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Teague (The Dark Shadows Book 3)

Page 3

by Ariel Marie

  What the hell?

  He had met all of her team. All six of them. The candles she lit must represent those of her team that have died.

  “We lead a very dangerous life, Teague. It is never promised that we all will return home from battle,” she said as she came to stand next to him.

  “Looking at you practice, anyone can tell that you and your warriors are extremely dangerous, and the best at what you do,” he noted, glancing at her finding her captivated by the painting.

  “The trainees that you saw,” she said, turning to him. “We are not developing new teams. We are training our replacements.”

  * * *


  Teague blinked for a second after Bella made her admission.

  “We are down to half the number of warriors that we are used to working with. Usually a valkyrie battalion consists of twelve warriors. Our laws state that once a team has decreased to half the normal amount of warriors, it will be time to choose six more members to bring our team back to full capacity.

  “Once we come back from your realm, we will have the ceremony to induct six new members,” she said.

  “So your culture expects for someone on your team to die?” His brow crinkled as he frowned.

  “Valkyrie warriors are ingrained with the knowledge that each battle may be our last. Valkyrie stands for ‘choosers of the fallen’. We never know which day will be our last.”

  “Choosers of the fallen.” His eyebrows rose up high. “So someone will choose when you die?”

  She shook her head, not knowing exactly how to share the history of Aphadore and the valkyrie. Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared into his ice blue eyes. She knew that there was this electric chemistry between them. She had never been with a man and would not even know the first thing to do to express her interest.

  Valkyries were maiden warriors who usually died as virgins. As the leader of the valkyrie, she knew that love would never be in the stars for her, that was until she met Teague.

  She knew that there would be no future between them and as she stared up into his eyes, she no longer wanted to die untouched. She wanted to feel the intimacy that could be shared between a man and a woman. To at least feel loved once in her lifetime. She had never had this strong of a desire before, until Teague.

  “Adros, the God of all deities, is the God that we pray and answer to. He is a powerful God who wants to help keep the balance in the world. He is probably the only male that my mother will answer too,” she said as they walked towards the painting that depicted Adros sitting on his throne with a fierce scowl on his face and his trident in his hand.

  “Answer to? He makes demands?” Teague asked, staring at the picture. He turned to her as she hesitated on her answer. “Does he?”

  “He can. He may ask for a sacrifice,” she nodded, pausing at his quick intake of breath.

  Adros was a wise war-god who could be selfish. He had been building his own army in the heavens. It was well known that he was collecting the strongest of warriors to build an indestructible army. If he called a valkyrie to him, there was no escaping him. He wanted to have the strongest army in the heavens.

  “What type of sacrifice?”

  “Adros will demand of my mother for a valkyrie to be sacrificed,” she said. “The most honorable act a valkyrie could make would be to die in battle for the good of Aphadore. We never know when he will request the sacrifice, but when he does, he will show himself and make his choice.”

  Chapter Five


  Bella walked through the quiet manor towards her mother’s favorite room, the solarium. The queen loved looking out into the beautiful lush gardens. She always said that the room’s atmosphere helped clear her thoughts. But being summoned at this time of night had Bella slightly worried. She came upon the large double doors and knocked gently.

  “Come in, Bella,” her mother’s voice called out. She gently pushed the door open, looking around the room. Her eyes widened as they landed on her mother’s guest. She instantly went down on one knee.

  “Your Grace,” she said as her heart pounded in her chest. She kept her eyes to the ground, unable to believe who was in the room.

  Adros, the God of all deities, had presented himself.

  “Rise, Arabella.” His deep voice held a pleased note to it.

  “Close the door, Bella,” her mother directed. “Please come, have a seat.”

  “I’d rather stand if you don’t mind,” she said as she came to stand before Adros and her mother. Adros, a large warrior, looked totally out of place in the feminine décor of the solarium. His short curly black hair and sharp dark eyes were trained on her.

  “Do you know why I am here, my child?” he asked, getting right to the point.

  “You are here to request a sacrifice, Your Grace.” Her voice didn’t waiver.

  As the leader of the valkyrie, she couldn’t afford to show emotions. This was what she was groomed for. Out of her twenty-three sisters, her mother had chosen her to lead the valkyrie.

  “There is much going on in the Terra realm, where you are headed. Evil has tipped the scale and order needs to be balanced again,” Adros said. “The valkyries are being dispatched to help the vampires. The vampires and the necromancers have been at war for centuries. The fool Xalak, before he was killed, released Rowena Frost from her prison. She will go after the vampire king and queen. She must be stopped; she doesn’t get to choose when someone dies.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” she said, nodding in understanding.

  “You are a strong warrior, one of the strongest valkyrie that I have ever seen,” he said, getting up from his chair. He stood at least seven feet tall, causing her to have to look up at him. “The vampires can handle the necromancers. Your primary concern when you get to the Terra realm is Rowena Frost. You and the other valkyries are to kill her. There is a special hell waiting just for her.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” she said. She glanced at her mother, noting how quiet she had been since Bella had entered the room. “May I be dismissed? We have much planning to do before we leave.”

