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Rules For Spanking: MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 6

by A. Anders

  “Let’s go,” Cristiano demanded.

  Lucy unclenched her hands and enter into the air. As if she weighed nothing, Cristiano lifted her and carried her to the bed. He dropped her on the mattress allowing his thick cock to pull out of her. Wondering if he would abandon her, her question was quickly answered as he joined her on the bed and forcefully rolled her onto her back.

  Staring up at him, Lucy’s heart raced. He clutched her ankles and pushed her legs onto her chest. His rigid cock found her pussy. Entering her, he felt thick. Lucy purred as he filled every inch of her. It was more than she could stand. The spankings, his forceful touch, it all ebbed before her toes curled and she crashed into a cascade of orgasms.

  Moaning, she felt Cristiano push her ankles behind her ears. In an instant, he was on top of her. His rigid cock found her pussy and increasing his thrusts Cristiano grunted before being washed away in orgasms of his own.

  With his hard, thick cock still buried in her pussy, Lucy’s body continued to flinch and twist with pleasure. Her orgasm seemed endless. When her spasms started to stretch further apart she allowed her legs to relax. Slipping out of Cristiano’s once tight grip, her thighs slid down her lover’s body and hit the mattress with a thud.

  She could still feel Cristiano’s cock pulsing inside of her. When that finally slowed to a stop, her lover withdrew himself, climbed off of her, and lay on his side facing the other way.

  Needing to hold the man that she loved, she turned to his back and wrapped her arms around him. His body felt so warm. His familiar broad back laid perfectly within her grasp. And resting her cheek against his shoulders she was ready to let go of life and slowly drift to sleep.

  She felt the reverberation of his back before she understood his words.

  “I want you to go,” he told her in a deed, god-like voice.

  Lucy was too satiated and weak to react. Not wanting to leave, she laid against him confused. He repeated himself in a deeper more commanding tone.

  “I said, I want you to leave!”

  Fighting the intoxication, she spoke. “But why? I don’t understand.”

  “You lied to me. I don’t know who you are and I don’t think I can trust you. You need to go.”

  Lucy’s heart sank hearing his words. This wasn’t a joke. This was what she had feared. With him now comfortable in his own bed, he didn’t want her anymore.

  She had been trying to make herself indispensable to him. She should have known that that wasn’t in his nature. One of the reasons she had loved him so much was his seeming independence. How did she expect him to respond to the cage she had created?

  “Go!” He demanded removing any thought that she might have had a choice in the matter.

  Slowly Lucy removed herself from Cristiano’s body and slithered away. Getting out of bed she found her underwear and put them on. Dressing, she looked over at Cristiano. All she saw was his back.

  Putting on her pants and shirt and then her shoes Lucy looked again at her lover and fiancé. She wondered what she could tell him that would make a difference.

  “You loved me and I loved you,” she said getting no response. “I know that you can’t remember that now but I’ll help you to remember. I promise. We were once so happy together. As soon as you remember, we will be again. I love you Cristiano and I believe that you loved me too.”

  It was with that that Lucy made the lonely walk through Cristiano’s apartment and into the night. She felt like she had been run over by a dump truck. Fighting to keep herself together, she entered her car and let go. Locked within, she cried.

  What had she done? Would Cristiano ever forgive her? Would their relationship ever be the same again?


  Chapter 4

  Cristiano woke the next day feeling lost and alone. He knew that it wasn’t a smart decision to ask Lucy to leave but what choice did he have? From the moment she first spoke to him he had gotten the impression that their relationship was a lie. There was something about her and what she told him that didn’t feel real.

  So often she had pretended like they were in an amazing relationship but when pressed she barely knew anything about him. How could he have fallen for a woman who hadn’t taken the time to learn anything about him?

  And why had she continuously lied about stuff being his favorite? After the first time, he had simply thought his tastes had changed. After the second and the third, he had questioned her motivation. By the fourth time, he no longer believed anything she told him.

