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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

Page 12

by Alexandra North

  I hang back and two seconds later, the door closes and he comes from the shadows, his mouth on me; tongue slipping inside and leisurely twisting with mine. Ah bliss. “Jeez, Lu, I’ve needed to do this since we left one another last night. I haven’t slept a wink!” His hand reaches to grasp my butt and the other feeds through my hair, binding my head in place and pressing my body against his firmly.

  I can feel his morning glory now, hard and searching and God I want him. “I want you!”

  “I want you too, baby!” he growls into my mouth, leaving my swollen lips to plant a trail of soft wet licks along my neck and behind my ear and reality booms with clanging bells.

  “No - I push against him. “We can’t do this here - God, I want to but Finn’s only next door. Seb… Seb… seriously.”

  His chuckles are contagious as we catch our breath like rampant hormonal teenagers in the hallway. We head into the room, where Finn is zipping up his coat with a grin. “Sub was kissing my Mum!”

  Oh crap!

  I look at Seb and he winks back at me, entirely in control as usual. “I was, dude. Are you Ok with that?”

  Finn puts his hat on, and shrugs complacently before replying. “Ninni said it’s about time anyway. It’s fine with me but are we still going fishing?”

  “Of course, dude. Say bye to your Ma and let’s go find Nathan. We need to go be hunters and gatherers.”

  “Bye guys - be good.”

  “What you going to do in the meantime?”

  “Abs, Suzie and I have a hot date with the Spa - then we’ll meet you for our surprise activity Finny?”

  “Cool! I love surprises what is it?”

  I chuckle. “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you. Now off you go boys and have some fun.”

  What I really wanted to say to both of them in unison was love you both but I couldn’t - this new relationship trial thing and amalgamating it with Finn was tougher than I’d imagined.


  I text Abby, grab my swimsuit, and bag and then head downstairs and to the rear of the hotel, where the new relaxation suite had recently been re-modelled. It housed a swimming pool, sauna, Jacuzzi and beauty rooms, which included massage, reflexology, hot stones treatments and seaweed body wraps. It all sounded fabulous but I’m not really in the mood for anyone’s touch but Sebastian’s.

  “Hey you - sorry I’m late I ordered room service and had breakfast in bed, seeing as Nathan was up early. These Silver boys are certainly early risers.”

  “I know, but at least you had yours in your bed with you and could enjoy the early morning rise.”

  “I did thank you very much - sorry, lovely did you find it tough having him so near yet so far?” her giggles are contagious.

  “Stop it - I did! Its ridiculous - I had my beautiful little boy sleeping next to me all cherubic and precious and all that I’ve needed for well…forever and all I could think was how nice would it be if Seb was in the bed with us? Not even to be shagging in it? Just to be a family.”

  “So why didn’t you?”

  “Er - because its far too soon, that’s why, Abigail.”

  “For who? You or Finn?”

  “Finn of course.” I think.

  “Look I’m not a Mum so I can’t really be the best advisor here but when it feels right you’ll just go with the flow. You and Seb seem to be easing back into things nicely though Hun. You still doing the whole one month proposition thingiemebobby?”

  “Kind of! It’s not really a proposition and we’ve both told each other we love one another but yes, we’ve agreed to try things for a month - I’m giving him the month to prove to me that he really wants this, and I’m giving myself the month to trust in us. One thing I do know Abs is we are stronger together than apart and that should count for something shouldn’t it?”

  “Definitely, babe - that is everything. Wow - deep for Saturday morning, come on let’s get our treatments booked in so we can meet the guys.”

  “Sounds like a plan. All I want is a bit of a swim and maybe a manicure I don’t think Suzie’s joining us? Doesn’t look like it anyhow?”

  “She’s already in there - she’s gone for the full pregnancy package and Gino too apparently!”

  We both laugh in unison; he’s so metro-sexual.


  I take a deep breath of the outdoors filling my lungs with fresh air and smile. This was just what we had needed this weekend, well this and the de-stress I’d just experienced, even without all the massaging and pampering the Spa has relaxed me entirely.

