Chris Matthews Complete Library E-book Box Set: Tip and the Gipper, Jack Kennedy, Hardball, Kennedy & Nixon, Now, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think, and American
Page 86
Senate race of 1952 and, 121–23, 134, 138, 145, 147, 148–49
O’Donnell, Ken, 110, 210
background of, 123
Furcolo and, 185–86
Hyannis reunion picnic and, 193–94
JFK presidency and, 323, 341, 343, 353–54, 355, 361, 366, 380, 388, 390, 393, 395
JFK’s back surgery and, 187, 188
JFK’s death and, 403
JFK Secretaries party and, 163
JFK’s presidential run and, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 254–55, 257, 264, 268–69, 271, 272–73, 279–80, 288, 289, 308, 313–14, 315
JFK’s wedding and, 165
McCarthy censure issue and, 180–81
St. Lawrence Seaway issue and, 171
Secret Service and, 316–17, 324, 403
Senate race of 1952 and, 123–24, 127, 129–30, 131–32, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 144, 145–49
Senate Rackets Committee and, 234, 236, 247
O’Donnell, Warren, 180
Office of Naval Intelligence, U.S., 43
Office of Price Stabilization, U.S., 249
Ohio, 245, 247, 248–49, 254–55, 272
election of 1960 and, 314–15, 319
Olympic Games (1936), 44
Onassis, Aristotle, 389
O’Neill, Eugene, 6
O’Neill, Millie, 140
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip”, Jr., 7–8, 23, 91, 158, 171, 202, 394, 403
Curley and, 103
election of 1946 and, 81, 83, 134
election of 1952 and, 116, 140, 143
JFK’s personnel issues and, 151–53
JFK’s presidential bid and, 274, 281–82
JFK’s Senate reelection and, 241–42
Johnson and, 263
Reagan and, 8
Watergate and, 8
Operation Mongoose, 364
Operation Vulture, 172
Operation Zapata, see Bay of Pigs invasion (1961)
Oregon, 261
organized crime, 234–37, 357
Ormsby-Gore, David, 192, 364, 384
Palm Beach, Fla., 76, 159, 162, 218, 357, 396
JFK campaign meetings at, 243, 244, 247
JFK’s convalescence in, 189–92
JFK transition and, 324–25
Parliament, British, 192
Nazi Germany and, 33, 36
war declaration and, 36
Patterson, John, 331
Peace Corps, 9, 304–5, 311, 312, 329–30, 375, 389, 405
Peale, Norman Vincent, 286
Pearl Harbor attack (Dec. 7, 1941), 42, 367
Pearson, Drew, 100
Pearson, Luvie, 100
Pennsylvania, 220, 245, 246, 274–76
Peress, Irving, 176
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, 27
Philadelphia, Pa., 1, 220, 314
Chapel of the Chaplains in, 290
Philadelphia Bulletin, 3
Philadelphia Inquirer, 6
Pilgrim’s Way (Buchan), 38–39, 41, 161
Plowden, Pamela, 65
Plum Pudding Island, Solomon Islands, 54
Plymouth, England, 38
“Point of Order” (CBS special), 175
Poland, 34, 36
poverty, 264–65
Powell, Adam Clayton, 231
Power of Positive Thinking, The (Peale), 286
Powers, Dave, 64, 80, 84, 110, 118, 341, 355, 385, 388
JFK’s death and legacy and, 399
JFK’s presidential run and, 288, 304–5
Senate race of 1952 and, 129, 138, 147
Presbyterians, 6
Princeton University, JFK and, 24, 26–27
Private Property, 268
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 190–92, 225, 232, 322
origins of, 171–72
Protestants, 2, 6, 14, 16, 156, 286–90
Proust, Marcel, 232
PT 109, 40, 51–56, 140, 169, 170, 265
Hersey’s New Yorker piece on, 66, 83
