Hired for the Holidays

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Hired for the Holidays Page 4

by Luke Prescott

  “Please Nate,” she whispers.

  Fuck. Why couldn’t she be sober?

  “Addilyn, we shouldn’t.”

  I was harder than ever, my body burned with desire. The last thing I want to do is stop, but she’s drunk and I’m not going to take advantage. I need to end this, I need to walk away. Yet, my body is at war. Fuck.

  “You don’t want me?” Her eyes glow against the moonlight and I growl.

  “Addilyn, please. You’re drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk,” she slurs, going to unbutton my jeans.

  Grabbing her hands, I stop her. “You are drunk and I don’t want you to wake up regretting anything,” I gently explain.

  “Get off me. Leave me alone,” she cries out, pushing at my hard chest. “You act like you want me, but that’s all it is right? You couldn’t possibly want someone like me.”

  “Addilyn that’s not it at all. You’re drunk...”

  “Get.Off.Of.Me,” she yells, covering her face. “Get the hell away from me.”

  Doing what she asks, I grab my shirt off the floor. “It’s not like that. I want you just as badly, but not like this. Not when you’re drunk.”

  She doesn’t say anything, just turns her entire body away from me. I want to stay. I want to climb in bed next to her and wrap my arms around her. Comfort her and help her fall asleep. But I won’t because right now what I need is distance from her.

  I walk out the door without her even noticing and head toward the basement. There’s nowhere else in this house to go without someone finding you. Closing the door behind me, I flip on the lights and the train set comes to life. It’s a great distraction as I watch the small train travel around the track.

  This whole situation is so damn complicated and it doesn’t need to be. If she’s feeling the same way I am, I just need to talk to her. But that’s going to have to wait until she’s sober, and until then I’m going to have to stay away. If I go back in there right now I’ll finish what we started.

  After a while, I sit down on the small couch that is pushed in the corner and rest my head in my hands.

  “Hiding out, huh?” Charles asks, scaring the shit out of me.

  Snapping my head up, I stare at him with wide eyes. “Oh, well..” I try stalling.

  He laughs and sits down next to me. “Relax. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve needed a break from the wife and found myself sitting down here alone. I love her, but sometimes I just need to step away.”

  “Yeah, I just needed a minute,” I admit.

  Pulling two cigars out of his robe pocket, he hands me one. “These Mitchell women can be a handful, but in the end it’s worth it.”

  I light the cigar and pull out a puff of smoke. “Charles, I know this won’t make much sense to you, but I really like your daughter.”

  He leans back, puffing on his cigar. “I figured you did,” he says.

  “Yeah, she’s everything I never knew I was looking for. I hope you’re okay with it if we’re together. I know how important it is to her to have your approval,” I say, hoping I’m not giving too much away.

  “I thought you were already together, why are you asking me now?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

  Before I have a chance to answer Bridget is standing in front of us. “Put those disgusting things out in my house,” she groans, waving her hands around to clear the smoke. “Charles, I need your help putting the grandkids bikes together so bonding time is over. Unless you want to come help too, Nate.”

  The rest of the night I help Addilyn’s parents put little bikes together for the kids. I’m done pretending, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and she’s going to know how I feel.

  Chapter Eight


  Rolling over, I groan holding onto my head. Fuck, I drank a lot last night. I don’t remember much of what happened once we left the bar. Reaching my hand over, I feel the empty spot where Nate has been for the last two weeks.

  Sitting up quickly, causing my head to pound, I frantically look around for him. Then like a picture book the night suddenly starts to slowly playout in my head. Covering my mouth, I gasp as I remember the kiss under the mistletoe. Unfortunately that’s not where it ends. It ends with me laying in bed horny and alone because he rejected me. Oh damn, I fell asleep crying because he stormed out of here. WHat was I even thinking? He made his rules very clear to me from the start. No touching. No kissing. Why did I come onto him? The embarrassment coursing through every fiber of my being doesn’t help with my hangover.

