The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 6

by Alexandra North

  “Ah yes, The Ashton. That’s the posh hotel in Holdgate that you’ve been working on with your builder friend – the one I met at your Sister’s party?”

  I’m not sure why, but the way he repeatedly refers to Sebastian as my ‘builder friend’ is beginning to grate on my nerves. “Yes, that’s the one. Sebastian’s company, Silver Construction has kindly loaned us some men to work on this fabulous project. His construction and craftsmanship is second-to-none, so it was a no brainer and we are very lucky to have him and his team at our disposal.” There stick that in your pipe and smoke it. So you’re back to defending Sebastian’s honour then?

  “Hmmm. And costly too – looking at these figures! I thought you’d be getting mates rates?”

  “I do receive mates rates but I’m not a charity, Leo. There are materials and labour included in these prices and I know my costings, and these are fair - I’m not being duped don’t be concerned.” I can feel my hands clenching under the table. He has my best interests at heart, financially I know, but I sense its more than that and this is my business. He is not a shareholder or a partner in any way shape or form.


  Arrrgghh! I take a sip of my tea and take a minute to make some notes as he peruses the rest of my excel spreadsheet.

  “Ok, Lu, things are looking good here apart from this potential non-profit.” His hand skirts over the Ashton figures. “But, I think the bank will be happy that the loan is being managed well and can be satisfied comfortably, looking at these figures. Just be careful when working with friends – sometimes they are not all they seem to be and it’s not always best for business or pleasure. Sometimes better to play it safe – do you catch my drift?”

  What a strange comment to make?

  “Not really, Leo, but thanks for your time. However, I really must get on now.”

  “Oh, alright then. Shall we reconvene during lunch?”

  “What today?”

  “Yes - I could come back to Elysium for say 1pm and grab us a sandwich from that nice little deli en-route. Chicken salad on brown, no butter - right?”

  WTF? “I’m afraid I can’t – like I said I have a meeting with a new client, The Gilded Fox? Have you heard of it?”

  He shakes his head, whilst holding eye contact at all times with me, cool blue appraising eyes before collecting his briefcase and clicking it shut. “Nope. Never mind then about lunch. Another time. I will bid you adieu.”

  “Ok then?” My voice lifts in question at his strange ‘goodbye’. “See you later, Leo.”

  He really is so odd at times. I watch him stop and say something to Jackie that makes her blush lightly before heading down the glass corridor to the lifts. Good luck to Meg!

  I am just about to begin the arduous task of wading through my list of suppliers to call, when Colin interrupts me. “What did ‘stick up his arse’ want?”

  “Oh God. He collared me at the lift and there was no way I could escape but thanks for rescuing me, you two!” I point a straightened finger at Colin and Jackie with dramatic evil eyes.

  “Soz, doll you looked like you were involved in money talk and you know I hate that, unless I’m spending it by the hundreds.”

  “I know. He’s just a bit odd. I mean I like him and he’s done wonders with the business’ loan and finances but I can’t believe I ever agreed to a date with him, let alone two and since Seb and I got together and I told Leo that we were a no go – I just had hoped he’d …”

  “…stop following you around like a lapdog?”

  “Stop it! He doesn’t. Besides he seems happy with Meg – I just feel a bit weird around him. It’s me, not him. I need to get past it, poor guy.”

  Oh and don’t forget the creepy part about him knowing what Deli sandwich you preferred to the last detail!

  “Anyway enough about Dreary Leary Leo - I’m truly hurt and can’t believe I’ve been prancing around in front of you for the past five minutes and you haven’t noticed!”

  “Noticed what?”

  “Sweet baby Jesus – this!” His hand pats his tiny pert behind. “Check out my arse in these bad boys!”

  “God’s sake, Colin, you scared the shit out of me.” I try to frown at his disruptive behaviour but find it hard not to break into a grin at his wiggling behind.

  “Soz, boss but I couldn’t deprive you of seeing such a firm derriere!”

