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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

Page 9

by Alexandra North

  “That’s settled then.” His knowing look is overly confident and far too sexy.

  “I’ll bring you something special home, poppet. I promise.”

  His eyes fly up in excitement. “A puppy?”

  My look of horror has Seb rescuing me once again. “I’m not sure it’ll be a puppy this time mate but we’ll think of something extra special just for you and we’ll FaceTime you and ring you and be home before you know it.”


  “Yes, mate.”

  “I love it when you’re here.”

  I look at the two gorgeous men in my life and have to smile to stop myself from crying. I’m struck by how fortunate I am and how easily things are slipping into place.

  “Me too. I love being with you and your mum too.” We share a look so intimate it sends shivers down my spine and feeling like I could embarrass myself by welling-up, I break the silence.

  “Anyway, we’re not going for a week or so yet and I have some exciting news for you, Finnster in the meantime.”

  “Cool - what’s up?”

  My grin widens at what a little dude he is. “Well, you know how Mum’s been working on a hotel with Seb recently?” At his nod I continue. “Well, we’ve finished some of the jobs we were doing there and this weekend the owner is having a bit of a party to show off some of Mummy’s work she’s done on the bedrooms and guess what?”

  “I don’t know, Mummy - will there be balloons?”

  “No I don’t think so, sweetie, it’s something much more exciting than that, we get to stay at the hotel and you are coming with us.”


  “I promise.”

  “We go Friday night and on Saturday they’ve got some fun outdoor activities planned - sound good?”

  “Awesome – we get to stay in a hotel!” He excitedly slurps from his now nearly empty Coke-float, fidgeting in his seat. “Are you coming too, Sub?”

  “I am, dude and if you’re really good, I’ll take you fishing by the lake.”

  “With maggots and everything?”

  “Yep – with maggots and everything!”


  Finn cannot contain his excitement and I watch fondly as Sebastian ruffles his hair and they do their complicated bro handshake. They are chattering away, Seb providing full details about what adventures they’ll be having when the food arrives in perfect time and I focus my time cutting up Finn’s food, ever aware of Seb’s watchful and heated gaze upon me. Finn heartily tucks into his pancake tower of maple syrup and crispy bacon, whilst Seb makes fast work devouring his chilli burger and fries. I stare down at my Chicken Caesar Salad and suddenly feel a wave of nausea hit me. The thought of eating anything at that moment is insurmountable. Instead I pick and push the ingredients around the plate, in the hope that neither of my two dates notices. It’ll pass; I’m just tired and haven’t really caught up with eating since Seb and I sorted through our shit.

  So, I am going to Dubai with a delicious man. Time to text Abby and go into packing-mode. I’ve only got a week left to ensure that work is perfectly organised so that I can actually enjoy my time away. Now that Finn is settled and appears all right, with me going away and we have our Ashton time together to look forward to, I can move into project Dubai with exhilaration.


  After leaving Jungle Jim’s, Finn is keen to travel home with me. The whole journey home, I balance my time between watching the sexy brunette in the two-seater sports following us, and listening to her son arguing why Ironman would beat Thor, in a fight.

  I have to agree - Ironman all the way with me. The ‘Suit’ trumps the ‘Hammer’ any day.

  “You are a bit like Thor though aren’t you, Sub?”

  “Was it the long flowing blond hair and cape that gave it away mate?”

  His giggles are contagious. “No silly, you have short hair. You have a big hammer though. I’ve seen it in your tools.”

  God this lad is bright and it makes me proud. “That’s right Finny.” I wink at him in the mirror, and reach back to squeeze his foot. “That would make you Ironman, Dude.”

  I watch him push out his chest in pride, before flicking my eyes back to the road to prepare for the oncoming bend. “Cool! I can fly!”

  “Me too!”

  “Well I have a costume.”

  “So does Thor.”

  I can see the cogs turning in his little sponge of a brain. “Well… well… I’m red.”

  What can I do with that? I love the way kids brains work; so random.

