Book Read Free

Hired for the Holidays

Page 6

by Luke Prescott

  Chapter One


  “Another shot,” I demand, shoving the glass toward the graying haired bartender.

  He pours it, but holds out his hand for money before passing it my way. Fucking prick. I’ve got money, I’m sure as hell not looking for a freebie.

  When he slides it over, I toss it back before he even puts the money in the register.

  “Holy shit, Shawn Tate. When did you get back into town?” I hear as someone slaps my shoulder.

  Slowly turning my body, getting the full effect of how drunk I actually am, I see Dean Simmons. We were friends in high school, but that was a long time ago.

  “Hey man, I just got into town a few hours ago,” I say, reaching for my glass of Johnnie Walker.

  He must think I’m looking to bullshit and sits on the wooden stool next to me. He looks exactly like most people in this shit hole town do, over worked and underpaid. The tired bags under his eyes, no label clothes he’s wearing and the damn dirty white sneakers, just like everyone in this run down bar.

  “You here visiting your dad?” he asks before taking a sip of his cheap beer.

  Sipping my scotch, I slightly shake my head. “No, I’m back,” I say with a smile.

  “You left New York to come back to this place? What the hell is wrong with you?” he asks, laughing.

  My eye catches the first woman in this place that I wouldn’t mind bending over this bar and I lick my lips. I watch her order a two Martinis and it’s the most entertainment I’ve enjoyed since I walked in here. She leans against the bar and I get the perfect view of her sexy, tight body. Her tits are nearly spilling out of the form fitting dress she has on. My eyes travel down the length of her body, imagining it was my hands. She reaches down to pick up the money she dropped and when I see her firm ass I know I’m going to drag her into the bathroom and fuck her before I leave.

  “Shawn?” Dean says, breaking me out of my eye fucking.

  Turning my hardened gaze back to him, I grin. “My company wanted to open a place on the west coast and hired me to run it. So, yeah I’m back, but only for work.” I watch the sexy blonde walk over to a table and place both drinks down. She’s alone and I’m about to fix that. I toss back the last of my scotch and stand up. “I’ll see you around Dean,” I say, slapping him on the back as I walk away.

  Even with the liquor running through my veins, I’m not drunk enough to go home, I need something else to relax me. This woman is going to do just that.

  “You look like you could use some company,” I say, giving her a half grin.

  She looks up at me and smiles before taking a sip of her drink. “Just waiting for my friend to get here.” She licks a drop of vodka off her lip, and I raise a brow.

  I pull up a seat right next to her and place my arm on the back of her chair. “A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t wait alone.” My other hand rests on her knee and I wait for her reaction. When she bites her lip I slowly move it up the inside of her thigh. “How about I help you kill some time until your friend gets here?” I say, low and deep in her ear, just as my hand reaches her pussy.

  Her head falls back slightly, just like I knew it would. “Yes,” she moans out.

  Standing up, I grab her hand and pull her up. “Let’s go,” I demand and she happily follows behind me.

  We get down the hall to where the bathrooms are and I push into the men’s room. Turning around I see she didn’t follow. For fuck sake. I roll my eyes and push open the door. “Sweetheart, you need to be in here too.”

  She walks in and before she can question anything I push her up against the wall and slam my mouth on hers. It takes her off guard, but that’s what I like. It’s a fucking turn on when they don’t know what’s coming next. I lift her up, digging my fingers into her tight ass, as she wraps her legs around me. Breaking the kiss, I lick a path down to her tits. Her chest heaves, making them nearly spill out of her dress.

  “Oh God,” she whispers, loving my hands on her.

  I sit her on the sink and pull away. I don’t know this woman, I don’t know her story and I don’t give a shit. I need my cock buried in some pussy and she’s more than willing. Reaching up her dress, I slowly pull her panties down her silky legs, shoving them in my pocket, before unbuttoning my pants. Freeing my hard cock, I roll a condom on. Lifting her back up, I push her back against the wall, holding tight to her smooth ass.