  I hear Jackie’s snort of laughter behind Colin and can’t contain mine any longer. “Colin you are a fine figure of a man I agree, but do you really need to wear pink tartan peddle-pushers to prove it?”

  “James bought me them - I think they make me look more Lord of the manor - don’t you?”

  More like lady of the manor, bless him. “Hmmm. Maybe the mustard tweed jacket combo is a bit much?”

  “You think?”

  “Definitely.” I catch Jackie’s eyes and we roll our eyes consecutively.

  “Maybe it is a bit much together. Jamesy and I are hosting the launch / come house party at The Ashton, at the weekend you know, and I need to look the part.”

  “Oh we know, darling, you’ve talked about nothing else since James set a date.”

  “Sorry if I’m boring you.” His bottom lip practically hits his knee high boots.

  “Not at all Col, I’m just grateful that at least a few of the rooms will be completed by Elysium by then. I’d have been much happier James had waited until the end of the year though, to launch them as a job lot.”

  “I understand doll but once the word is out, people will come in their flocks to fuck!” He curtsied at his clever play on words and I scrunch my nose at Jackie’s raised brows.

  “Ok but perhaps focus more on the food you’re to serve than the clothes you’ll be wearing - that’s your thing. You’re such a good party planner - less toad of toad hall and more toad in the hole Hun.

  “Bitchy bitchy, but you’re probably right. I suppose I could lose the lime green cravat.”

  Jackie and I share a synced ‘really, just the lime cravat’ eyebrow raise but then burst into laughter when he throws out another camp quip. “I can definitely put the toad in any hole though, baby - it has laser beam direction this thing!”

  I give up - he was a dirty camp bastard and we loved him all the same - yeah the loss of the cravat would make the pink and mustard tweed and tartan combination gel perfectly but instead I choose to smile at him with only affection. Colin was nothing if not batty but that’s why we loved him. He got it right every time with interiors, was an utter master of fabrics and colours but for some reason that didn’t follow through into fashion. And, as I watch him reenacting a scene from Star Wars by gyrating his peddle-pusher encased ‘weapon’, complete with intergalactic sound effects, I remind myself that working with Colin Duttine would never be dull.

  “So my darling what is happening with the delicious knight in shining Silver armour? You two Ok now, or are you still moping”

  I don’t usually like to bring my personal life to work but the overspill of the past week had been immense and looking up into Colin’s foundation enhanced face, I cave. “We’re fine, Col. We hit a rocky patch or five, but we’re back on track… for the moment.”

  “Oh goody - the man is fucking dreamy and is obviously a master in the sac, going by the glow of your skin the past few weeks. After his house party you looked like you’d become a homeless person and I don’t mind saying Jacks and I, well we were becoming a little concerned. I honestly thought it was time to bring in the big guns.”

  My obvious confused expression makes him expand further. “Well first I convinced Jamesy to expand The Ashton Soiree into a weekend shindig Babe, figuring that you two needed to be forced together - you’re both workaholics so would never decline. If that hadn’t worked I felt it was time to call Grannie Annie.”

  “Shit, Col - don’t do that. I know I had a bit of a wobbly but I’m fine really. I’ve never felt like this before and a romantic life with Sebastian is e
ntirely different to the friendship we used to have. He’s so…”

  “…Alpha male. Grrrr.”

  “Exactly.” I giggle at his attempt at a manly beast impression, which comes off more ‘camp Tony from the Frostie’s cereal box’, than ‘Mufasa in The Lion King’. “You silly sod.”

  “Well as long as he isn’t treating you like shit or I’ll cut his dick off and you know how I love dick. It’d be a shame and such a waste of prime meat, but totally necessary - I’d do it for you boss.”

  We laugh together. “Thanks, hun for the sacrifice. I just hope that that bitch Toni is out of our lives for good.”

  “What happened to her? Is she still working for Seb?”

  I shake my head with a passion. I forget how little I’ve caught up with Colin of late. That week under my duvet now felt like a lifetime. “Uh uh. Seb got her another position with an architect firm he works with from time to time - just wanted to move her on fast.”

