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Alicron_Aliens Of Xeion

Page 15

by Maia Starr

  “I look forward to not leaving my bed with you at my side for a week,” I whispered to her.

  “That sounds fun: exhausting but fun,” she said.

  “Come, it is this way to the military base. We must leave the palace,” I said as I led her down the hallway that led out to the grounds of the palace. The guards nodded to me. We walked along out of the palace and down the massive corridor. The royal family had a private hall from the palace to the military base. It was easier than having a guarded escort every time.

  “We are here,” I said as we approached the massive gates of the military compound. The entire compound was surrounded by a massive wall ten feet in the air. It was made of carved stone and provided cover from attack.

  “Impressive,” she said.

  We walked into the military base, and I led her out to a grand hall.

  "The army of one thousand is ready?” I asked a lieutenant waiting for me.

  “Yes, they are lined up in the courtyard, and the ships are ready. They wait for your directives,” he said giving me a salute.

  “Good. I am ready. They have been trained to kill a cyborg the way I showed you? A knife through the neck on the correct spot?” I asked.

  “Yes, Captain, they have been trained. Each carries a long metal knife as you requested,” the lieutenant said.

  “Good. Lead me to them,” I said. The lieutenant turned and Vicki and I followed him. A trumpet sounded alerting the army to my presence. I stepped out onto a terrace overlooking a vast courtyard. Vicki stood behind me.

  "Oh my God,” she whispered. Below us was an army of one thousand Kynon ready for battle. A fleet of ten large cargo ships waited, and were loaded with scout ships numbering one hundred.

  “Your Prince Alicron Qinov!” the lieutenant shouted. The army saluted me in unison.

  I held up my hand and began my speech.

  “Brave Kynon! We are on a mission. It is a very important mission. Each of you are vital to its success. I went on a stealth mission to Earth to get human females in order to save our race. Those human females are now on a cyborg planet called X003. The ship crash landed on to this planet, and now they are spread out along with the crew, your brothers Lieutenant Vnor Gin, Elonu Fiul, and Ambassador Jion Lek. They need us. We will find them. We will find our brothers, and we will find the ten human females and bring them home to Xeion! Let us go! We must rescue the humans because they are our future. You are the chosen to do this mission. Are you with me?” I shouted.

  The Kynon saluted me. The trumpets sounded again. They began to march in unison, boarding the ships. I turned back into the hallway. Vicki looked at me. Her blue eyes were wide with shock. Her mouth was open.

  “What? What is it?” I asked.

  “That was beautiful. That was so powerful. I have never seen anything like that,” she said.

  "I am glad that you liked it. We must go; we need to board the ship,” I said grabbing her hand.

  “Of course,” she said. But she was quiet the rest of the way walking through the courtyard as she looked at the massive army climbing into the ships. I could see that she was surprised by all of it and overwhelmed. I liked seeing my army through her eyes.

  “This is us,” I said leading her on to the main ship.

  “This? This is massive,” she said. “It is bigger than the last.”

  “Yes, this ship carries scouting ships. They all do. This is how we are going to find the crew and the humans,” I said.

  “I understand,” she said. I led her on to the flight deck and picked a seat in the corner.

  “Sit here, buckle in. I'm going to be just right over there. I need to command it is fleet,” I said.

  “Yes, Captain,” she smiled and saluted me the same way my army did. I laughed at her. She sat down and buckled in.

  I went to work commanding the fleet, taking on my captain responsibilities. It was a massive fleet to direct as we left the home planet and set course for the planet of X003. I wanted to enter X003 in the trading village area. It was far away from the cyborgs and a good meeting point for us when it was time to depart the planet. After I made commands and directions and the fleet was on its way, I was able to take some time to speak with Vicki again. There was something that I needed to tell her and I did not know how she was going to take it.

  "Vicki, come with me to the common room to get a drink,” I said to her.

  "Yes, Captain,” she said teasing me. She unbuckled her belt and walked with me down the long hallway of the ship to the common room.

  We entered the common room. There was a lieutenant and a soldier grabbing some food. I nodded to them to leave us alone.

  “Captain,” they both said to me leaving the room.

  I poured two cups of water and gave one to Vicki.

  “There is something that I need to speak to you about,” I said to her.

  “I don't like the sound of that,” she said looking at me with concern.

  “I don't know how to tell you because I don't know how you will take it. You have been so stubborn. You have told me how much you hate me. I must apologize for taking you from your planet; I never meant to cause you harm,” I said.

  “Where is this going? Just tell me what is going on; you're starting to worry me, Alicron,” she said putting her hands on her hips.

  “It is something that my father said,” I said.

  “Your father? The king?”

