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Best Friend’s Sister

Page 27

by Banks, R. R.

  “Scoot up,” I command.

  Still chucking, Knox does as I demand, scooting up so that he’s lying on the bed properly. He looks at me with a mischievous gleam in his eye and a smile on his lips. Our bodies still wet and slick from the shower, I climb back up onto the bed, a slow, sensual smile spreading across my lips.

  “I kind of like this whole ‘you being in charge’ thing,” he jokes.

  “Silence,” I order him.

  “Hot,” he says. “Very hot.”

  “I said silence,” I wink, clapping a hand over his mouth. He nods.

  I grab his cock and squeeze it tight, which makes him groan. I climb all the way up the bed and straddle his face. There’s a gleam in his eye as I grab his hair and pull him to me. The moment his tongue slides across my most intimate parts, I shudder and gasp, a feeling like ten thousand volts surging straight from my core and spreading out through every inch of my body.

  Still gripping his hair tight, I grind myself against his mouth. Knox responds by plunging his tongue deep inside of me. His hands cup my ass, his fingers pressing hard into my flesh as he starts to lick and suck on me. I cry out as Knox takes my clit into his mouth and sucks hard. He grunts in pleasure, and I wrench his hair even harder, the sensations coursing through my body hard and intense.

  “Yes, baby,” I moan. “That feels so good. Don’t stop.”

  I rock my hips and grind myself down on him. Knox gives my ass a firm swat, the crack of flesh meeting flesh ringing loud in my ears. The momentary sting of pain makes the pleasure surging through my body as he licks and sucks on me that much more intense.

  Knox slides his hands up my body, cupping my breasts and giving my nipples a pinch that makes me groan with pleasure. Mixing a small dose of pain with the intense pleasure is incredible. It sends me flying to the brink. As he keeps his tongue working on me, my body is tightening up, and the pressure is building quickly.

  As I feel the first tremors of my orgasm spreading through my body, I lean forward and grab hold of the headboard, gripping it tight. As if sensing how close I am to release, Knox gives my ass one hard, firm smack. The slap rings out in the air as loud as a gunshot. At the same time, he drives his tongue as deep inside me as he can go.

  The combination pushes me over the edge, and I cry out as I explode in sensation. My body trembles, and my heart is beating as hard as if I’ve just run a marathon. A heavy weight of ecstasy falls down on top of me as I ride out the waves of my orgasm, Knox continuing to pleasure me with his mouth.

  Slowly, I come back to myself and slide down his body until I’m straddling his waist. As I see him licking the taste of me off his lips with absolute relish, a blissful smile spreads across my face. My body burns hot with desire – I need to have him inside of me.

  He grabs my hips and I feel him start to pull me off of him. I slap his hands away, giving him a frown of disapproval that makes him smile.

  “My show. Remember?” I command. “Now, grab the headboard and do not let go.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he purrs.

  I raise myself up, then gasp as I slip the head inside of me. I’m so wet I slide down onto him with ease. Knox moans softly as I settle myself down on top of him, reveling in the feeling of him filling me up so completely. Knox starts to move his hands, so I give his nipple a hard tweak that makes him laugh like I’d just tickled him.

  “I said don’t move,” I demand.

  I give him my stern voice and even sterner look. Knox smiles, but does what I say and grips the slats of the headboard tightly.

  “You’re adorable,” he informs me.

  I flash him a feral grin as I start to ride him. Planting my hands on his thick chest for leverage, I start to move up and down on his throbbing cock – slowly at first, but quickly moving to a harder, steadier rhythm. Each downward thrust is like setting off an explosion of pleasure inside of me as his cock hits that spot deep within me.

  Knox draws in a sharp breath as I dig my nails into his skin, the sensations coursing through me almost violently. The ecstasy of being in control and taking him deep within me grows higher and hotter with each movement. I thrust myself downward again, crying out as I impale myself upon him even harder.

