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Arms of Serenity (Rock Services)

Page 4

by Lynn, Donina

  Three large chandeliers hung down the middle of the room. Below the third was the stage and dance area, which was illuminated by lighting coming from beneath the floor. Couples were dancing to an old Sinatra song. Becca thought it was the one from Casablanca, but she wasn’t sure.

  To the left was, not one, but two bars. One was placed at the far end of the room, and the other was closer to the steps and landing. The barflies had gravitated to the one by the stage and dance floor. A buffet table was placed in between the two bars, and Becca’s stomach rumbled reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since early in the morning. She quickly adjusted her plan to include a stop at the buffet before leaving.

  Victoria’s style was all over the room and the party. She did nothing small or inexpensive. Becca took another deep breath, squared her shoulders and started walking down the steps to find her. The faster she gave her well wishes, the faster she could get something to eat and drink and leave when her hour was up.

  As she walked down, Becca scanned the guests. She couldn’t help but think that the scene resembled a red carpet event. Most of the men were in black tuxedos though a few had taken the masquerade theme a step further with Phantom of the Opera masks and capes. The women all looked glamorous in their gowns and expensive jewelry that sparkled in the lighting.

  She hoped she would recognize Victoria. The last time she had seen her was at her second wedding over three years ago. With everyone wearing masks, it might be difficult to pick her out among the crowd. She spotted a group with their backs toward her that seemed to be focused on something in front of them. Knowing Victoria, if there was attention, she was at the center. Becca decided that was a good place to start.

  As she headed toward them, the group parted down the middle like the Red Sea, and a couple emerged. Becca had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Without a doubt, it was Victoria and her new husband.

  The woman was wearing a gold gown with a white lace and pearl bodice. She had so many hoops under the skirt that people needed to move aside as she passed. The ensemble was completed with white gloves up to her elbows, a gold mask with matching lace and pearls, and her blonde hair was in spiral curls cascading down. She looked like a southern belle who had been puked up from Gone With The Wind. The man was a bad flashback from the disco era in a white tuxedo with a gold vest and western tie.

  The couple was headed straight for her. Becca reinforced her smile and braced for impact.

  “Rebecca, darling, it’s so very nice of to come. You look lovely.” Victoria leaned in and gave her air kisses on both cheeks.

  Becca suppressed the urge to groan and thought her cousin was still as fake as her chest. “Hello, Victoria. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, darling, but you know I’m the only one who can show up fashionably late and make an entrance.” She laughed, but Becca knew she wasn’t kidding.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to be so late.” Becca gave her best attempt at an apologetic smile, hoping it looked more convincing then it felt.

  “Don’t be silly. I’m truly happy you could make it. Rebecca, this is my husband, Bradley.”

  Becca stiffened and turned toward Brad. “Please call me Becca.”

  She could hear Victoria start to say something, but Brad interrupted her before she could get started.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He turned to Victoria and nodded his head in the direction of the doors. “Sweetheart, the press is beginning to arrive.”

  Victoria turned her head. “Oh how wonderful. Rebecca, I’m sorry, but I must go and attend to them. There are thank-you gifts on the table by the door. Please don’t forget to get yours.” She grabbed Brad’s arm and hurried off in a wave of skirts.

  Becca mouthed “Thank you” to Brad as he was pulled along. She instantly liked him when he nodded and winked in reply.

  Becca walked over to the table Victoria had mentioned. The gift was a beautiful silver frame with their wedding date engraved on the bottom. Her name and what she guessed was her table assignment were on a small card in the corner. Becca smiled at the picture inside. It was a scene of their beach wedding with the ocean and a magnificent sunset behind them. They had their foreheads together, obviously happy and in love.

  She put the frame back on the table. Not having anything to carry it with, she would come back for it later. She turned and headed in the direction of the buffet table.

  She looked over the table full of foods she didn’t recognize.

  Becca grinned. What no pizza and wings?

  She grabbed a napkin filling it with a few sandwiches and fruit and then moved over to the bar.

  Picking the closest chair to the doors for a quick exit, she scooted up and waited for the bartender to ask what she would like.

  “Can I get something strong, nothing mixed or fruity, and oh, make it a double. Please.” The bartender gave her a questioning look, before turning to get her the drink.

  Becca ate and sipped from the glass of whiskey that had been placed in front of her. It was strong but good and smooth. She could get used to the top shelf.

  She wasn’t much of a drinker. On the occasional times that she would go out with Anne—before the pregnancy—her drink of choice was beer or Jack Daniels when the evening called for something stronger. But even her buddy JD didn’t compare to what she was drinking now. She downed the rest and placed the glass at the edge of the bar to signal a refill. Another one of those and she would be pleasantly numb and ready to pass out in the bed waiting upstairs.

  Becca was quietly sipping on her refill when she heard a deep voice coming from somewhere behind her.


  Was that comment meant for her? She waited, and when nothing else was said she shrugged focusing back on her glass.

  “I like a girl that goes straight for something hard.”

  Becca coughed and almost spit her drink out. Did someone actually just say that to her? The body attached to the voice moved a little to her right, and she could hear him chuckling.