  “Yes. I told him that I have laid with you. I told him that I claimed you for myself,” I said.

  “Oh my god, that's embarrassing. I haven't even met your father,” she said blushing. I laughed.

  “It is not something to worry about.”

  “But I want him to like me,” she said.

  “I am sure that he will like you. There was something he said, and I don't know how you are going to take it,” I said.

  “What? What is it?” she said.

  “When I told him that I claimed you, he was satisfied with that information. He said that when I return from this mission, I am to make this official.”

  She was silent. She looked shocked.


  “Yes. The king wants us to marry. He wants you to give me offspring,” I said.

  “Do you want to marry me?” she asked.

  “Yes, of course, I do. I thought I made that clear,” I said confused.

  “No. Not really. You set a lot about claiming me and making me your property. I am sorry, things are just different on Earth. Typically humans tell each other that they love each other and then the man gets a ring and gets down on one knee and proposes marriage. Asks the woman to marry him,” she said.

  “Really? That is interesting. It is not like that on my planet, considering we are given our mate at birth. Therefore there is no ritual for asking the female for marriage. It is already decided when we are young,” I said.

  She looked at me. She was waiting. I didn't understand.

  “I love you, Vicki. I do. I don't want you to be with anyone else. I would die for you. I think I have proven that by putting myself in danger to rescue you more than once. I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me? Do you love me?” I said.

  She looked at me still. I did not know what was going through her head.

  “Oh, sorry,” I said as I got down on one knee. Even on one knee, I was still taller than the small yellow-haired human. She laughed.

  “I love you too, Alicron. I didn't want to say it. I don't know why. It is hard to admit. It is hard to admit that I have fallen in love with an alien. It is just absolutely crazy. But I do. I love you. Yes, I will be your wife. Yes, I will marry you,” she said.

  She came towards me and threw her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close.

  “I am so happy to hear that. I want you to want to be with me. No more forcing you,” I said.

  “Thank you. I appreciate it. But I do. I really do want to be with you. I am excited to be your wife,” she said.r />
  “You shall be my princess,” I said.

  “Yes. I suppose that is true. I will be a princess. A human princess of the Kynon,” she said.

  “Yes, my human,” I said. I pressed my mouth against hers kissing her greedily. She returned my kisses. It felt good. It felt good to have her know everything. She now knew that I was a prince. She knew that she was going to be required to marry me upon the return to my planet. She accepted me. I was now kissing my fiancée, the one that I would marry and make my wife. For all I knew she carried my child in her belly at that moment. It was possible. But one step at a time. There was plenty of time to try to make a baby when we returned.

  “Can I get up from my knees now?” I asked.

  She laughed and stepped away from me. “Yes, of course. I didn't mean that you had to do that. But it was funny,” she said.

  “It is a strange ritual that you humans have. It does not make sense to me. But I'm happy to do it if it makes you happy,” I said.

  “Shall we drink to our new union,” she said holding up her cup of water. I grabbed my cup and touched it against hers. We both laughed. It was ridiculous, but it was perfect.

  We stayed in the common room together for an hour eating and drinking before I had to head back to the flight deck to check on the mission.

  Chapter 26

  Vicki Varsa

  Watching Alicron give a scorching speech to a vast army of one thousand was the most attractive thing I had ever seen. He was full of passion when he gave his speech. The army listened and hung on his every word. Watching them salute their leader with loyalty made me look at him completely differently. This tall blue alien with long dark hair and light blue eyes wasn't just a stubborn captain; he was a ruler. He had a lot on his shoulders. He was given the responsibility of saving his race. I now understood all the pressure that he was under. It made me want to be at his side to share the burden. I wanted to take care of him. I wanted to be there to be the one he turned to when he was feeling overwhelmed if only just to have me soothe and console him. It was what I wanted. I now knew that for sure.

  So when he told me that the king expected me to marry him, it was a shock, but I did not disagree. I liked the idea of being his wife, not his property the way he had been referring to me. The wife was more of an equal partner to me and not just something that he owned.

  When he proposed, I said yes, because I wanted to, not because I was being forced to.

  So now sitting next to him in the common room eating a couple of snacks and drinking some water, I felt lighthearted even though we were heading for a dangerous mission. I felt a lot of pressure off of me. It felt good to have some identity again. I was no longer a human female that had been abducted by aliens. I was not a human female that was in love with an alien. I was going to be his wife. I was going to be his wife because I wanted to, not because I was a prisoner being forced to.

  “I want to show you to a private room. This will be our living quarters on the trip,” he said getting up.

