The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 22

by Alexandra North

  “Na - great to see you. Maldives was magical - I’ll never forget it. You must go.”

  He hits the button for the top floor and winks. “Good good. Glad you two recuperated, now it’s time to party. Meet back in a hour for drinks and then we’ll go grab a bite to eat?”

  We all agree, as the door dings open and jovially head off in the direction of our suites, which are located just a few doors away from one another.


  Holy crap! “This place is unbelievable.”

  “Good huh!”

  “Oh, what I’d have given to work on a place like this.”

  I wander around the luxury suite with my mouth open in awe, checking out each nook and cranny, cupboard, lounge, his and hers bathrooms with twin sinks and walk-in wardrobe. Blinking back at him over my shoulder I repeat, this time out loud, “Holy Crap!” before launching myself on the monstrous silver bed. My beautiful man joins me, straddling me, tickling and pulling uncontrollable laughter from me until I can’t take anymore and then with one locked gaze, he stops. Swooping in, the mood changes entirely to one of pure dominance. His kisses are hard and crushing and so fucking good I can’t breathe, think or concentrate on anything but the sensations rippling through me and pooling between my thighs.

  “Only the best for you, baby.”

  “Release me, Mr. Silver, I need to get ready if you want to go out in an hour.”

  “How about we shower together? That would speed things up.”

  “Not. A. Chance! Every time you and I go anywhere near a shower or water for that matter we get very very dirty.”

  “Sounds great to me.”

  “Not tonight. I’ll have a quick shower, as I take longer, if that’s Ok and then you can jump in after me?”

  “I’d rather just skip all that and jump you but I won’t be seen to be getting in the way of a girl and her pampering routine.”

  I peck him on the lips and head into the bathroom on a smile, then make a huge kerfuffle of locking the door. Not that that would hold him if he changed his mind and decided to be less accommodating.

  Ten minutes later and I return to the bedroom, feeling refreshed and revived. Sebastian takes one look at my turban’d hair and towel-clad body, grits his teeth and heads straight into the bathroom. I hear the lock click loudly in place and laugh out loud at his petulance. I suppose two could play at that game.

  I quickly dry my hair and wind my velcro rollers in, hoping they’d be able to do something with the frizz that has become my hair in the humidity then settle down to put the finishing touches to my make-up, grey silk dressing gown covering my modesty. It’s whilst I apply my Urban Decay eyeshadow in smoky navy and greys, I consider my outfit options, now hanging in the wardrobe. I return to the bed with a simple, slightly sheer navy camisole and silver mini and drop them, before heading back and grabbing a silver pashmina that would cover my bare arms, décolletage and thighs. Throwing it on the bed I halt in my tracks as I pass the low black rococo coffee table in the sitting area. I’d not seen it on our entry. Now all I can focus on are the huge array of beautiful fresh flowers filling the silver domed vase, a mixture of lilies and palest pink peonies; they are gorgeous. I head over to see if there is a note and notice that in their centre is a single deep red rose with a diamante in its depth. In the midst of them a small card sits with a typed message.

  God, he’s so romantic. He thinks of everything.

  I smile to myself before settling down to FaceTime Finn. He answers almost immediately and excitedly tells me all about his day and how he and Grampa went swimming and for Maccy D’s afterwards. I cover my iPad screen with kisses, and only stop after his giggling protests stop and he tells me that he has to go now Mummy, he has to go beat Gramps at Snakes and Ladders.

  “Who were you talking to?”

  I look up into Seb’s inquisitive face - tanned and wet from his shower, his hand towelling his hair and a second towel tied low on his hips. Yum! “I was on with Finn.”

  His face softens. “How is he?”


  “Gets that from his mother.” He ducks the cushion I wang at his head with the grace of a boxer.

  “You OK, baby?”

  “Mmm hmmmm.” He knows me well enough to leave it alone, for now. I’m missing my son and more so tonight. I’ve loved our time away but I’ll be more than ready to see him in a couple of days - to inhale his Finn scent and enjoy being Mum again.

  “Only two more days and we’ll see him.”

  We’ll see him. I like the sound of that, even if it was a slip of his words.


  A couple of hours later we’ve eaten at a new tapas restaurant offering a selection of Greek, Lebanese, Italian, Spanish and Moroccan to name but a few of the choices of different cuisines and yet again I had found it more than difficult to eat. Perhaps I was just tired?

  I feel Sebastian sling his arm loosely around my waist and draw me too him as we walk away from the restaurant, with Abs and Nathan close on our tails.

  “So guys, it’s still early - are we going to call it a night or go for a slice of the Dubai nightlife?” Nathan calls from behind.

  Seb’s fingertips locate my bare skin where my camisole has come free from my skirt and my large pashmina is open, and strokes sensuously at my waist sending my body into overdrive. I craved him. We’d just spent three days in The Maldives, with on tap, non-stop, 24hour sex, no restrictions, no interruptions, no company and since arriving in Dubai that had all changed and my bits were not impressed.

  “I have an idea.” Sebastian’s deep resonating voice pours over me making my nipples hard at the vibrations he causing between our bodies. “Let’s do a club.”

  “Which one bro?”


  “Ooh I’m up for a bit of a dance Lu, you up for it?”

  Abby is always up for a dance but tonight all I wanted was to go back to the hotel and take my gorgeous man to bed. Seb senses my reluctance and reading my mind whispers, “Don’t worry, baby, we’ll go have a dance together, where at least we can touch one another without feeling like we’re going to be arrested. Then, I’ll take you back to our hotel; to bed - to heaven.”

  His sexy smile is my undoing and I feel my reluctance slipping away as we head in the direction of the nightclub. I nod and hear Nathan explaining the place to Abby. Apparently Fridays, as well as Thursdays are the hottest nights out in Dubai, so we were at least up for a good night.

