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His Virgin Widow

Page 3

by Melinda Barron

  The laughter that had been in his eyes at dinner was gone. He was guiding us toward the open doorway that led to the gardens. The cool spring air was flowing inside. I could smell the flowers that were in bloom. The feeling of warmth in my stomach had returned.

  I fought the feeling down and looked up at Lord Essex.

  “I told you before I will not play your games. Your secret is safe with me, however.”

  He kept his arm around me as we moved out onto the stone landing at the top of the gardens.

  “Yes, you did say that,” he said, keeping his arm around me. “However, I don’t accept that. You are not in charge of this situation, Mrs. Hudson, I am.”

  He had his arm around my waist and we were moving toward a bench that was nestled near the rose bushes. I could push him away and cause another scene. Several couples were also headed toward the gardens. I knew there was nothing he could do to me physically. It was too public of an area. I was worried, however, about what he could do to me mentally. My ability, and desire, to resist him was hanging by a thread.

  All it had taken was the feel of his hand against the small of my back. I had not had this giddy feeling when Geoffrey Edwards touched me. He sat on the bench and pulled me down beside him, nestling me close against him.

  “If I were you, my sweet, I would break your engagement with Geoffrey Edwards for Saturday evening,” he was whispering in my ear, leaning very close. I was sure every couple nearby was straining to hear what he was saying. “I believe you are going to be otherwise engaged.”

  I shook my head. “Geoffrey is a very sweet man. I plan on keeping the engagement. Lord Essex, although I appreciate your interest, I do believe we are not suited for each other.”

  I could see Amelia in my mind, bent over the table. Lord Essex was swinging the leather toward her behind. I shivered, and he drew me closer. “Say it all you want, Mrs. Hudson, but we are very suited to each other.”

  He pulled back and lifted my face so that our eyes met. “Come tomorrow, at tea time. My aunt will welcome you, and then she will give us time together, to get to know one another.”

  The anger that I’d felt at dinner returned. “How dare you just assume that I will be at your beck and call. I have other plans for tomorrow.”

  I stood and turned. Layla and her husband, Martin, were in the doorway, watching us with great interest. Lord Essex pulled me back down onto the bench and I almost lost my balance. Only his outstretched arm kept me from toppling backwards.

  “Mrs. Hudson, tomorrow’s engagement is not an invitation, it is an order.” His voice was steely. Layla and Martin started toward us. “This is my only warning, my sweet. Do not cross me.”

  He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, pulling me to my feet just as Layla and Martin reached us.

  Lord Essex turned his smile on the pair. “A beautiful night, isn’t it? If you’ll excuse me I must attend to my other guests.” He kissed my cheek, and then kissed Layla’s, shaking hands with Martin before he disappeared into the ballroom.

  My hands were shaking. His voice had held a determination that I had never heard. Layla looked at me questioningly. Martin had a smug smile on his face. “It seems you’ve captured the attention of Lord Essex,” he said.

  I looked at him and smiled. Inside I was thinking it was the most stupid statement I had ever heard. Everyone had noticed the attention I had received from Essex. Layla looked at her husband and shook her head, a smile on her face. Then she leaned in as if to kiss my cheek. “What did I tell you? And when do I need to create an alibi for your first tryst?”

  She laughed, and Martin joined in, even though he didn’t know the joke. I smiled at the both of them and felt my insides quaking. An order indeed. We would see who would win this battle of wills. I would not go gently into Lord Essex’s plans. He could kiss his order goodbye. I would be otherwise engaged at teatime tomorrow.

  “My goodness what a scandal you’ve caused,” Sarah said at breakfast the next morning. She had a lineup of gossip sheets by her elbow. I would say she was angry about what she was reading but truthfully, I think she was thrilled that I was the focus of attention. It would make her all the more attractive to members of the ton.

  “Listen to this,” she said to no one in particular. Raymond was eating his toast, his mind not on what his wife was saying.