  And now watching Finn hi-five Seb, Na, Gino and even Chris, I know that he is in his element and that is the best stress-reliever anyone could provide. The male influence is something he needs desperately in his life and he’s thriving with their friendship. My Dad is such a brilliant influence but I could tell that Finn was enjoying having someone more my age on hand - Niall was beginning to get his act together finally too so things were definitely on the up.

  I watch Seb, throw Finn up onto his shoulders and the men all walk ahead of us, in the direction of our surprise activity. He is entirely enigmatic, always the head of the pack. Strong and controlling and safe, yet I am fortunate to be privy to his quiet side, the side of him which many rarely gain a glimpse of.

  “We’re here, Lu - are you going to tell Finn the surprise?” Seb shouts to me with a big grin.

  My eyes focus on my boy happily clapping his hands together, perched high on top of Seb, and I run to catch them up. “We…lll, Finny Finn Finn, you know how you always wanted to drive a car?”

  His eyes go as wide as saucers and I can’t contain my excitement. Abby and Suzie have caught us up by this point and Suzie is doing a drum roll noise for extra drama. “You’re going to go off-roading in a mini land rover!”

  “No way - like Sub’s?”

  “Not quite like Seb’s no, but similar.”

  “On my own?”

  “Well, no there will be an instructor and Seb and I will be with you too but you’ll be behind the wheel.”

  “Cool!” Seb places him down on the ground and he runs full pelt at me, wrapping his arms around my waist in a tight bear hug. “You’re the best Mummy ever!”

  My heart melts as I plant a kiss on his head and we head off at a run to the driving centre. The others tagging behind. God I hope these instructors knew what they were doing! I couldn't back out and say no now.


  The afternoon’s craziness goes down extremely well with Finn but after two hours of off-roading, in both mini and full-sized Land Rovers we have to call it a day. I felt exhilarated and had without a doubt been bitten by the rallying bug. I check my watch and with a wince remind Sebastian that we have to meet Niall back at Reception soon. I’m starting to regret agreeing to my ex having our son this weekend now, especially as we were enjoying ourselves so much but I know that he’s had an amazing time and although I’ll miss him, Seb and I can have some adult time and tonight we’ll be able to sleep in the same room together. Not that we’ll get much sleep I hope.

  Under much duress Finn is convinced to leave his driving days behind, well at least until he’s 17 and the three of us, wave goodbye to the rest of the gang, who are heading off to attempt Falconry and Archery in the nearby field. As we head inside, I see Niall has already arrived and is enjoying afternoon tea in the library with his girlfriend Karen. I feel Seb’s hand in the small of my back, it gives me strength and we make our way towards them.

  “Hello, son. Come, give your Dad a hug.”

  Niall smiles openly at Finn and it pleases me. He looks genuinely happy to see him and going by Finn’s run-and-barge cuddle, the feeling is mutual. It’s all I want for them; consistency for my son and a healthy relationship with his Dad. So he was a shit boyfriend, he can be a better father can’t he?

  Karen’s large brown eyes are assessing my every move, from her cocooned position in the corner, near the window. She audaciously looks me up and down, addres
sing my clothing, hairstyle, the way Sebastian and I interact with one another; I feel practically stripped bare but at the same time I understand why and I feel sorry for her. She is madly in love with a man who cheats and she knows she’ll never have him completely. I have breasts and a vagina and on top of that I have history with him, and a child, so I was quadruple-trouble competition. If only she realised that she was truly welcome to him. I would never be with Niall again, not now that I’ve had a taste of how a real man fucks.

  I remember her nasty words, mentioned in front of my son a few weeks ago at their house and I narrow my eyes. Stupid Beach - Finn had relayed it back to me, not understanding the meaning. Stupid bitch was more like it. “Karen, how nice to see you.”

  Her shocked expression at my pleasant greeting quickly disappears as she recovers well. “Lucia. Grand place.”

