Hired for the Holidays

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Hired for the Holidays Page 3

by Luke Prescott

  “I’m exhausted so I’m making my bed,” she says, trying to pull them away from me.

  Shaking my head, I toss them on the bed. “Don’t be ridiculous, get in the bed. You’re not sleeping on the floor like a damn dog. I’m not going to touch you, just sleep next to you.”

  Chewing her plump bottom lip, she keeps looking from me to the bed. “I don’t know.”

  Pulling off my shirt and stepping out of my jeans, I stand there in just my boxers. I pull back the covers and pat the bed. “Well I do, so get your ass in the bed so we can go to sleep.”

  I climb in and finally she does too, but making sure to keep a huge distance between us. She’s wearing this small T-shirt and panties, that’s it. How do I know? Because I can see her hard nipples poking through her shirt and I need to adjust my cock. Maybe she’s right, maybe this is a bad idea because for the first time ever I’m attracted to a client. What I said to her earlier in the bedroom, it was all true. Mix that with how beautiful she is and her sexy body and it makes for a bad situation. Or a good one depending on how you want to look at it.

  Chapter Six


  “Are you sure you’re ok with this?” I ask Nate for the tenth time.

  My mom decided since tomorrow the rest of the family is coming that tonight we need to have a girl’s night. Which means Nate will be stuck alone with my dad, brother, and brother-in-law. I tried every way to get out of it, but it was useless. She arranged for some old friends of mine to meet us and if it weren’t for leaving Nate, I’d be excited.

  “Addilyn, I told you it’s fine. Go have fun,” he says, pulling his shirt off. “I’m going to jump in the shower.”

  I stare at his muscular body until he closes the bathroom door behind him. Sagging, I fall to the bed. It’s been a few days and each day I feel myself pulling closer to him. It’s not supposed to be like this, but damn it’s hard. The way he touches me. The feel of his strong arms wrapped around me. His sexy clean scent, dark mesmerizing eyes, and holy shit hot body are making it impossible to not feel things. And have I mentioned we’ve been sleeping in the same bed? Oh we have and every night I feel myself moving closer to him. As a matter of fact today I woke up with his arm draped over my stomach. I should have moved, jumped out of bed, but I didn’t. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the thought that he was purposely touching me.

  He said he doesn’t touch in private, but he sure as hell does with me. It’s little touches, almost not noticeable. A brush of my shoulder, a hand grazing my ass, tucking my hair behind my ear. I have to think that he’s feeling the same way I am, but I’ve been wrong about this in the past so I’m not about to say a word.

  “Addie,” my mom yells, snapping me out of my sexual thoughts.

  Walking away from my fantasy of a naked, wet Nate in the shower, I go into the hallway. “What’s up?” I ask.

  “Tell Nate that the boys are going to order some food, drink, and watch football,” she says, brushing her wet hair. “And you better start getting ready because we are leaving soon.”

  “Can I use your shower, Nate is in mine?”

  Turning her back, she starts to walk away. “Your father is in there and you know how long that lasts. I’m sure you can get your guy to hurry, or hell, save water and get in there with him.”

  “Mom,” I yell with embarrassment.

  “Oh don’t act like I’m some old lady who doesn’t think it happens. When your father and I were younger...”

  “No, Mom. Holy shit stop right now,” I yell, rushing back into my room, her laughing following me the entire way.

  I stall as long as I can. Picking out what I’m wearing, checking my emails, and staring at the closed bathroom door. Not being able to wait any longer, I knock on it.

  “What?” he shouts.

  “Are you almost finished?”

  “What?” he asks even louder.

  “I need to shower,” I yell back.


  Holy shit. Annoyed, I push open the door at the exact moment he steps out of the shower. “Oh fuck,” I shriek, quickly turning around. “I’m so sorry.”

  I feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment as he chuckles behind me. Feeling the heat of his wet body behind me, he moves his lips to my ear. “If you wanted to see me you just had to ask,” he whispers in a deep sexy voice.

  My body screams at me to ask, but my head says don’t you dare. “Well maybe if you didn’t take such a long shower I wouldn’t have accidently walked in on you,” I mumble.