  “All right. It is nice to have a place to go lay down for a minute, and use the washroom,” I said laughing. He held his large blue hand out to me. I put my small hand in his. We both looked at it. It was a strange sight to see my pale hand in his large blue hand. He squeezed it and then we walked down the hall. He opened the door to a small living quarters. It would do. It had a bed and a table and a private washroom.

  “This is it. This is for us. I will spend the majority of my time on the flight deck until we arrive. You are welcome you take your seat on the flight deck as well. Just stay buckled in,” he said.

  “Yes, Captain,” I said.

  He pulled me to him and kissed me again. “I don't know why I agreed to let you come on this. I can't keep my hands off of you. You are too much of a distraction I will never get anything done,” he said.

  “Well you are just going to have to, Captain, because we have a lot of work to do,” I said.

  He pulled me closer and kissed me. His warm lips were on mine, and I opened my mouth, letting his long tongue into my mouth. We kissed passionately. I rubbed my hands up and down his strong arms. I felt my body responding. I felt the wetness growing between my thighs. I would have to stop this or we would never leave this room.

  “Oh no, we need to stop. Can we have work to do? Let's go to the flight deck. Let's go rescue our friends from those piece of shit cyborgs,” I said grabbing his hand and leading him out of the room.

  “Spoken like a captain,” he said.

  “I prefer princess,” I teased.

  He laughed at me. “I prefer wife,” he said. We both laughed. We walked back onto the flight deck, and I sat down in my seat and buckled up. He went to the front and began to ask about our course. I watched him. I watched him with new eyes. This was the alien that was going to be my husband. He was tall, attractive, strong, stubborn, but kind. Most of all, he would do anything for me, even putting himself in danger. I knew that he loved me: real love.

  I could not believe that this was my life. I had been an agent in Hollywood only days ago. My biggest worry was closing a deal on a movie. Now my worry was finding my friend and rescuing her from a shipwreck on an alien planet with hostile cyborgs. It had changed fast. It was absolutely crazy. I went from being an agent very stressed out to being the fiancée of a tall blue alien known as a Kynon. I was going to be his wife. I was going to be an alien princess. I smiled. It was absolutely crazy.

  But even though I was extremely in love and happy, I was still very worried about Bridget. I did not know what she was going through. I did not know if she was alive. I was sure that every single human that crashed on the planet was trying to figure out a way to survive. I was sure that they would have their own adventures to tell. I hoped that Bridget was alive to tell me hers. I wanted to find her. Now, we were on our way with an entire army at our side. We would find them. We would rescue them and take them back to my new home: the Kynon planet known as Xeion. I couldn't wait.


  I watched the prince become the captain again. I liked watching him be in command. I realized this was why I liked him in command in the bedroom as well. Something that made me flush as I watched him give commands to the army.

  We had just landed on the planet of X003 just outside the trading village.

  “Each of you have a map. You know what grounds to cover. I want you to scout the area. Remember: you are looking for my crew and human females. If there are human females on this planet, they are mine,” he said as he gave orders. He was precise and detailed in his direction. I watched each lieutenant listen to him intently as they each got their assignments.

  One by one, scouting ships began to leave full of Kynon soldiers. It was an impressive sight.

  Watching him command such a force was making me feel such pride for him. I hoped that one day I could give him a child just as he wanted. Children that would help to save the Kynon race from extinction. I had fallen in love with this tall blue alien, and I wanted to please him.

  “What now?” I said as he came to my side.

  “We are going to go with our escort inside the trading village,” he said to me, pointing to five soldiers around him.

  “We are?”

  “Yes, I have questions for an old friend,” he said.

  “Then let's go,” I said grabbing his hand. I held onto it tightly. A part of me was scared to enter the village. The last time I was in it, I was taken by cyborgs and taken to the sadistic leader K8L. I was not letting go of Alicron's hand: not at all.

  A few minutes later we were walking into a tavern. Alicron walked in with the soldiers, and everyone turned and looked. He scanned the room. He smiled. He walked directly over to a table, and I recognize them immediately. They were the Lana that helped save me.

  “Captain, I see you have returned,” Keyna said.

  “Keyna. I told you that I would,” he said.

  “Yes, you did keep that promise. I have heard that you arrived with a very large
army. And the entire village has been talking of nothing else,” Keyna said.

  “I come to seek your knowledge. Have you heard of anything about human females being spotted? I could use any information,” Alicron said.

  “Yes, only this morning I heard a traveler come into the tavern. He said he spotted creatures he had never seen before. There were two of them, one that he called a soft female. When he described her, I thought of you,” Keyna said pointing at me.

  “It's a human; it has to be,” I said looking at Alicron.

  "Did this traveler say where he spotted the human?”

  “Yes, on the edge of the Oldivay Forest, the south edge, I believe,” Keyna said.


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