  Lifting the blanket, I take in what I’m wearing, which is nothing but panties. I close my eyes and tighten the blanket around me. He doesn’t feel the same and now I look like a complete idiot. What’s worse, he didn’t even come back after leaving. He probably went out looking for someone to stick that hard cock in.

  The more I think about it, the angrier I get, or maybe it’s jealousy. I don’t know at this point. The only thing I do know is that it’s Christmas Eve and I need to stay as far away from Nate as possible. Especially with my entire family coming. They’re going to have so many questions, none of which I want to face. And today is not a day I want to play make believe.

  After showering and getting ready, I go downstairs to get something to soak up the alcohol that is eating a hole in my stomach. Going into the kitchen the first thing I notice is Nate. He’s sitting at the table sipping coffee laughing it up with my parents. Asshole.

  “Well look who finally woke up,” my mom says. “There’s some pancakes on the stove for you.”

  I groan out a thanks and take the plate to the island. I’m not about to sit down with Nate and his gang of merry elves. I just need to get through tonight and tomorrow, then everything can go back to normal.

  As I pick at my pancake, Nate stands beside me. “You alright?” he whispers.

  “Yep,” I say, letting the P pop.

  “Do you want some coffee?”

  Why the hell is he trying to be sweet now? Feeling guilty about last night I would guess.

  “If I want coffee I’ll get it,” I say, throwing out the rest of the pancakes and leaving the room.

  Going into the living room, I sit with my sister and her family. I just can’t be around him right now.

  My nephew Matt runs over and climbs up on my lap. “Aunt Addie, Santa is coming tonight,” he yells with excitement.

  Laughing, I give him a hug. “I know buddy I’m so excited.”

  “Me too. What did you ask Santa for?” He asks. His eyes wide with curiosity.

  “I asked Santa to let me celebrate Christmas with you and he did,” I say, kissing his head.

  “That’s boring,” he says, jumping off my lap.

  Abigail and Jake laugh when I glance over at them. “He’s too young to care about that yet. He wants to know what Santa is leaving under the tree for you,” Abigail says.

  The door opens and Andrew and Tracey come in. “Merry Christmas,” he yells.

  Within minutes the doorbell is nonstop as everyone starts arriving. Nate comes to stand by me, but I keep ignoring him as I hug all my family. I’m being a bitch, I know I am but it’s impossible to stop. I have no idea where he was last night and the rejection hurts.

  Unfortunately my mom announces very loudly that I have an amazing boyfriend they all need to meet. What choice do I have now?

  “Everyone this is Nate. Nate this is everyone,” I say, waving my hand from him to all of them.

  “Oh well damn I guess I owe you money Bridget , she isn’t gay,” my Aunt Monica yells.

  Great can’t wait for dinner.

  We sit around talking and I manage to find something to do every time Nate sits next to me. I’ve helped my mom in the kitchen, played with the kids, and even listen to my grandmother talk about her friend who is trying new sex positions. Needless to say, I won’t be able to eat much now.

  “Dinner,” my mom yells.

  It’s a mad dash to the dining room table, which is beautifully decorated. I’ll gi
ve my mom credit, even with all the crazy chaos that has been going on, she’s kept it all together. The house looks magical, the food smells delicious even if I’m not eating it, and everyone seems happy.

  Everyone grabs a seat and Nate ends up sitting diagonal across from me. I start to feel bad when he tilts his head slightly looking disappointed, but the rejection crashes over me.

  “Addie, you haven’t said much. Tell us how you and Nate met,” my cousin Stacy says.

  I tell the well crafted story that Nate and I have and they all eat it up.

  “So it’s going good, huh?” my aunt chimes in.

  Glancing to him, I force a smile. “Yep, going good.”

  “How’s the s.e.x,” my grandmother spells.

  “Grandma,” I yell as everyone laughs.

  I feel my face turning red and Nate tries getting my attention.

  “I’m just saying if you don’t click in the bedroom you aren’t going to click anywhere.”

  “She’s right. I remember when I first met Jake I thought he was amazing, but hell I wasn’t going to settle if we didn’t click in the sack,” Abigail says.

