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The Wayward Gifted - Broken Point

Page 22

by Mike Hopper

  Sam nodded and said “Goodnight.” She turned to her mother, “Don’t worry Mother. Steuart’s fine.”

  Olivia frowned, “What’s wrong with you?”

  * * *

  “Hey Sam,” Ed whispered in a quiet, happy voice.

  “You’re back! Where’s Steuart?”

  “Lower your voice.”

  “Did you find him?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Where is he? We need to tell Mother.”

  “No, we can’t just yet. He’s still in Bellamy.”


  “It’s okay. Let’s talk about it tomorrow. I’m tired from all this traveling—you must be too. It’s been a long couple of days.”

  “I’d rather talk about things now. I’ve been talking with people all day. A bit more talk won’t hurt. Please tell me what you know. Did you come from the tree house? Did you see Ceil?”

  “No. I didn’t come that way.”

  “How did you get here? Surely you didn’t end up on the bay.”



  “Yes, in times of emergency Cat is a solid means of travel.”


  “Yes, that’s what I said. Cat.” Ed nodded. He raised his hands in the air and stretched, “Don’t ask. It would take days for me to explain. We don’t need to go there tonight. You already have too many things to think about.”

  “But, you saw Steuart? Is he okay? Where is he?”

  “He’s at a place called The Minor Protection Agency.”

  “That sounds terrible.”

  “It’s not a bad place.”

  “How do you know?”

  “That’s what I’ve heard.”


  The following morning Olivia readied herself for work. “They tell me there is nothing I can do here. I’ve spoken with everyone,” she told her mother. “I’ve done all that I can. We have to wait. That’s it. This is in the hands of the authorities. Where is my baby?”

  “Maybe you should stay home and try to get more sleep.”

  “I can’t sleep.”

  “Have you asked your doctor for something?”

  “No, I’m better concentrating on my work.”

  “You are not going to be able to think.”

  “Mother—we all handle stress differently. I’m my best when I’m busy. I might as well go in and take care of business. There’s nothing I can do at the moment. I will lose my mind if I stay here.” Olivia started to cry. “They’ll contact me if there is any news, or if I’m needed.” She looked at her mother, “You have my number.”

  “Of course I do.”

  “You’re right. Of course you have it. I’m not thinking.”

  “You have to do what feels best for you. I’d like to keep Sam here with me today. I don’t think she’s emotionally prepared for anything at the moment.”

  “It wouldn’t hurt her to go to class. There’s no reason to infantilize her.”

  “Like I said, I’d like to keep her home today.”

  “Do whatever you want. I don’t care.”

  * * *

  Sam waited until the afternoon before asking Ida if she could visit with Dotsie. Ida nodded, “That is a very nice idea. I think it will do you good to visit your friend.” Before leaving the house, Sam turned back and gave her grandmother a big hug. “Thank you. I think Dotsie may have some ideas that’ll help bring Steuart home.”

  Ida held Sam’s face in her hands and brushed her hair back. “Enjoy seeing your friend. Do not go to the tree house.”

  “I won’t.” Sam left for Dotsie’s with Trista and Ed in her backpack.

  Ed was talkative. “I’m glad you didn’t tell me about Toriah last night. I wouldn’t have slept. I can’t wait to see my old pal. We’re about to have an interesting afternoon. Are you ready? Toriah is a real talker.”

  “What’s so great about Toriah?”

  Ed pulled a bite of chocolate from his pocket, munched and nodded as he held onto Sam’s backpack, “He’s the best.”

  Sam entered the first tower and rode the elevator to the twelfth floor. She rang the bell and waited. A short chubby lady answered—the same woman Sam saw with Dotsie at the doctor’s office. “Hello Samantha. Dotsie is expecting you. I am Anita.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. Should I take off my shoes?”

  “That would be nice. You can put them over there,” Anita pointed to a boot tray and continued talking, “I can take your coat and hat too. I’ll hang them here.” She opened a closet door. “Shall I take your backpack?”

  “No, thank you. I have some things that I’d like to share with Dotsie.”

