Hired for the Holidays

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Hired for the Holidays Page 5

by Luke Prescott

  “Nate,” she moans as her orgasm crashes over her. I start pumping into her even harder making her orgasm go on and on. That’s one of the best parts of this cock ring, pleasing her over and over. I feel my balls tightening and my body going rigid. I’m going to come and let it take over. Throwing my head back, I growl out her name.

  After we both recover and begin to breathe normally, I kiss her slow and sweet trying to let her know how fucking amazing this was. I let go of her hands and she wraps her arms around my waist, rubbing my back. She breaks the kiss and searches my eyes.

  “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” I ask, searching her beautiful face.

  She smiles and brushes the hair out of my eyes. “Not at all. It was...fuck.”

  Kissing her quickly, I sink my fingers into her thick hair. “Well said.”

  We hold onto each other for much longer than we should and both finally decide we need to get back. They are going to question where we’ve been, but I couldn’t give a shit. I’ve never felt this way about someone and facing the family right now is nothing compared to the way she makes my heart race.

  Getting out of the car, I grab a hold of her hand, kissing her quickly as we walk through the front door. It’s as though we walk in still naked. Everyone stops what they’re doing and stares. You could hear a fucking pin drop in the deafening silence.

  “Addilyn, you hired Nate to be your boyfriend?” Bridget asks, standing up from the table.


  “What?” she shrieks.

  “Matt was outside when you left and said you told Nate you paid him to be your boyfriend. What the hell is going on here? This whole thing has been what? A game, a well rehearsed play? You owe us some answers Addie,” her mother says.

  Everyone’s still sitting down except for Bridget, but they are all staring. I need to jump in and explain it may have started out that way but it’s ending happily. Before I can though, Addilyn drops my hand.

  She crosses her arms, moving closer to the table. “LIke you gave me any choice?”

  What the hell?

  “How was I supposed to come home without someone, Mom? You’ve made it perfectly clear that my life is nothing unless I have a boyfriend, so yeah I got one. I would have rather paid someone to be with me than deal with listening to you,” she says, a bit too loudly.

  “Excuse me?” Bridget asks, clutching her chest.

  “Oh stop with your fake drama, Mom.”

  “Hey, don’t talk to your mother like that,” Charles chimes in.

  Suddenly everyone is yelling and I’m standing here like a damn fool. Not because I haven’t said anything, no, it’s because Addilyn isn’t saying anything to defend the fact that we have feelings for each other. She’s yelling about how she had to hire me and she didn’t want to do it but there was no other choice. Not once does she mention what it’s turned into.

  “Run.” I turn my head and Andrew moves to stand next to me. “Take my advice and get the fuck out while you can. It’ll never stop. The fighting, the standing back, the feeling of being less. It only gets worse. Do yourself a favor and get as far away as soon as possible. Trust me man, you don’t want to stick it out.”

  Walking away? That’s his advice to me? How am I supposed to walk away when an hour ago I was balls deep inside her?

  “How am I supposed to trust you now? You’ve ruined Christmas,” Bridget cries out.

  “I’ve ruined Christmas? Mom, I’ve been telling you for years how happy I am being single. I’ve told you I wanted to focus on my career, my independence, my happiness. But that wasn’t what you wanted. You’ve made that abundantly clear over the years. So yeah, I felt so much pressure from you that I went and hired a boyfriend. Do you know how pathetic that is? How unbelievably desperate you need to be to do that? That’s how you make me feel. So don’t talk about how I ruined Christmas, because you’re the reason I’ve been living this fake fucking life for two weeks,” Addilyn yells, holding tightly onto the table.

  “You seemed so perfect together,” Abigail observes.

  “No shit. It’s amazing what money can buy isn’t it?” Addilyn replies.

  Ouch. What the fuck? Pulling the small box out of my pocket wrapped in red, that I bought for Addilyn this morning. “Merry Christmas,” I mumble, tossing it on the coffee table.

  Without anyone even noticing, I head upstairs and pack my bag. Writing out a quick note for Addilyn, I toss it on the bed before walking out the front door. Obviously I felt something she didn’t. Don’t get me wrong I’m all about just sex, it’s my usual way. But it was different with her. For me at least it was and I’m sure as fuck not going to keep pretending.

  She wanted a life without a guy, she’s got it. Merry fucking Christmas to me.

  Chapter Ten


  “You know what’s fucking amazing?” Andrew says, coming to stand next to me. We all turn to him and he holds up his beer. “You are all so busy fighting over what a shitty thing that Addie did, that none of you even noticed that Nate left here like a half hour ago.” He raises an eyebrow at me and takes a sip of his beer.

  Spinning around, I look behind me. What?

  “Where did he go?” I ask Andrew.

  “Home I’m assuming. He didn’t want to feel like he doesn’t matter. Like he has no voice. Left out of one decision after another.”

  Everyone looks around at each other confused. Andrew hasn’t been himself since he walked through the door the first night I got here. And the little speech he just gave has nothing to do with Nate. No it’s all about him.