  “Oh is that what is was, my long shower?” he asks, laughing.

  Spinning around, I cross my arms. Bad idea, very bad idea. My fantasy of a naked, wet Nate is standing in front of me. Well, he has a towel around his waist, but the drops of water racing down his solid chest to that towel are a sight I’ll definitely be dreaming about.

  “Up here Addilyn,” he says, motioning to his face.

  The embarrassment rushes over me again. I can’t seem to keep it together around him lately. “I just need to shower.”

  “By all means,” he says, stepping out of my way. “I’m going to get dressed.”

  He laughs, walking out the bathroom door and I slam it behind him.


  After the shower incident of 2017 was over, I get my head on straight and get ready for my now much needed night out. My hair is done, makeup is applied and this strapless black dress is just what I need to feel sexy.

  Nate thankfully has been downstairs with my dad, so I grab my purse and head down. I can hear everyone in the kitchen so I head in there.

  “Damn, look at you Addie,” Abigail says.

  Glancing over at Nate he looks as though his eyes are going to pop out of his head. I smile, but inside I’m high fiving myself.

  “You ready?” I ask, looking at my mom and sister.

  Nate grabs my hand and gives everyone a smile. “Excuse us, I need just one second with my girl,” he says, pulling me into the foyer.

  “Hey, what?” I ask.

  He lets go of my hand, allowing his eyes to run all over my body. Reaching back he squeezes his neck as he searches my eyes.

  “Nate, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just wanted to tell you to have fun,” he says, clearing his throat.

  Lifting a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, I put my hand on my hip. “You pulled me away from everyone to tell me to have fun? Really?”

  “Yeah. I’ll see you when you get home,” he says, walking up the stairs.

  Just as I’m about to go after him to see what is really going on, Abigail grabs my arm.

  “Addie, it’s been so long since we’ve been out together. Let’s go get drunk,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “You’re such a dork,” I say, laughing. “Okay, let’s go.”

  We get to the bar and my mom wasn’t kidding. She invited five girls I used to be good friends with. Since I’ve moved away I’ve lost touch with everyone, but the last few hours have made it seem like no time at all has passed. We picked up right where we ended.

  “Addie, come on tell everyone about the hottie you’re dating,” Abigail says, nudging my shoulder.

  I’ve managed to avoid it all night, but now that I’m pretty drunk it’s going to be impossible to keep my mouth shut. Truth is, I haven’t stopped thinking about him since he walked up the stairs. He’s got some kind of magic weaved around me or something.

  “The things I want to do to him, holy crap. He’s got this body that would bring any of you to your knees and while you’re down there you might as well put it to good use. Me, not you. No one else better be fantasizing about Nate’s cock,” I slur out.

  They are all laughing and I join in even though just the thought of them near him makes me feel something I haven’t in years. Jealous. I’m jealous of the nonexistent sexual experience that they could potentially have with my fake boyfriend.

  “What do you mean all the things you want to do to him. Do it sister,” Erin, one of my frien
ds says.

  “Oh I can’t.” I pick up another shot and toss it back.

  Everyone’s laughing except for me. I find no humor in the fact that I can’t do all the things I want to him. That I can’t touch him, wrap my mouth around his cock, or feel him inside me. No, those thoughts just make me drink even more.

  I stumble my way to the bathroom and pull up Nate’s name on my phone. Hitting call, I wait for him to answer.


  Damn, his hot as hell concerned voice makes my nipples hard.

  “Nate, hi. I’m out but I can’t stop thinking of you,” I admit, looking at my reflection in the mirror. “You’re definitely not supposed to know that though.”

  Hearing him lightly laugh on the other end makes me suppress a moan. Everything about him, even his laugh is sexy.

  “Good thing you aren’t drunk enough to tell me that, right?”

  “Tell you what?” I ask, getting confused.

  “What’s up Addilyn? Why did you really call me?”

  “Just cause... I wanted to hear your voice,” I whine out. “It’s all I get from you.”

