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Romance: The Sheikh Bear: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (Sheikh Romance, BBW Paranormal Romance, Bear Shifter Romance)

Page 4

by Ashley Hunter

“I will be taking a trip to Bellevue this weekend for an important meeting with some clients. Specifically to handle the Baudelaire case.”

  Elle recognized the name from one of the files and remembered that their firm would be doing taking the defense.

  “I was wondering if you would come along with me.”

  The request took her by surprise. Elle had never traveled, only doing so once before she moved to Seattle with her uncle.

  “You want me to go with you?”

  Malik nodded, “Yes. This is the sort of thing I would require of my secretary.”

  And suddenly the whole tone of the conversation returned to that strained professionalism between them. What it was before… Elle wasn’t sure she wanted to give it a name.

  “For how long?”

  “A week at most.”

  Did she want to spend time alone with this man? Elle wasn’t sure, but she hardly believed she had an option to say no.


  And then he nodded and waved her away.

  Elle gave a short bow before she turned and walked off, hoping that the trembling in her hands wasn’t visible to his scrutiny.

  Chapter 10

  “We’re lost.”

  “We’re not lost.”

  For the twelve millionth time, Elle couldn’t help but curse the man sitting at her side inwardly. This man was gifted with a ridiculous amount of money. He had protection, he had prospects. But the bloody idiot had no sense of direction at all.

  Of all the idiotic reasons to not take a plane out—Elle had even gotten excited to fly on a private jet—none would be enough to satisfy why Malik was allowed to take one of the company’s expensive cars and decide to drive the couple to the city.

  Elle had hoped to a ride in luxury, considering all the stuff Malik had put her through since she had become his secretary, and instead she got hours of awkward silence and finally facing the fact that they had been driving for far too long.

  “Bellevue was only a four hour drive, your excellency,” Elle said, trying to keep her voice at a respectful decibel.

  “And yet we’ve been driving for nine. Please just face it, we’re lost.”

  “Miss Roberts, for the last time, we’re not lost.” Malik stated firmly, yet whatever humor there was in his voice was completely depleted.

  He was also steaming in frustration and the close proximity and growing tension was giving them both a high dosage of cabin fever.

  “Look, with all due respect, could we just turn around and head back to that shack—“

  “We are not asking for directions, Miss Roberts. So you can take that idea and shove it.”

  Irritation blossomed through Elle’s nerves, making her see red for a split moment. Unable to handle his bitten words, Elle faced him with a simmering glare.

  “Oh, wonderful. I never thought the stereotype reached your lands, but wow, you sure showed me.”

  “What stereotype?”

  Malik shot back, glaring into the open road ahead of them. This road didn’t look anything like the highway and honestly, those thunderheads above only promised dark omens.

  “That egotistical men can’t handle asking for directions because they take it as a blow to their pathetic pride!” Elle finally snapped.

  “Watch it, habibi.” Malik huffed.

  “Or what, you’ll fire me?” Elle continued with a strange sense of daring.

  “Well, by all means do so because after I stop working for you, I’ll find my own way back home while you continue driving in circles!”

  “I’m tempted to just drop you off here so you can go and do that!”

  He rolled his eyes and Elle let out a grunt of aggravation.

  “Then what is stopping you?” She exclaimed.

  “You can just as easily find another girl to do my job. And she’ll be much prettier and quieter and will just bow her head and fill all your needs!”

  “You had me at the ‘quieter’ part,” Malik said coldly.

  “Maybe I will do just that.”

  He could have slapped her and it would’ve hurt less. Elle fell silent at that, feeling absurdly stung by his words.

  Thunder rumbled in the distance and little specks of rain began to stick to the windshield. All around them were large trees that loomed like huge green giants above them and for a moment, Elle wished he would just drop her off so she could hide the tears threatening to burn down her eyes.

  She felt ridiculous.

  Why would that make her hurt?

  There was no need to feel so wounded by such a selfish man.

  “What’s this, the thought of losing your job actually registering in your head?” Malik continued.

  Elle said nothing, sternly keeping her body tight against the passenger door, her gaze outside the window.

  To her dismay, her emotions were not as invisible as she wished they would be and when she dared breathe, the sound came out with a slight sniffle that alerted the man.

  “Miss Roberts?”

  “Just leave me alone for once, would you? You’ve said enough.”

  “I don’t understand—are you crying?”

  Elle clenched her eyes shut, feeling the tears cascade down her cheeks before she brushed them away harshly.

  “This whole thing was just a bad idea,” she muttered.

  “What traveling with me?” Malik voiced.

  “Taking this stupid job!” She finally admitted.

  When she faced him, he was giving her a stunned expression.

  “What kind of sick person tricks their employee like the way you tricked me? I don’t care where you come from, because where I come from that is a seriously wrong thing to do. You laughed at me, you mocked me, all the while you were the Sheikh, and I was making a fool of myself at your entertainment!”

  Malik looked away to look at the road and to her mortification, she realized he was pulling over to the side of the road.

  When he put the car in park, Elle found her chance to put some much needed distance between them. Without warning, she unhooked her seatbelt and unlocked her door.