  “That was bloody decent of him. I’d have slung her fake lying arse out on the street.” He rests the back of his hand on his hip, teapot style to add drama to his statement.

  “I have to agree, but Seb has history with her brother and I think he thought, if he played this one quietly and calmly she was less likely to retaliate…again!”

  “I get his thought process but that woman is sooo Maleficent - rotten to the core. You need to watch your back Lu - in case she’s still out for Seb.”

  “I don’t think even she would be that desperate.”

  “When Sebastian is the prize, what wouldn’t you do to win him?”

  He had a fair point and I wince at the thought of me ever having to lower myself to such a level, just for a glimmer of his affection. “Col?”

  “Yep, beautiful boss lady.”

  I smile at his quirky little face and complete suck-up. “You weren’t really going to call Grannie Annie were you?”

  “I bloody was - I was ready to call your Mum and sort it all out. You were AWOL and apparently were becoming too attached to your duvet and a decidedly faded pair of Minnie Mouse Winceyettes, according to Miss Abigail. Grannie Annie was the last port of call - besides she lurves me. She’d have lurved all this tartan.”

  I ignore his pout and obvious attempt to get the topic back to him. “But my Grannie of all people! I mean I love her to pieces but she’d have moved in, started cooking up stews for the entire street, baking shortbread that would make me so fat I wouldn’t be able to leave the house, even if I’d wanted to and she’d get too involved in mine and Seb’s business. She is the last person I need right now.”

  I refer to my paternal grandmother Anne Myers, nickname Grannie Annie to all and sundry, also known as Beyoncé to some who knew her exceedingly well for her marital beliefs and motto – if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it! A wonderful Scottish baking buns type Grandma, who was a force to reckoned with and was determined to see me married - like yesterday. I loved her to bits but certainly didn’t need her meddling right now - it was all too fresh and I have to come to terms with my own feelings on the subject before having it forced on me.

  Colin has the decency to look duly reprimanded and decides to swiftly change the subject. “So, The Guilty Rabbit - you’re there tomorrow, yes?”

  Always one to cheer me up, I waver my earlier fear about a prospective visitor and belly laugh at his complete cock-up of our newest interior design brief. “The Gilded Fox you numpty - you’re worse then Seb.”

  “Shame. The Guilty Rabbit, sounds so much more buzzing - just like the type of saucy Inn I’d want to stay in.” His lips form an ‘O’ shape for full on drama and I snigger.

  “Well anyway, this is not a sex club.”


  “If that’s your thing, Col, you must go to Scarlett House. That is sex club personified. Decadent and glamorous - it was out of this world.”

  “Ooh - check you out you dirty bitch - I like this side of Lulu. I’ve heard of this place, me thinks James and I need a night away.”

  “Oh you must. Anyway I digress, I’m meeting with the client tomorrow at The Gilded Fox, so you’ll have to meet with Chris at The Ashton to oversee the bathroom tiling in the honeymoon suite, and the six other executive suites.”

  “Ooh lucky me. Mr. Christopher Booth is rather easy on Mr Willy’s eye.”

  His swivel of his tiny hips is my undoing and I practically choke on my exploding giggle before pondering his words, I suppose Chris is nice looking, if you like that kind thing - letchy, self-absorbed and armed with slippery tentacles.

  “Your eye is wandering already? I thought James had your heart… for now?” I smile, as Colin’s relationships didn’t last longer than a few months usually.

  “Not at all, James and I are kindred spirits - we both have a love of Rum ha ha but I’m not blind, love - Chris is rather fit - totally straight, but I can have fun trying to corrupt him.”

  “You’re bad but I’d love to be a fly on the wall.” I’ve a feeling Chris’ feelings towards gay men borders on homophobic and seeing Colin torment him during our weekend at The Ashton would be a thrill.

  “I’ll sort The Ashton don’t worry, madam - it’s in good hands. It’s really taking shape. Elysium Interiors has fast become the worst kept secret on everyone’s lips.” He purses his lips and blows me a camp kiss.