  “Wait,” she rushes out.

  Wait? Is she fucking kidding?

  “What if someone comes in?” she questions, looking around.

  I chuckle and gently suck on her neck. “That’s what makes it exciting. The risk of getting caught. The idea that at any minute that door could open and someone sees my cock buried so deep inside this wet pussy, while you are moaning your orgasm.” Pulling my head back so she can see me, I give her a wink. “You don’t want that?”

  Rubbing her dripping pussy on my cock, she lets out a moan. “Yes, I want it,” she whispers.

  I slam into her without any warning and she screams out, hitting her head on the concrete wall behind her. I don’t slow, I need this, I need this release.

  Her tight pussy feels so good wrapped around me, squeezing my cock as I pound into her. Reaching up, I yank down the top of her dress exposing her tits for me. Leaning forward, I lightly lick her hardened nipples, all while she moans louder and louder. I dig my fingers into her ass, pulling her toward me with every thrust I make.

  “I’m so close,” she moans out.

  “Reach down and rub your clit,” I demand.

  She does, and her pussy tightens around me. I pick up my pace, drawing myself closer to release. My balls tighten and my legs shake.

  “Oh God,” she screams out when her orgasm crashes over her.

  I continue pounding into her until my release finally rips through me. “Fuck,” I groan as my body loses all the tension it was holding.

  Slowly I let her slide down my body, until she is standing. I pull up the top of her dress and when I yank off the condom, I hand her back her panties. As she begins to slide them on, the door opens and I grin. The old bastard who walks in missed one hell of a show.

  I button my pants before wrapping my fingers in her hair. “Fucking amazing,” I whisper before kissing her lips gently. “Good night, baby.”

  Walking outside, I smile. Now I can go face my father.

  Chapter Two


  “So we will be gone for two weeks. Are you sure you don’t want to just come along?” my mother asks, putting the last of her clothes in the suitcase.

  I laugh as I plop down on her bed. “Mom, I’m twenty-four years old. I’m pretty sure staying here for two weeks to watch the house isn’t going to be difficult.”

  She smiles and shakes her head. “I know that. I just hate that you will be alone. Why doesn’t Zoey come stay with you?”

  “Ma, stop. Zo’s excited to have the apartment to herself for two weeks.” I stand up and push her out of the way to zip her suitcase. “You need to stop treating me like I’m a kid.”

  “You’ll always be my baby,” she says, pushing my long brown hair off my shoulders. “Zoey only wants that apartment to herself so she can have sex with her boyfriend.” She huffs.

  I laugh and pull her suitcase off the bed. “Damn right she does. If I had a boyfriend you bet your ass he’d be here with me.”

  “Jana, please I don’t want to hear about your sex life,” she says, applying her lipstick.

  “Nothing to hear, Ma,” I groan out.

  “Susan, aren’t you ready yet? We need to leave soon if we are going to make our flight,” Jim, my stepdad, says, rushing into the bedroom.

  They’ve been married for ten years and he surprised her with a trip to Hawaii for their anniversary. I’m glad she found him, she deserves this happiness. She gave up a lot of herself to raise me alone and it’s something I’ll never forget.

  I smile and hand him my mom’s things. “She’s ready. She was jus
t telling me how I’m still a child,” I joke.

  “Well, to her you always will be,” he says, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t burn this place down while we’re gone. I’ll be pissed.”

  I laugh walking out of the room. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to have this huge house to myself for two whole weeks. I love my apartment, but it’s small and Zoey’s a slob. This place is like a damn dream. I may even try to cook something in that gourmet kitchen they just renovated.

  “Jana, I left the number of the hotel, just in case I can’t get a cell signal. Do you have enough cash? Jim, give Jana some cash,” she yells, rushing around.

  “Ma, relax. I have money I don’t need yours. Stop worrying and go enjoy your anniversary.”

  After another twenty minutes of them trying to give me cash, show me how to use all the remotes and teaching me how to set the alarm, they are finally leaving.

