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Romance: Mills and Boon Romance: The Boss's Proposal (Billionaire Bad Boy BBW Romance)

Page 9

by Horton, Amanda

  The pair had been best friends in high school and luck dictated that Laurel secure a scholarship at the school her buddy had also been accepted to. It was another of the reasons to go through with her decision even if she wasn’t exactly sure about it. Having Jennifer by her side made her feel better about facing the big bad world of college and leaving the security of her family and home.

  They entered the packed house arm in arm. It was full of cheerleaders, wannabe cheerleaders and most of all, guys who wanted to hook up with cheerleaders. The beer was flowing, music was playing, and the atmosphere was charged with adrenaline, excitement and sexual tension. Jennifer spotted some girls they had met previously and pulled Laurel towards them. They chatted excitedly, relaying rumors they’d heard about what other events were lined up for the week ahead.

  ‘’Hey pom-poms’’ someone shouted. It was a voice she recognized. Oh god, she thought as she turned around, not him again. She faced the arrogant ice hockey ice hockey player and looked at him defiantly, defense on the ready.

  ‘’You look gorgeous’’ he said earnestly and she raised her eyebrows in surprise, taken aback by his seemingly genuine compliment.

  ‘’Erm, thanks!’’ she smiled. She looked up at him and realized why she had been so attracted to him in the first place. Before he had ruined everything. He was tall and muscular and dark. His smile was electric and his full lips were just calling out to be bitten and sucked.

  He seemed to be able to read her mind as he leaned towards her and those lips of his came into contact with hers. She kissed back for a moment, excitement sweeping through her body. But she quickly remembered what had happened during orientation week, and pushed him away, coming back to her senses.

  ‘’I thought you said cheerleaders were a dumb waste of space,’’ she challenged him.

  ‘’And I’m not denying it now,’’ Ben smirked in response. He had been drinking and was slurring his words but the way his muscles flexed through his tight t-shirt gave Laurel a flutter of pleasure that passed through her whole body. His eyes, albeit slightly glazed, were dark and brooding and she couldn’t help but wonder if there was more going on in his head than just ice hockey and girls.

  Her musings were not confirmed when he continued speaking, ‘’ You wanna know why I’m at this stupid cheerleader party? Well, you cheerleaders might be dumb-ass bitches. But you sure are hot as hell! Come on baby, dance for me. Kiss me again, you know you liked it!’’ and he winked.

  As he was speaking his eyes had hesitated on the tight sweater that emphasized her large breasts, and then wandered down past her tiny waist finally resting on her long legs.

  She felt objectified, insulted and taken advantage of and the anger rose inside her, as it occasionally did. ‘’I didn’t kiss you. You kissed me! Leave me alone you sexist pig of a man,’’ she screamed and she threw her red plastic cup of beer all over him.

  Everyone around them started laughing at the sight of him and he looked shocked and then started to shout but a couple of guys came up to him and held his shoulders. ‘’Time to leave dude,’’ one of them said, ‘’No more beer for you tonight.’’

  ‘’I’ll get you back for this’’ he sneered at her as his teammates dragged him out. His eyes were black and Laurel felt a quiver of regret. Had she overreacted? It wasn’t a great start to fresher’s week.

  Jennifer quickly appeared at Laurel’s side, ‘’Jeez, what was all that about?’’ she asked, looking concerned.

  ‘’Oh he’s just some douche I met at orientation’’ she sighed, the anger dissipating from her body slowly. ‘’He’s got a serious chip on his shoulder about cheerleaders and he’s just a typical arrogant ice hockey jerk that needs to be put in his place.’’

  ‘’Laurel he’s not just any ice hockey player. That’s Ben Jackson. He’s the star of the school. He’s already got a position in the first team which is unheard of for a fresher.’’

  ‘’So?’’ Laurel snapped back, exasperated, “That means he can insult people however he wants with no repercussions? Not with me!’’

  ‘’Just be careful ok, sweetie. He’s not someone you want to have as an enemy from what I’ve heard. He beat a kid up real bad at his high school; he almost didn’t get accepted here because of it. But of course his talent and wealth won the school directors round.’’