  The groan that escaped was meant to remain in Becca’s head, but she couldn’t help herself. All she wanted to do was get her drink on, and this guy, with the worst pick-up lines ever, was hitting on her. She drained the contents of her glass and spun around in her chair to tell him what she thought of him.

  When she turned, she found herself looking directly at a … chest. A very broad chest. His black tuxedo jacket was open and hung down from his shoulders. The first two buttons of his fitted white shirt had been undone, and his bow tie was hanging loose around his neck. Becca swallowed at the patch of smooth skin and muscles that were visible at the opening. Holy cow, this guy had to be built like a linebacker.

  Becca wanted to reach inside his shirt and run her hands along his chest to prove she was right. She took a look down to see that the shirt was still tucked in and showed off his flat stomach. She clutched her hands in her lap to keep them from reaching out to run along his abs. Tearing her eyes away before she looked farther down, she moved her gaze up.

  He was tall, definitely over six feet. The face of the voice had a smug look and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying her perusal of his body. His short dark hair was a bit messed, which gave him that just out of bed look. And he had a short, stubbly beard and mustache that made him ruggedly handsome. Her fingers itched to run her nails down the scruff, and when she found his eyes she was mesmerized.

  Wow, his eyes were blue. Even with the mask on, they were the bluest blue Becca had ever seen. The color was like the crystal blue of a warm tropical ocean. The kind of ocean where you could forget everything as you float upon the water and the warmth of the sun would heat your skin. You could just get lost in the rhythmic pounding of the waves as you rode the up and down motions over and over again. Becca shook her head.

  Holy hell, where had that come from? Rhythmic pounding? Up and down motions? Damn romance novels. She needed to change her choice of reading material.

  He tilted his head in the directi
on of the seat next to her and asked, “May I?”

  Seriously what was she going to say to him, no? If you looked up temptation, seduction, and lust in a dictionary this guy’s picture would be there. She just nodded and turned back to the bar. Either the alcohol or this poster boy for sex had caused her tongue to stop working, and the idea of saying anything intelligent had gone out the window. She was sure if she opened her mouth now only stuttering and possibly some drool might escape.

  He waved the bartender over. “I’ll have what the lady is having.”

  Becca jerked her head up and quickly changed her order.“I’ll take a beer please.” The previous drinks were already working, and there waspleasant warmth spreading over her body … or maybe it was him. She couldn’t tell, but she needed to slow down before she made a fool out of herself and jumped on him right there at the bar.

  She looked over at him and saw that he was staring at her with that smug smile.

  “Done with the hard stuff?”

  Becca saw the humor in his eyes and relaxed a bit. “Are those seriously the best lines you have? Because I have to tell you, they suck.”

  He held his hand over his heart and gave a mock gasp. “I’m hurt”. He put his hand back down and placed it on the bar next to hers. “I was working the sympathetic angle. With lines like those, I was hoping you would show some mercy and feel sorry for me.” He smiled a genuine smile that had a hint of boyish charm. How could one guy be so hot?

  Becca laughed. “I guess it did.” She silently added, Of course your extreme hotness had nothing to do with it. This guy didn’t have to say anything, just flash that amazing smile or look in a woman’s direction with those eyes, and they would melt like ice cream on a sidewalk in July.

  He held out his hand and started to say, “My name is—”

  Becca held up hers and cut him off. “Don’t tell me. What’s the point of a masquerade if you tell me who you are?”

  Even with a part of her wanting to know who he was and rip off his mask, Becca decided she was better off not knowing. She was already having a difficult time keeping her self-control intact. He was entirely too tempting, and she was desperately trying to keep her distance.

  He took his hand back and lifted his eyebrow. “Ok, but how about you tell me if you are here for the bride or groom?”

  Becca tilted her head and gave him a questioning look.

  “Since I don’t know who you are I should probably know if I’m badly hitting on a relative or not.”

  Becca hadn’t thought of that. Smart. Although she couldn’t imagine missing someone like him sprouting up from a branch on her family tree, she said, “I’m with the bride.”

  “I’m with the groom and extremely glad to hear we’re not related.” A spark flashed in his eyes, and in an instant they changed from sensual warm waters to a dark and dangerous storm. There was smoldering in his eyes that made her shiver and squirm in her seat. Becca could feel her face flush and the heat spreading from her cheeks down. He was watching her with a hunger, like an animal stalking its prey. The thought of him devouring her caused a shiver to run down her spine, and she crossed her legs in an attempt to slow down the fire he ignited in her core.

  “Why are you glad?” Her voice sounded breathless even to her.

  He smiled and inched closer to answer her. Becca caught the hint of the cologne he was wearing. It was a mixture of spice and the ocean. She couldn’t think of a more perfect scent for him. “Because I want you and I want to see what you think of my better moves.”

  The thought of his better moves caused her pulse to beat faster. Would it be so wrong to take Anne’s advice to embrace and let go? He didn’t know her, and she didn’t know him. What could be the harm in indulging in a little fun while she was here?

  “Better moves, huh? Are you being arrogant or hopeful?”

  He smiled and leaned in even closer. “Both”.

