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You and I Together

Page 3

by Melissa Toppen

  “The main bar will go there.” He says, gesturing to our right where the installation has already begun. “And the stage will go right here.” He says, indicating to where we are currently standing. Stopping for a moment, I look around the room and try to picture what it will look like once it's finished. I can imagine the shiny polished floors and plush seating that will soon inhabit this very spot. I try to picture the stage, the lights, the feeling the girls who dance here will get when they come out onto it each night.

  “It's incredible.” I say aloud, more to myself than to him. Before he has a chance to respond, Shira comes gliding towards us, her perfect body now covered in a knee length black skirt and pale blue silk blouse. If anything, she looks even more beautiful today then yesterday. I suddenly wish Bentley had gotten me something a little fancier than my fitted black top and dark jeans. Between him dressed in a business suit and her looking like a fashion mogul, I can't help but feel completely under dressed.

  “Bentley. Anna.” She stops directly in front of us and smiles widely. “It's not like you to hand over such important meetings. Did you over sleep?” She pins her eyes on Bentley with a smile that says she knows exactly what we were up to. For whatever reason, her reaction doesn't sit well with me.

  “Thanks for handling things this morning.” He skips right over her question like she didn't even speak it. “Were they able to meet our price?” He asks, going right into business mode.

  “Well it took some convincing but I got the job done.” She says. “Despite what you may believe, I am actually capable of handling things like this.”

  “I know you are.” He says, a slow smile turning up the corners of his mouth. “Why do you think I keep you around?” He jokes, draping his arm over my shoulder. “I'm going to finish showing Anna around. Is there anything else that you need?” He asks, his new found use of my real name somewhat refreshing to hear.

  “No, you are all set. But don't forget you have a meeting with Senator Reynolds tonight at eight.” She reminds him, turning and walking away the moment he nods his head in acknowledgment.

  “Meeting with the Senator?” I gape at him. “You really are a big deal.” I tease, laughing when he leans down and nuzzles his face into my neck.

  “Stick around and I will show you just how big of a deal I can be.” He promises, running his tongue lightly against the base of my throat.

  “Bentley.” I croak, pulling away. “Not the place.” I say, looking around at all the workers surrounding us, some of which are most definitely aware of our presence.

  “No?” He cocks his head to the side in a challenge. “Come on. I want to show you something.” He says, leading me towards the back of the room before heading down a long hallway still heavily under construction.

  I am about to ask where he is taking me but then refrain when he stops outside the last door on the right and pushes his way inside, me trailing behind him. The moment the light flips on, I take a shaky inhale, having not expected to see the beautiful room in front of me.

  “This was the test room. I wanted to make sure that it would work before we started construction on the other rooms. What do you think?” He asks, his eyes focused solely on me.

  “What do I think?” I ask, taking in the room that looks almost identical to the main room at Allure, only on a much smaller scale.

  The room is small, no larger than the size of an average bedroom but that didn't stop him from really outdoing himself with the space. The walls are black, painted with purple designs that stand out under the colored lighting. There is a small stage at the back of the room, equipped with everything the main stage has, from the glossy floors to the pole that extends from floor to ceiling. It's like he has found a way to condense the club into one small room. I've never seen anything like it.

  “Is this a private room?” I ask, still somewhat in shock.

  “It is.” He confirms, looking around the space.

  “Bentley, this is incredible.” I say, making my way further inside the space, running my fingers along the edge of the small stage.

  “So you like it?” He asks, for whatever reason, seeming to really want my approval.

  “Are you kidding me?” I turn to face him with a look of disbelief. “I love it.” I say, taking the small three step staircase up, kicking off my flip flops the moment my feet hit the stage floor.

  Making my way to the center of the stage, I run my hands along the cool metal of the pole before wrapping them around and leaning backwards, allowing my weight to spin me in a half circle before standing upright to face Bentley again.

  Smiling, he closes the door and makes his way to the u-shaped couch just in front of the stage, loosening his tie as he takes a seat, he hits me with heated eyes. “Perhaps we should do a test run.” He smiles wickedly at me and then picks up the remote next to him. “Chains” by Nick Jonas immediately floods through the small space.

  “Is this what I am being paid for?” I ask, seductively undoing the front of my jeans and slowly slipping them down my hips with the beat of the music, revealing my pale pink lace bikinis inch by inch.

  “No.” He says seriously, his eyes narrowing in on me as I slowly step out of my pants and kick them to the side, swooping down in a seductive dip giving him the perfect view between my thighs. “This is just the perks.....” He starts, but I playfully cut him off.

  “Of being the owner.” I say, slipping my shirt over my head and throwing it towards him, loving the way his eyes take in every inch of my bare flesh.

  “I was going to say; of being the man lucky enough to call you his.” He says, biting down on his bottom lip as he watches me grab the pole and spin.