  Before I can even ask, Abigail speaks up. “Andrew, what is going on with you?”

  Looking around, I notice Tracey isn’t here. “Hey, where’s Tracey?”

  “She’s eight months pregnant and exhausted. Where the hell do you think she is?” he replies.

  “So you’re pissed your very pregnant wife needs a nap? That’s selfish as fuck even for you,” Abigail says, raising her voice with each word.

  “The last few weeks are rough man, it’s definitely not the time to be thinking about yourself,” Jake say, wrapping his arm around Abigail.

  “They’re right Andrew. It’s all about her and the baby right now. You need to be okay with that,” my mom says.

  Slamming his beer down on the table, he looks around. “You’re all standing here judging everyone like you’re fucking perfect. Like you have any idea what is actually going on. You only know what you see and what you see isn’t always what it is. I get why Addie did it, she would have rather risked getting caught in a lie than deal with your judging, condescending ways. And let’s clear up something else while we’re at it. It’s not me who’s pulling away. I’m being pushed.”

  My heart drops to the pit of my stomach listening to him. He’s incredibly sad and everyone, myself included, has done nothing but put the blame on him. Judging and condescending, just like he said.

  “Andrew?” Tracey says, and we all turn around. “You think I’m pushing you away?”

  Closing his eyes briefly, he turns toward her. “I’m sorry baby, you shouldn’t have had to hear that.”

  “Why do you feel like I’m pushing you away?” she asks again, standing in front of him.

  He runs his fingers through his hair and blows out a breath. “I feel left out, alright. You haven’t let me help you make one decision when it comes to the baby. You picked out the nursery color, the lamaze class, the furniture and carseat. You don’t ask me to come to your appointments, you just show me the pictures afterwards. I’m so excited to be having this baby, but I feel like I’ve lost you.”

  There are a few sniffles in the room, as I catch a tear with my finger. Tracey on the other hand is letting them run down her face as she grabs onto Andrew. It’s heartbreaking and sweet at the same time.

  “I wasn’t trying to leave you out Andrew. I’ve heard so many stories of husbands resenting their wives because she wanted more than he wanted to give. That’s what I was trying
to avoid, so I did all those things thinking I was keeping you happy,” she cries.

  Andrew wipes away her tears and kisses her. “We’re in this together. You and me. I want to be involved, no matter what it is. I love you.” He places his hands on her bump and smiles. “And I love this little one. You two are my world. Let me be a part of it.”

  They hold onto one another and the emotion is too much for me. Nate’s gone and he didn’t even bother to say why or goodbye. He just left. And I don’t blame him. I didn’t defend him like Andrew said. I never once told my family that even though I hired Nate, I had fallen for him. And now this huge miscommunication has cost me something real.

  I walk into the living room and a small red gift catches my eye. Grabbing it to place it under the tree, I glance at the tag and see it’s for me, from Nate. Pulling off the paper, I crack open the lid. The tears fall faster as I let out a soft gasp.

  It’s a stunning white gold necklace with a diamond heart pendant. The Christmas lights reflect on it and I’m blown away with how thoughtful he was to do this. Unable to stop my tears, I decide I need a minute to myself. Pushing open my old bedroom door, I close it quietly behind me. Noticing a note on the bed, I rush over.

  Keep the money, it’s not what I want - Nate

  Opening the envelope, I see my check staring back at me. Fuck. What the hell did I do?

  A half hour later, I’m laying on my bed unable to take my eyes off the necklace. I feel even more lost than I did when I called Nate asking for his help. Now I feel like I’ve not only lost myself, but I’ve lost him and it hurts.

  A knock on the door has me quickly wiping my eyes and hiding the necklace. “Come in.”

  My dad opens the door and walks in. “What are you doing Addie?”

  “Thinking Dad.”

  “What’s there to think about?” he asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “Dad, I thought this thing with Nate was turning into something more, but I ruined it.” With my stupid mouth I want to say, but I keep that for myself. “So yeah, there’s a lot to think about.”

  Patting my leg, he smiles. “Addie, there’s nothing to think about. That boy loves you.”

  Butterflies erupt in my stomach as my heart pounds in my chest. “I don’t know about that Dad.”

  “I might not know a lot, but I do know this. Believe me, Nate’s in love with you. So I want to know why you’re lying here moping about it instead of going after him,” he says, raising a graying eyebrow.

  Forcing a smile, I sit up. “We came in the same car, Dad.”

  Standing, he holds out his hand to me. “I know. It’s a good thing your old man has a car and feels like getting the hell out of here for a while, now isn’t it?”

  The drive seems to go by faster than I was hoping. Why is it when you are going somewhere the ride seems to take forever, but when you’re going home it takes no time at all? Usually it’s a good thing, but right now with my stomach in knots, I wish we had more time.