  Having him this close caused her eyes to focus on his lips. She wondered how they would feel against her mouth and on her body. Would he be gentle, or would he ravish her? Did he like to nibble with his teeth or just leave soft kisses to tease? She was lost in her thoughts when she felt his fingers trailing a line down her arm.

  She turned her head to watch as he slowly made his way from her elbow to her wrist and back. When he got to her wrist again, he turned her arm over and resumed his sensual trail. His light touch was causing a tingling sensation on her arm and down lower on her body.

  “Scooby-Doo, huh? Shaggy owned that show. How did you hurt yourself?”

  She blushed, embarrassed over the cartoon character on her finger but answered. “I cut it on broken glass.”

  He took her hand and raised it to inspect her finger. “Did you take care of it properly? An infection can spread quickly.”

  She tilted her head and wondered where he was going with that statement. Shrugging the thought off as fast as it came, she silenced her curiosity by concluding he most likely was a doctor. Or was hoping to play one.

  “I think I should make sure that you aren’t experiencing any early symptoms.” He placed her pinky at his lips and gently nipped the tip of her finger with his teeth then ran his tongue after to soothe the spot. He finished with a soft sucking kiss before asking, “Does that hurt?”

  Becca took in a sharp breath at the sensation his mouth was causing within her. All she could do was shake her head. She felt like she was in a haze drugged by his actions.

  “Good, how about this one?” he said as he repeated the excruciating slow examination on the next. His ministrations were calculating and deliberate, purposely drawing out every bit of seductive pleasure. She shook her head as he went from finger to finger. “That’s good. How about here?”

  He opened her hand and lightly ran his thumb in a slow circle on the sensitive skin of the underside of her wrist. He brought his head down causing a gasp to escape her lips when he retraced the circles with his tongue. He continued to the center of her palm and finished by biting the fleshy part of her thumb with his teeth.

  Becca had to admit his moves so far had been better than good and held an unspoken and enticing promise of what could be to come.. He lowered her hand and moved his to wrap around her knee to uncross her legs. She looked at him alarmed by what he might do with her legs now slightly parted. Almost forgetting they were in public, she glanced around to make sure no one was watching.

  He placed his other hand on her remaining knee and in one fast motion spread her legs pulling her closer to him. Her leg was now between his, and she could feel the start of his desire growing through his pants. When she tried to wiggle herself to a different angle where she wasn’t rubbing against him, he groaned and tightened his legs around hers to stop her movements.

  Brushing her hair back away from her neck, he leaned in to where his mouth hovered above her ear. She could feel his breath brushing her, and when he whispered, his words caused vibrations to run down her neck.

  “I want you. Let’s get out of here and continue this somewhere more private.”

  Before he moved back, he took a nibble of her ear causing another gasp to escape her lips. The sensation was like electricity shooting down her body. He brushed the back of his fingers down her neck, and he leaned back to gaze at her waiting for her answer.

  Becca looked back at one of the sexiest men she had ever seen. Her desire was in full gear, and she wanted him like a woman with PMS wanted a box of chocolate—that internal and crazed need to satisfy the urge by eating and tasting every piece until there were no more luscious flavors to discover.

  Hell yeah, she was going with him. What little bit of restraint she had been holding on to was lost the minute he touched her. Before she did though, she needed to make sure he knew where she stood.

  Becca nodded. “Ok, but the rules are no names, no phone numbers, and no promises of calling. It will be just tonight.”

  He seemed surprised by her statement but smiled and nodded. “Deal.”

  The mi
crophone suddenly came alive with Victoria’s voice spreading throughout the room.

  “Ladies and gentleman, friends and family, we came here tonight…”

  They both turned to the stage and then back to each other saying at the same time, “Let’s go”.

  Chapter Four

  Becca clutched his hand as he led her out of the ballroom and down a hallway. “Where are we going?”

  She was worried he wanted to go back to his room or worse, hers. Becca didn’t want him to be able to figure out who she was, and in turn, she didn’t want to know that much about him, just in case she had one of those silly womanly urges in the morning to find out. Her body’s reaction to him was a like warning beacon. He was just too tempting, and the less she knew the better. One night was the plan, and one night was what it was going to be.

  He placed his hand on the small of her back and gazed down into her eyes. “I’m taking you somewhere special.”

  Cryptic much? That could mean anywhere. Butterflies were already fluttering in her stomach at the thought of being with him, and now they were swarming at the idea of going somewhere “special.” Was she nervous or anxious? Becca snuck a glance at the epically sexy man next to her.

  Both. Definitely, both.

  They stopped in front of an elevator, and after a few seconds, the doors opened with a couple walking out leaving the space empty behind them. He guided Becca inside and pushed a button on the panel. The doors closed with a ding, and they were alone.

  The elevator was silent, and Becca wondered if she should be doing well … something. Should she move up next to him or stay against the wall? Should she make polite conversation? She was actually wishing there was some awful elevator music playing to break up the silence. He hadn’t kissed her yet, and the thought of grabbing him to see how his lips felt on hers sounded like a winner of an idea to Becca.

  She inched closer and rubbed her arm against his to gain his attention. When he turned to face her, she invited his lips to meets hers by tilting her head up and closing her eyes in anticipation.


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