  “Of course, Dotsie told me that you’re new in town. Do you like the cold weather?”

  “Very much. I love snow. We didn’t have weather like this down south. That’s where I’m from. I like getting out in the cold.”

  Anita smiled.

  Sam tried to think of conversation, “I always wonder why more people don’t make snowmen here. If we had this much snow back home, everyone would have snowmen in their yard.”

  “People take for granted what they have. You know that. Most children don’t want to get out. They’re accustomed to entertaining themselves in the house. I’m afraid we have a world of lazy little house muffins.”

  “You mean potatoes?”

  “Did I say potatoes?”


  “I prefer muffins—they’re sweeter. I heard about your brother. Do you have any news?”

  “No, nothing more, but I know he’s okay.”

  “It’s important to have faith. That’s what my priest tells me.”

  “I do.”

  “I hear Dotsie coming down the hall.”

  “Sam!” Dotsie was thrilled. “You’re here. Let’s go to my room. Anita helped me set up a little party. We can have tea. She made scones for us.”

  Sam looked at Anita, “Thank you. My grandmother makes scones sometimes. Most of the time she makes biscuits.”

  “Which do you like best?”

  “I love them both,” Sam smiled.

  “Today I’ve made apple for you ladies.”

  “I love apple.”

  “Come on Sam,” Dotsie led Sam down a long hall and into her room. “Did you bring your doll?”

  “Yes, well, no. I did, well, yes and no.”

  “Silly—either you did or you didn’t. Did you?”

  “Yes. I brought Steuart’s doll, Ed Camino. I also brought Trista Petrina, but she’s ill.”

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  Sam opened her backpack and gently pulled out both dolls. Dotsie took Ed from Sam’s hands and sat him in a chair at a little table next to another male doll. Sam laid Trista on the bed.

  “I feel so bad for her,” Sam said.

  “She looks okay to me. What happened?”

  “It’s awful. When you and Steuart were in the hospital, I left Ed and Trista at the house. We were in a hurry. Later that day my mother went home and had an accident with Trista. Her skull got crushed.”

  “That’s terrible, but she looks pretty now. Who fixed her?”

  “Steuart and I found a doll hospital downtown.”

  “I can’t even see where she was broken.”

  “I know. They did a good job, but it wasn’t enough.”

  “This is my doll.” Dotsie pointed to a portly doll seated next to Ed. He wore a three-piece suit and carried a pocket watch. He looked as if he could bellow his name and be heard all the way across town. “I call him TT, but his real name is Toriah Toroar.”

  “What a name. Where did he get a name like that one?”

  Dotsie shrugged, “He’s an orator. He talks and talks and talks and talks and talks. After that, he talks and talks some more. Sometimes he has trouble stopping. He’s long winded, but he’s a long-time friend of mine. Sometimes I have to ask him to be quiet so that he doesn’t disturb my mother.”

  Both of the dolls sat silen

  “When TT gets started, he doesn’t know when to stop.”

  Sam stared at Dotsie. Dotsie bit her lip.

  “Sam, your dolls talk to you, don’t they?”

  Sam stood stunned.

  “They’re from the anagrammatic universe. You know that—right?”

  Sam’s jaw dropped.


  Sam stared at Dotsie. She wanted to choose her words carefully.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  Sam stood silently and considered Dotsie’s words.

  Dotsie became fretful, “Oh, I’ve done it now—great. You think I am crazy. You think I am just a crazy kid with a brain tumor who’s having hallucinations. You’re thinking I’ve had too much radiation, and too many medications. You think I have no idea what I’m saying to you. You think this is some crazy thing that I’ve made up. I understand. I’d think the same thing if I didn’t know the things I know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. I thought you knew.” Dotsie turned and looked at Toriah, “I feel stupid. I’m so embarrassed.”

  Sam spoke to Ed, “She knows.”

  Ed stood and smiled, “Sam, this is our lucky day.” He jumped up and did a happy dance.