  His words send my heart galloping inside of my chest at a rapid speed. My breathing falters and I can literally feel the heat start in my face and quickly spread throughout my entire body. Crossing to the edge of the stage, I peel my bra off next and let the material fall to the floor before hitching my fingers in the sides of my panties and shimmying them down teasingly. Kicking the thin scrap of material at Bentley, he reaches out and makes a one handed catch. Putting them to his face, he inhales deeply, causing my stomach to twist so tightly, it's a wonder that the sight of him alone doesn't send an orgasm crashing through me.

  “Do you have any idea the things I want to do to you right now?” He asks, his face dark and void of any playfulness.

  “Care to enlighten me?” I challenge, wanting nothing more than for him to show me.

  Meeting my eyes, he holds them without breaking contact as he slowly rises and stalks towards me, hitting me with a look that says I am most definitely about to find out.

  Chapter Four

  “What do you want to do?” Bentley asks, pulling me tightly against his chest as we lay together in bed, his bare body pressed firmly against my own.

  “This.” I answer, feeling like I could spend every waking moment just like I am right now. Wrapped in this man's arms, I feel like nothing and no one can reach me while I exist here in my perfect bubble with Bentley.

  He laughs lightly, his chest vibrating under my cheek. “No. I mean long term. When you graduate college. What do you want to do?” He asks, running his fingers lazily through my hair.

  “Oh.” I say, surprised by his question. “I don't know. Originally I thought that I wanted to work with children in foster homes, having experienced first hand the challenges that type of life can present. But now? Now, I don't know anymore. Yesterday I had it all figured out. Today, I can't help but feel like maybe I don't.” I shrug, turning my face inward to rest my chin on his chest so that I can look up at him.

  “What do you mean?” He asks, scooting up slightly to get a better look at me.

  “I thought after my injury that I had lost dance all together. If I couldn't be the one dancing then I couldn't have it in my life. But now I'm thinking maybe I can.” I admit, realizing this is the first time I have discussed this with anyone.

  “I love choreography and my knee is stro
ng enough right now that I can map out routines myself in order to teach them to others. Who knows. Maybe one day I could really effect the world of dance, just not in the way I had originally planned.” I say, meeting his gaze.

  “I think that sounds amazing.” He says, his mouth pulling up in a small smile. “You are the most incredible woman I have ever met Anna Blake. I can't imagine one thing that you wouldn't succeed at if you set your mind to it.” He says, brushing my hair away from my face.

  “Keep that sweet talk up and I will gladly show you just how incredible I can be.” I tease, climbing further up his body until our faces are just inches apart.

  “I love you.” He breathes, his confession catching me by surprise. It's the first time he's said it since that night at the dance studio and for whatever reason, I had convinced myself that it was just a last ditch effort to hold onto me, never allowing myself to accept the fact that he may have actually meant it.

  “Look at me.” He says, urging my eyes back to his. “I love you.” He says again, pulling my face down and taking my mouth on a deep kiss that has me wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of me again, despite that we have been at it for most of the day.

  Pushing myself up, I kiss him back just as deeply, pouring every ounce of emotion I feel into the kiss. Willing him to feel what he means to me without actually having to say the words. I am not ready to take that step. Admitting that I love him out loud means handing over that small shred of control I have left and I am simply not ready for that yet.

  Breaking away from my mouth, he trails kisses along the side of my face, across my jaw and then back up to my lips. “Stay in Seattle with me.” He whispers against my mouth, causing me to pull away and put a couple of inches between our faces.

  “What?” I question, completely thrown off by his request.

  “Stay here with me. You can help me with selecting dancers and the club's design. I will put you on salary and take care of all of your expenses.” He says, tucking my hair behind my ear.

  “You know I can't.” I almost whine, wishing that I was in a position to accept his proposal. Truth is, as much as I am fearful about how quickly our relationship seems to be moving, I also want nothing more than to be by his side everyday.

  “Why can't you?” He asks, pushing himself up into a sitting position, forcing me upright as well. Pulling the sheet up to cover my bare chest, I cross my legs in front of myself and keep my eyes directly on Bentley.

  “Because I have school and the studio. Patty and Andrea. Lo and the club. I can't just up and leave it all behind.” I say, frustration clear in my tone.

  “You can postpone classes for a while. You just said you don't even know if you want to pursue what you are going to school for.” He says, running his hand through his messy brown hair, momentarily distracting me with how insanely good looking he is.

  “No. I'm not a quitter. Even if my degree is useless, at the end of the day I could never live with myself if I didn't finish what I started.”

  “I didn't say quit. I said postpone.” He interjects, as if that makes it anymore feasible.

  “I have worked extremely hard to finish the program in under four years. I am not going to throw all that hard work away now. Besides, school is not the only issue. I also have a job and friends.” I say, my voice laced with apology.

  “Are you purposely being difficult or do you really see no way around any of this?” He asks, not giving me a chance to respond. “We could fly back to Chicago anytime you wanted, so seeing your friends or visiting Patty wouldn't be an issue. You don't have to go back to the club, you can work for me here. And I am sure that we could work out a way for you to take online classes or something until you return to campus. Don't you get it? I have the means to make anything you want happen.” He says, clearly not understanding my need for independence.

  “I don't have the money for all of that and my scholarship isn't going to cover online classes because my program doesn't offer them.” I object, just trying to reason with him.