  ‘’All I know is that he insulted me in orientation and he insulted me again tonight. Do you know, he nearly ran me over with that ridiculous big car of his and when I shouted at him to watch where he was going he laughed and said that having one less cheerleader in the world wouldn’t be a tragedy. What an idiot!’’

  ‘’How did he know you were a cheerleader?’’

  ‘’He sat next to me in one of the orientation classes and we started talking. He seemed nice at first, if a bit cocky. I mean he’s hot, even I can’t deny that. But as soon as I told him I was a cheerleader his attitude changed and he spoke to me like trash. I mean, I was trying to concentrate and he was whispering lewd remarks about what he wanted to do to me in my ear. And then he tried to run me over in the parking lot!’’

  ‘’Wow, it sounds hot. What was he whispering?’’ Jennifer said, smiling ‘’I wish he sat next to me in orientation!’’

  Laurel gave her friend a disapproving look and rolled her eyes. ‘’Come on, let’s enjoy the party’’ she said, ‘’I’ve wasted enough time thinking about that loser for one night!’’

  Just then she saw another familiar face. ‘’Paul!’’ she smiled happily and gave him a big hug. ‘’Jen, this is Paul the guy I was telling you about who is also studying law. It’s crazy but we’re in almost all the same classes. Coincidence, huh?’’

  Jennifer introduced herself to the tall, lean, smart looking guy and the three of them chatted amiably about their new college life and experiences so far.


  Fresher’s week was a blur of meetings, events and parties that flew by before Laurel even realized it. She had made a nice bunch of friends, comprised of a close-knit foursome including her and Jennifer and two other girls called Mindy and Amy. Paul had also become an honorary member of their group, his witty remarks often causing the girls to double up in laughter. Her fellow law student had become a good friend and they often stopped by the local diner for a bite to eat or a milkshake while pondering over some law problem they had been assigned. She admired his exceptional intelligence and logical mind and knew he was going to be a great lawyer. She wasn’t sure she could say the same about herself.

  Apart from a couple of minor shouting matches in the hallway, she had managed to mostly avoid her archenemy Ben. Not only had he spread the word that she was frigid, he had also put a price on her head. He had offered an attractive sum of money to the first of his teammates who managed to bed her.

  However, she had quickly realized his game when ice hockey players started following her everywhere, giving her compliments, sending her flowers, offering to pay for her lunch, asking her out on dates. It had the opposite effect of what he wanted. She quickly became the most popular cheerleader in college due to her following of persistent admirers. Of course she didn’t succumb to their transparent gestures.

  She enjoyed her new popularity and even more so because it annoyed Ben. His plan couldn’t have worked out better she chuckled to herself. She was sitting in the college restaurant surrounded by a merry group of cheerleaders, as well as some of the ice hockey players who had continued to enjoy her company even after Ben had pulled out of his stupid bet. She glanced over to the corner where he was sitting alone and smiled sweetly at him. He scowled back and continued eating.

  What is his problem, she wondered? But her thoughts strayed quickly to what she was doing. Enough time wasted on popularity contests she decided. There was a reason this college had been one of her top choices, and it wasn’t the law program, the ice hockey boys, the cheerleading, or even her best friend Jennifer. She made up her mind to change her priorities that very night.

nbsp; ‘’Earth to Laurel,’’ she suddenly heard and realized that Jennifer was waving her hand in front her eyes. ‘’Sorry, I was just thinking about something.’’ she muttered.

  ‘’I could tell! What’s up?’’

  ‘’Well you know why I really chose this college don’t you?’’ she confided to her friend, ‘’and I feel like the time is going by and I haven’t even had the guts to go to the rink yet. With all the parties and events, I think I’ve forgotten how to skate!’’

  ‘’Nonsense,’’ her friend replied, ‘’ You signed up to join the figure skating team, right?’’

  ‘’Yeah, the first practice session isn’t ‘til next month though. I’d really like to get on the ice for a bit before then. I’m already gonna be way out of my league. I just hope they think I have enough talent to keep me on.’’

  ‘’You’ll be fine! Look, if you’re that worried, why don’t we head to the rink tonight? Blow off the party and spend some time just you and me. Treat me to a show on ice, and then you can take me for a milkshake afterwards. Deal?’’