  “You win. Ironman is the bomb!” I reach back and we fist bump to seal the deal. Then I revert my attention back to his luscious mother, who now appears to be talking to herself, ether that or she’s on the phone. Yeah, she’s on the phone. She even looks lovely when she’s chatting.

  I have it bad and I honestly think I’ve never been more happy or settled.

  I love this little man and I’m besotted with her. She’s given me a second chance and now we’re getting the opportunity to spend some uninterrupted, quality time together in very little clothes. I wiggle in the seat to readjust my cock. Just the thought of her naked makes me hard and now was not the place.

  A few minutes later we pull into Rose Avenue and I wave at Meg, Lu’s neighbour as I see her getting out of her own car. Two seconds later Leo’s head emerges from the passenger side of the car. They were still dating then? Not that I care as long as Theo isn’t sniffing around Lucia.

  I grab Finn from the back and holding his hand tightly in mine head towards the front door at the same time that Lu swings into her parking space.

  “Hi Sebastian, Finn.” Meg’s cheery voice hollers to me from her position on the garden bench in their minuscule front yard – right next to another familiar face. It’s to be expected that you bump into your neighbours, but I’m starting to see what Lu means about having your life on show.

  “Meg. Leo. You good?”

  “Yep we’ve just polished off a fabulous bottle of red, whilst Leo helps me sort out my Pension.


  I’m not giving away our business. “We’ve been out.”

  “Hi Meg, Leo.” Lu hollers happily from over her shoulder, whilst unlocking the door. “Finn, you go in sweetie and we’ll be in in a minute.”

  I pat him on the bum and release his chubby little hand, watching as he runs into the terrace, Lu doing the same from her position near the doorstep.

  “Speaking of wine, when are you and I going to sink a bottle Lubedoo – you could join us now if you fancy?” Meg winks.

  “Not now but thanks anyway. Soon, I promise. Work is crazy and I’m away on business next week.”

  “Ooh sounds very fortune 500 - where you off to?”

  I glance across at Lu, who is struck like a deer in the headlights. I can tell she doesn’t want to publicise our trip so I attempt to rescue her, however bullshit just isn’t my strong point. I like to be quick and succinct and tell it like it is. I like to be clear. “We’re going to Dubai for the launch of a hotel I worked on and to network Lu’s skills.”

  Meg’s blue eyes are huge and sparkling. “Oh, I’m sooo jealous; room for another two? We pack light.”

  Did she really just invite herself on our getaway?

  She’s got balls this one, which I usually respect in a woman but not today – this holiday was for Lucia and I, and a few select individuals only. I do like Meg but I can see that if you give her an inch, she’ll take a mile and I’m a bloke - I can’t be worked that way. Lu is way too soft.

  “No, sorry, Meg.”

  Lu and I hold a knowing gaze. I am resolute in this. Not a chance is Theo the Wanker coming away with us. Lu thinks we’re just going to Dubai but I’ve got a surprise in store and it’s going to be all about us - no room for hangers on.

  Meg’s pouty lips are reminiscent of Finn on the rare occasion I’ve seen him strop but I turn on the Silver charm and it’s
not long before she’s smiling again. “Don’t worry Meg we’ll catch up with you when we get back and maybe we can go out for a meal one night – Da Mario’s or Pizza Express, something fun, just like you.”

  I’ve no intention of this, of course.

  “Ooh that would be lovely.”

  “Lu, when will you be back from Dubai?” Leo finds his voice and his balls.

  “We are away a week Leo.”

  “Oh OK?”

  “Why Leo what’s up?” I can hear the exasperation in her voice.

  “No nothing, its just we do need to spend some time on ….”

  “If you need anything work -related just give Jackie a call in the office - she has access to all the accounts.” Good Girl don’t encourage.

  “Mummy - I need you!” Finn’s call from the lounge couldn’t have been better timed.

  “We better go guys.” I end all chance of further conversation by placing my hand in the small of Lu’s back and pushing gently. “Catch up soon.”

  “Oh Lu - Do you want to leave a key with me when you’re away - in case of emergencies?”

  Lu nods and we head inside, shutting the door as fast as possible.