  Why would she lie about something so basic? And if she was willing to lie about things that were so unimportant, what else was she lying about?

  And more important than that, why didn’t Cristiano feel attracted to her? It wasn’t about the way she looked. He thought she was pretty. It was something more fundamental than that. It was like there was something inside of him that was missing. It was like he was incapable of feeling anything for her.

  Cristiano couldn’t explain it. He just knew that he didn’t feel drawn to her like the way he felt he should have been. Perhaps it was just his having lost his memory. Perhaps it was something deeper.

  Now with no one to help him navigate his forgotten world, Cristiano felt scared to even leave his bed. There were so many things that he didn’t know. The only saving grace was that all of his essential survival skills were still there.

  Somehow he still remembered how to cook. He remembered how to speak both English and Spanish. And although he couldn’t recite the ingredients in a mixed drink, he could still make a darn good slippery nipple using muscle memory alone.

  Gaining confidence as he thought about it, Cristiano convinced himself that he needed to get up and figure shit out. He got up and headed to the kitchen. There were enough ingredients in the fridge to a scramble himself some eggs and make a cup of coffee.

  After breakfast he found a computer and hopped on hoping to determine who the hell he was. Going through his documents folder he found a lot of emails to people he didn’t know. A number of them had a signature that included the name of a bar. Typing that name into Google he discovered that the bar was close by.

  With no better ideas, Cristiano got dressed and walked to the bar. Nothing new came to him as he crossed the streets. As he walked he considered how weird it would be if he had walked the streets dozens of times before. Logically, he knew that that was probable. But the thought of it was frustrating.

  Was this going to be his new life? Going through life walking streets unsure if he had walked them before? The idea of it wrenched his heart in a way that made him want to give up. Fighting the urge he shook the thought and forced himself to continue on.

  Arriving at the bar, Cristiano found it closed. Seeing that it wouldn’t open for another hour, he looked around. He needed to find somewhere he could kill some time. Across the street was a coffee shop. He wondered how many times he had visited it and whether anyone there would recognize him.

  Pushing open the door Cristiano scanned the coffee shop waiting for someone to meet his eyes. No one did. Disappointed, he worked his way to the counter. The young woman in the green T-shirt smiled and gave him her full attention.

  “Good morning. What can I get you today?”

  Cristiano stared at her wondering about her greeting. Today? Had she recognized him from previous visits?

  “If I were to say to you that I would like the usual, you wouldn’t know what that was, would you?” He asked with a disarming smile.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I get so many people in here I can never keep track of everyone. What can I get you?”

  “No, that’s fine. I was just seeing something. Don’t worry about it. Just give me a coffee, black.”

  “You got it. One coffee, no cream, no sugar. Coming right up.”

  Cristiano paid for his drink and collected it a minute later. Still needing to kill fifty-five minutes, Cristiano sat at a table near the window. There he watched the busy pedestrians hustle by. A few would inevitably com
e in, order a coffee, and head out. All of them seemed to be in a rush but as it got closer to noon a few of them lingered and a few others sat down.

  It was around 12:30 when something snapped Cristiano out of his mindless gaze. Someone had entered the coffee shop. It was a man with a toned build. He had an angular face, well-coiffed blonde hair, and he was dressed in a suit.

  Without question, the man was good looking but Cristiano was sure that that wasn’t what had drawn his attention. Staring as the man stood in line, Cristiano couldn’t shake the impression that he knew him from somewhere. Could it be possible? Was this his first spark of memory?

  Cristiano knew that he shouldn’t stare but he couldn’t help it. He needed to know if the stranger recognized him as well. Staring at him until the good looking man looked back, their eyes met. Both men stared at each other until the stranger looked away.

  Having lost the man’s attention, Cristiano wondered what the exchange had meant. The man didn’t seem to have a look of realization on his face. Did that mean that the man did recognize him? If that was true, did it mean that he had just stared down a stranger?