  “Then I will pay for them. Problem solved.” He says, reaching out to trail the pad of his thumb across my knee.

  “I don't want you to pay for my classes or to fly me back and forth to Chicago. I don't want you to pay me a salary when we both know you would not actually make me work. I don't want your money Bentley. Any of it. I just want you.” I say, stopping his hand as he trails it lightly across my scar.

  “Then have me. Stay here with me.” He insists.

  “The answer is no.” I say, my tone absolute.

  “You won't even consider it?” He asks, his history with always being told yes showing through in his inability to accept my answer.

  “No.” I say, grabbing his hand when he makes a move to pull it away. “Don't.” I say, meeting his eyes. “I want to be here. I do.” I reassure him. “But I won't give up the life I have made for myself in Chicago to do it. I can't. I am not programmed that way. You can't bribe me or buy me. You either accept who I am and the value I put on my independence or you don't. But this is me Bentley. If you want a mindless bimbo that will bend at your every command, then you clearly have chosen the wrong girl.” I make a move to get out of bed but before I can even get an inch away, his hand snakes around my forearm and pulls me into his lap.

  “I'm sorry.” He says, trailing his thumb across my lower lip. “You're right. I'm pushing too hard. I get it.” He says, kissing me gently. “But if you change your mind, the offer stands.” He says, smiling when I break into one of my own.

  “We are going to have to work on your ability to accept no as an answer.” I tease, allowing him to pull me in for another kiss.

  “If I accepted no as an answer I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't be the owner of six, soon to be seven, successful clubs. I wouldn't have the money that I have or the connections. But most importantly, I wouldn't have you. So no, I think I'm good on that.” He smiles playfully against my lips.


  “You don't have to come back with me.” I insist, when Bentley slides into the seat across from me on the plane and hits me with a dazzling smile.

  “I have a few things to handle in New York so I was going to be flying to the East Coast regardless.” He shrugs like it's no big deal.

  “Uh huh.” I laugh, giving him a hard time. As much as I don't want him to feel like he has to come with me, I also can't deny how happy it makes me that he is. My time with him in Seattle has gone by way too quickly and I will take every minute I can get with him.

  “Can I ask you a question?” I finally speak after a few long moments of silence.

  “Anything.” He says, pinning those gorgeous eyes on me.

  “Have you ever slept with Shira?” I ask, not missing the way his eyes widen in surprise. I don't know why I chose this moment to ask. Maybe it's because being in this plane again reminded me of her or maybe it's because we are now thousands of feet in the air and I know that he can't get away without answering.

  “Well.” He starts, but I immediately cut him off.

  “If you have then just tell me the truth. I would rather know now than find out later down the road.” I ramble, not missing the smile that cracks across his face, quickly morphing into a full belly laugh.

  “Why is this funny?” I ask, my voice shooting up an octave.

  “Shira is my assistant.” He starts, but once again I cut him off.

  “And Cora is your Chicago club's manager. That didn't stop you from sleeping with her now did it?”

  “Would you let me finish?” He laughs again, shaking his head at me.

  “Sorry.” I say, gesturing for him to proceed.

  “I was going to say Shira is my assistant and my sister.” He says, rendering me speechless with his confession.

  I stare at him in disbelief for what feels like an eternity but is likely only a few short seconds before I finally find my words. “Your sister?” I question, still not able to grasp the statement.

  “Yes.” H
e answers simply.

  “And you didn't feel like that was something you should probably tell me?” I ask, not able to keep the hurt from my voice.

  “It never came up and honestly, it's not something we announce. Shira is privy to everything that happens inside the clubs. She is very close with a lot of my employees and is able to keep a close eye on the inner workings. If people knew she was my sister, they would see her as a threat, not a friend. She is my eyes and ears and I need it to stay that way.” He says, as if that makes up for him not telling me he even had a sister.

  “I thought you were an only child.” I immediately jump in.

  “So did I.” He says, laughing when my confused look only worsens. “We share the same biological father. She's four years younger than me. I didn't even know about her until his funeral. We stayed in touch and I brought her on board when she finished her masters at NYU. She's extremely smart and has a knack for running a business. And she's family. So I know I can trust her.”

  “Again. You didn't tell me this why?” I gape at him. “I spent the last three days hating her, convinced that you had or were sleeping together.” I say, my cheeks heating crimson from my confession.

  “One, do you really believe that I would sleep with anyone else when I have you?” He asks, waiting for my answer.

  “Honestly, I don't know.” I say, feeling bad for admitting the truth.

  Taking a deep breath, he steadies his voice before continuing. “Let me make one thing very clear. You are it for me. I don't want anyone else. And I never want you to worry that I am seeking pleasure anywhere other than with your body. Is that clear?” He asks, causing a shiver to run the length of my spine.

  “Yes.” I can barely force the answer out.

  “Second, I apologize for not telling you about her being my sister. No one else knows except for Ethan, and my mom of course. I am so used to treating her as my assistant, I really didn't think to introduce her as anything but just that.”


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