The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 5

by Alexandra North

  “Don’t be ashamed of perusing me, lady - I like that I make your nipples swell and darken, and your lips pout and those eyes - the way they change from green, to lime, to amber - it makes me rock hard.” He leans both forearms onto the marble sink, all the while his liquorice blacks boring into mine through the reflection daring me to look down. I manage a couple of seconds before caving. My eyes drop to his groin, where his cock is solid and ready…again! Jesus! Was this soldier never at ease?

  “Come let me show you how I’ve missed you, baby - how I feel about you. How you make me want to stay buried inside of you and never leave; how sorry I am.”

  I allow myself to be led back to the bed, enfolded within his arms and kissed until my breath is not my own. I understand that for Sebastian sex is our last step back to one another - no matter how many obstacles we meet, we can always find one another in bed. No matter how much my brain is fighting my emotions right now, I can’t deny that this man has to be part of my future in some form.

  I believe him.

  My hands are clasped in his, his long masculine fingers, linking tightly with mine, as we continue our onslaught of punishing kisses. His smell is intoxicating as I push my breasts into his chest, desperate to create friction from the light coating of hair there, against my taut nipples.

  “Stop fighting it, baby. Just lie back and let me worship you.”

  Not a fucking chance. I am no 1950’s housewife and I twist in annoyance to try and release one of my hands. His chuckle is irritatingly sexy.

  “Never one to take orders. Seriously, darling, there’s a time for rough…” His fingers rake up my thigh. “… And there’s a time for play. Now its all about the agonisingly slow…”

  I throw my head back on that last word, my neck stretched out as he runs his palm softly along it. My body quivers at his delicate touch. I can feel his breath on my lips. Kiss me.

  “Does this feel good?” Oh God yes!

  My moan satisfies his questions as he dips his head to my breast, adoring and caressing it until every nerve ending in my nipple has come alive and is sending electric currents to my core. I feel myself grow wet. That is all it takes with him.

  Our combined deep breaths are desperate and our eyes fly to meet one another. I cup his face drawing him into me. We brush our lips, dipping inside, teasing.

  “I’ve missed you so much - you have no idea how much I’ve been going out of my mind these past few days.”

  We hold each other, staring; liquorice black into lime, the moment so deep I feel like I can see inside his soul. I believe him.

  “I missed you too.”

  He brushes a tendril away from my cheek, his knuckle rough against my soft skin. I can feel his rock-hard cock pressing against my abdomen and wiggle delicately to adjust him; to force him lower to fit within my open V.

  “You and I need some time together, baby.”

  He plants pecks across my cheek, down onto my shoulder and back to my needy breasts and on a sigh I whisper, “I know.” I want to be with him all day, every day.

  Gazing up at me he smiles seductively. “Give me some time and I’ll arrange it.” Then thrusts his tongue deep within my mouth, wrapping his fingers in my hair and curling me into his body. I open myself, and my body, to this difficult, complicated, wonderful man and moan in rapture as I feel him slip inside me. Then the moment changes as he plunges into me, slow slow, hard, slow slow hard, then faster and faster, as I match his rhythm, desperate to meet his demands and reach my own end goal. I can’t think of anything but him and the connection we are sharing together. The feeling of him inside me is more than intimate, I feel like he is touching my very essence and can’t control the single tear that escapes and trickles down the side of my face.

  “I love you.” I love you. Always.

  “You and me - together again at last.”


  “You’re very quiet, lady - everything ok?”

  I’m snuggled into Sebastian’s chest, tracing patterns across the light dusting of hair there, whilst staring into space, my mind clogged with total head-fuck. I’ve been quiet as a mouse since we’d settled down after our third sex session. “I’m fine.” I lie openly.

  “Ah, the old I’m fine line. I really am up shit creek without a paddle then.”

  My heart squeezes tighter and I know if I don’t get out of this room soon, I’ll cry. Today had been amazing and I truly believed everything he’d explained to me about the party but I still couldn’t relax. I’d fallen too deep, too fast and he hadn’t - either that or he hadn’t caught up to my pace. I’m left with the decision to go with my gut and appease my sexual cravings or walk away, fences mended and bodies satisfied.

  “Hey? Lulu?” He lifts my chin and holds it there, imprisoning me to his locked eyes. “Talk to me.”

  I sigh, releasing the breath I’ve been holding and pull away from him, pushing myself up to lean against the headboard, drawing the sheets to cover my modesty.

  “Leave the sheet! I love your body - I’ve missed your tits.”

  I pull the sheet tighter in defiance and his teeth flash at my stubbornness, which drags a smirk from me and causes my nipples to pucker, hardening through the white sheet. His eyes immediately drop to them. “Hello you two?”

  “I’d better get dressed. I’ve tons to do to ready this place for Saturday’s soiree. I’m supposed to be decorating the rooms not stripping in them.” I turn away and locate my panties on the carpet next to me, slip them on and leave the warmth of the bed. I can feel his gaze all over my body as I dress with my back to him, and I feel myself dampen at the though of him lying naked, waiting and watching me. I can’t turn round - if I did I’d never get dressed again.