  “Yes, all our hard work is finally paying off.”

  A feminine voice hollers across the room. “And on that note we deserve a cuppa to celebrate but will you flick the kettle on Col, as I’ve a delivery here for Ms. Myers.” Her voice takes on a mock snooty tone and I watch as Jackie heads over to my desk her hand gripped around a silver envelope.

  “You can open thisafter you’ve read your email from Sebastian.”

  “I haven’t got an email from Sebastian?”

  “You will have soon.”

  My mac dings seconds after her words.

  “Told you.”

  I click open the Mail programme. The second my eyes fall upon his name, my heart begins to hammer within my chest. That’s all it takes. His bloody alliterative name in bold and I’m as weak as a kitten. Clicking the message open I read his words, then confused and needing a better understanding, I re-read them, growing warmer by the second.

  To: Lucia Myers

  Subject: Invitation

  From: Sebastian Silver

  Morning, lady Lu,

  I have to go away on business to Dubai in about 10 days but I can’t seem to tear myself away from you. I want you at my side for the hotel launch party and we’ll mix business with pleasure when I introduce the best Interior Designer in the UK to all the rich Middle East.

  I’ll forward you the info.

  Check your calendar and get back to me, I understand it may be hard sorting out work and Finn but I’m not taking no for an answer and when we return we’ll make it up to the little guy.


  S x

  P.s We fly Saturday - away for one whole week! Jackie will hand you the tickets.

  Sebastian Silver

  CEO Silver Construction

  I open the envelope and as promised, first class tickets to Dubai fall out on to my desk. A week! I can’t leave Finn and Elysium for a week - it is out of the question. It was impossible - wasn’t it? How could I up and leave my son at the drop of a hat - brilliant parenting, and besides, I had several irons in the fire work-wise which needed twiddling persistently to ensure we were on target for their completion dates. No, it was out of the question. No matter how much the thought of Sebastian in swim shorts, dripping with water as he exits the sea, was making me drool…

  “What’s out of the question?” Colin mimics, dropping a cup of tea on my desk and perching a cheek on it.

  Did I say that out loud?

  “Sebastian has emailed me requesting my presence in Dubai for the launch of his new hotel - apparently he thinks I can work the room and do some serious networking but it�
��s for a week and we leave in ten days time!”


  I sigh at his screwed up expression, “… and… what about Finn?”

  “I’m sure your mum and dad will help you out, boss - you won’t know if you don’t ask and your sis too. I can always pick up from Crèche and drop at theirs - might be nice to play gay daddy for a day or two?”

  I ponder his suggestions, all the while chewing on my bottom lip - everything apart from his last comment makes sense (he would not be playing gay daddy anytime soon - he found it hard enough to care for himself let alone a child - my child).

  “And work? Who’s going to sort The Ashton in my absence?”

  “What, pray tell, am I - chopped liver? Jacks and I will work through your totally virgin-tight schedule and I’m sure we’ll be fine - besides you’ll be reachable by phone and email, Facebook, skype, FaceTime, internet, text….”

  “I get it, I get it - you’ll manage and I appreciate it but is it really the right time to be jetting off to Dubai when I’m just beginning to feel in control of things here?”

  “Aha! We get to the root it – control, or lack of it. Babe, you need a break and to let loose. You work your curvaceous butt off as a mum and designer and have done for the past few years - maybe its time to have some fun in the sun?” his soothing voice is extremely cathartic and I nod my agreement of his comments.

  “Well - I’ll leave you to mull this over but just think of massaging sun-cream into Seb’s sexy body and that should be enough to sway you. Yum yum. I wonder if James and I should go away - I’ve some new D&G yellow speedo’s reminiscent of Ray Winstone’s in Sexy beast to parade around it - My Jamesy would be like a houndess on heat.”

  Recognising I’ve lost his focus from me to his lascivious mind I wink at him and return to my computer - a holiday was sounding more and more favourable by the minute.


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