  “Addie, I’m just going to give you this advice,” my dad says, as we turn onto the street of the bar where my car is. Now I just have to figure out how to find Nate, but I turn my attention toward my dad. “No one wants a relationship they are messy and complicated, but when you find the right person it’s worth it. Everything else, the messy and complicated, they don’t even matter.”

  I reach over and squeeze his hand. “Thanks Dad.”

  Pulling into the bar, I tell him to drive around back to where my car is parked. My heart stops beating in my chest when I see Nate’s car. He must be inside.

  “Well looks like you don’t need to search hard to find him.”

  Peeking over at my dad, I sigh. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “You have two choices Addie. You can get in your car and drive away, going back to the way things were. Or you can go inside and tell him how you feel. Whatever you decide I’m behind you a hundred percent,” he says, throwing the car in park.

  He’s right and I hate it. But I need to figure out if I live my life wondering or put myself out there. Kissing my dad on the cheek, I thank him over and over for everything he’s done. Jumping out of the car, I toss my bag in mine and slam the door shut. I’m done living my life with regrets.

  My heart pounds so fast it’s ringing in my ears as I walk into the nearly empty bar. It only makes me that much more nervous. I was kind of hoping for a crowd so I wasn’t the center of attention.

  Even if I didn’t know Nate I’d have spotted him right away. He looks so hot sitting at the bar holding that drink in his hand. Suddenly, my pounding heart relaxes and the only thing I feel is an overwhelming need tell him how I feel.

  I stand at the stool next to him and clear my throat. “Is this seat taken?”

  He snaps his head toward me with wide surprised eyes. “Addilyn? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I was in the neighborhood,” I say trying to lighten the mood, but quickly realize that’s not what he’s looking for when he gives me a nod and looks down at his drink. “Okay, sorry. I’m here for you Nate. I’m not going to lie when I realized you were gone I was pissed. After everything that had happened tonight I wasn’t expecting you to walk away.”

  “Addilyn,” he interrupts.

  “No, let me finish. I was pissed, until I realized why you walked away. I stood there fighting with my family about everything, but us. I should have told them, I should have gotten up on the damn table and shouted how I feel. Unfortunately, I didn’t. Instead I pushed you away, because I was trying to protect you. There’s nothing I can do about that right now. Nothing but tell you how sorry I am for that,” I say, feeling my pulse pick up when his dark eyes lock onto mine.

  “You drove all this way to apologize?” he asks, turning his body toward mine.

  “Well my dad drove me, but yeah. I wanted to apologize and...” I begin and an idea hits me. I climb up onto the bar stool and step onto the bar. Fuck, this could be the most pathetic or romantic thing I’ve ever done. “And I want to tell you and everyone here that I’m falling in love with you Nate Wheeler. You are everything I wasn’t looking for and these last few weeks have been the best of my life. Not because you did what I wanted, it’s because you did what I didn’t believe anyone could. You made me want more.”

  Standing, he holds his hand out to me. “Get down.” Helping me off the bar, he wraps his strong arms around me. Searching my eyes, he leans in and kisses me. It’s soft and sweet and full of everything we both want to say.

  Resting his forehead on mine, he kisses my nose. “I’m falling in love with you too, Addilyn Mitchell. I thought it was you who needed me, but I was wrong. I was the one who needed you.”

  Smiling, I kiss his powerful lips. “Best Christmas ever.”

  Chuckling, he holds me close. “Best present ever. Merry Christmas, Addilyn.”

  “Merry Christmas, Nate.”

  Outside a small flutter of snow begins to fall, and Nate grabs my hand and we rush outside. He swings me in his arms, and I already know I couldn’t have wished for anything more for my life. He really is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I’ll spend the rest of my life letting him know that.

  The End


  I hope you enjoyed Nate and Addilyn’s story.

  I wanted to do something for you all for Christmas to thank you for the support this last year. It’s been amazing and I look forward another year.

  Thank you just doesn’t seem enough, but I’ll try like hell to let you know how much I appreciate it all.

  To all the ladies in my garage. Thank you for your endless support, all the laughs, and your dirty minds. Mostly, thank you for making the garage my favorite place to be.

  To all the bloggers and readers who support me. Thank you for taking the time to read my books and share them. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Every like, comment or share is appreciated more than you could imagine.

  About the Author

bsp; Luke Prescott grew up in New York, where he still lives today. He likes to fish, work on his Jeep and cheer on the best damn team in the NFL, the Giants. He spends his days getting his hands dirty and his nights using his dirty mind.

  Writing is a new-found interest for him. Realizing how sexy the written word can be, his imagination took over. He’s got plenty to tell and looks forward to sharing it.

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  Other Books By Luke Prescott




  Pillow Talk

  Keep reading for a sneak peek of each


  By Luke Prescott


  Copyright © 2017 Luke Prescott

  Cover Design: Bite Me Graphic Design

  Editor: Devilish Desires

  Formatting: Devilish Desires

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information and retrieval system without express written permission from the Author/Publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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