The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 21

by Alexandra North

  “Almost as good as the Tiffany pearl necklace you gave me.”

  “You saucy thing - what did I ever do to deserve you, baby?”

  He lifts me under my arms and dips me under the water, washing my chest, and drawing me to him for a deep post-orgasmic kiss.

  “Nothing. We are meant to be.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too.”

  We swim out into the sunlight, having donned our swimsuits once again and I look back towards the waterfall, our waterfall; the secretive cave hidden behind the curtain of white - no one would ever have known what we were doing in there and I loved that. It was so illicit and so intimate. Another first for us.

  “Check you out. All brave and swimming - no piggy back this time?”

  “Nope. You make me brave.”

  “Works both ways, baby. Come, let’s grab something to eat.. And then we’ll have a siesta.” His wink tells me that his idea of a siesta has nothing to do with sleep and everything to do with sex and I roll my eyes.


  We make our way up the bank, and up the path to our picnic area and he points to his groin with a shrug, where his swim shorts were tenting - again!

  “I forgot to mention, QuickSilver had another meaning - quick to reload but I’ve not been like this since I was in my twenties and never because of a woman, purely down to hormones.” His laugh is brief as he goes to pour us a drink.

  Oh. My. God! If I wasn’t careful I’d be going home with honeymoonistis and I make a mental note to ask Mohammed the Butler for a gallon of cranberry juice when we get back to the villa.

  I repeat to myself inwardly - Sebastian Silver is insatiable - not that I’m complaining. I’m just thrilled that he’s admitted that this is purely down to me. I know that QuickSilver has another meaning; it can mean, cool and willful one moment and utterly fragile the next, basically contradictory, controlling, sensitive and this warms me. This is so Sebastian; the nickname is perfect for him. I’m both nervous and excited but definitely privileged to be allowed in, to glimpse all these sides to him and I want to be sexual with him during these rare moments, when I’m part of his daily life, as they bring us closer with each connection.


  The man in the black hoodie, stealth-like in his body language, lets himself into the mid-terrace on Rose Avenue with a key, via the back yard. No need to break in when you’ve been invited is there? He drops his toolbox and necessities and breathes a huge sigh of relief as he sags up against the wall, before laughing out loud into the basement kitchen.

  Woo! What a buzz!

  That had been much easier than he could have ever imagined. He was finally here - in his woman’s abode - alone! He was ready to put his plan into action.

  “An hour of DIY and she will be one step closer to becoming mine.”

  Wiping a hand across his brow, where beads of sweat clung to his hair, he smiles openly in excitement as he dusts a finger along the central island top, grabs an apple from the fruit bowl, and takes a large bite, then heads towards the fridge. Not much in it though - Lucia had obviously been slacking in her house-keeping duties since that prick Silver has been on the scene, taking up her precious time - then again he supposed he should cut her some slack as she was now abroad in Dubai - no point filling the fridge on the chance some opportunist would break-in and need some grub. His laugh is snide and laced with venom at his own joke. But when he was living here and man of this house, she would know her place and his every wish would be adhered to.

  He snags a diet coke and snaps the ring pull back harshly, no small feat with gloves on, but he couldn’t chance anything this time - he already had a record of trespassing from the last bitch who had been worthy of his care and attention. She had so not been worth the trouble - stupid cow!

  Slamming the door to the SMEG with his foot he leans back against the counter and takes a long swig of the carbonated drink whilst perusing the array of photos, letters and artwork on the front of the fridge. A couple of photograph’s immediately irritate him beyond belief and he swipes them and through gritted teeth tears Lucia angrily out of each, before throwing the unwanted pieces in the bin. However one photo of Lucia really stood out to him, her blow-job mouth wide and smiling and sexy green eyes full of fun as she grinned back at the camera - she has her arms around that bitch of a sister Suzie and Abby on the other side of her. They’d probably been out slutting-it around Lords when it was taken - or maybe it was in that Rehab Bar in Bodley?