  But if he was a stranger, then why was it that Cristiano felt so drawn to him? He had to have known him from somewhere, didn’t he? Looking back at the man who was now occupied at the counter, Cristiano was no longer sure of anything.

  Deciding that he had made a fool of himself, Cristiano turned back around and stared out the window. The bar across the street was open. He could certainly leave now if you wanted. He didn’t, though. What was keeping him there? The answer came when a male voice drew his attention. Hearing it, his chest tightened.

  “Hi. How are you doing today?” The good looking man asked him sporting a pleasant smile.

  Cristiano’s heart beat frantically. “I’m good. How about you?”

  “I’m not bad.” The good looking man paused for a second and then gestured towards the empty chair on the other side of Cristiano’s small table. “Anyone sitting there?”

  “No. Go ahead,” Cristiano said giving no hint to the turmoil he felt inside.

  “My name’s Pete,” the good looking man said holding out his hand.

  “Cristiano,” he replied clasping hands.

  Pete stared at Cristiano still smiling. Cristiano was beginning to realize that he didn’t know Pete at all. But if that was the case, then why was he so drawn to him, Cristiano wondered. It had to be something.

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?” Cristiano finally asked.

  Pete chuckled.

  “I mean, have we met before. It’s just that you seem so familiar to me.”

  “Well, I don’t know. Do you work at Fedco Investments?”

  “I can’t say that I do.”

  “Do you play much tennis? Which gym do you belong to?” Pete asked casually. “Clearly you belong to a gym.”

  Cristiano opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. How was he supposed to answer any of those questions?

  “Listen, I’m going to be honest with you. I was in an accident recently and I’ve lost my memory. I think I work at the bar across the street and I was just grabbing a coffee hoping that I would run into someone who might be able to shed a little light on who I am.”

  “You lost your memory? Like, all of it?” Pete asked fascinated.

  “Well, not all of it. I can still make you a pretty good drink if you need one. But who I am and anything I did before three days ago is a complete blank.”

  “So, when you saw me…?”

  “There was something about you that felt familiar.”

  Pete laughed. “So that wasn’t you trying to pick me up?”

  Cristiano’s face heated up hearing Pete’s words. They excited him. Why had this stranger thought that he was hitting on him? That didn’t seem like anything that Cristiano would normally do.

  Then again, he did find Pete very attractive. But didn’t Lucy say that they were engaged? Finding a guy attractive wouldn’t make sense. He couldn’t be attracted to men, could he?

  “I’m sorry, no. I wasn’t hitting on you. It is just that you seemed very familiar. You still do. Are you sure that we haven’t met before?”

  “Hey, maybe we have. Listen, I don’t have much time now. I just came down to grab a coffee. But why don’t you give me your number? What you’re going through sounds dramatic. If there is anything I can do to help you out, I’d be more than glad to. And, who knows. Maybe it’ll turn out that we do know each other,” Pete said with a smile.

  “Yeah,” Cristiano agreed. “That sounds good. Only thing, I don’t have a phone. Or maybe I do and I just don’t remember,” Cristiano said humorously.

  Pete laughed. “Then how about if I give you one of my cards. You can call me, text me, whatever. You do remember how to use a phone, don’t you?”

  “It’s that big screen in front of my couch, isn’t it?” Cristiano said with a smile.

  “That’s exactly it,” Pete confirmed sarcastically. Retrieving a card from his wallet he handed it to Cristiano. “Seriously, call me,” Pete said with a final devilish smile.

  “Okay, I will,” Cristiano agreed feeling his heart race.

  Cristiano stared at him as he walked out and Pete looked back as he left the shop. Watching the good looking man as he disappeared out of sight, Cristiano wondered what the hell he was doing. He might have forgotten everything about who he was but he could still recognize flirting when he saw it.