  “You may go, warrior.” Adros nodded. She turned, striding to the door. Just as her hand turned the knob, his next words froze her in place. “And yes, I will require a sacrifice.”

  * * *


  “I’m sure my brother and father will want to speak to you once we have crossed over,” Teague said as he dismounted from his horse. He couldn’t keep his eyes off Bella. The sight of her, in all black leathers, riding her large black stallion was an erotic picture that he knew he wouldn’t get out of his mind anytime soon. He found himself actually jealous of the damn horse! The movements of her hips in sequence with her stallion had him sweating bullets.

  “That is fine,” she said as she gracefully executed her dismount from the horse before he could help her down. “There will be much to discuss.”

  A few teenage girls came to take the reins of the horses and walked them away towards a barn. Each valkyrie female had a tote bag with them as they all walked towards the small house situated on the large property.

  He looked up at the midnight sky, taking in the two moons. He could feel the moons’ power washing over him. He grabbed his bag and followed the women.

  He was surely impressed by Aphadore and all that it offered from what little he was able to see of it. They were supposed to leave in the morning, but a messenger banged on his door letting him know that the valkyries were leaving for the Terra realm tonight.

  Bella had been more reserved, almost distant, since they had left her family’s home. Teague could sense something was wrong with her, he ached to go to her, to comfort whatever may be bothering her. Back at the Honor Sanctuary, he thought that he had made a little headway with her. He knew that she felt it too. After they left the sanctuary, she gave him an official tour of their property. During the tour, he even got her to laugh at one of his corny jokes.

  He could feel th
e pull to bond with her even just after spending a couple of hours with her. Once they returned inside the manor, he even walked her to her bedroom a few hours earlier. As of now, she’s done a complete one eighty. He didn’t know what had changed since he escorted her to her room. He stopped at the foot of the stairs as Bella knocked on the door.

  A frail older woman with stringy gray hair opened the door. “Greetings, Jules,” Bella said. “We come tonight to ask for a safe passage.”

  “Good evening, valkyries,” Jules said, looking at them all. “Vampire,” she nodded as her eyes landed on him.

  “We are needing to go to the Terra realm,” Bella said.

  “Of course, young warrior,” the old woman opened her door, waving them in. The house’s decor was that of the old world. It was round in nature with a large fireplace that had a black kettle hanging over the burning logs. He followed the women as they walked into the house and over to what looked like a closet door.

  Jules walked up to the door. He watched fascinated as she reached into her pocket, brandishing what looked like a small piece of white chalk. She drew a circle on the deep wooden door with six identical symbols around the circle and one odd symbol. Another symbol appeared, this time inside the circle. She muttered in another language before knocking slowly twice on the door. A bright white light beamed around the door edges. She opened the door, revealing the portal.

  “Six valkyrie warriors will pass this door into the Terra realm today, but only five will walk back through,” Jules said, her eyes saddened as she looked to the valkyries.

  Teague watched, stunned as each of the women looked to each other with an understanding in their eyes, before Bella’s landed on him. Her eyes held a look that he couldn’t make out. What the hell? How does this woman know that only five would return? Which five? That was some heavy shit to lay on someone before they went off to battle. Who wants to know that someone was about to die?

  “Thank you, Jules,” Bella said, nodding to Jules, before walking through the portal with her five warriors behind her.

  He nodded to Jules on his way toward the door. Her eyes were saddened and he had a feeling that she knew which of the valkyries were not returning. Her small hand grabbed his wrist, causing him to pause before he walked through the portal. “Take care of her, vampire.”

  Chapter Six


  “Arabella, it’s been way too long since we’ve seen each other,” the vampire queen exclaimed as she greeted them at the door.

  “It is always a pleasure,” Bella said, returning the queen’s hug. “My mother sends her regards.”

  “Your mother and I have been friends for centuries. We will have to meet and catch up. Will you all be staying with us?” she asked, leading them into a sitting room.

  Bella motioned for her warriors to take the couches. She actually preferred to stand. She could feel Teague’s eyes on her. She dared not look at him for fear that she would rush to his side and apologize for giving him the cold shoulder.

  Now that they were in the Terra realm, she had to concentrate on the mission. This was not a vacation for them; their main focus was Rowena Frost. The valkyries had been sent to protect the vampire king and queen and they will not fail.

  “I’m afraid not, Your Grace,” she said. “A car should be arriving any minute to take us to my family’s home here in the Terra realm. We have much to accomplish while we’re here.”

  There was no way she would stay under the same roof as Teague. He would be a distraction that she could not afford. They had a witch to hunt down and kill.

  “That’s too bad,” the queen said, turning her attention to Teague. “Teague, I’m sure you enjoyed your trip?”

  “Yes, Mother. Aphadore was more beautiful than I could have imagined,” he said, bending down to kiss his mother on the forehead. “Is Nicu here?”