  He groans lightly, and my pulse drums in my ears. “Oh is that right? What time are you coming back?” he asks, seemingly dismissing my drunken rambling.

  Hoping up to sit on the sink, which is probably a bad idea, I sigh. “We’re getting ready to leave now. I had fun.”

  “I’m glad you did. We’re here so I’ll see you soon,” he says.

  We hang up and I hug my phone to my chest. “Yep, see you soon,” I whisper.

  Chapter Seven


  I check my watch for the tenth time since I hung up with Addilyn. Which wouldn’t be bad, but it’s only been ten minutes. Her being drunk with no filter about her feelings is exactly what I need right now.

  Never in my life have I wanted someone like I want her. It has nothing to do with this whole perfectly played out charade we have going. No, it has to do with the way she makes me feel when no one else is around. My pulse picks up, I can’t keep my eyes off her, and the need to touch her is becoming impossible to ignore. The way her sweet scent lingers around me. The way I get lost in her emerald eyes. But that smile, fuck. That smile makes her even more beautiful and I didn’t think that was possible.

  When I saw her tonight the wind got knocked out of me. She looked ridiculously hot and I felt my chest start to burn with jealousy. I pulled her into the foyer to tell her no fucking way was she going out looking like that, not without me. But when we got there I realized she’s not mine. Any guy that wanted her tonight stood a chance because in all actuality she’s single. It bothered me, it bothered me a hell of a lot more than it should have. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut and tell her to have fun.

  I’ve had a good time tonight with Charles, Jake and Andrew. Although Andrew was on his phone a lot I think he was checking on his wife. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on there, but tonight was the first time I didn’t want to punch him in his face since I’ve met him. We ordered some pizza, watched the game and had a few beers. I only had one, but the rest of them are drunk.

  We had plenty of laughs and I got to know them all a little better, but I’ll be honest my mind was constantly on Addilyn and what she was doing. The more I thought about the possibilities, the more I felt the burning jealousy in my chest. Thinking of another man with his hands on her, kissing her, listening to her sexy voice. Wondering if she was telling him the things I want to hear. It started pissing me off because this is not who I am. I don’t get jealous, ever. Especially over a woman who’s not mine.

  “Nate, we need to go get our wives presents tomorrow, you in?” Andrew asks.

  Shit, what an asshole I am. I completely forgot to get her something. “Yeah, I’m definitely in.”

  “Cool. So this thing with my sister, it’s serious huh?”

  “Yeah this is serious,” I partly lie. It is serious, just serious business.

  “I guess it’s just weird that she never mentioned you and you guys have been together for six months,” he continues.

  “Well I won’t speak for her and why she decided to do that, but it could be the fact she’s overly concerned with how you all judge her.” I stand up and check my watch again. “But again that’s just an observation, you’d have to talk to her.”

  The front door flies open and the loud laugher enters before they do. The three of them come in and I can’t help but smile when I see Addilyn, stumble her way inside. They come into the living room and the chatter is loud and everyone is laughing. She may not see it, but they are a close family and I’m honored to experience it.

  “Nate,” Addilyn says, walking toward me.

  “Hey you. Did you have fun?” I ask, when she right in front of me.

  “So much fun,” she giggles.

  “Hey, look you two are under the mistletoe. You know what that means,” Abigail cheers, her voice filled with happiness as everyone takes a seat on the couch.

  “No, it’s okay. We don’t want to kiss in front of everyone,” Addilyn says, as her cheeks tint pink.

  “No, you have to. It’s a mistletoe.” Abigail smiles, clapping her hands together.

  Who invented the whole mistletoe thing, and why did people have to kiss under it? I never understood the holiday tradition. My heart erupts in my chest as I search Addilyn’s bright green eyes. We can’t kiss. Or can we?

  I wink as I take a step closer to her. She shakes her head the tiniest amount back and forth, with wide eyes.

  “One kiss, I mean, it is the mistletoe after all.”

  She glances nervously to everyone watching. “Okay,” she mutters.

  I step even closer, reaching out and wrapping my arms around her waist. Her breath hitches, and all I can see are her big, green eyes. My eyes haze over and travel to her lips as she licks them.