  “Can’t keep her off me now,” Jake says with a wink.

  Is this happening? It’s Christmas Eve, shouldn’t we be talking about when Santa is coming or listening to Christmas music?

  “Addilyn,” Nate says. I glance over at him and he slightly shakes his head. “We need to talk.”

  Turning my attention back to the laughter at the table I move the food around my plate. We do need to talk, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to listen to him say the words.

  “It’s so wonderful having everyone here,” my mom starts, wiping her eyes. “Charles and I couldn’t be happier than we are right now surrounded by you all.”

  “You’d be happier if you were screwing,” my aunt says.

  The laughter is loud and I want to crawl under the table.

  “Damn right,” my dad says.

  “Can’t we talk about something else? It’s Christmas,” I blurt out.

  Everyone turns and looks at me. I’m so embarrassed I just stare at them all. What am I going to say? Sorry it’s just I want to have sex with Nate but well he’s not really my boyfriend.

  My grandma pats my hand. “Addie, you need to loosen up. Maybe mount that fine stud you brought home.”

  Once again the table erupts in laughter. The conversation moves on from sex, but is endless. It’s loud and everyone is trying to talk over each other. I watch on as all the married couples give each other little glances and winks. Touching of hands or small kisses. It’s sweet and makes my heart hurt.

  “Addilyn,” Nate says. Turning toward him he nods his head. “We need to go talk.”

  “Not now,” I say.

  “Right now,” he says, standing up. “Excuse us for a minute. I just need to talk with Addilyn privately.”

  He grabs my hand, nearly pulling me up from the chair. Everyone is talking, trying to guess what it is we need to talk about. It’s going to be hell when we have to face them again.

  We get to the front door and Nate opens it walking outside and keeps going until we get to his car. “Get in.”

  Crossing my arms like a child, I shake my head. “No, you want to talk to me you can do it here.”

  “For fuck sake, Addilyn. I can’t win with you,” he says, tossing his hands in the air. “What is going on with you today?”

  “What’s wrong with me? Are you kidding?” I yell. “It’s unreal how you’ve got everyone convinced that we are something. It even worked on me and I’m the one who hired you to be my boyfriend.”

  “Get in the car,” he shouts, opening his car door. “Now.”

  “Aunt Addie, where are you going?” my nephew Matt asks.

  “Hey get inside it’s freezing out here. Nate and I just need to run out for a minute, we’ll be right back and we can open presents,” I say, trying to get him excited.

  It works because he runs toward the door yelling. Getting into Nate’s car, I hardly have my door closed and he tears off.

  “Damn, slow down. You wanted me alone well I’m here,” I huff out.

  “I’ve been trying to get you alone all day, but you’ve done everything but walk out the door to avoid it. You might not want to talk about what happened last night, but I sure as hell do. Now tell me where we can go to be alone,” he says.

  Without a thought, I give him directions to my favorite spot. Down the big hill to the water with woods surrounding us. I’ve come here a million times over the years to think, cry, or celebrate. I’ve probably just tinted the amazing feeling I get when I’m here by bringing him.

  We get out of the car and stand in front of it with the headlights shining on us.

  “What Nate?” I ask, losing what fight I had in me.

  “Addilyn, I know you’re pissed I walked away last night. You’ve made that incredibly clear, but you haven’t given me a chance to explain anything,” he says, searching my eyes.

  “Explain what? The fact that you rejected me or that you never came back?” I yell.

  “I came back. After helping your parents build bicycles for your nephews, I went back into the room but you were passed out.”

  I’m so confused and I close my eyes to try and remember. “I didn’t feel you,” I whisper.

  Feeling his strong arms wrap around my waist, I open my eyes as he pulls me toward him. “That’s because I didn’t sleep. I sat up in the chair watching you sleep. I didn’t trust myself to climb into that bed with you, not while you were drunk.”

  “You rejected me,” I reply.