  Laurel smiled and hugged her friend. ‘’You’re the best!’’ she grinned. A bit of moral support was just what she needed.

  As they entered the college ice rink later that evening, the friendly old security guard informed them that he would need to close up the building shortly. ‘’Oh really? You always close this early?’’ Laurel enquired anxiously.

  ‘’How long are we planning on staying?’’ Jennifer teased. ‘’I promised Mindy and Amy we’d meet them later.’’

  ‘’I just usually like to practice late, you know, when no-one’s around. I used to spend hours skating at night at our local rink, you remember? All the other girls had expensive coaching and would look down on me with my old tattered skates and unpolished skills. And I just feel like it’s gonna be even worse here. I just need a chance. I just need someone to train me properly and I know I can be really good, just like my grandmother was.

  ‘’Oh sweetie, I’m sorry, I’m sure we can sort something out.’’ Jennifer’s smile was kind and sincere but somewhere in her eyes Laurel could see a speck of doubt that startled her. Maybe her dream would never become reality. Maybe she just wasn’t good enough.

  ‘’Look, I’m here all night,’’ the security guard cut in with a friendly smile, ‘’And the only reason we close the rink is to stop all those crazy ice hockey players from having parties in here. If you want to come and practice on your own, then be my guest. But don’t tell anyone, ok?’’ he winked.

  ‘’ Thank you so much!’’ said Laurel grinning and hugging him. She had hoped her sob story would work. But it was all completely true so she didn’t think it was wrong to use it to her advantage and appeal to the goodwill of this sweet old man.

  ‘’I won’t whisper a thing to anyone!’’ she promised as she hurried happily into the arena with her friend, and brushed her negative thoughts away. She would just have to prove everyone, wouldn’t she? Especially that brutish excuse for a human being. She imagined his face scowling at her success and giggled to herself. Then wondered why on earth she was thinking about him, and why something stirred deep inside of her at the thought of his mocking but beautifully sculptured face. She glanced at her friend guiltily, as if Jennifer could read her thoughts, but she was unaware, gazing at the multitude of screens and audio visual equipment hooked up everywhere around the rink.

  ‘’Wow, this place is epic’’ she exclaimed looking around.

  Laurel quickly tied up her skates, hopped onto the ice and started making figure of eight patterns, starting wide and getting gradually tighter and faster as her confidence grew. She finished with a small jump and a spin, her left leg held high above her head, the picture of elegance.

  ‘’Woo hoo!!’’ yelled Jennifer from the side. ‘’That was awesome!’’

  Laurel soared over to her friend, beaming. ‘’That felt awesome!’’ she agreed. ‘’But listen, I think I just want to stay here a bit longer and practice some more. Do you mind if I take a rain check on meeting the others?’’

  ‘’’Course not’’ replied Jennifer with a grin, ‘’I’ll tell them you said hi. You owe me a milkshake though, don’t forget!’’

  ‘’Ha, as if you would let me!’’ Laurel winked as she glided off effortlessly, ‘’Thanks for this sweetie. I owe you more than a milkshake for getting me back on the ice!’’


  After another hour of drills, routines, and practicing a few easy jumps and spins, Laurel took a deserved break and laid out like a star on the ice. The coolness beneath her was a welcome relief to her tired and aching body. She enjoyed the silence of the huge space and watched her breath escape from her mouth in steamy puffs. As she gazed at the hundreds of seats surrounding her she wondered what it would be like if they were all filled, everyone looking down, the spotlight on her.

  She jumped up with renewed energy and performed her practiced audition routine to perfection, even ending with a triple jump, which she rarely managed to pull off. She laughed and bowed deeply, enjoying the moment. In her head the crowds were roaring deeply, cameras were flashing, people were calling her name, ‘’Way to go Pompoms!!’’ Wait a minute… She swung round to see the brute standing there laughing at her, hands moving slowly in an exaggerated clapping motion.

  Fuck, she thought to herself. What was he doing here?

  ‘’The training session for untalented cheerleader wannabes is over honey. Off the ice now and go and play with your silly friends. That’s a good girl.’’