  This feeling in my chest is a hell of a lot better than jealousy.

  My hand moves up her side and lands on her cheek as she sucks in a sharp breath. A heat travels up my body as I inch even closer.

  Closing her eyes, she puckers her lips as I move in slow motion toward her mouth. My hand skates across her cheek, shaking down to her jaw. I guide my lips to hers and press firmly.

  My eyes shoot open as our lips first meet, and then I close them tight as her face tilts causing our lips to rub closer together.

  Her knees tremble and she clutches onto my shirt to keep from sinking to her knees.

  Pressing my lips to Addilyn’s under the mistletoe, I moan lightly. I want to delve my tongue into her mouth and taste her. I squeeze my hand along her jaw as she pulls me closer. Just before I open my mouth to beg permission inside with my tongue, someone coughs and I remember we have an audience.

  I break the kiss, and pull away from Addilyn. Her eyes shoot open, and they are a distinct shade of dark green. Beautiful and mesmerizing, I realize I had been lost in the kiss and was thankful to whoever coughed.

  Everyone sitting on the couch has gone silent, and I chuckle as I step away.

  “Wow, you two are hot,” Abigail says, fanning herself.

  Trying to hide my hard cock, I have to agree with her. I peek over at Addilyn as she happens to touch her lips like she can’t believe what just happened. Well, neither can I.

  “Well, your father and I are going to bed. Busy day tomorrow, so get some sleep,” Bridget says, getting off the couch.

  “Yeah we’re all getting out of here,” Jake says.

  A slight grin takes over my face as I grab Addilyn’s hand. “We’re going to bed too. Thanks for a fun night.”

  I close and lock the bedroom door behind us and as I turn around she’s pulling off her dress.

  “Come on, Nate,” she says.

  “Woah, what the hell are you doing?” I ask, holding onto her shoulders to prevent her from taking off anything else. Fuck, don’t get me wrong, seeing her in nothing but a strapless bra and panties is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen

  Trailing her fingers lightly down my chest she grabs at the bottom of my shirt. “Kiss me,” she whispers. Pulling my shirt up she yanks it off me, tossing it across the room. “Kiss me, Nate.” Her hands explore my chest and arms, making my cock push against my zipper. “Kiss me like nobody's watching.”

  Fuck. I know I shouldn’t. She’s drunk and I’m breaking all my rules, but how could something so wrong feel so right? My heart bangs in my chest, begging me to take her right now. Her skin is silky smooth, and her eyes swim with want and need. A need I would do anything to fulfill.

  My fingers sink into her thick brown hair and I slam my lips to hers. She moans when our tongues touch and my knees go weak. Her taste is something I’ll crave the rest of my life and I’ve just gotten a taste.

  Not breaking the kiss, I lift her and carry her to the bed. Sitting down, she’s on my lap and fuck it feels so good. Her soft skin presses against mine as she rubs her pussy against my hard dick.

  She lets out a loud moan, breaking the kiss. Locking her eyes with mine she reaches back and removes her bra.

  “Fuck,” I hiss.

  Her hard pink nipples are begging for my mouth and I’m not about to deny them. Sinking my fingers into her ass, I lean forward and suck.

  “Oh God,” she moans.

  I lick, kiss, bite and suck every inch of her tits as she thrashes on top of me. It’s hot, so fucking hot. Especially, when she drops her head back slightly moaning.

  “Oh Nate, it feels so good but I need more. I need you to fuck me,” she begs.

  I grab her, pushing her down onto the bed. Sucking on her neck, my hand travels down to her panties and pushes inside. The second my hand comes into contact with her warm, wet pussy, I nearly come. She begins to move against my hand and I can’t get enough. I’m a man possessed with the power I have over her with just a simple touch.

  That’s when it hits me. She’s drunk. No, she’s trashed. Removing my hand it takes everything not to lick my fingers clean.

  I stare into her intoxicated eyes. Begging the universe for a moment, please let her sober up. I run my hand down my jaw as she bites her bottom lip.


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