  Pete was definitely flirting with him and more surprising than that, Cristiano knew that he was flirting back. The idea both excited and terrified him. It was immediately after that that Cristiano left the coffee shop. As he left he wondering if the folks behind the counter were now going to remember him as the man who was flirting with another man.

  Cristiano crossed the street approaching the bar. Nothing about it seemed familiar. Opening the large dark wood door he entered. The room was empty. There wasn’t even anyone behind the bar.

  Cristiano wondered around the space taking everything in. It was a Mexican bar with small colorful tiles lining the arched ceiling. The walls were lined with portraits of Mexican wrestlers painted on velvet. Cristiano wasn’t sure what to make of the place. It wasn’t quite a dive bar but it also wasn’t upscale.

  Spotting a menu sitting on the bar he opened it. The first half page was nothing but margaritas. He had proven that he could still make a slippery nipple. He wondered if he could still make a margarita.

  “Cristiano?” A man said drawing his attention.

  Cristiano looked up at the stranger like a deer in headlights.

  “Cristiano, where the hell have you been?”

  “I was in an accident,” he replied reflexively.

  “Shit! Are you serious? When?”

  “About three days ago.”

  The dark skinned man walked up to him putting his hand on Cristiano’s shoulder. “Are you all right, man?”

  “Yeah. But the only thing is that I’ve lost my memory.”

  The guy looked at Cristiano suspiciously and then gave him a broad smile.

  “See, you had me going for a moment there. But that has got to be the worst excuse I have ever heard.” The man walked away and headed behind the bar to start his prep work. “What? Did you take that girl of yours on a trip somewhere? Or better yet, did she take you?” He said with a wink.

  Cristiano had no idea what he was talking about. “No, seriously. I was in an accident. I can’t remember anything before three days ago. The only reason I knew about this place was that I saw the name in a signature in an email. From what was written I got the feeling that I worked here so I came by to check it out.”

  The man stopped what he was doing suddenly believing Cristiano. “Wait, are you saying that you remember nothing?”

  “I remember a few things. Like, I remember how to speak English and I remember how to use the computer. But names and faces and anything that I might have done or liked, it’s all gone.”

  “Shit! I’
m so sorry, man. Wait, does that mean you don’t know who I am?”

  “No, sorry.”

  “No, don’t be sorry. My name’s Wesley. I manage the bar. Yeah, you work here. You’ve worked here for about two years.”

  “Two years?”

  “Yeah. You used to work about four or five days a week. You were my best guy. I can’t believe you lost all of your memories. What do your doctors say about when you’re gonna get them back?”

  “They don’t know. All they said was that I should surround myself with things from my old life. He says that could trigger a memory that brings it all back.”

  “Shit!” Wesley slumped as he took in the information. “That’s tragic, man. I’m so sorry to hear that.” Wesley paused. “So you’re saying that you can’t remember how to make drinks anymore?”

  “Actually, I seem to remember some drinks. I don’t know which ones. All I know is that when I hear a drink name, my hands move towards certain bottles and a drink comes out.”

  “Wait, seriously?”


  “So if I were to say to you to make me blood orange margarita, you could make me one?” Wesley asked intrigued.

  Cristiano pointed behind the bar. “Can I?”

  Wesley gestured inviting Cristiano in. Once there, Cristiano reached for a bottle of tequila, margarita mix, grenadine and an orange. When he was done there was a concoction in front of him that looked delicious. Wesley picked it up and took a sip.

  “That’s good. What about a gin and tonic?”

  Cristiano picked up the bottle of gin and measured out a precise quantity before adding a precise amount of tonic.

  “And a Long Island ice tea?”

  In less than a minute a tall glass of Long Island ice tea sat in front of them.

  “That’s amazing.” Wesley looked at him slyly. “So your doctors said that you should be around things from your old life, huh?”

  “Yeah. Places I’ve been, people I know.”

  “Well, you know me and you been to this place enough times, God knows. How about if you come back to work?”


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