  Tears stung her eyes as his mean comment went straight to her heart and she realized he’d just confirmed that all her insecurities were true. She fled the ice, speechless, pulled off her boots and grabbed her bag. He appeared behind her and grabbed her hand, pulling her close to face him and then gently wiped away her tears. ‘’Look, sorry Pompoms, maybe that was too harsh.’’ He looked down at her sincerely and she felt herself melt. She held his gaze but then looked away, bemused. This was enemy no.1 and he had humiliated her yet again.

  She tore her hand away and strode angrily towards the door. But her heart was still beating hard from their brief close encounter and the glimpse of something good and true in those dark eyes of his.

  ‘’I thought you cheerleader types were made of sterner stuff, or maybe more delusional stuff anyway. You all think you’re going to be the next big star or something don’t you. Even though all you do wear cute outfits and do a few stupid jumps’’ he sneered, returning to his usual cocky self.

  He followed Laurel to the door and continued, ‘’The building’s off limits after 9pm ok? Only real athletes allowed, more specifically only ice hockey players. Understood?’’ He looking at her, eyebrows raised, waiting for her response.

  ‘’But I thought…’’ started Laurel and she glimpsed at the security guard, confused.

  ‘’No buts. See that name on the sign there. That’s my Dad. He built this arena. He owns it. So if I say you can’t be here, you can’t be here. Ok?’’

  ‘’You can’t do this,’’ she muttered, but she left, scowling at him and then remembering to smile sweetly at the security guard. Something was amiss she thought, and it wasn’t just the feelings she got inside of her whenever he was near or in her thoughts. She was going to find out what he was up to.

  ‘’Look, I just have to pop back inside,’’ Laurel pleaded to the friendly guard. She had mulled over her problem for a good half an hour over a coffee before deciding that she needed to go back and confront him. If she had to apologize, beg, humiliate herself in front of him, she didn’t care. She needed to be able to use the rink. Obviously she was also curious as to what he was up to seeing as the security guard said no ice hockey players were allowed in. And a tiny part of her wanted to see what he was like on the ice. Was he as fast and furious as everyone said he was?

  ‘’Miss, I don’t mind you using the rink, really I don’t. But what Mr. Jackson says goes. His Dad built the place you know. He’s
an important young lad around these parts.’’

  ‘’I’m not going to use the rink, I promise,’’ Laurel said earnestly, ‘’I just want to go to the girls’ locker room. I think I must have left my cell phone there.’’

  ‘’Well, ok then, but come straight out again, won’t you?’’ the kind old man agreed eventually.

  Laurel nodded, entered the building, walked straight past the locker rooms and crept quietly up to a darkened seat in the huge arena. She waited patiently in the shadows and again watched her breathy puffs appear short and fast due to the rapid beating of her heart.

  At first he was nowhere to be seen and Laurel was beginning to think she was wasting her time. But finally he glided onto the ice. He was as graceful as an eagle soaring through the sky. But he had ruggedness on the ice that left his performance as masculine as much as elegant. She marveled at the incredible power he used to propel himself faster and faster around the rink. He was indeed fast and furious but she had no idea that he could dance as well as he could smack pucks into a net. He plummeted from spin to jump to triple jump to spin to backwards jump to backwards spin.

  Laurel was mesmerized. He was by far the most talented figure skater she had ever had the privilege of seeing in real life. As he ended with a magnificent final leap into the air she completely forgot where she was and who he was and let out a loud wolf-whistle and started clapping wildly.

  ‘’Oh my, that was amazing’’ she gushed as she ran down the stairs to the ice. ‘’Who trained you?’’

  She stopped suddenly as she saw his face, a moment ago serene and determined, was now a shade of red, his eyes ablaze.

  ‘’You dirty little spy. I thought I kicked you out!’’ he shouted angrily. ‘’That dumb security guard, I knew I should have fired him ages ago.’’

  ‘’Don’t blame him’’ cried Laurel, suddenly worried that her actions could have caused someone their job. ‘’He’s just a sweet old man, and I lied to him to get in. It’s my fault. Don’t fire him, please!’’


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