  “It is isn’t it? I’ve been fortunate enough to work on this for the past few weeks.”

  She sips her coffee slowly, considering her words. “Can’t be bad - can it, Niall? You must be doing all right.”

  “It’s been fabulous but not without its issues, as every job has - matching up the original woodwork, which was a lovely old beech, has been a real bitch but we’ve not been talking about it in front of the client’s tender ears or there’d be hell to pay! It would be a stupid error.”

  I watch her eyebrows disappear into her rather high hairline. There you go love - has it sunk in? Yes? Now you get what I’m trying to say don’t you? You’re brighter than I thought. Let’s get this all out in the open and start afresh so you can get on with your relationship and my son can enjoy his time with his father and you, if you want that. I’m not competition.

  “So, Sebastian did you get Lucia this gig?” her snooty gaze is soaking up my man now, lingering a little too long on his mouth.

  “Not at all. In fact just the opposite - Lu got me involved. It’s been great to work together so closely on this project. I can’t seem to keep away from her.”

  Sebastian reaches for my hand and brings it up to his lips, kissing my knuckles gently. I catch Niall shuffling uncomfortably in his chair and Karen’s surprise at our public display of affection and have to refrain from punching the air in victory. She seems to visibly relax, like a deflated balloon in front of us. Poor woman; See, I don’t want Niall back.

  “So you two are together now?” her lips form the words excitedly.

  For now we are, whilst we fuck each other silly and enjoy one month of naughtiness. Yes.

  Seb answers for me. “Yes.”

  “How nice? I’m happy for you. Isn’t that nice, Niall?”

  “Nice.” Niall mutters and I smile at Sebastian under my lashes. It might take Niall a little longer to come to terms with us being together - it was a pride thing I think for men and I can tell he’s still annoyed that Seb has stepped into his shoes. The daft thing is I honestly don’t believe that Niall seems to have grasped that he was never even in really the race.

  “Oh, Lucia that is such good news. Now we can all begin to move on.” She clasps her hands together with pure pleasure.

  Alright love, easy now. I’m not desperate and I don’t want Niall back - get it into your thick head.

  “Come on Finn we really need to make a move now.” Niall interrupts the conversation, calling to our boy who has his nose pressed against the glass, watching the fluffy rabbits jumping about on the manicured lawn. He stands to head out, asking Karen to settle the bill and meet them at the car. I watch as she reacts to his request and does as she’s asked - no questions. That used to be me.

  But before she leaves she kisses both Sebastian and I on our cheeks and smiles, a huge Julia Roberts smile. The stress had literally fallen away the second she’d seen I was dating someone else and I could see a glimmer of the pleasant woman she potentially was. I hope Niall doesn’t fuck this one up.

  Seb kisses my head and gives Finn a loving hug. “See you tomorrow Dude. Enjoy and be good.”

  “I will, Sub. Thanks for taking me fishing. It was gooey.”


  “Yeah - the worms and things.”

  He ruffles his hair and laughs. “Worms and things are brill.”

  “Lion, you won’t believe what we just did. Seb took me fishing and then we drove a car! It was so cool!”

  “So I understand.” He looks up in our direction.“Cheers, Lu, talk about giving him the world and leaving me with the crumbs.” Niall’s grumpy mumble is pathetic but I ignore it.

  “He’s had a brilliant time but now he’s ready for some quality time with his Dad and that means, chilling in front of a movie with pizza and cuddles, followed by a bedtime story. The simplest things are always best for kids; And I promise he’ll sleep as he’s had a lot of fresh air.”

  “Ok.” His childish sulk is waning at least. “Look, I’m glad we’re managing this.”

  “I know. Me too.”

  “It’s just …”

  “… hard.”


  “I understand, Niall. I’m not finding it easy either but we are working at it and most importantly Finn is happy. Karen seems better too.”

  “She is. I’m trying to make this one work, Lu.”

  “Good. I’m glad. The grass isn’t always greener, Ni.”

  “No, it certainly wasn’t when I fucked up with you.”