  Sneering he removes the magnet holding it in place, before creasing the photograph in two places and then ripping it severely to remove the two hangers on from either end. There was no room for anyone but him in her life - he would be the only one. She’d see that soon enough - see that that was how it had to be – the only way it could ever be!

  He slips the image into his back pocket - he’d enjoy studying her later when he had more time - and then finishes his coke hauling the can in the direction of the bin and missing - he’d pick it up later. Time to get to business.

  Dragging the tools and bits he required to put his plan in place he practically ran up the first flight of stairs and with a quick glance in the hallway at that level, he continued on, up the next set until he reached the master bedroom; his excitement building with every step. This was the one place he dreamed of being in - with her.

  Her scent filled his nostrils the second he entered the airy space; so entirely feminine - so entirely his Lucia. The room is immaculate, which pleases him - he can’t abide dirty bitches. He allows himself a few minutes to sit at her silver dressing table, sniff her creams, potions and assess each drawer’s contents. A quick spray of her perfume around his body is practically his undoing as he inhales and grips the table until his knuckles are white.

  “I can practically taste her - its like she’s here beside me, there’s hair in her hairbrush and her slippers by the bed. Lucia, you really are teasing me princess.”

  Unable to contain his utter glee at being in her domain, he jumps up from the stool, stroking a random crease from the duvet and plumping a velvet cream cushion, as he passes to the wardrobe, careful to stay far enough away from the window at all times. “We can’t have anyone seeing me here and ruining this for me, for us, Lu, can we? Nosy fucking bastards!”

  Locating the small concealed door in the wall, he opens it with apprehension and is surprised to find a cleverly designed small walk-in wardrobe, which houses Lucia’s clothes, Lucia’s shoes, and Lucia’s accessories. Here, her scent hits him even stronger and he drops to the floor and envelopes himself in the rail of clothing, their textures soft and caressing against his skin. He was in Lulu heaven.

  “Fuck! I wish I could take these bloody gloves off,” he grunts into the space and his breathing quickens as he blows through his nose and rolls his lips tightly. He couldn’t risk it - could he? No! Keep them on, no matter what. His eyes flicker to the many boxes piled high on top of each other and they calm him momentarily. He knew she loved shoes and that brought him closer to his girl - but this was far too indulgent.

  “Enjoy it now, Lu because once you are mine, you will have no need to dress like a whore for all and sundry to drool over. In fact…” is eyes fall on a pair he’d seen her wear for work and he licks his lips, “you won’t be needing these. I’ll take them for safe keeping and so you can’t wear them to tease me!”

  His emotions switch in that instant from happiness to anger, and standing up within the bijoux closet space he clicks off the pull switch light with more deep breathing and clicks the door shut.

  Her tall dresser interested him most of all in the luxury boudoir - it housed all manner of lingerie and nightwear, in silks, satins, lace and cotton. She would look fucking hot in each and every one of them but he preferred things plain… and white - virginal if you must.

  “Not much white in here - slut!”

  That would have to change. He ran several items along his skin, his
face, and through his covered hands, inhaling deeply before slipping a camisole, a couple of pairs of panties and a white lace plunge bra, into his bag. Once he was home, he would be able to relish them and slip them through his unsheathed fingers, as though he were stroking them on Lucia’s hot little body. He licks his lips at the thought and closes his eyes to enjoy the vision just a tad longer before shaking his head in anger at his weakness.

  “That bitch is off sunning herself with Silver, being fucked into next week and screaming out his name, whilst you are left with nothing but crumbs. Whore!”

  On her dressing table he’d noticed a small candle in the same scent as her vanilla body spray, and he quickly grabs that and drops it alongside the lingerie and shoes before throwing himself down on the king-size bed. Lying back onto the pillows he imagined himself in that bed with her - her luscious body so accommodating and bent over while he fucked her hard from behind - better yet, while he gagged her and fucked her hard from behind. She would be so worth the wait. He burrows his face in both pillows; unsure which is her side and then licks a tantalising trail up both. Yes, this bed would do him nicely; not to soft, not too firm and if he was lucky he’d get porridge in the morning. “I’d be like fucking Goldibollocks!” His laugh is crude and snarling at his witty joke.