  The door gave with a push and Elle was stumbling out. A chilly breeze wrapped around her and she could feel icy drops of rain fall over her body.

  “Hey!” She heard, before she heard Malik’s door open too.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Away from you, obviously!” She called back, angry at the tears coursing down her cheeks, angry at the fact that even now she was running away to hide.

  She heard his footsteps catch up before she felt him grab her wrist. Do not touch the Sheikh in any manner whatsoever. Yanking her wrist away, Elle whirled around to glare at him. That slightest touch of skin on skin had burned her. It had made her feel something she knew she couldn’t toward this man.

  “Do not touch me!”

  She cried, trying not to care about the vulnerable flicker in his dark eyes, the way his full lips parted and how his shoulders slumped at her rejection.

  “I’m not allowed to touch you, get it? Ever!”

  “Miss Roberts,” Malik began.

  “Don’t—please just don’t,” Elle said, shaking her head.

  The moisture in the air was making her hair frizz, and a gust of wind cast her brown locks around her face.

  Hugging herself, Elle wanted nothing more than to become small and to be blown away with the wind.

  “I didn’t ask for this, Malik. I don’t want to feel this.”

  “Feel what?”

  He asked and his voice was also small, and she was reminded that he was just a man. That far away from titles and gold and impressionable status, he was just a man.

  “This!” She said waving her hands between her and him.

  “You have infuriated me for these past couple of months. You tricked me, you lied to me! But you also made me laugh even when I wanted to punch you—okay? No one’s ever made me feel that way. And then I go and find out that you’re my boss, that you’re The Sheikh! That you
’re fucking untouchable and that I’m just a white girl who can’t ever have anything to do with your world… And when I can finally say that I feel objective, you go and you hurt me again!”

  He took a step toward her, and the look over his eyes was absolutely wretched.

  “If it’s about what I said in the car—“

  Elle didn’t give him the chance.

  “It’s about literally everything you’ve ever done! I don’t know if I can trust you. I don’t know if I can trust myself around you! I can’t do this. I can’t because the last time I let myself—” she stopped herself short, feeling surprised even at the words falling from her mouth.

  What am I saying?

  “Let yourself what, Elle?” Malik asked, and she felt her name on his tongue as intimately as if he had touched her.

  She didn’t like the look in his eye, the look that was somewhat hopeful, even wishing.

  “Do you… have a crush on me?”

  The way he said it made it seem too juvenile. It made her feel like she was back in high school. A huge wave of revulsion and embarrassment washed over her and Elle could feel herself recoil from him.

  Did he think this was a joke? This was another game to him?

  This can’t be happening.

  “Just, leave me alone.”

  She said and when she turned around, she could feel the rain fall with more definition around them. Elle wanted nothing more than to disappear. She wanted to fly away.

  Instead, she felt his hand wrap around hers again, pulling her back with surprising force.

  When Elle whirled around, she was more than prepared to shout at him, to hurt him with her hands for the wounds he had caused her with his words.

  Instead, he was suddenly gripping around her jaw, and pulling her up towards his face.

  His lips were hot against hers, hot and bruising. Hot and needy. Hot and amazing.

  Elle’s mind was spinning, her knees felt shaky and wobbly, all she could do was cling to his shirt to keep from falling over.

  Malik pressed kiss after kiss against her mouth, made her feel so strange and light, so confused and excited. What was going on…?

  Finally he broke away and she could feel the icy rain dig into her skin and jolt her to reality.

  Before she could push away, he was burning his dark eyes against her green ones.

  “I like you too, Elle.” He said and the confession stunned her into another silence that he was more than happy to fill with another mind-boggling kiss.

  I like you too, Elle.

  I like you too, Elle.

  And suddenly Elle realized that what she had been feeling wasn’t just a simple attraction, and now that Malik was kissing her, Elle realized with some disbelief that his words made her feel… happy.

  Chapter 11

  It took off far too fast, but it was like she was being whisked into a storm of fire and delicious heat. Before she could fully understand what was happening, Malik was leading her by the lips toward the car.

  She stumbled after him, wanting to keep her mouth on his and allowing this strange sensation to carry her far away from the pain of the past few months.

  They moved back inside the car, and when Malik opened the backseat doors, Elle was reluctant to part from him for a moment.

  Finally there and safe from the incoming storm, Elle only had a moment to breathe slowly before Malik was sliding against her and pressing another amazing kiss to her lips.

  Elle moaned against his mouth, more out of surprise and now that her head wasn’t as preoccupied with his words and more with what was happening between them.

  “M-Malik,” she began against his lips.

  He paused for a moment, breathing hard against her while his hands were flush against her ribs. She was so close to pushing him away, so close to ending their little charade before it got too far when she saw it.

  Saw the familiar rawness in his eyes that told her that he wasn’t so far off from where she was in terms of feelings. That same pain that she had seen for months in her own eyes since Alex left her was now being reflected back at her through his eyes.

  He was also hurt… and it was driving him just as crazy as this strange attraction between the two of them. And that was when Elle knew she couldn’t stop herself from connecting with this man.