  He cups my face with his hands and smiles. “I walked away because you were drunk, not because I didn’t want you. I want you Addilyn. This was supposed to be two weeks of me trying to convince your family we were a couple, but it turned into two weeks of me trying to convince myself I wasn’t falling for you. I’m done pretending.”

  Slamming his lips to mine, he kisses me like he means it. I grab onto his hair and deepen the kiss, trying to show him I feel the same way. Breaking the kiss, I rest my forehead on his.

  “I’m falling for you too, Nate.”

  That’s all it takes and before I can even blink we are in the backseat of his car. Clothes are flying off as we kiss and explore each other’s bodies. The feel of his muscular body against mine and his powerful hands running all over my body has me dripping with need.

  “You’re beautiful Addilyn,” he says, biting down on one of my hard nipples.

  Letting out a loud moan, my nails sink into his shoulders. “Nate please,” I beg.

  He doesn’t say anything, just pushes me down on the cold, leather seat. Tossing my legs over his shoulders I nearly come on the spot when his mouth connects with my tender skin. He attacks me, sucking, licking, kissing and biting. I’ve never felt anything like it. Which makes it impossible to stop myself from rubbing my wet pussy against his talented mouth.

  Sucking my clit into his mouth, I feel my orgasm building and when he pushes his fingers inside me I scream out. It’s been so long since I’ve been touched and to have Nate doing things to me I never imagined, it’s surreal.

  My fingers are holding tightly onto his hair as I rub harder against him. The build up is burning through my body and I’m ready to explode. He moves his fingers hitting just the right spot as he bites down on my clit and I don’t even realize I’m screaming as my release rips me in half.

  When I start to return to my body I feel him still licking at me and I moan loving the gentle way his tongue is moving. He takes one long lick and continues up until he reaches my mouth. Kissing me, he lets out a soft moan and it’s so hot.

  Damn, this is the kind of kiss I would like to spend my life having.

  Chapter Nine


  If someone told me two weeks ago that I’d be in my car ready to fuck Addilyn I would have laughed in their face. It’s not my way. Never has been. But damn, there’s something about her I can’t resist,
and right now my only thought is slamming my hard cock into her.

  I pull my boxers off, her eyes widening and I chuckle. I know damn well she wasn’t expecting to see my piercing.

  “Addilyn, don’t be scared. Wait until you see what I can do with it. Have you ever felt one before?” She looks at me and bites down on her bottom lip before looking back at my cock. She shakes her head ‘no’ but licks her lips. “You like that idea though, don’t you? Have my cock inside you, seeing what it feels like with this piercing rubbing on you, making you scream my name while you come.”

  I grab a condom out of my wallet and roll it over myself while she watches. The car is heavy with the scent of her arousal and it turns me on even more. I kiss her again needing to have her taste as I tease her, rubbing my cock against her wet cunt.

  “We’ll figure this out, you and I. Right now let’s just enjoy this,” I say, kissing her swollen lips.

  Before she can respond, I slowly push inside her tight heat, and holy fuck does it feel amazing.

  “Oh fuck,” she moans out. Her eyes are closed, but I smile anyway knowing she likes how it feels.

  I pin her hands above her head, hitting the door as I start to really move. I can feel her tightening on me already so I pick up the pace. She is meeting me thrust for thrust making my eyes roll back in my head. She grabs onto my ass trying to slightly tell me she wants it harder.

  “Addilyn, tell me what you want. I want to hear you say it,” I groan out.

  She opens her eyes and the desire I see is unfathomable. “Fuck me Nate. Hard.”

  Fuck. I use one hand to hold her arms up and the other I bring down to her tit. I bite onto one nipple and pinch the other while I slam into her. She moans and throws her head back hitting our hands. I do this over and over causing her to shout out my name. Her pussy tightens on me and she’s going to come. I reach down and rub tiny circles on her clit.

  “Oh my God, it feels so good, I’m going to come,” she yells.

  I nip her earlobe and lick. “That’s right Addilyn, come on me. I want to feel you.” She lets out a scream and I feel her clench her hands.


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