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Teague (The Dark Shadows Book 3)

Page 7

by Ariel Marie

  “Someone has been here,” Bella said slowly, walking into the cabin. “Can you smell that?”

  Teague nodded his head. “It smells like sulfur.”

  “Someone cast a spell in here,” Bella said, slowly walking around the bare room.

  She walked over to the couch, searching the cushions while Teague investigated the makeshift kitchen. He opened up the small refrigerator, finding it bare as well. Turning, he found Bella at the dresser going through the drawers as a voice called for him from the entryway.

  He turned to find Khalid ducking his head to step through the door. “The wolves have been taken care of.”

  “Any casualties?” he asked.

  “Nothing major,” Khalid said, shaking his head. “Some scrapes and bruising. Nothing that won’t heal quickly.”

  “Anything in here?” Katri said from the doorway.

  “No, not really.” Bella said, slamming the dresser drawer shut with frustration lining her voice.

  “Thanks for having my back,” Teague said, nodding to Katri. “I appreciate it,” he said earnestly.

  She didn’t have to have his back during their fight with the wolves. She could have easily just let the other wolf take him out.

  “You don’t have to thank me,” Katri said, shaking her head. “We are working together, so we should have each other’s back.”

  “Be that as it may, I still just want to say thanks,” he said solemnly as she nodded before turning to the other valkyrie who waited outside the front door.

  “What are you thinking, Bella?” he asked, his eyes followed her as she paced around the small space.

  “This was a set up. I’m convinced of it. Rowena wanted us to find this place. She went to great lengths to make sure that we came out here. We need to make sure that your parents are well protected.”

  “Let me call my brother,” Teague said, quickly pulling his cell phone out to call Nicu. He would need to be alerted to what they had just encountered. The Shadows would need to be on high alert if Rowena was on the loose.

  A high-pitched heckling laugh filled the air, which caused him to pause with his phone in midair. His eyes met Bella’s before moving around the room. The mirror hanging over the dresser glowed as they all pinpointed the laughter came from it. He slowly made his way over to the mirror with Bella and everyone else crowding into the cabin behind him to catch a look into the mirror.

  Greeting them there, as if it was a two-way mirror, was none other than the witch they were hunting.


  Her long gray hair flowed around her as her silver eyes crinkled with laughter. Her skin was smooth and pale, and had it not been for the gray hair, she wouldn’t look a day over forty-five.

  “Now, you didn’t think capturing me would be that easy, did you?” Her laughter faded as her silver eyes latched onto Teague. “Vampire, I’ll die before going back into a cell.”

  “That’s the plan,” Bella vowed, moving to stand next to Teague.

  “Well, look who has joined the party. Valkyrie, you would have to find me first,” Rowena sneered as her eyes turned to Bella.

  “Oh, we’re going to find you, witch. There is a special hell waiting on your arrival.”

  * * *

  “What the fuck happened out there?” Nicu demanded as Teague, Khalid, and Gadiel walked through the front door of the Olaru mansion. One look at his older brother and Teague knew Nicu was beyond pissed.

  “It was a set up,” Teague snapped, walking down the hallway. He didn’t need his older brother riding his back about their failed mission.

  “My office,” Nicu demanded. “Now.”

  Teague sighed, pausing as Khalid and Gadiel followed his brother toward his office. What he wanted right now was to shower, drink a glass of blood, and crash into his bed. Getting his ass handed to him by his brother was not on his list.

  “Let’s get this shit over with,” he muttered, falling behind his fellow Shadows members.

  Once inside his brother’s office, he headed toward the window seat. The sun would be rising in about an hour and he wondered if Bella had crawled into her bed yet.

  His mind slowly drifted off, imagining what it would be like to crawl into a large plush bed, pulling her body flushed with his after a long day. He could vividly see her lying next to him, naked, fresh from a bath, allowing free access as his hands caressed every inch of her creamy skin. His fangs threatened to descend as he thought of taking his mate and officially claiming her.

  “Teague,” Nicu’s voice interrupted his delicious daydream.

  “Yeah,” he answered, a little upset. He turned his eyes to find Nicu, Khalid, and Gadiel’s eyes focused on him. “What?”

  “You have been distracted lately,” Nicu began. “This isn’t like you. What is going on?” His elder brother didn’t miss anything. Teague internally shook his head. Nicu was like a rabid dog; once something caught his attention, he wouldn’t let it go.

  “I’m focused,” Teague said, shaking his head not understanding. He had been extremely focused on the mission and keeping Bella safe and intent on making her his mate.

  “You have been distracted,” Khalid voiced, nodding his head in agreement. “Your attention has been on the valkyrie leader.”

  “What?” Teague asked in disbelief. He hadn’t broadcasted his feelings for Bella — at least, he thought he had hid his feelings well. The moment she accepted him, there wouldn’t be a person on the planet that wouldn’t know how he felt about her.