television treatment of, 225
Pulitzer Prize, 225, 227
Pursuit of Happiness, The, 203
Quemoy and Matsu, 300–303, 305–6
radio, 299, 351
Raleigh, Walter, 15
Raskin, Hy, 247
Rayburn, Sam, 206, 209, 210, 282, 288
Reader’s Digest, 83, 140
Reagan, Ronald W., 8
Reardon, Timothy “Ted,” 27, 168, 188, 202, 299
election of 1946 and, 85–86
JFK’s House term and, 91, 108
JFK’s Senate office and, 157
Senate race of 1952 and, 136
Red Army, 74, 367
Redbook, 225
Reed, Jim, 49, 54, 165, 329
Reedy, George, 98
Reggie, Edmund, 203
Rendova Island, Solomon Islands, 56
Republican National Convention, of 1960, 4–5
Republican Party, election of 1946 and, 91
Reuther, Walter, 236, 250, 387
Ribicoff, Abraham, 205, 247
RKO, 203
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 3, 395
Rogers, Ted, 294, 301
Roman Catholics:
Cold War and, 100–101
election of 1952 and, 201
election of 1960 and, 4, 5–7, 286–90
politics and, 156, 201–2, 206, 209, 211, 220, 223, 238, 245–46, 254, 256, 261–64, 272, 274–76, 286–90, 313, 315
postwar assimilation of, 2, 201
Vietnam and, 386, 391
Rooney, Art, 274
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 111, 206–7, 276
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 125, 206, 207, 226, 253, 285
death of, 69
JFK’s criticism of, 74, 87
Joseph P. Kennedy and, 21, 30–31, 36
pro-Soviet policies of, 96
Yalta and, 70–71, 87, 92, 100–101, 112, 182, 206
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 265
Roosevelt, Theodore, 405
Roselli, John, 357
Rosenberg, Ethel, 174
Rosenberg, Julius, 112, 174
Ross, Barney, 51, 267
Ross, George, 54
Rotary Club, 77
Rusk, Dean, 335, 364, 369, 387
Russell, Richard, 236, 369
Russell Islands, 51
Russian Empire, 71
Russo, Joe, 82–83, 86
St. John, George, 14, 19–20, 21, 23, 326
St. Lawrence Seaway, 170–71
Salinger, Pierre, 235–36, 242, 262, 264, 265–66, 269, 369, 380
Democratic convention of 1960 and, 278–79, 282
election of 1960 and, 284, 294, 314, 316
JFK-Nixon debates and, 284, 294
Saltonstall, Leverett, 89–90, 184–85, 202
San Francisco, Calif.:
JFK’s honeymoon in, 166–67
UN founding conference in, 69–72
Saturday Evening Post, 163, 182, 225, 226, 235
scarlet fever, 16, 400
Schary, Dore, 203
Schlesinger, Arthur, 108, 216, 253–54, 282, 303, 319, 322, 336, 393, 403
Berlin issue and, 327
Kennedys’ dinner with, 231–33
Schlesinger, Marian, 231
Scopes “monkey” trial (1925), 263
Scott, Hugh, 3
Secret Service, U.S., 188, 316–17, 324, 328, 329, 388, 403
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), U.S., 21
Seeger, Alan, 67, 161
Senate, U.S.:
Adams and, 171–72
Armed Services Committee of, 369
Committee on Naval Affairs of, 47
Cuba and, 364–65
election of 1946 and, 91
election of 1952 and, 202
Foreign Affairs Committee of, 345
Foreign Relations Committee of, 227
Government Operations Committee of, 234
JFK and, 170–71, 178–82, 183, 188–89, 193, 214, 227–29, 241, 252
Kefauver organized crime committee in, 205
McCarthy and, 173–82, 184, 188–89, 206
Muskie and, 236
Profiles in Courage and, 190–92
Rackets Committee of, 214, 233–37, 242, 247
St. Lawrence Seaway and, 170–71
see also Congress, U.S.; House of Representatives, U.S.