  When her mouth met his, the kiss was different. Different because now there was a different desperation behind her tongue and when his lips parted to meet hers, she caught that same desperation against his.

  It was bitter, it was heady, and it made Elle want to make it all go away.

  The kiss intensified, and their breathing grew haggard as each touch they caused over their skin made desire flow like lava. She couldn’t remember who touched bare flesh first, but the next thing she knew, her clothes were being peeled off her sweat-sticky skin.

  Her shirt went first, and when she felt Malik’s lips burn down her throat toward her breasts, Elle let out a gasp that ripped into his hands and made him grasp her closer to him.

  His shirt came next, and soon her hands were running over the sharp planes of his muscular back. When Malik’s teeth found the edge of her bra, Elle was collapsing back against the lush leather seat, back arching to expose her to his attention.

  His fingers made quick work of the fabric containing her and when the strap of her bra came undone, she felt her breast spill out of the underwear and into Malik’s hands.

  His thumbs and forefingers found her nipples easily, teasing the puckered flesh and sending jolt after jolt of pleasure through Elle’s system. When his mouth closed around one of the dusky rose buds, Elle let out a cry that was muffled by a crackle of thunder.

  His tongue flashed over her skin, gently laving over the peaks of her breasts and eliciting electric sparks beneath her flesh. Her nerve endings were on overload, filling her to the brim with the intoxicating desire to pull him closer.

  Their movements became less focused, clumsier now that they were both on a one way road to a singular climax. Her hands yanked into his dark hair, the moisture of the rain making her snag on his tangled hair almost too hard. He let out a sharp hiss at that, but said nothing.

  Malik’s hands had found the hem of her pants quick, and when he pulled them down, his nails had accidentally raked against the sensitive flesh of her rear and thighs.

  Elle let out a groan at that but felt the pain ebb away into a sting that could only be satisfied the more he touched her.

  She lifted her knee to help him pull her pants off, and ended up accidentally kicking him in the ribs.

  “Sorry!” She began, but he gave her a smirk instead and for the first moment since they began, she thought she saw the old Malik in how he loomed over her.

  A giggle erupted from her lips when his fingers pressed against a tickle spot by her hips, her body jerking at the contact.

  “You’re ticklish?” He asked.

  “Don’t you dare,” Elle hissed, already throwing her hands to catch his before he dared do anything that would break the mood. Malik laughed throatily, swooping down to press another hot kiss against her mouth.

  Elle moaned when his hands proceeded to run up and down her sides, paying close attention to her breasts before he made his way further down.

  His fingers trailed teasingly close where she needed it most, and Elle’s hips bucks the closer he inched near her folds, grazing but never touching them.

  He was teasing her, for sure, and it sparked a competitive fire in Elle’s blood that made her drag her own palms down his skin before meeting the clothed erection straining through his expensive suit trousers.

  Malik let out a yelp when she grasped him and when he looked back up at her, she was smirking back at him.

  “Oh, so that’s how you want to do it.”

  He said with a wicked smile, and with a decisive tug, Malik pulled his fingers around her drenched sex and pressed two fingers knuckle-deep inside of Elle.

  Elle let out a gasp at the intrusion, fe
eling her body shudder with each thrust he pushed against her. She had almost forgotten about his erection in her hand until she gave him an involuntary squeeze.

  He moaned above her and the sound snapped her back to attention. Her hands found the buttons of his trousers, quickly unbuckling the belt and pulling down the zipper before she hooked her thumbs at his hips.

  “Elle, are you—” Malik began, his words stopping short when she pulled the fabric of his pants and underwear down with one yank.

  His fingers paused their thrusting and when their gazes met, Elle could only smile at him before her fingers grasped around his length.

  He was thick, long, and hot and the skin felt silky smooth at her touch. Gentle but hurriedly, Elle wasted no time to pump him, remembering how she had gained her experience with Alex and how he had loved it when she went fast.

  Instead, Malik reached a hand down and closed his fingers around her wrist, eyes clenched shut tight.

  “E-easy,” He wheezed. “Not so fast.”

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She asked, feeling reproachful now that they took a moment to reflect.

  Malik gave her a one-sided smile.

  “I’m fine,” he said, “just… go a little slower.”

  When he released her, Elle resumed her caress over his skin, sliding her palm and fingers up and down his length with more deliberate strokes.

  “Like that,” he said, eyes still shut but loosening into a pleasured expression.

  His face was so vulnerable, Elle could only stare in awe.

  “Like this.” He said and suddenly, his fingers were pumping into her.

  The sensations made her grip on him stutter to a stop before she picked up to her rhythmic pace. Carefully, she tightened her hold around him, and in response, Malik pumped his fingers into her a little harder.

  Elle could feel Malik thrust his hips against her hand just as she wiggled and grinded her hips against his, their gasps and moans growing together the more they moved.

  Just as Elle could feel the beginning of her orgasm approach, Malik suddenly stopped, and Elle let out a swift groan of protest.

  “Not like this,” Malik sighed out.

  “I want to be inside you when you come.”


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