  “You know nothing can get past Khalid,” Gadiel said, nodding his head. “But I noticed it too. During the fight, you kept looking for her as if you were worried for her. Your eyes followed her every move. That’s how that wolf almost snuck up on you. If it hadn’t been for the other valkyrie, you might not have made it back home. At least not without being carried. ”

  Teague scowled at how observant his team members were. He refused to look at his brother. He could already feel the heat of his gaze. He thought that he had succeeded in keeping his feelings for the valkyrie warrior under wraps, but now it became clear he hadn’t been as successful as he thought.

  “The valkyries are very capable of taking care of themselves,” Nicu snapped, as his piercing blue eyes seemed to bore into Teague. “Is there something that we need to know about? Something or someone who is distracting you from your job.”

  “It’s nothing I can’t handle,” Teague denied. “I did my job. Everyone made it home safely with minor cuts and bruising that will heal fast.” This part was at least true. He could handle the situation with Bella. He would have to keep working on tearing down the walls she was insistent upon building between them. He would eventually get her to see that she belonged to him. He was sure of it.

  “We’ve heard those words before and you saw what happened to Toma,” Nicu said dryly. “Now, I’m going to ask you again. What is going on between you and Arabella?”

  Teague stared across the room at his brother. He knew that he could trust his life with Nicu. Khalid and Gadiel may not be blood relatives, but being members of the Shadows, they were an extension to his family. He sighed, knowing he would have to tell his family sooner or later.

  “I think,” he started, shaking his head. “No, I know that Bella is my mate.” He looked around and found Nicu’s piercing eyes locked on him still.

  “Have you told her?” Nicu asked with his unwavering stare.

  “Yes, but she doesn’t believe it,” he said, scratching his head in confusion. “The minute I met her in Aphadore, I knew she was the one for me. I refuse to do what Toma did.”

  “What did I do?” Toma asked with a scowl as he walked through the door. His large presence suddenly made the office seem even smaller.

  “Denied yourself your mate,” Teague answered with a nod to his other brother.

  “You’ve found your mate?” Toma asked, taking a seat on one of the couches sprawled around Nicu’s office.

  Teague nodded, just thinking of Bella.
He wished that she would be willing to take a chance on them. Allow him to complete the bond between them and let him show her what it meant to be mates. He could feel himself already binding to her. His soul ached with the need to be with her. She was the one.

  His fated mate.

  What would he have to do to make her see that they needed to be together for all eternity?

  Chapter Fifteen


  Traveling all night was never fun. Once Rowena disappeared from the mirror, they immediately left the cabin, leaving the dead wolves for the buzzards as a warning for anyone else who may try them. Why bury dead enemies? They didn’t deserve the respect of being buried. Bella didn’t want to waste her warriors’ time or strength with burying those who attacked them.

  It had been a while since the valkyries had to battle wolves and Bella forgot how vicious and sneaky the animals could be. She sat on the edge of her deep tub waiting for the water to finish filling. She planned to soak her aching body for a little bit then grab a few hours of sleep. The sun was just rising and she would need a few hours of sleep before she went to the Olaru mansion. She needed to speak with the vampire king and queen.

  With Rowena now underground and no signs to where she really was, Bella would have to stay close to the royal couple to assure that the witch did not succeed in her plans of killing the queen. She knew that they would protest, but this was her queen’s wish and since the valkyrie were sent to the Terra realm to help, they had no choice but to agree.

  Bella quickly shut off the water, breathing deep, taking in the smell of lavender from the bath oils she had added to her water. Lavender would definitely allow her to relax and help her sleep. Lately, all of her dreams had been filled with Teague. Her core ached with the thought of the sexy vampire. What she wouldn’t give for another night with him.

  She had already broken her maiden vows with him once. What would be the harm of once more? She was the first valkyrie warrior to break the vow of celibacy that she was aware of. Would she be punished? She didn’t know the answer but she knew even if she never told a soul, the Gods would know — they knew everything. She would be ready for whatever punishment the Gods may thrust upon her.

  She sighed, knowing that another night of lovemaking with Teague would probably never happen. She stood to undo her robe belt but a slight sound in her bedroom caused her to pause. She silently grabbed her dagger that she had placed on the side of her tub and crept into her bedroom.

  The early rays of the sun highlighted her room, showing the star of her dreams climbing through her large bay window.

  “Teague?” she whispered softly as he stood to his full height. He stalked to her and the glint in his eyes had her feeling moisture collecting in the apex of her thighs.

  “Bella,” he said, sweeping her into his arms. Her dagger clattered to the floor, forgotten. His mouth instantly covered hers in a bruising kiss. It left little to the imagination on why he was in her room. It was like a dream come true. She had just wished for one more night and poof, he was in her room. She instantly threw her arms around his neck, returning his kiss with a fever that burned deep in her core.

  She needed him.


  Her skin tingled with the thought of what was to come. His hands tangled in her hair as he gripped the back of her neck as his mouth devoured hers. She loved kissing him. This was becoming one of her favorite past times. She could kiss Teague for hours and she would never tire from it.

  He slowly backed away from her, amidst her small feeble protest. Her smaller hands gripped his shirt as he looked towards her bathroom. His crimson eyes turned back to her.

  “Were you about to bathe?” he asked.

  She nodded her head. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bathroom behind him. He turned to her and slowly untied her robe, exposing her naked form to him. With pride, she held her head high, as she knew her full breasts, small waist, and wide hips pleased him. The licking of his lips confirmed it for her.