  “Seriously - does that happen every time you arrive at, or leave your house?”

  “Pretty much. But Meg and I have been there for each other over the past year - so I don’t mind. I feel sorry for her - I just wish she could meet someone that was right for her.”

  “You don’t think Leo is the one?”

  “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, baby. But no Leo is too…”


  “No, too…”


  “Stop it… he’s not dynamic enough for Meg and she has the girls to think about. They’re lovely girls.”

  “You’re too soft. I like Meg too, she’s a little kooky but I don’t fancy becoming the Fantastic Four.”

  Her giggles make me smile, her nose scrunching and cheeks flushing. I could take her right now. A few deft moves and I’d have those buttons undone on her blouse, my hand cupping her breast, my mouth on the other...

  “Mum! I need toilet roll!”

  Well, maybe when a little man is tucked into his bed and reality isn’t shouting in on us.

  “Talk about keeping it real - I better go see to Finn.”

  She does a little wiggle that makes me want to bury myself inside her and never let go. I love her sense of humour. “I love all that comes with The Lucia Myers Show - even the not so sexy mundane bits and there aren’t many of those.

  Her green eyes smoulder under the compliment. “Thanks for this afternoon. It was unexpected but fabulous.”

  Rather like you, baby.

  “It was wasn’t it? I’ll call you. Go see to Ironman - say bye for me, from Thor.” I add and smirk at her confused frown but head over to the door but stop and turn just as I reach the handle and in quick long strides make my way back towards her watchful gaze. “I forgot something.”

  Then place my lips firmly on her succulent lips and draw her into my body; the heat between us igniting immediately. I lick her bottom lip, tentatively before swooping in to duel tongues for an agonising second then reluctantly pull away. She wobbles slightly as I do and opens her eyes, dreamily, their irises now a bright lime, lined with teal.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since yesterday. I’ll call you, baby.”

  I hear her sexy voice behind me with a glimmer of humour. “Bye Thor.”


  Closing the door behind Seb, I rush up to Finn and refresh the loo roll, before bathing him and getting him ready for bed. Two stories and a recap about our afternoon later, I can kiss his sleepy head and know that he will sleep through. All the excitement at Jungle Jim’s and fun with his Godfather had worn him out. God I loved this little guy. So precious and so loving in return, no questions asked. He’d just supported me going away without whinging, like many children would.

  It’s only when I’ve flicked the kettle on, back down in the basement kitchen that I inhale deeply. Oh. My. God. That had been so nice. The three of us doing family things together; something we’d done often but never with Sebastian playing footsie with me under the table or openly sucking the tomato ketchup from his fingers seductively, whilst watching me intensely, licking every last drop. Ahh, just memorising it makes my nipples stand to attention.

  Unexpected but fabulous - rather like him.

  The knock at the back door interrupts my daydream, as the kettle jiggles, reaching boiling point.; steam filling the room. All I want to do is have a hot shower and fall into bed. Reluctantly I open the door - who’d be here now?

  “Chris! What are you doing here?”

  He cocks his head to one side, leaning against the doorframe, messy hair and slightly over thought out. “Is that cuppa still on offer?”

  I watch his sky blue eyes, assessing, skimming over me and step back with a welcoming arm gesture. What could I do here - he’d asked to come for a cuppa weeks ago?

  “Of course. Come in. You must have heard the kettle boiling.” Just please don’t be long.

  “How’s things, Lu?”

  “Great thanks.” I grab two red and white striped mugs and hold one up. “Tea or Coffee?”

  “Coffee Ta - black.” He takes a seat on one of the high backed stools at the island. “Listen, I just wanted to have a chat.”

  I hand him his coffee before leaning back against the sink area - distance between us is more comforting. Taking a sip of my own brew I answer nonchalantly “Oh?”

  “Yeah - I feel like we haven’t ironed things out since Seb’s house party, you know with Toni and then Hey Hey Ray.”


  Hey Hey Ray?

  “We don’t need to talk about things Chris - Seb and I are fine. But thanks.”