  “Yes, he and your brothers were about to leave. Let me have Watson notify him of our guest,” she said, lifting the phone on the side table and speaking softly into it.

  Bella tried to keep her eyes off Teague but failed miserably. She needed to meet with Nicu, the leader of the Shadows as quickly as possible so that she and the girls could leave and get settled in the Kaldana’s Terran home.

  “Your family keeps a home here in this realm?” Teague asked, gaining her attention. His ice blue eyes focused on her and literally took her breath away.

  She didn’t know if she liked his ice blue eyes more or his crimson. Either way, this vampire certainly messed with her libido. Never before had she walked around in a state of sexual frustration.

  “Yes, we do,” she nodded. “It has been a while since I’ve traveled here, but occasionally one of my sisters will come here to visit.”

  “I’m exhausted,” Kitt said, yawning. “We need to hurry and get some rest. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow.”

  “I had hoped we could grab something to eat at one of those fast food places,” Saida’s grin spread across her face, causing Bella to roll her eyes.

  Everyone knew that Saida loved the human’s food. The food on Earth was not as healthy as a valkyrie warrior needed to keep her in top shape, but Bella did not mind if her warriors found something to indulge in once in a while.

  “We will stop at a fast food place to get you some food, Saida,” Bella smiled softly at Saida. “But not too much!”

  “Yes, you know you cannot each too much of it,” Ulrika laughed. “You remember the last time you ate so much that you fell asleep!”

  They all shared a quick laugh as Saida rolled her eyes before laughing at herself. Bella’s eyes once again were drawn to Teague’s. Her heart skipped a beat as his ice blue eyes caused a longing in her heart.

  Could this really be something? She sighed to herself, knowing that nothing would develop between the two of them. She was a valkyrie warrior, sworn to uphold her vows to Aphadore.

  “How is it that you have so many muscles and are so big if you do not consume any type of food?” Katri asked Teague, breaking into Bella’s thoughts.

  “Katri!” Bella snapped, embarrassed that her team member would ask such a question.

  “What?” Katri turned to her with wide eyes. “I’m just curious. You would think vampires would be skinny and weak.”

  “Vampires receive all of their nourishments from blood,” he said with a laugh, not missing a beat. “And I can ensure you, that none of us would ever be considered weak.”

  “I meant no disrespect,” Katri said, tilting her head while she studied him.

  “None taken,” he said just as another large vampire with the same colored eyes as Teague entered the room.

  This had to be his older brother, Nicu, the leader of the Dark Shadows. Bella immediately straightened to her full height. One look at the scowl on his face and she knew that he was used to being in charge. He would have to quickly learn that it was Bella who was in charge of the valkyries.

  “Nicu,” the queen said, getting up from her chair. “This is Arabella Kaldana, leader of the valkyrie.”

  “I’ve heard much about you all,” Nicu said, offering her his hand.

  “And I have heard much of the Dark Shadows,” she said, shaking his hand firmly. “Our families have been allies for centuries.”

  “I’m glad that my brother was able to convince you to come to our realm,” Nicu said, glancing around the room. “It has been a long time since we’ve had to call on the valkyrie. We are in need of your help.”

  “The decision was easy to make. We are under direct orders from the God Adros, himself, to send Rowena to hell.”

  * * *


  “I’m actually impressed,” Nicu said as they watched the valkyrie warriors drive away. His eyes were locked on the black Chevy Suburban that just drove off with Bella.

  “Thanks,” Teague said as they walked back into the house. “You do know there is more to me than a pretty face, right?”

  “Whatever,” Nicu said sighing. “Get som
e rest. We leave in two hours.”

  Teague nodded before heading toward his suite in the Olaru mansion. If they were about to go out and hunt, he would need fresh blood. The blood that Queen Sira provided him was fine for temporary nourishment, but there was nothing like fresh blood.

  Once in his room, he decided to call for one of his slujitori de sânge, blood servants; fresh blood would give him the strength he needed for patrolling with his brothers and the other Shadow members.

  The drinking of blood from a donor could be sexual in nature and it was very common for the donor to orgasm while the vampire took their fill. Which usually worked out in Teague’s case.

  He always thought of drinking from one of the female slujitor de sânge as a two for one. The donor got what she needed, a screaming orgasm while he got what he needed; nourishment. The orgasms that he had, while feeding, were a bonus for him.

  Slujitorile de sânge were humans who pledged their allegiance to the family to be donors. They were sworn to secrecy of vampires’ existence. All of the slujitori de sânge were compensated nicely for being on call to donate. Most were on the payroll for the vampire royal family in one capacity or another. They functioned in roles from lawyers and accountants to mechanics and housekeepers.

  Teague had a few slujitori de sânge that he had enjoyed in the past. Even though the blood servants were on the payroll of the family, as long as all sexual encounters were consensual, it was not looked down upon for the vampire to engage in sexual relations with the servants.

  He quickly put out a call to his favorite servant, Riana. He jumped into the shower, knowing that it would not take her long to arrive. Just as he pulled on a pair of sweatpants, there was a knock at the door.


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