  His eyes are locked onto mine, and the look of sheer bliss on his face might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. His breathing is growing ragged, and I feel his body stiffening beneath me. I redouble my efforts, digging my nails into his chest harder, slamming myself down upon his thick rod with a passion and lust-fueled ferocity.

  “Fuck yes, Felicity,” he growls. “Fuck yes. Fuck me, baby. Harder.”

  He’s having a hard time keeping his hands on the headboard and off of me. The lack of control nearly driving him crazy. He somehow keeps himself steady and lets me have my way with him. I feel the wave building inside of me once more and can tell by his breathing and the way his body is moving that Knox is nearing the edge of that cliff as well.

  I thrust myself downward again, grinding myself against his cock. I take it as deep as it can go and hold it there – holding him against the sweet spot deep within my core. As I work the muscles inside of me, squeezing him even tighter with them, we both cry out at the same time.

  Knox presses his head back against the pillows and calls out my name as his cock throbs within me. He comes hard within me, and I follow him over the edge a second later. I lean forward, holding him inside of me as we both surrender to our orgasms, letting them sweep us away on a raging river of ecstasy.

  I lay on top of him, my head against his chest as I try to catch my breath. I listen to his heart thundering in his chest as he holds me, crushing me against his body with his strong, powerful arms.

  Slowly, our breathing returns to normal and I look up at him, a satisfied, leonine smile on my face.

  “You’re almost as good as my vibrator,” I wink.

  He laughs, his entire body rumbling beneath me. “Oh, she’s got jokes.”

  I lean forward and plant a soft kiss on his lips. Knox strokes my hair and looks deeply into my eyes. In the depths of his gaze, I can see just how much he cares for me. And that does steal my breath away.

  “I don’t know what this is,” I say. “But it feels pretty damn amazing.”

  “I’d say you’re pretty damn amazing,”

  His words make my cheeks flare with heat, and I’m sure they turn a shade of red not normally found in nature. I’ve never been great with compliments, to say the least. He kisses my forehead and smiles.

  “I guess we’re going to need another shower before we go out,” he tells me.

  “I’d say so.”

  He grins and we slip out of bed. Knox takes my hand and leads me back into the bathroom and into the shower, letting the warm water rain down over us once more.


  The next few weeks pass in a blur of activity – but also in a steady routine. I work during the days and spend my evenings with Felicity. There’s a certain domestic feel about it that at one time would have freaked me out and sent me running. But something inside of me is changing. Rather, Felicity’s presence in my life is changing something inside of me.

  I don’t know what it is exactly, but I’m seeing things in new ways. I’m definitely feeling differently about myself and everything in my life. And as scary as that is, I also like it. I’m finding that I like it a lot.

  Not that everything has been sunshine and roses. My relationship with Peter feels like it’s deteriorating, simply because he can’t accept the idea that maybe I’ve changed enough that I can be as good for Felicity as she is for me. We haven’t spoken much over the last couple of weeks, and when we have, it’s been all business. He is talking to Felicity quite a bit, though, no doubt trying to get her to come to her senses and get out before I do something to hurt her.

  And of course, there’s Maura, who continues her offensive against me behind the scenes. I know she’s doing everything she can to get between us and drive a wedge between Felicity and me. There’
s part of me that thinks I should suck it up and apologize to the woman for being an asshole simply for the sake of peace. But another part of me says fuck that. I neither want nor need her approval. Whatever happens between Felicity and I will be of our own design.

  I hate the fact that Felicity and I being together is putting a strain on our relationships with others in our lives. I know how much Maura means to her and see her sadness about that relationship fracturing because we’ve decided to explore whatever this is between us together.

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  Her voice pulls me out of my head. I look up and see Felicity smiling at me from across the table. The candlelight glows softly on her smooth alabaster skin and makes her eyes sparkle like chips of polished jade. Just looking at her stirs something both in my heart and in my pants.

