially with you doing your part.’

  Evie giggled and flopped on to her back. ‘That was wild. I’ve got to be honest, I didn’t think Seth really had it in him. I mean, yeah, I was right and all about him wanting to play with us but deep down I didn’t actually think he’d be up for it.’

  He raised a brow. ‘So you weren’t a hundred per cent sure.’

  ‘Don’t even try,’ she hissed, but couldn’t commit to it. Her attempt to narrow her eyes and then frown was hilarious to watch, and when the smiles took over he laughed harder and pinned her down.

  Throwing her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, she made him her prisoner. Wet kisses trailed over her shoulder and into the crook of his neck, and he shuddered as he rolled her on top of him.

  She rose up and made a seat on his thighs. Fingers laced with his and held tight, and Ryan sighed as he took her in, flush with leftover sleep and her hair a little crazy around her face.

  ‘Did you hear him leave?’ she asked. He shook his head into the pillows, and she nibbled her bottom lip. ‘How weird is it going to be?’

  ‘Pretty weird,’ he conceded, and pulled her hands against his chest as the worry appeared in her eyes. ‘You can’t expect everyone to carry on like normal.’

  ‘I know, but I don’t want things to be different.’

  He chuckled. ‘Evie, honey, you had my cock in your mouth while he ate you out. That’s going to make teatime conversation a little awkward.’

  ‘Maybe,’ she said, and her smile peeked back out, ‘or it would make teatime more interesting.’

  The suggestion gave him an unpleasant kick in the gut. Her grin didn’t waver and he was sure nothing showed on his face, but as the sour feeling crawled up his throat he decided to just come right out and say what he was thinking.

  ‘Look, Evie, I think we should talk about this. We didn’t do it last night.’

  Her expression turned frustrated in an instant. ‘Oh, do we have to do it right now? Can’t we just have the morning after to enjoy how badass we’ve been?’

  ‘No, we can’t. We can’t even leave the apartment until we have this conversation.’

  She bared her teeth with her growl and clambered off him. ‘Can I at least get some coffee in me first?’

  ‘I’ll make it and bring it back to bed.’

  The playful tug he gave one of her curls didn’t get him a smile. The line between her brows remained after he got out of bed and pulled on a pair of pyjama pants, but by the time he returned with two cups of coffee she looked far less combative. She’d put on one of his T-shirts and, when he passed over the big cup that was her favourite, she sat cross-legged in front of him and sighed as she held the coffee under her nose.

  ‘Should Seth be here for this?’ she asked after a moment of silent sipping.

  Ryan shook his head as he rested against the headboard. ‘No, this is between you and me.’

  She waited as Ryan thought about how he should say what was on his mind. If it came out wrong, there’d be a fight. If he danced around the subject, there would be a misunderstanding.

  ‘The gist of it is that I don’t think it’s a good idea if either one of us fools around with Seth when the other isn’t around.’

  ‘Meaning me,’ she deduced with a bit of bite.

  ‘Both of us,’ he lied, because it was true that he really didn’t want Evie screwing around with Seth or any other man when he wasn’t there. He didn’t think there would be much chance of him having some one-on-one time with Seth even after last night.

  Evie wasn’t buying it, either. She arched a brow and her lip curled slightly, and he couldn’t help laughing into his coffee.

  ‘I just want us to be on the same page, baby.’

  ‘Which is?’

  ‘You’re my girl, not his.’

  Her mouth opened and he watched the fight swell at the tip of her tongue and then pop as her elation took over. She wanted to smile. There was war being waged at the corner of her lips.

  ‘I’m not being misogynistic or trying to tell you what to do, but we’re a couple and I like it that way. This is just sex.’

  ‘Then you definitely need to talk to Seth,’ she said, and left her coffee in the nook between her legs to cup his face. ‘You and I are on the same page. I’m as crazy about you today as I was yesterday –’

  Ryan placed his hand over hers. ‘Me, too.’

  She pressed a finger to his lips. ‘– and I don’t want another person in this relationship, either, bu
t Seth needs to be on the same page, too.’

  Ryan brushed her finger away. ‘This is what I was trying to tell you last night.’

  ‘You were not. You were flat-out denying it was even a possibility.’

  She had him there. He hadn’t thought that far ahead. He’d thought she was completely off her rocker, and then once things got going his dick did all the decision-making for him.

  He held up his free hand. ‘We’ll deal with that next. First, are we OK with neither of us having alone time with Seth?’

  ‘Do you trust me?’

  Ryan had been hoping she wouldn’t ask that question. He was no longer sure what the answer was. He wasn’t even sure that was the right question. He trusted her not to screw around on him, but did he trust her not to get carried away if they spent too much time with Seth? If she did find herself alone with him? She had a connection with Seth.

  Now he could practically taste the panic that would come if she screwed around with Seth when he wasn’t there.

  She drew back. ‘Wow. It’s taking you a long time to answer that, isn’t it?’

  ‘Evie –’

  ‘It’s a yes-or-no-answer. Do you or do you not trust me?’

  God, say something instead of just opening and closing your mouth like that.

  Finally, he gave up and flopped back.

  ‘I trust you. I really do. It’s just that things can get murky. You know what it’s like. I mean, look at us.’

  Her eyes rolled up so much he was sure it must have given her a headache. ‘How can you possibly compare us to what’s going on with Seth?’

  He held up a fist and stuck his thumb out.

  ‘One, we started off as just friends. Two, when we stopped being just friends we had that no-big-deal conversation about how we were just going to keep things casual. Three, we are now practically living together.’ He really wanted to get to five, but he had nothing else, and so he folded his thumb across his palm and stuck out all four fingers. ‘Four, I don’t want us having sex with other people unless there’s both of us there.’


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