Shakespeare, William, 215
Shields, Charles Patrick, 6
Shoup, David M., 346, 368
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 129, 142, 383
Shriver, R. Sargent, 142, 299, 308–9, 329–30, 346
Sidey, Hugh, 274, 343, 344, 383
Sinatra, Frank, 258, 357
Smathers, George, 105, 107–8, 113, 118, 155–56, 165, 192, 230, 357, 396, 404
Democratic convention of 1956 and, 205
JFK’s European vacation and, 202, 212–13
Smith, Alfred E., 220, 264
Smith, Earl, 306
Smith, Howard K., 295, 296, 297
Smith, Jean Kennedy, 15, 129, 243, 383
Smith, Margaret Chase, 179
Smith, Stephen E., 244, 395
Socialist Party, American, 103
Solomon Islands, 47–56, 68, 80, 90
Somerton, Pa., 1, 6
Somme, Battle of the (1916), 42
Sorensen, Theodore “Ted,” 156–59, 214
background of, 156–57, 191
Catholic vote memo of, 201–2
Democratic convention of 1956 and, 204, 208, 209
Furcolo and, 185, 202
JFK articles written by, 226
JFK-Nixon debates and, 292
JFK presidency and, 317, 323, 325, 356, 367, 380, 389, 393, 395
JFK’s convalescence and, 188, 191, 193
JFK’s inaugural address and, 325
JFK’s presidential run and, 243, 244, 247, 286, 292, 316
McCarthy censure and, 182, 188
memoirs of, 171, 182, 191
political views of, 158
preparation for 1960 campaign and, 218–21, 223, 224–25, 226
Profiles in Courage and, 171–72, 191
speechwriting of, 157–58, 325
Stevenson and, 157
Sound of Music, The, 17
Soviet Union, 74, 87, 120
arms race and, 252, 285, 308, 348–52, 384
atomic bomb and, 111
Berlin and, 111, 303, 326–27, 337, 338, 339–45, 363–64, 366–67, 368, 373
Cold War and, 5, 9, 87, 96, 99–101, 175–76, 228–29, 238–39, 252, 283–84, 285, 296–97, 308, 325, 326–27, 333, 334, 336–37, 339–45, 347–52, 362–73
Cuba and, 239, 333, 334, 336–37, 363, 364–73
Hungarian Revolution and, 367
JFK’s “Peace speech” and, 376–79
nuclear test ban treaty and, 376, 384, 386
space race and, 238–39, 308, 331, 340, 352
World War II casualties of, 377–78
Yalta conference and, 70–71, 87, 92, 100–101, 112, 182, 206
space race, 238–39, 308, 331, 340, 352
Spalding, Betty, 404
Spalding, Chuck, 8, 40, 43, 61, 118, 324, 328, 356
election of 1946 and, 75, 81
Jackie and, 162
JFK’s death and legacy and, 399, 404
JFK’s wedding and, 164, 165, 166
UN founding conference and, 69–70, 72
Spartacus, 328
Spee club, 28, 142, 181
Spivak, Lawrence, 118, 119
Springfield, Mass., 121–22, 146, 147, 184
Sputnik 1, 238, 331, 352
SS-24 missiles, 365
Stalin, Josef, 70, 100, 341
Stassen, Harold, 70
State Department, U.S.:
JFK and, 111–12
McCarthy’s claim of Communists in, 112, 175
Vietnam and, 391
steel industry, 353–55
Stevenson, Adlai E., 222, 226, 227, 232, 245, 249, 253, 254, 323, 403
Dallas heckling of, 394, 397
Democratic convention of 1956 and, 196, 202–4, 205, 206, 207, 209, 217
Democratic race of 1960 and, 274, 276, 277–78, 280–81
election of 1952 and, 1, 141, 142, 201, 202, 205, 216–17, 244
election of 1956 and, 213, 292
Massachusetts primary of 1956 and, 197–99
Schlesinger and, 231
Sorensen and, 157
UN and, 322
Stewart, Jimmy, 94
Stork Club, 28
Strategic Air Command (SAC), U.S., 367
Strauss, Robert S., 289
Strider, Robert E. Lee, 264
strikes, 95, 98
Suddenly Last Summer, 268
Sudetenland, Czech, 31, 32, 34, 304
Suez Crisis (1956), 366–67
Supreme Court, U.S., 359
Sutton, Billy, 64, 79–80, 81, 84, 113, 291, 394, 403
JFK’s break with, 154, 155
JFK’s House career and, 90, 92, 93, 94, 101, 106
Swaziland, 405
Symington, Stuart, 222, 232, 249
Taft, Robert A., 8, 126, 140, 141, 227
Taft-Hartley Act (Labor-Management Relations Act) (1947), 95–97
Talmadge, Herman, 271
Tassigny, Jean de Lattre de, 117
Tawes, J. Millard, 272, 273
taxes, taxation, 376
Taylor, Maxwell, 365, 366, 391, 393
Teamsters, International Brotherhood of, 233–34
“teas”, JFK campaign, 128–29, 138, 139
television, 118–19, 126, 144, 225, 345, 351
Cuban missile crisis and, 369–70