  My mom wraps me in a tight hug. “Be a good little girl,” she whispers.

  “You know I always am.” Which unfortunately is true. Sometimes I just want to do something that is unexpected.

  Once they are gone, I look around with a huge smile. All mine, for two weeks anyway. I even took two days off of work so I could just relax and sleep in.

  Sitting down on the couch, I flip the TV on and grab my cell phone. I pull up my favorite pizza place, and order a large bacon and pineapple pie. They say it’s going to be an hour, but I don’t care. I decide to go take a long hot shower. Not something I can do at home. We run out of hot water fast, but here it’s endless. Running outside, I grab my toiletry bag out of my car. Closing the door behind me, I laugh to myself when I don’t lock it or set the alarm. Those two act as if they live in the slums, but it’s a beautiful, safe neighborhood. Nothing like where my apartment is.

  I set the shower and step in letting the water pound on me. It feels so good letting the water pound my tired muscles. My imagination starts to wonder as my eyes drift closed. The soapy water running down my body, my hands running along my hardened nipples. Snapping my eyes open, I shake my head. God, it’s been so long since anyone has touched me. I miss the feeling of strong hands on my wet body.

  Stepping out of the shower, wrapping a huge white fluffy towel around myself, I go back to the guest room, well my room for now. Pulling on my white silk bathrobe, there is no need for a night shirt or hell panties. I’m here alone. Plus, having this material rub against my naked body feels fucking amazing.

  Brushing my hair, I pull it off my face, before going to watch some TV, before the pizza gets here. Taking a detour into the kitchen to get a drink, I stop dead in my tracks. Letting out an involuntary scream, but I’m rooted in place.

  “What the fuck?” the guy standing in the kitchen says, grabbing his chest. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  I scared him? Who the fuck is this and why is he in my mom’s kitchen.

  I stare at him waiting for him to say something, but he just stands there looking all sexy as fuck. Wait, what the fuck.

  “Umm who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing in my mom’s kitchen?” I yell, holding my robe tightly closed.

  A smirk spreads across his face, his ridiculously handsome face, and he runs his hand through his hair. “This is your mom’s kitchen?”

  “Look, I don’t know what the fuck you want, but I’m going to ask you nicely to get the fuck out of here before I call the cops,” I say, trying to sound tougher than I am.

  He tosses his head back laughing and I’m beginning to think he’s crazy. A fucking crazy man is standing a few feet away from me and I’m going to die. He’s laughing about all the ways he’s going to torture me before he kills me and no one will know for at least two weeks.

  “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart,” he says.

  Damn, I wish I would have had some mind blowing sex before I died. This is going to suck.

  “Yeah, so I’m going to call the cops now,” I say as I slowly back away from him.

  “Good, tell them Jim’s son is home,” he says with a laugh.

  Jim’s son? What the fuck?

  “You’re Jim’s son, Shawn?” I ask completely shocked. I’m sure it shows on my face, but damn they haven’t talked in years and now he’s standing in the kitchen.

  “And you’re Jana, Susan’s daughter,” he comes back with, letting his eyes roam all over my body. “You always walk around like this in front of people?”

  What a prick, hot as fuck, but still a prick.

  He stands in front of me and I’m surrounded by his smell. It’s a mix of expensive cologne and scotch. His intense blue eyes lock onto mine, holding me in place.

  “I guess I’m your stepbrother.”

  Chapter Three


  Of course, the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on is my stepsister. I can tell she’s checking me out and not as her stepbrother, but as a guy she wants to rip off that silk robe. That thing is doing nothing to hide her hard nipples, which isn’t good for me right now. Since the idea of bending her over that stool, gathering that wet hair in my hands, and fucking her, keeps flashing in my head.

  “What are you doing here? I mean, sorry, but Jim didn’t say anything about you coming,” she says, making me focus on her full lips.

  “He didn’t say anything because he doesn’t know.” I cross my arms and look around. “Is he home?”