  “Well that’s old news now. Let’s concentrate on Finn.”

  “He make you happy?” He rubs he hand across his chin and stares at me intently, nodding in Seb’s direction.

  I glance to where Seb is attempting a new handshake with Finn and I nod. “He does. I am - happy that is.”

  “More than I did?”

  Yes. Much more. In every way. In bed, as my friend and in my heart. “In a different way, Niall.”

  He nods. “You should have left with him all those years ago in The cave bar.”

  I look into his cool blue eyes, and smile. “No. If I had we wouldn’t have Finn.”

  Niall leans over and kisses my cheek, rubs my arm and hovers at my ear, as though he wants to say something and move backwards. “I’ll see you tomorrow when I drop Finn off. Good luck tonight.”


  “He’s still in love with you - still wants you.”


  “Your ex.” He was drooling all over her like a lovesick puppy!

  I can’t even bring myself to say his name. I just spent the past twenty minutes in the Dick’s vicinity and it had taken everything in me not to take him outside and use his head as the archery target board.

  How the fuck does Lu remain so calm? She does it for Finn and that’s why you put on the act today. I did alright didn’t I? Not bad at all. He still has his teeth. My mind is sending me all over the place as I consider every angle and the sensible head inside of me, the one that isn’t permanently pointing at the bloody sky and rock hard, sees reason. If you are going to continue down this path with Lucia, you’re always going to have to deal with Niall. He will always be a part of Finn’s life. Can I deal with that? Can I?

  Lu reaches out to stroke my jaw, her soothing voice breaking my train of thought. “No he isn’t. Niall never loved me, so it’s impossible he’s still in love with me. But he is making a huge effort with Finn which is good isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Let’s hope he’s also had an awakening or I’d have to give him a bloody rude one.

  We head up the curved staircase in the direction of Lu’s bedroom. It’s the nearest to reception and without discussing our actions we both make that judgement call instinctively. I am desperate to be inside of her, to prove she is still mine. It’s been way too long.


  She removes it from her jean pocket and hands it to me without a word and I whip it through the lock, then grab her, pushing the handle down with my elbow, and holding her to me tightly, pressing my lips to her at last. “Fuck, I need you… naked… now!�

  We kick our shoes off and remove clothes, items being discarded like breadcrumbs in our path to the bed. We can’t stop this volatile need we have for each other, it’s urgency is frightening.

  I unbutton my jeans, aware that Lu is watching my every move, her swollen pout approving and hooded gaze oozes sex as she admires me openly but when she bites her lip it’s my undoing. My fingers clasp her face, crushing her mouth to mine, our tongues hot and wet and demanding. Her teeth nip my bottom lip and I hear my groan, our breaths ragged. It’s been too fucking long!

  I can’t get my breath but I can’t stop. I need my fill, I need to be inside her! My fingers skim her waist, her hips, pulling her closer to my cock, which grinds against her and she parts her legs instinctively for me. I lean my forehead into hers and we stop just for a second, as I turn her, the bed now at the back of her calves.

  “You’re so beautiful, baby. Lie back and let me in.”

  I watch her shuffle back onto the mattress, her pretty tits bobbing and sexy green eyes twinkling with desire and then she undoes me as she bends her knees, her striking eyes locked onto mine, and with exquisite slowness, opens them. “Jesus, you’ve no idea how hot you look right now.”

  I grasp my cock, hard as granite and slip on a condom, sliding it down my length languidly. Then I begin to pump it, fixated on her and her deliciously juicy naked body in front of me, her hands find her breasts and she begins to touch herself.

  “Ahh, baby. That’s it - imagine that they’re my hands.”

  Seconds pass, I grow harder and her fingers drop to her stomach, her finger trailing down towards her mound. Perhaps another time, I’d enjoy the show, if I’d been inside her recently, but right now I had to have her!

  “I cant wait to be buried in you. I’m going to fuck you, whilst sucking on your nipples and grinding against that perfect clit of yours.”


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