Democratic convention of 1956 and, 203, 209, 211
Democratic convention of 1960 and, 280, 281, 284
Furcolo Senate bid and, 185–86
JFK-Humphrey debate and, 240
JFK-Nixon debates and, 284–85, 291–304, 307–8
JFK’s civil rights address and, 380–81
JFK’s religion speech and, 289
McCarthy and, 175, 177, 181
Nixon’s concession and, 315
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 67–68
Texas, 317, 394, 396–97
Third World, 352
Thirty-Nine Steps, The (Buchan), 38–39, 41
Thom, Lenny, 51, 53, 54, 55
Thomas, George, 106
Thomas, Norman, 103–4
Thompson, Llewellyn, 340
Thurmond, Strom, 256
Time, 99, 225, 274, 319, 343
Tojo, Hideki, 367
Touch of the Poet, A (O’Neill), 6
Travell, Janet, 279
Treasury Department, U.S., 322, 329
Truman, Harry S., 8, 69, 217, 307, 324
atomic bomb and, 349
Cold War and, 96, 97, 301, 306
election of 1960 and, 287, 301
JFK’s criticisms of, 112, 141, 143, 173, 182, 306, 334
Korean War and, 112, 249
McCarthy and, 176
Symington and, 249
Truman Doctrine (1947), 96, 97
Tulagi Island, 48–49
Tunisia, 228
Truman Doctrine and, 96
U.S. missiles in, 371–72
U-2 spy plane, 364
Udall, Morris, 278
Udall, Stewart, 363–64
“Ulysses” (Tennyson), 67–68
United Auto Workers (UAW), 236, 249–50, 387
United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America, 97
United Nations, 307, 364
founding conference of, 69–72
Hiss and, 111
Korean War and, 112
Stevenson and, 322
United Press International (UPI), 98
United States Steel, 353, 354
United Steelworkers, 353
V-3 cannon, 61
Vandiver, Ernest, 310
Vassar College, 160
V-E Day, 71
Versailles, Treaty of (19
19), 30, 31
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 77
Vienna, Austria, U.S.-Soviet summit in, 320, 339–44
Viet Cong, 393
Viet Minh, 172, 393
Vietnam, South, 385, 386, 391, 396
Vietnam War, 117, 119, 172–73, 326, 381, 385–87, 390–94, 396–97
Virginia, Kennedys’ Glen Ora retreat in, 328
V-J Day, 91
Voorhis, Jerry, 92, 291, 295
voting rights, 380
Wagner, Robert F., 204, 208
Wallace, George C., 379
Wallingford, Conn., 14, 16
Walsh, David I., 46–47, 90, 125
Ward, Barbara, 73
Washington, D.C.:
Dumbarton Oaks in, 168, 183
King and civil rights march on, 374, 387
Lafayette Park in, 327, 328
Washington, George, 405
Washington Post, 8, 280
Washington Times-Herald, 43, 44, 161
Watergate scandal, 8
Webster, Charlie, 49
Webster, Daniel, 227
Welch, Joseph Nye, 177
West Virginia, 112, 174–75
Democratic primary of 1960 in, 4, 262–69, 271, 286
Wheeling, W.Va., McCarthy’s speech at, 112, 174–75
White, Theodore H., 13, 197, 284, 399–402
White, Thomas P., 346
White House, 325, 327–28, 356, 358
Billings’ room in, 19, 328
Garbo visit to, 394–95
Oval Office of, 374, 380, 384
Rose Garden renovated at, 330–31
White Sands, N.Mex., 348
Why England Slept (Kennedy), 11, 37–38, 49, 67
Wilson, Bill, 292–93, 300
Wilson, Mrs. Woodrow, 330
Wilson, Woodrow, 124
Winscote, Lt., 56
Democratic primary of 1960 in, 4, 248, 256–61, 271, 279
election of 1960 and, 315
Wofford, Harris, 305, 308, 309–11, 323
Worcester, Mass., 123, 246
JFK campaign “tea” in, 129–30
JFK’s 1952 win and vote in, 146–47
World Crisis 1911–1918, The (Churchill), 17
World War I, 13, 17, 30, 31, 34, 35, 42, 67, 124
World War II, 1, 2, 26, 69, 99, 175, 176, 201, 238, 285, 290, 359
atomic bomb and, 348, 349, 372
Bradlee and, 237
JFK and, 11, 40, 41–63, 65–66, 80, 90, 169, 170, 264, 265, 398
O’Donnell and, 123
Pearl Harbor attack and, 42, 367
Soviet casualties in, 377–78
Wright, Bishop John, 246
Wright, Jim, 397
Yalta Conference (1945), 70–71, 87, 92, 100–101, 112, 182, 206
yellow fever, 86
Young Melbourne (Cecil), 151, 161, 399
Zwicker, Ralph, 176
Associated Press: 1, 14, 21, 24, 29, 30, 32, 34
JFK Presidential Library and Museum: 2, 7, 12, 23, 28, 31
John Morse/JFK Presidential Library and Museum: 3
Courtesy Choate Rosemary Hall Archives: 4