  Dotsie let out a sigh of relief. “I thought you were thinking awful things. You know, when I saw you in the lobby yesterday I felt certain that you knew. But just a minute ago you had me scared. What were you thinking?”

  “I was surprised. I needed to let it sink in. You’re the only person I know who knows this. Dotsie, It’s a relief to talk with someone who understands. There’s so much going on. Between Steuart and Trista, I have a lot of worries.”

  Sam looked at Trista and picked her up. Dotsie looked at the doll, “They did a good job. I can’t tell that she was injured.”

  “She hasn’t spoken a word since we got her home.”

  “I don’t understand. You said your mother had an accident with her?”

  “Mother didn’t want us to have the dolls. We were instructed to put them out of her sight unless we were taking them to Dr. Klesel’s office. I was at the hospital with Steuart when she came home and saw Trista on my bed. It was a hard day with Steuart having surgery and all. I’m not sure exactly how her head exploded, but I think Mother may have lost her temper.”

  “That’s terrible. Poor Trista.”

  “I shouldn’t have left her alone.”

  “You can’t blame yourself.”

  Sam nodded, “I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s my fault or not. First, Trista, and now, Steuart.”

  “What’s happened to Steuart?”

  “He’s in Bellamy.”

  “Are you serious? Steuart went to Bellamy? How did he do it?”

  “Two days ago we made a trip over. He stayed behind.”

  “You’re telling me that you’ve been there too? What’s it like?”

  “It’s pretty. It’s similar to Maybell, but also different. We made a mistake trying to come home.”

  “It’s not an exact science,” Ed interjected, “Timing is everything.”

  Sam shook her head. “It’s not. It seems that Steuart and I were out of sync when we began to transport. I ended up back home at Atchison Point.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “Home? It’s a long way from here. It’s on the bay. I still don’t understand what happened.”

  “What do you know?”

  “First, we tried to transport together. I ended up here. Steuart wasn’t with me. I got Ed to go back with me. He and I traveled together thinking that Steuart would still be at the tree house. He wasn’t. I transported home alone so that Ed could stay behind and look for Steuart. That’s when I ended up at my grandmother’s house. She lives more than a thousand miles away.”

  “You’ve been busy.”

  “This is a nightmare. My mother’s going nuts. She thinks Steuart was kidnapped. She’s waiting for a ransom note or something like that. She thinks I’m responsible because I was with him.”

  “You need to find Steuart.”

  “Ed found him already.”

  Dotsie looked at Ed, “Where is he?”

  “The Minor Protection Agency. I found him, but wasn’t able to bring him home.”

  “Harrumph,” Toriah spoke, “Forgive me if I come across in an indelicate way, but Ed, I understand why you were unable to bring the young lad home.”

  “Why’s that?” Ed asked.

  “Comedians are not always diplomatic. I believe that I might be able to help.”

  “Thanks. I wondered how long it would be before you took charge.”

  “I have no desire to take charge. However, it does appear that you might benefit from an extra hand.”

  “Old man, we need all the help we can get.”

  Sam agreed, “He’s right.”

  “Sam, why did you and Steuart go to Bellamy?” Dotsie was curious. “Tell me about it?”

  “It was an accidental trip. We didn’t intend to travel. We were playing.”

  “But you knew how to get back?”

  “We figured it out, but as you can see, it wasn’t a complete success. Ed has been helping me.”

  Ed turned towards Toriah, “I didn’t give her the information.” He looked at Dotsie, “It’s against the Code of the Guide.”

  Toriah nodded, “True. True.”

  “They found their way over and Sam found her way back. At that point, I realized that I had to step in and help.”

  “The code has provisions for emergencies,” Toriah interjected.

  Ed continued, “Steuart needs to come home. He’s too young to be alone.”

  “Who went with you?” Toriah asked Sam.

  “No one. We did it accidentally. We weren’t sure about what we were doing. And now, I’m here—and Steuart’s there. My mother’s upset with me. She doesn’t understand what’s happening.”

  “I can imagine,” Toriah said.