  “God, you’re a beautiful woman,” I murmur.

  Her cheeks flush, and she smiles as she looks down at the table.

  “You’re not very good with compliments,” I observe.

  She looks up, a soft rueful smile on her face. “Yeah, I never learned that skill growing up,” she replies. “Anyway, what were you thinking just now?”

  I shrug. “Nothing, really.”

  “No? Because you looked so sad there, for a minute.”

  The waiter arrives and pours us a couple glasses of wine, clears the appetizer plates, and lets us know that our meals will be out momentarily. I pick up my glass and take a sip, my eyes never leaving hers.


  Felicity nods. “Yeah, it was in your eyes. You looked sad.”

  Either I’m slipping and letting her see my emotions, or she’s as perceptive as her brother. She might even be a bit more perceptive, now that I think about it. Which is bad news for me. It means I’m never going to be able to keep a secret from this woman.

  “So tell me,” she presses. “What’s on your mind?”

  I take another sip of my wine and set my glass down. “I was just thinking about how much upheaval our being together has caused in your life,” I admit. “I mean, believe it or not, I feel bad that you and your agent are having troubles.”

  Felicity sighs. I can see the emotion in her face. She’s obviously very upset by the sudden divide between them. But in her eyes, I also see a steely resolve and the strength I know is in her. She gives me a soft smile.

  “It hurts, I’m not going to lie. I mean, aside from Dani, Maura is the closest person to me in my life,” she says. “That she’s being so frosty to me lately – simply because of who I choose to care about – hurts. A lot.”

  “Maybe I should talk to her –”

  Felicity shakes her head. “No. This is her issue. Not mine and not yours,” her voice carries an iron edge to it. “She’s somebody I respect and care for a tremendous amount, but I’m not going to let her dictate every single facet of my life. She can’t tell me who I can and can’t date.”

  I sit back in my seat and take another sip of wine. Felicity smiles, and although her expression is still tinged with sadness, the sharp edge I see is impressive. It also makes me feel somewhat steadier on my feet in regard to our burgeoning relationship – which is yet another first. Felicity is the first woman who’s ever made me feel uncertain in regard to my place in her life.

  “If there’s one thing I’m learning from you, it’s to live my life,” she continues. “It’s to live it the way I want, doing the things that make me happy.”

  “I’m assuming since you’re smiling, doing me makes you happy,” I quip.

  “Yeah you’re okay, I guess,” she fires back.

  I shrug. “I can take my talents elsewhere, if they’re not appreciated.”

  “Shut up,” she smiles. “I’m serious, though. I look at you doing everything that makes you happy – and I mean everything – and I find myself aspiring to do that.”

  “Well, it’s not all my doing. I mean, I was given plenty of advantages most people don’t get,” I admit. “It’s allowed me to indulge in things most people can only dream of.”

  “That’s true,” she relents. “But you still made a conscious decision to live your life on your own terms. You made the conscious decision to be happy.”

  “Life is too short to be miserable,” I concede. “But again, it’s easier to make that choice when you have my kind of money.”

  “That’s true, too. But I also know you try to spread that happiness around,” she grins at me. “I know you give a ton to charities and through your foundation.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  There’s a mischievous glint in her eye. “My Google game is strong.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “You looked me up.”

  She nods. “I admit, I was curious once I found out you were a man of means. I was curious about what kind of man you were, and when I found out what you do for charity, I knew.”

  “And what kind of man is that?”

  “A good man,” she says, her voice clear and strong. “A good man with a good heart.”

  I drain the last of my wine and pour another glass. Felicity hasn’t touched hers yet, so I set the bottle back down. I take a drink and process everything she’s told me. Her Google game must be really strong, since most of what I give to charity is funneled through a couple of corporate entities I own. As is my foundation. But then, I suppose somebody as well-versed in research, as Felicity is, would be able to find that information fairly easily if they knew where to look. And she clearly does.