  The doorbell rings and she rushes to answer it. I grab onto her arm and stop her from going any further. She yanks her arm out of my hold and pins me with a look that I assume is her attempting to look angry. Her green eyes bounce back and forth studying mine. “What the fuck are you doing?” she yells.

  I shake my head pushing past her. “Why the fuck would you think it’s alright to answer the door wearing that? Go put some damn clothes on,” I bark at her.

  She needs to cover up, because I’m not a man who likes to be tested. Right now she’s testing me whether she knows it or not.

  “It’s my pizza you asshole,” she yells at my back.

  Opening the door I pay for her pizza and bring it back to the kitchen, where she is still standing in that fucking robe.

  “Seriously Jana, go put something on,” I say, tossing the pizza down on the granite-covered island.

  “No, I just took a shower and I’m sure as hell not changing because you asked me to. I’m comfortable.” She pulls a plate out of the cabinet and that useless white material rides up exposing the rounded bottom of her ass.

  Rushing behind her I pull the plate away and grab onto her shoulders, holding her gaze. “I’m not asking, I’m telling you. Go into your fucking bedroom and put some clothes on.” Breathing heavily from being completely turned on, I lean against her letting my lips brush against her ear. “Now,” I whisper.

  Pulling back I run my hand through my hair as my eyes wander all over her. She’s breathing even more heavily than I am as she leans her slender body against the counter. It brings a smirk to my face knowing that I’m getting to her. Slowly, she pushes off the counter and quietly walks down the hallway to her room.

  I grab a slice of pizza and take it to the couch with me. Looking around I’m impressed with what my dad did with this house. Growing up it sure as hell didn’t look like this. Especially after my mom died and it was just the two of us. I guess he’s doing pretty well for himself. He’s got the wife, the house and even a little girl. It’s a fucking dream I’m sure.

  Jana comes out of the kitchen with her pizza, in a t-shirt and sweatpants, and sits in the chair on the opposite side of the room. I grin as I finish off my food.

  “What time is Jim expected home?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  She shakes her head as she bites into her pizza. Who knew watching someone eat, who is fully clothed, could be a turn on.

  “You’ll be waiting a while. They just left for Hawaii a few hours ago,” she says while she continues to watch TV.

  Unreal. “For how long?”

  She gl
ances over and shakes her head. “What the hell does it matter? You need money or something?”

  Anger boils up inside me as I bolt up off the couch. I cage her in and don’t even give a fuck she looks scared. “Let’s get something straight here. I don’t need shit from him, never have, never will. I sure as fuck don’t want or need his money, I make plenty of that on my own. Don’t assume you know me sweetheart, you don’t have a clue.”

  I push off the chair and go into the kitchen. Jim has to have some good liquor in this dream home of his. I spot a cabinet and push it open. A bottle of Jack sits on the high shelf, and I marvel at its amber color. This will taste so good going down, and it does. Jana avoids all eye contact as I take my seat and kick my feet up on the coffee table.

  “They won’t be home for two weeks,” Jana says, avoiding eye contact.

  Damn, two weeks. He’s going to be pissed. I smirk as I sip my whiskey. Looking over at Jana, she focuses on the TV and I figure why not drink and get to know my stepsister.

  “You live here?” I ask.

  She turns her head and as soon as we make eye contact she looks down. “No, I don’t live here. I’m watching the house for them while they’re gone.”

  “Just you?”

  She sighs, twisting toward me. “Yes, just me. This is my vacation.”

  I dip my eyebrows and look around the house. “Staying here is your vacation?”

  “Not everyone makes fistfuls of money, Shawn. So, yeah staying here in this big house all by myself is my vacation.”

  Well fuck that’s pathetic. Staying home is not a vacation. Going to an island, drinking, fucking, that is a vacation. I hold up the Jack and she smirks. “You want a drink on your vacation?”

  She goes to get up, but I shake my head. Grabbing her a glass, I pour her drink and bring it out to her.

  “Thanks,” she says, swirling the liquor around, and I watch a moment as the ice cubes clank against the glass.


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