  He slowly pushed her robe off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor in a pile at her feet. His eyes didn’t leave her body as if he was afraid he would miss out on something. Her nipples tingled as her breast drew heavy as his one hand grasped her right breast. He leaned down, taking it deep within his hot mouth.

  Her fingers instantly tangled in his thick hair, holding him to her as his tongue lavished her plump breast. Her core clenched as he nipped the nipple with his sharp fangs. He trailed kisses along her chest up to her neck, eliciting a deep moan from within her. Her pussy pulsed, waiting for him to drive home his length to complete her, make her feel whole again. After their first time together, she already felt addicted to the feeling of him inside of her.

  Impatiently, she tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head, exposing his hard abdomen that rippled with muscles. Her fingers slowly traced each ridge of his stomach, slowly making their way to his belt buckle as he tossed his shirt behind him.

  “Patience, Bella,” he murmured, grabbing her hands. She huffed and couldn’t believe that she was pouting. Her, a strong valkyrie, pouting. All she knew was that she needed him in her now and he was torturing her by taking his sweet time getting naked!

  She didn’t want sweet right now. In her fevered state, she needed him to take her now. He pushed her hands away from his belt and swept her up in his arms. He gently placed her into the steamy hot water.

  Her entire body tingled as she sat back in the deep water. Her eyes were glued to Teague as he slowly unzipped his jeans. Her breath caught in her throat as he tortured her without even laying a finger on her. She watched with bated breath as he pushed his jeans down. Teague in nothing but black boxer briefs was enough to make her drool. She touched her lips to ensure that she didn’t. His body was hard and muscular everywhere. He had the perfect warrior’s body. She knew that she wouldn’t find an ounce of fat anywhere on him.

  His crimson eyes held a dangerous glint to them that had her squeezing her legs shut as he pushed his briefs down. Her breath released when his cock sprung free. If kissing him was her favorite activity then her favorite body part of his to admire was his thick cock.

  He stepped into the water, sitting down across from her. He flashed a fang at her as he grabbed her by her leg and pulled her to him.

  “Come here,” he said softly, as she half-floated to him in the oversized tub. He turned her around, drawing her back flushed to his chest. He pushed her long hair over her shoulder, exposing her neck to him. Her head fell back against the crook of his neck. They were a perfect fit. He nuzzled the side of her neck.

  “I love the smell and taste of you,” he murmured. He leisurely licked her neck and gently bit it. Not enough to break the skin, but enough pressure to draw a groan from her. She shifted slightly, feeling his erection pressing against her ass.

  His hands continued an exploration of their own. One hand gently kneaded her achy breast while the other one, tenderly made its way to the apex of her thighs. She felt his fingers probe her folds, spread her labia, and dive inside of her as if testing her slickness. She knew that there would be no problem in that department, with all of the sensations that he caused her to experience.

  He gently stroked her hidden nub as the pressure from the impending orgasm built up. She shifted her hips, loving the sensation of his hard cock rubbing against her bottom. She moved against him, causing him to groan and tighten his grip on her breast. The mounting pressure from his finger on her clit sent her straight over the edge of into orgasm, moaning his name.

  His finger took one last swipe at her sensitive flesh before grasping her hips. He turned her to face him, lifting her up slightly and slowly bringing her down on his hardened length.

  This was right.

  This was what she had been missing her whole life.


  She needed him, but could not have him. A lonely tear slowly made its way down her cheek at the thought of how she would tell him that according to Adros, she was
to be the sacrifice.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Teague brushed a hand across his face and attempted to stretch, but something soft and warm nestled into the crook of his arm. He opened his eyes finding a head of blonde silk spread across his chest and pillow. He looked around, noticing that he was still in Bella’s room.

  Warmth settled around his heart as he stared down at the beautiful warrior that had stolen his heart and soul. He tenderly brushed her hair away from her face. She frowned slightly in her sleep before moving closer to him. She would be tired after the marathon lovemaking of the past few hours.

  He knew that he would never get enough of her. His cock already stirred as her gorgeous mounds brushed his chest. Unable to resist, his hand gently squeezed her ample breast and tenderly rolled her hardening nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Again?” she moaned, slowly opening her beautiful gray eyes.

  “I wish, but no,” he said, gently kissing her lips.

  A small protest escaped her as he pulled back. He would kill to wake up each day with her, just like this. Nothing between them, wrapped up together in warm covers, with not a care or worry in the world. “I need to get home soon. I’m sure my brothers will be looking for me soon. The house has been put on lockdown and Nicu has assigned a special detail to protect our parents.”

  “I’m coming with you,” she said through a yawn. “And stop that! I can’t think when you do that,” she sighed, as the hand that had been caressing her hip paused. “We need to come up with plan B regarding Rowena. She will come after your parents.”

  “I know.” He rolled back onto his back to stare up at the ceiling. She followed him, placing her head in the crook of his arm, with her hand lazily drawing shapes on his abdomen.

  Why did war always have to be brewing on the horizon? Why couldn’t he just stay in this bed with his mate and live forever between her thighs?


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