  “Which lovely widow, who never made it to her wedding bed, attracted the attention of one of the ton’s most eligible bachelors during a stellar extravaganza at his home yesterday eve? The young miss, resplendent in a sparkling gown of red cut low and revealing, even made it into the gardens with the handsome Lord. The obviously smitten host also rescued the pretty young lady from a battle of wits with another of his female guests who dared to use the M word where the young lady was concerned.”

  Sarah took a drink of tea and cleared her throat before she continued. “If Lord E plans to continue his pursuance of the young lady perhaps he should make sure that he doesn’t go onto any rooftops with her.”

  She slapped the paper down on the table and began to laugh. “My goodness, Charlotte, whatever did you say to the ‘other female guest’? And who was it?”

  I took a bite of my eggs and tried not to grimace. “Lady Chesterfield seems to think I’m a hussy who shouldn’t be allowed back into society.”

  Sarah’s smile disappeared. “My goodness, Charlotte, you fought with Lady Chesterfield? She is one of the most influential persons in the ton. We will we banned from every affair in London. Perhaps we could make some amends somehow. Raymond, what are your thoughts on the matter?”

  Raymond grunted and continued to eat his breakfast. It was obvious he could care less about Lady Chesterfield. Or the fact that the gossip sheet had practically said I’d pushed Barnard off the rooftop.

  “I’m going shopping with Layla,” I announced. “I will take tea at her house. I have also declined the Smyth’s party tomorrow, and am attending a play with Geoffrey Edwards on Saturday.”

  I stood and straightened my skirts. “If you will excuse me, I will see you later this evening.”

  I left without giving Sarah a chance to answer. I knew she was angry about Lady Chesterfield, but I was also sure she would fight her way back from the setback. Sarah would never give up. Just like I would never give in to Lord Essex.

  By three p.m. I had ordered ten new dresses in varying vivid colors. Of course, I had purchased matching slippers, bags and undergarments. Layla and I had been talked about in every store we entered. For once no one was overly rude, which surprised me. But we were certainly the center of attention.

  Shopkeepers were happy to see me arrive. I was so tired of black that I went overboard. When teatime came at four p.m. Layla and I retired to her home, laughing and gossiping the entire time.

  “Did you see Lady Ingle look at you while they were fitting you for that peacock blue dress? It was obvious that she wanted it, but she wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something you would wear, if you pardon the pun.”

  We dissolved into laughter as we sank onto the couch in her study.

  “Lord Essex will love you in the blue,” Layla said, gasping for air. “Perhaps you should wear it on the night he takes your maidenhead.”

  I had tried not to think of Lord Essex all day. But unfortunately, I had failed. Each dress I had purchased I’d wondered what he would think. Would he like the color? The cut? Would he appreciate the matching corsets and petticoats?

  I shook my head vigorously. “Lord Essex will not take my maidenhead. And I have no plans for a tryst. I’m going to the theater with Geoffrey Edwards Saturday evening. Are you and Martin attending the play?”

  Layla stared at me, a cucumber sandwich halfway to her mouth. “You’re joking, right? Geoffrey Edwards? Over Lord Essex? Have you lost your mind?”

  “I would have to say she has,” Lord Essex replied from the doorway. “I very nicely asked Mrs. Hudson to have tea with my aunt and myself today and she missed the appointment. So, I had to track
her down.”

  He stepped into the room with Martin right behind him. “I must say, Lady Thomas, you look very lovely.” Essex kissed her outstretched hand and I could do nothing but outstretch my own. He kissed it gently and then gave me a wicked smile that only I could see. That smile clearly said that he had won, and would continue winning until he got what he wanted.

  Layla was staring at me with her mouth open. “Charlotte, why did you not tell me you were to have tea with Lord Essex? Milord please forgive me. If I had known...”

  Lord Essex cut her off with a wave of his hand. “Lady Thomas, please, call me George. And of course, I know you didn’t know. It’s Mrs. Hudson, Charlotte, who is playing hard to get. But I do love a challenge.”