  Maybe he’s not so bad after all. He’s just a bloke who thinks with his dick.

  “No, seriously I felt pretty bad. I knew nothing about Ray coming over - she was always a bit of a hanger on; nothing compared to you Lucia.” His brow jumps in agreement.

  And there he is… the creep is back.

  “Toni, I admit we’ve had an on off thing for months but I had nothing to do with her lies and fantasies - well maybe some of the latter. To be honest I was getting pretty fed up of her always asking about Sebastian.”

  Me too.

  “Chris, Chris, seriously its OK. But I appreciate your apology.”

  “So you and I - we’re good? I’d hate to fall out and I know you and Seb are on, for now, but one of these days I’d still like to take you out. We have so much in common!”

  Oh Crap. What is this guy on?

  “I mean its not like Seb will settle down - its not his thing but I’ll be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on.”

  Ignore him. Don’t rise to it.

  “All is going great at The Ashton - with my project management know-how and your design eye, you and I could go far. I can feel a beautiful business relationship forming here Lu and maybe…”

  I know what’s coming and it’s certainly not going to be ‘more’. Quick - change the subject back to business again. But it’s too late as he continues, “Maybe you and I could set up together in business and pleasure?”

  I choose to ignore the comment. To be honest I wouldn’t know how to broach it anyway. “The Ashton is going to plan, yes. I’m so pleased with how it’s all working out Chris. You’ll be dealing with my assistant Colin whilst I’m away in Dubai but you’ll be in very safe hands.” I smile into my cup and try to wipe away the image of Colin mauling Chris in the honeymoon suite. Revenge is a sweet gay man making a straight, neanderthal man uncomfortable.

  “Oh, are you going to Dubai with Seb - didn’t think he’d be taking a bird with him?”

  “Hmm mmm.” I smile back at him genuinely. I can’t wait and I’m not going to let Chris spoil it.

  “Well… I’m not sure if I might be
…hmmm… going too. It’s not nailed on yet but I know Sebastian will want me there.”

  “Oh great. Nathan and Abby are going too.” Last thing we need is Chris goose-berrying.

  His expression grows more serious, his pale icy- blue orbs, narrowing and I watch as he drains his coffee in a last gulp. “Right - well I better be off. I’ll see you this week at The Ashton?”

  “Yep.” Not if I can help it.

  “Ok, Lu. Well… I’ll see you then. Call me- anytime.”

  “See you later, Chris.” I follow him over to the door, encouraging him to exit and manage to duck as he moves to drop a kiss on my face, narrowly missing my lips and grazing my cheek with rather painful stubble. That was uncomfortable and I know that if Sebastian had seen it he’d have been pissed!

  “You’re very easy to talk to, Lucia. Thanks for the coffee.”

  “No probs. Night, Chris.” I’m about to push the door closed on his retreating form before he can change his mind, when he does just that and lunges forward “If I don’t go to Dubai I’d be happy to keep an eye on your place for you whilst you’re not here - just give me a spare key.”

  “Ah that’s very sweet, Chris but I’ve already got that covered and Seb has my other set but cheers anyway.”

  “No worries. If you change your mind, you know where I am. I mean that, Lu, in every way. So long.”

  As the door finally closes I deliberately shudder vocally into the empty kitchen, eager to shake off the unease I feel and switch the lights off. Time to take this weary body to bed - shame it wasn’t to be adored by the delicious Mr. Silver. Being around other men made Sebastian even more delectable. He just showed up all their weaknesses.


  It was nearly midday and I’d been on site at The Ashton since 8.30 that morning. Things were crazy busy, as the majority of the workmen and electricians had cleaned up and cleaned out, leaving a small handful to assist with my long list of handymen demands. Sebastian had sent his best in Dave, one of his most trusted and loyal site foremen; he was completely over-qualified for my requirements but what Sebastian wanted, Sebastian got and now I was receiving the brunt of Dave’s disgruntled mood. I wrinkle my nose as I located him, near the fire, as I weigh-up whether to ask him to assist me with the last few pictures. He reads my mind before I have the chance to make a decision.


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