  Sam continued, “I can’t explain this to her. She’d think I made it all up. Last night I heard her tell my grandmother she wishes she’d never adopted me.” Sam began to cry, “I feel completely lost. Steuart’s stuck in Bellamy, Trista’s not responding, and my mother hates me. This is all my fault.”

  “Sam,” Dotsie said, “you’re not responsible for what happened to your brother or Trista. You can’t blame yourself. You’re such a nice person.”

  “Nice people are the ones you don’t know. You and I’ve just met.”

  Dotsie touched Sam on the arm and nodded, “Nice people are the ones who share their hearts and invite you inside. That’s what you did the first day you visited me at the hospital.”

  “We have to go back and help Steuart,” Sam looked at Ed. “I don’t know how we’re going to get him out of that place.

  “That’s where you come in,” Ed turned towards Toriah.

  Toriah listened.

  “I can help too,” Dotsie said.

  Ed smiled at Dotsie and then turned to speak with Toriah. “If you’re available, we’d appreciate your help. As you’ve said, a comedian is not always able to handle the most delicate of issues in Bellamy. I know Steuart’s exact location, but I worry that we may be running out of time. He may be moved before we can get to him.”

  Toriah nodded, “Children adopt out quickly.” He took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh. “My dear man, it would please me greatly to be of service to you and your lovely hostess Sam, as well as her young brother Steuart. However, I am currently in the employ of the lovely Miss Caples and absolutely unable to leave her at this time. While I would like very much to help you, I must decline. Please understand and accept my most sincere apology. Miss Caples is my first responsibility. I hope you understand.”

  Ed, Toriah and Sam looked at Dotsie. Toriah continued, “As you know, Miss Caples has extenuating circumstances of her own and has been through a difficult situation recently. Her health is not the best. Although she is in remission, she depends on me. She depends on my daily companionship.
I fear that were I to leave she would be most unhappy. I am needed here.”

  “I have the solution,” Dotsie looked at Toriah, “TT, I don’t want you to leave me. I want to go too. I can help.” Ed and Sam exchanged glances. “I can be helpful,” Dotsie said. “I’m ready for the adventure.”

  “No, Dotsie, you don’t need to do this,” Sam said. “Traveling can be dangerous. It sounds like fun, but too many things can go wrong. You have to think about your health. I don’t think this is a good time for you to go.”

  “There may never be a perfect time for me. Now is as good as any—I’m in remission. I feel great. Is there ever a perfect time for anything?”

  “You have a serious condition,” Ed looked at Dotsie. “We’d be responsible for you. Neither Sam nor I would be able to forgive ourselves if something happened to you. It’s difficult enough trying to rescue Steuart.”

  “I’m not your problem. I’m responsible for myself. I can help.”

  “Dotsie, what would your parents say?” Sam asked.

  Dotsie became quiet for a few minutes, “My father’s not here. He passed away before I was born. My mother is away at a medical conference this week. She’ll be gone until Sunday. I’m here with Anita. I can go with you and be back in Maybell before Mother gets home. I can tell Anita that I’ve been invited to keep you company.”

  “I appreciate that you want to join us, but we can’t let you take the risk,” Sam looked at Ed.

  “Oh, I understand. You want to take my doll away from me and you want to go off and have a big adventure while I stay here and die? Is that it?”

  “No. I have to find my brother and bring him home. I also want to see if there’s anything I can do to help Trista while we’re in town. Steuart and I didn’t plan all of this. We stumbled upon anagrammatic travel. Ed and Toriah may understand what they’re doing, but I don’t.” Sam shook her head, “Nothing is exact. Things happen. That’s why Steuart is where he is right this minute.”

  Dotsie rolled her eyes. Sam continued, “Things go wrong. Things go right. You don’t know what’s going to happen. I ended up traveling to my grandmother’s house—all the way down south. I’m not happy about traveling now. If we weren’t in the middle of a crisis, I’d stay home. I’m going because I have an obligation to bring my brother home. I have to rescue him. You don’t have to do this. What if you go over and get sick while we’re there? What if going causes you to go out of remission?”


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