  He sat down and helped himself to a plate, which he preceded to heap with sandwiches and cakes. A maid brought in two new cups, giving Lord Essex a shy look as she placed a cup in front of him. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his long legs at the ankles and digging into his food.

  “George came by early this afternoon looking for you two,” Martin said. “Seems he went by the Hudson home to offer his carriage for the tea engagement and was informed that Charlotte was not there. We’ve been waiting for you for several hours.”

  Layla gave me a look that caused me to cringe. She was very angry with me. If she knew what I knew, however, she would understand why I was working to stay away from Lord Essex.

  I looked at him and felt my stomach muscles tighten as they had the night before. I saw Amelia’s reddened bottom. I heard the leather swishing through the air. I heard its popping noise as it hit, her cry of pain and then her apology for breaking the rules. The palms of my hands began to sweat.

  “I apologize, Lord Essex,” I whispered, trying to think of a quick excuse. “But I thought that perhaps after seeing the gossip sheets this morning you would rescind the invitation.”

  He popped a cake into his mouth and swallowed quickly. “Nonsense, Mrs. Hudson. A few words do not bother me. In fact, I found them quite amusing.”

  He wiped his hands on a napkin and took a drink of tea. “Those few words seem to have had quite an effect on the ton. When I went by the Hudson’s this morning Mrs. Hudson, the elder Mrs. Hudson, was eagerly going through a plethora of invitations that you have received, not the least of which was to the Ellington crush this evening. I promised Mrs. Hudson that we would leave around eight. I hope that time is good for you, Mrs. Hudson. Or should I call you Charlotte, to make things simpler? All these Mrs. Hudsons are making my head swim.”

  He laughed and popped another cake into his mouth. There was no way I could refuse. He had already made the arrangements with Sarah. If I backed out now, there would be serious questions raised about my sanity.

  “And now, Charlotte, I will carry you home in my carriage, so you can prepare for this evening.” He stood and offered me his hand. I stood and took it.

  Once we were inside his carriage he gave me a cold stare. “I am not used to having my orders disobeyed, Charlotte.”

  I looked out the window and saw that the carriage was not headed toward my home.

  “Tell the driver to take me home,” I whispered.

  “Not quite yet,” he said. “You have a spanking coming to you and it will be delivered this afternoon.”

  I stared back out the window. I knew we would be at Lord Essex’s house in a few short minutes. I weighed my options. I could scream and cry for help, attracting the attention of everyone on the street. That would cause quite a stir in the gossip sheets.

  I could run the moment we pulled up, but I had little doubt that Lord Essex would follow me and bring me back to his house by force. I could stay inside the carriage, but I also had little doubt that he would pick me up and carry me inside. Or I could calmly walk inside.

  I looked at Lord Essex. The determined look was still upon his face.

  “I know what you are thinking, Charlotte.” His voice was soft but firm. “I know that you think someone on the street will help you escape your punishment, but I can assure you that is not the case. You would do better to walk inside the house on your own. If you choose not to, you can be assured that I will carry you inside.”

  I wondered what kind of scene that would cause. The gossip sheets would be full the next day.

  I straightened my head and looked him square in the eyes. “Very well, I will go into your home. But you should know that I will not submit to a spanking. You have no authority over me.”

  He didn’t respond. Instead we stepped from the carriage and went into the house. Several people were on the street, looking at us as we went inside. I knew the gossip would be flying by the beginning of the Ellington crush tonight.

  He told the butler that he “didn’t want to be disturbed,” and then headed toward the room where Amelia had received her spanking.

  I stepped over the threshold and he shut the door, shucking his coat and vest and rolling up his shirtsleeves. He leaned against the table and crossed his arms across his chest.

  “Now, Charlotte, you have control over how the spanking proceeds from here. We have little time, so if you obey my orders and take what is coming to you we can finish this part in short time.”

  “What do you mean by ‘this part’?” My voice was quivering a bit.

  Lord Essex smiled. “You will receive a small spanking this afternoon, forty or fifty strokes.” He said it nonchalantly and I balked. Forty or fifty? Was he kidding? That was a small spanking?