  Snapping out of his daydream, he rubs a hand across his light stubble and considers how much more he can take of Sebastian Silver openly pawing at his woman. His patience was practically transparent. Then remembering why he is there, he sets about locating the best places to plant a camera. He only had two, so he had to use them wisely - they cost a bloody fortune but she would be worth it. It wasn’t made of money like that flash wanker! One was secured in the top of the light-shade, which hung from the ceiling at the bottom of the bed. Unless you looked right up into the bulb, no one would know it was there it was so minute - he’d just have to remember to pop back and change the bulbs to stop anyone locating them.

  The second was placed in the smoke detector within the lounge ceiling. He liked the fact that he could listen to her when she was on her own at night; once the kid was in bed and she was working downstairs - now he’d be able to see her too. It’d be like Googlebox, but hopefully more Goggle-at-her-box, if he was lucky. He laughs to himself at his childish joke but the thought of Lucia naked and on show for him is too much and he can feel himself growing harder by the second. She’d be the death of me that bitch - I’m permanently rock hard - I shouldn’t have to be suffering in silence like this!

  Not for much longer now though, he smiles as he locates the roses in the vase on the console table - many now dead or dying but the crystal pins are firmly embedded within and a quick test on his scanner and iPad to see that they are in full working order, pleases him no end. Only a couple, have been water damaged but the rest combined are enough to give him continued audio in that room. My work is done… for now…well, almost.

  A quick glance at his watch tells him he has another ten minutes before he should make his exit; any longer and it would be a definite risk that a neighbour may hear him - at present they were all out at work. That meant he had time to visit her bedroom one last time and pleasure himself, whilst visualising her mouth around his throbbing cock. It would make for good viewing at a later date and test the equipment he’d installed there, thoroughly. He heads for the stairs taking them two at a time and enters the master bedroom once again, his pants unbuttoned en-route. As he lies back onto the covers and rests his head against the full pillows at his back, he allows his cock to spring free, into his palm, ready to be worshipped. This was the closet he had ever been to Lucia whilst coming and he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt more fucking horny.

  “God, Lucia, after this, I’m going to want more and this will not be enough. You are so going to get it and trust me, you’re going to love it.”


  We land in Dubai as the sky is taking on an electric purple hue; its beautiful shade the perfect backdrop against the glittering bright yellow and orange lights of this cosmopolitan metropolis. I can literally feel the energy buzzing around me, under my feet, eager and full of high spirits - the magic of the Middle East and an entrepreneur’s dream. I can see why Sebastian had been bitten by the bug, albeit initially. The heat is oppressive however, but we journey in style to The Jannah, in a white stretch limousine, courtesy of the hotel. Sebastian is as attentive as ever, our hands clasped, even as he peruses some paperwork, pointing out the odd building here and there as I watch out of the window like an excited child.

  As we pull up to the entrance I’m reluctant, to leave the delicate bubble we’ve formed around us, the past few days. The moment I step from the car, our selfish-time is over. I’d have to share him with all and sundry. I have to store my thoughts for later, as we exit and make our way towards the most recently completed Silver Construction project. I stop dead in my tracks and as though in slow-motion, my eyes are drawn to the roots of the masterpiece, following the sleek lines and metallic glow of the building standing proud and majestic. Working my way up it’s feminine form, which is so tall I have to crick my neck to view its top, I close my open mouth and smile. It is truly magnificent - like something from a Sci-Fi film.

  “Beautiful isn’t she?”

  I hear the pride in his voice and smile happily at his excitement. “Wow - this is incredible.”