  “Yeah well, don’t let that get around,” I tell her. “I have a reputation as an uncaring, irresponsible trust fund kid to live up to.”

  She leans forward on the table, her gaze intense. “Why don’t you want people to know?” she questions. “I mean, what you do is a wonderful thing and –”

  “Because I don’t believe charity done for publicity is actually charity at all. Posing with sick kids or whatnot, getting your name in the papers – that’s not helping them. It’s just making you feel good about yourself,” I grumble. “Helping support the work that will find these kids homes or cures for their diseases is what actually helps them. Just knowing I’m helping with that is what makes me feel good.”

  Felicity sits back in her seat, an inscrutable expression on her face. “Maura is so wrong about you,” she whispers. “So many people are so wrong about you.”

  I shrug. “I’m assuming you haven’t told her about it,” I state. “So I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell her or anybody. That’s not why I do it. I don’t need a pat on the back.”

  “You have my word.”

  “Good,” I say and raise my wine glass, clinking it against hers. “How about a lighter topic?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  The waiter arrives and drops off our meals. Our conversation is light, easy, and filled with a lot of laughter. She tells me about her early influences and what spurred her to chase a career in writing in the first place. The more I learn about her, the more I want to know. Felicity inspires a curiosity in me I’ve never felt in another woman before.

  The last couple of weeks, I feel we’ve grown as close as I’ve ever been with anybody. What I feel for her is genuine. And it’s deep. Despite all of the high walls I surround myself with, and every mental roadblock I’ve thrown up, this woman has taken root deep within me. It seems like I can’t go a single minute without having her pop into my head – something she said, or some joke she made. Or just the sound of her laughter. The memory of the fragrance she wears. She has completely taken over my heart and my mind – without even trying.

  It’s that intensity of emotion I wish Peter would understand. As unbelievable as it seems even to me – and as polar opposite as my track record would suggest it is – this is more than just a fling for me. Much more. Something has shifted deep inside of me. Whatever this undefined thing is between Felicity and I, it’s real and it’s tangible.

  The waiter brings the check back and I slip my card back into my wallet. Making
sure to leave him a generous tip, I sign the check and get to my feet, offering Felicity my hand. She gives me a smile and allows me to help her stand. I take the light sweater off the chair, drape it over her shoulders, and lead her out of the restaurant. But I’m not quite ready for the evening to end.

  “How about we go for a walk?” I suggest.

  She takes my arm and leans her head against my shoulder. “Sounds wonderful to me.”

  The evening air is pleasantly warm, though in the distance I can see clouds gathering, promising a spring rainstorm. At least tonight is nice enough that we can take a walk together. I lead her down the street to one of the art parks that have cropped up around the city lately.

  The first one I found myself in was purely by accident. But I remember enjoying my time there, thinking some of the art was beautiful. I found myself frequenting them more and more often, seeking out new ones and revisiting some of my favorites.

  The art parks are so peaceful and quiet – a tough thing to accomplish in the middle of a major city. But it’s a little spot of Zen for many. A place people go to seek refuge, where they can hide away from the pressures of their lives. At least for a little while.

  As we pass through the gates and walk inside, Felicity’s eyes widen. She looks around in awe, a small and adorable smile touching her lips. The parks are small and enclosed by brick walls. Inside, they’re filled with sculptures done by local artists, as well as bushes and flowers. Some have water installations and urban murals. They’re all different, and they’re all amazing in their own ways.

  “What is this place?” she gasps.

  “The city’s art parks. You’ve never heard of them?”

  She shakes her head. “I haven’t. As sad as that is.”

  “Well, they don’t get a lot of fanfare,” I say. “But they’re beautiful.”

  There are a couple dozen people in the park, some of them couples like us, others just sitting and sketching the sculptures. There are a couple of homeless people as well, doing their best to actually be as invisible as they are to some of these people who don’t seem to take any notice of them. I see a familiar face, though – that of a homeless vet named Billy.


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