  He continued, ignoring the look of disbelief on my face. “Then we will continue the rest tonight, after the Ellington party.”

  I stalled for time. “And what is the rest?”

  He plastered a wicked smile on his face. “Let’s just say that the title of ‘Virgin Widow’ will not fit you any longer.”

  Without waiting for an answer, he went to the couch and sat down.

  “Come here, Charlotte, right now. If you refuse I will come after you. It will be harder for you.”

  I took a few steps and then stopped. I could feel fear gripping my insides, but there was also something else, something I couldn’t identify. I refused to let him see me cringe. If Amelia could take it so could I. They had used leather on her and I noticed no strap. That meant he planned on using his hand. It would not be too bad.

  I stopped in front of him and he motioned me to his side.

  “Lay yourself across my lap.”

  My hands were shaking as I straightened down my skirts and lowered myself. I could feel his hard thigh pressed against my quim. His manhood was pressed against my side. It sent a chill through me.

  I started to squirm as I felt him gathering my skirts up. He intended for my bottom to be bare and I was unprepared for that. I knew that Amelia’s had been, but I hadn’t expected him to raise my skirts. I tried to stand, and he used one hand to hold me down. My skirts came up above my head and I heard the material of my under-alls tearing, baring my backside.

  “Stop that! Stop that this instance! No! No!” I could feel the cool air on my skin and moments later I felt a resounding slap, followed by four more. I tried to move but Lord Essex was holding me down.

  “This is for spying on me.” He slapped her ass repeatedly.

  Tears were stinging my eyes as I felt heat rush through my exposed bum. I also felt a warming in my quim, something I had never felt before.

  “And this is for not following orders this afternoon.” He continued to spank me, and I continued to squirm, begging him to stop. But I realized that each time he slapped me I was squirming to try and press my quim harder against his thigh. The pressure on my quim, coupled with the sharp slaps was producing a most enjoyable sensation.

  “Are you going to be a good little girl for me, Charlotte?” He continued to slap my ass. When he stopped he yelled, “Answer me,” before he started the spanking again.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Louder, and you will call me Master George when we are alone together.” The strikes continue
d to rain on my bottom.

  “Yes, Master George, yes.”

  “Yes what, Mrs. Hudson?”

  “Yes, Master George, I will be a good girl.”

  The spanking was harder than before, and it was hard to keep hold of my senses.

  “You will be my good little girl, say it!”

  I was crying now, my tears staining my cheeks. But the pressure I had been feeling in my quim had intensified. I wanted more. Much more.

  “Yes, Master George, I will be your good little girl, I promise.”

  “Lift up just a little bit Charlotte, and spread your legs.”

  I did as I was told without a fuss and sighed as Lord Essex’s thumb pushed its way inside my quim. He used his other hand to rub my reddened behind and whispered for me to “Relax, relax and enjoy.”

  His thumb began to move, and his fingers began rubbing at the front part of my quim. A tingling sensation began to spread through my belly and I sighed through my tears.

  He smacked my bottom. “Spend for me, Charlotte.” He smacked it again, and again. “Relax and allow it to happen. That’s it my sweet, move your hips.

  I was bucking myself against Lord Essex’s thumb, begging him to continue. I had never felt anything so wonderful in my entire life. He moved his fingers and slid his thumb in and out of me as he continued to slap my behind with the other hand. Moments later I cried out in pleasure, and Lord Essex slapped my behind continually until my moaning subsided. I was sobbing silently when he turned me over and gathered me in his arms, wiping away my tears.

  “Did you enjoy your first lesson, sweet Charlotte?” Without waiting for an answer, he kissed me and laughed. “Of course, you did. There is more to come, my sweet. Just wait and see. Much more.”

  Then he stood me up and made me bend over, so he could inspect my behind.

  “Very nice,” he whispered, and he slapped it again, several times. “We’ll see how it looks after tonight.”

  I hiccupped as my sobbing subsided. The waves of pleasure I had felt were still rolling through my body. “I can’t take it again tonight.”


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