  “I know, right - she takes my breath away, each time I see her. I feel the same when I look at you, lady.”

  I hold his gaze, black staring into strong lime - a silent message passes between us that we are leaving the bubble behind and passing into everyday life again but that we can do this - together.

  Making our way through the foyer - my focus is taken up entirely with the beauty of its design. It was everything that Sebastian had promised; Glamorous, elite and out of this world. I’d heard that Dubai hotels were some of the best in the world and they weren’t wrong. I feel like a celebrity!

  Seb checks us in with the Manager and I take a minute to absorb my surroundings. The coolness of the white glittered marble floor and walls, combined with high-spec air conditioning was a welcome luxury - even at 7pm the air was a thick wall of humidity.

  This place was seriously stylish and it made me proud of Sebastian to think he and his team had been part of it’s creation and now he would be reaping the benefits of it’s sale to the highest bidder. I glance across to him, cool as a cucumber, in a pale blue shirt and linen pants. He commands attention and was already receiving it from several female admirers milling throughout the reception. Then he turns, and looks right at me. His gaze full of heat, a look that tells me exactly what he wants to do to me when we reach our bedroom and I relax.

  He is all mine.

  Something bright flashes to my right and I move to see the psychedelic commotion, before beaming at the familiar face, dressed in a rainbow kaftan and denim hot pants.


  “Oh. My. God! Yay! You’re here - about bloody time!”

  “Hi my lovely. We made it!”

  “Where’s Seb?”

  I throw a hitchhiker thumb in his direction and see that his brother Na has joined him at the desk.

  We embrace and I squeeze my best friend tightly. “All good?” she draws back and peers inquisitively at my face.

  “Fabulous - just what we needed. It was amazing, Abs.”

  “I’m so glad Hun. We’ll talk tomorrow - in privacy. I want full details whilst we shop till we drop!”

  “Oh yeah, I need to find something to wear for this party - oh to have Suzie and Dolly’s Boutique in the Middle East now.”

  “Yep - but do not fear - the malls here are to die for and the shops in the hotels alone would put the one in the movie Indecent Proposal to shame. We’ll find a little something to make Seb’s jaw drop - I promise.”

  I hug her again - I’ve missed her loads. “Have you and Nathan seen much of Dubai?”

  Her eyebrows reach her hairline in utter disd
ain. “We did take afternoon tea at the Burj Al Arab hotel - that was divine and sooo elegant and I visited some fabulous Art Galleries but to be honest, babe, we’ve hardly left the hotel bedroom - wait until you see it - fuck me it’s gorgeous. The men have organised the best of the best for us. I could live in the bathroom alone - seriously.”

  Our giggles can be heard as we head over to the lifts, like a couple of schoolgirls. “I need a shower and change - it’s so hot here - it was hot in the Maldives but there was a breeze there at least - here it’s just….”

  “Sweaty bollocks!”

  I laugh openly. “Yes - sweaty! God, I’ve missed you, babe.”

  “Tell me about it. You’ll love it here, chick honestly, but it is a total pain as we have to cover up a bit outside the hotel, well more than I normally would but that’s not saying much!”

  “I know Seb mentioned. I’ll just be glad to shower, change and we can meet for dinner tonight - sound good?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Sebastian’s husky voice interrupts us, placing a palm at my back. “Abby - looking lovely as ever.”

  She preens under his compliment and I focus upon Nathan, who’s narrowed eyes and furrowed brow, are a surprise. He looks pissed and something tells me it’s at Seb and his casual flirting. Me-thinks Mr. Nathan Silver likes Abs more than he realises.

  I laugh as he gets his revenge, leaning into me and leisurely placing a kiss on each cheek, before whispering in my ear, “Just play along.”

  “Lu, darling - how was The Maldives?”

  I glance across at Seb and see the exact same furrowed worry line, indented across his forehead - ha ha, men are so funny. It gives me a little buzz to think he’s not keen on any man touching me, even his brother.


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