  “Lu, baby talk to me.”

  Ok here goes. “So what about the rules - how do we play this from hereon out?”


  “What rules?”

  “The FBR’s - where do we go from here?”

  I can feel her beginning to retract, back into her shell, now that she’s slipped from the bed and nearly fully clothed. Back to normality I suppose, whatever that is? Normal is not a word I would ever use in conjunction with our fucking. There is no bastard way that she is going to erect those barriers between us again, not if I want to prove to her that she can trust me. Not if I want to continue whatever good thing we have going. I can tell she is scared and so am I.

  If I’m honest I’m scared shitless!

  I don’t really know how I feel other than I can’t spend another week like the last one; it had been torture. We need the full month together, as we agreed to get whatever itch we have out of our systems and then we can see where we are.

  Even though you know she loves you? Even though you know it will never be enough - you dick.

  I’m not sure she does love me yet - not fully? I think she loves what I’ve drawn from her body, what we’ve shared together; that I’ve made her feel like a woman and allowed her to be herself. That prick she’d been sleeping with for the past ten years had not given a toss about her pleasure and I have shown her how it can really be with a real man. That luscious body of hers had been wasted for a decade - it was fucking travesty.

  Do you really believe that she’s not in love with you? Really? If so, you’re a complete and utter knob and you don’t deserve her, my inner voice screams at me. I don’t want to hear it. Love is not something I’ve ever been in and it scares the hell out of me. When I do something, I do it right, or not at all and there was a child to think about here, Finn.

  “You agreed to one month when you propositioned me.” I’m determined that she’ll give me that without argument.

  “That was over two weeks ago?”

  “The way I see it is we need to finish what we started and yes, you’re right that was two weeks ago, but one of them I was locked out of your life, your bed and your pretty little panties, love.”

  “You know why - there was no way I’d have had you near
me after what happened with Ray.”

  “I understand the why’s but now I’m changing the agreement.”

  “Just like that?” her green eyes flash with annoyance.

  “Just like that. You owe it to me, Lu; to us. We’ve only had a week to experience sex and friendship. You asked me to release your desires and to awaken you. How the fuck am I supposed to do that in one week? I’m not a magician. Although some have said that…”

  Lu snorts inelegantly before launching a pillow at me.

  There she is… that drew a small smirk from her full lips. I still have her attention. “ Look, have I broken that deal to date?”


  “Have I not given you pleasure like you’ve never experienced before - made you scream my name out loud as you come over my face?”

  “Yes.” Her voice is a whisper and I register her endearing blush.

  “Fuck, Lu. You’ve changed me! This may have started out like a proposition that suited your needs but believe me its pleasuring mine too. I’ve never amalgamated friendship and sex before in a relationship and believe me, its an unfamiliar practice but a refreshing one. You’re awakening me in the art of dating - you know me, long-term dating’s never been my style.”

  “So its a win win.” She hides her face and I see a glimpse of hurt.

  My heart is pounding in panic, I’m fucking things up here, again - I know Lucia and if I push her too hard she’ll back into a corner and we’ll be back to square one and right now all I want to do is bury myself inside her sweet pussy again. “No, we have no choice in the matter. But you will give me the week you took from me. We therefore have three weeks before we decide what to do.”

  ‘No other rules in addition to this?”


  She nods in acceptance of my terms. Thank fuck for that. The thought of another week, like the one I’d just spent, without her was unthinkable.


  “Yes?” She turns to grab her jacket as I make my way over to her, naked, cock hard and searching and I see her eyes cloud with desire.

  “You can’t leave until we’ve sealed the deal beautiful.” I bite gently on the soft flesh at her shoulder, inhaling her Lulu scent and hear her moan. It makes my balls tighten and I reach around to grab both her breasts as she leans back into me, teasing each nipple until they’re as hard as granite.

  “Seb? I can’t…”


  “Seriously, I can’t, I have to go.”

  I push my cock into her behind so she can feel what she does to me. “This is what you do? I’m a walking hard-on - like a fifteen year old boy. I just can’t get enough of you and the thought of you leaving without me getting you off one last time is sacrilege but ok, if you need to get back to work I’ll understand. I won’t lick a trail up your inner thigh, then delve inside you and up and over your clit, whilst you suck my cock and we milk each other dry.”

  I feel her legs tremble but rather than continue, I plant a kiss across her cheek and walk away, grabbing my boxers en route. I’m sitting on the edge of the bed with my back to her, when I hear her husky voice speak for the first time in minutes. “Wait! Leave them.”

  Turning around, my breath leaves my body as I find her gloriously naked, vulnerable and waiting and once again open for me - her hand tapping her neat little pussy.

  “Come, Mr Silver, if you’d just like to put your signature, right here.”


  As I head into work, my phone vibrates in my bag and finally locating it in the ashtray that it was, I see Abby’s face lighting up my screen.

  “Morning you, bit early for FaceTiming isn’t it?” We hardly ever FaceTime each other?

  “Oh - I pressed it by accident.”

  Hmmpph – yeah right, she was checking up on my appearance since seeing Sebastian, for sure.

  “No red swollen eyes. Glow is back. You look good, I take it everything went Ok yesterday?”

  “I take it you knew all about Nathan and Sebastian setting me up yesterday?” I put my best schoolteacher voice on; in complete disapproval of the way they went about it.

  “I’m sorry, Lu, but you wouldn’t see reason. You needed to let him explain. He’d spoken to Na & I, and once I heard his side of things, I knew you needed to give him a chance. It’s only cos I love ya!”

  I smirk at the last line. “I know but I was seriously pissed at the time. But you’re right - it pushed us to sort through things though, I suppose.”

  “It’s me, babe, I can see for myself that he gave you a good sorting.”

  Her words put doubts into my mind. Maybe I relented too quickly? Crap! I won’t be keeping it to myself for as long as I’d like then. She could read me like a kindle. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Hmmm. OK - have it your way but a glass of wine or three tonight will get it out of you. I take you have made up though, properly?”


  “Good.” Hey? I thought she’d be fuming that I’d caved so quickly.

  “Yes it’s about time. Seb fucked up there’s no doubt about it, but anyone can see that you and he are meant to be together.”

  “Look, Abs, everything Ok your end? I’ve just landed at work, so need to ring off and unlock and oh shit! I can see Leo making his way over.”

  My heart sinks. “Ooh lucky you – fine I’ll let you go – all good my end but I want plenty of details about last night; fancy a night in with Pizza and a movie?”

  “Sounds great, Abs. You are a good egg aren’t you?”


  “Looking out for me.”

  “I’m doing nothing of the sort. Its purely for selfish reasons as I want to ask your advice about a few things.”

  “Oh?” I can sense something in her usually cheer tone.

  “We’ll talk later. I have news.

  “Alright, Little Miss Meddler. Better go - see you at mine, say 7pm?”

  “Fab. I’ll bring the wine and we’ll order from Aldo’s.”


  I end the call on a smirk and make my way as fast as possible in heels through the foyer of my work building. If I can just get into the lift pronto, I think I’ll miss Leo Peterson my accountant and bank manager. Pressing the button, I wait and am about to head for the stairwell, when I hear his shoes clipping on the polished tiled floor behind me.

  “Lucia, good morning. I’m so glad I caught you.”

  My shoulders stoop instantaneously and I fix a smile across my lips. “Leo, good morning to you too. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for the past week or so now, about completing your books for the last quarter. I do hope you are well again?”

  Jackie must have informed him I was ill in my absence, bless her. I make a mental note to thank her for her quick thinking. “I’m fine thanks, Leo just extremely busy but I have done the majority of the paperwork required on the accounts in question and I can have those ready for you some time in the next few weeks.” The lift pings and I step in, and watch as he joins me. Crap, he would want to go through things now. “I’m afraid I don’t have the time this morning to go through much with you.”

  “Not at all, I thought I’d come up for a coffee whilst I was in the building and we could just check you are on track to meet your loan commitments.”

  There we go the shutters have gone down but his lasso hold has wrapped itself around me tightly. Whenever he wanted to push to go through things, he played the ‘loan card’. I smile politely back at his friendly but plain face, and wonder what I was thinking to ever consider dating a man such as this – he was so wrong for me. He was pleasant and hard working but exceedingly boring.

  “I’m afraid I can’t go through anything accounts related today, Leo, really, I have a meeting in a few hours with a client that I have to prepare for, but you are welcome to join me for a cuppa.”

  Making our way into the offic
e reception, I smile at my receptionist, Jackie, wave at Colin, who is spinning manically on his new orthopaedic leather desk chair and drop my bag and files on my desk in a pile. I decide in that instant that the quickest way to remove Leo was to give him what he wanted.

  “Coffee was it, Leo? Take a seat at my desk.” I catch Colin’s eyebrows hitting his hairline at the sight of Leo’s embarrassed attendance.

  “Er, yes that would be lovely. Black, please.”

  After flicking the kettle on, I head over to the computer, hear it zap into life and wait to open up my latest accounts file. Leo is patiently standing next to my desk as I return.

  “Take a seat, Leo. I’ll show you what I have to date but like I say, we’ll have to reschedule to go through everything properly.”

  “Oh goody. I’m happy to meet whenever, wherever for however long it takes. I could come to the house if you prefer. I stay at Meg’s a few nights a week now, so I can always pop round.”

  That was my worst fear – having him just pop round. It was bad enough that the guy I’d dated for all but two dates was now dating my friend and next-door neighbour, a few doors down but the fact that he was staying there, so close was a little too close for comfort. But it wasn’t up to me and if he was making Meg happy, then I was happy.

  “So you and Meg are going good?”

  “Yep. Early days of course but we get on well. She is a character - if a little out-there occasionally.”

  She definitely is that but not so early days that you stay there, a few nights a week. I hope he didn’t hurt her – I really couldn’t see what they had in common at all.

  “Right. Here we go. These are my accounts for the last completed three months. Obviously there are a few jobs that began in these months but are not completed and hence haven’t been settled in their entirety but we did receive pro-forma’s and in the case of The Ashton, a considerable sum upfront to secure works began immediately. This is our main commission this Summer.”


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