  “Can we… you know… there?”

  Nathan chuckles. “Baby, we can ‘you know’ whenever you want but in a club, you dirty little minx.”

  “No… I meant, can we kiss?”

  “It’s in a hotel, baby – most tourist clubs are in Dubai. So we can kiss, we’re just not supposed to on the streets - publicly.”

  “It only makes me want you more.”

  “I know exactly what you mean A, but in the United Arab Emirates you can get arrested for sleeping with a man you’re not married to.”

  “You’re joking me - right? How do people have sex?”

  “In secret and certainly not in public places.”

  “Well, I wasn’t going to jump you on the dance floor - you should be so lucky.”

  I listen to all this with awe and Abby’s annoyance at Nathan’s expectation that she would just desire him at all times of the day. The problem was I understood completely and she did, as did I with Seb. The Silver charm and Dubai cocktail was a lethal combination.

  I step in to defend her. “God - I knew the laws were strict about these things but I hadn’t realised so much so. I’ve seen plenty of single girl and guy groups, since we’ve arrived with nothing on their minds but drinking, clubbing and sexing it up.” I rub Ab’s shoulder in support and instinctively my eyes are drawn to mine and Seb’s clasped hands, as we walk behind our friends and I pull away from his grip in panic. Maybe we shouldn’t be touching at all in the open?

What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Should we be flirting with danger?” I wiggle my fingers to show him my meaning.

  “I haven’t touched you properly for over two hours. I’ll be damned if I’m not holding your bloody hand.”

  I relax as his strong tanned hand firmly clasps mine and draws it to his mouth for a light peck before letting our arms swing between us.

  “Even if we get arrested?”

  “Don’t worry, Lu, I’ll always be on hand to get you off!”

  And don’t I know it you cocky arrogant, sexy bastard!

  The thought of finally being able to touch him again openly, sounded good to me. I crave his touch, his fingers and tongue bringing me to orgasm. I shuffle uncomfortably to appease the flutters of awakening beginning to throb between my thighs. There’s no way I could live in a country where PDA was frowned upon not with such a delicious man on tap. I’d be sectioned.


  The Barracuda club is another beautifully manufactured glass building, designed in dark purples, magentas and greens, with thumping dance beats and neon cocktails; Abby is in her element the second we step through the door. We head straight to the bar, where I see two doormen barricading tall white double leather doors. “What’s through there? The restaurant?”

  I catch Nathan’s smile and his hand gestures point to Seb to answer, whilst he pays the tab for the drinks. “Through those doors you will find temptation.”

  Seriously, what’s with all the cryptic bullshit? I raise my brows to Seb in question.

  “Baby, if you liked the ambience of Scarlet House - you’ll love this. It’s all about the build.”

  It suddenly dawns on me what he means and my brain frazzles with images of what is secreted behind those two doors. Scarlet House had been one hell of an experience I was looking forward to repeat in the near future. However, at the same time I’m surprised, after all we are in Dubai, where not only is alcohol a no-no amongst its patriots, sex and the female form are hidden and taboo.

  “How did you find a place like this in Dubai? Surely it’s completely illegal?”

  “Not really. There are several of these kind of clubs in the area. All are run out of a hotel, and designed for single men to come and meet single working women for the night. It’s discreet and only for select members at an exclusive membership fee. This is not something to talk about and you will not see a local here – it’s purely for the hedonistic tourists in the Marina.”

  “Working women – like a dating agency?” Abs registers.

  Nathan hands us our drinks. “Not really… but I suppose you could say you stay for a while and use its facilities in a similar way. It’s certainly run as a hotel to get around the strict legalities but the working women are…”

  “Pro’s, Abs. You know prostitutes.” I whisper the latter under my breath.

  Abby spins to look at me in shock. “Really? How saucy?” Well how will we be allowed in there then if we aren’t?”

  “We’ll just have to play along, won’t we? We’ll be seen as one of their kind.”

  Abby and I both look at each other and back to our sexy men, so in control of the situation, before nodding our heads. We head towards the first dour looking doorman, who approves Seb’s then Nathan’s plastic Club business card, which is black with a crested logo on the front. He speaks into his mike, then receives a transmission back before the door clicks open, allowing us to pass through. We go from a darkened nightclub with bright spots of neon lighting, to utter blackness and a long imposing passageway. It was like walking into a sexy cinema and instinctively I feel for Seb - I need not, as he is by my side, his hand in the small of my back at all times.

  I can feel my throat grow dry, and I draw in the breath I’d been holding since that door opened. The anxiety is palpable but the excitement is so intense. I don’t know what to expect. All I know is I’m with my man and I want him. It’s dark and I’d be happy to find a corner of the room and make-out like teenagers for a while before heading back to the hotel. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight that hits me, as we reached the end of the black corridor and turn into the secret Members Only Club’.

  It was like walking in on a colony, where men were desperate to copulate. Attractive women of all ages, sizes, skin tones and from all countries, conferred, mixed, danced and laughed with eager men, all desperate to select their prize for the night. All the women were clothed, but only just. I watched as one woman in a booth, sits opposite a man, her bare foot brazenly massaging his cock through his trousers, whilst she sucked hard on a red lollipop. Another two stunning girls, who appeared of Eastern European decent, were sitting on either side of a guy who seemed happy to sit back and enjoy their beauty, whilst playing cards with his mates. Perhaps living the dream?

  We head further into the oval room, where steps lead to several other doors and I wonder what novelties lie behind them. Sebastian directs us to a velvet booth, which is sunken into the floor and I sit down, happy to continue people watching.

  Sebastian slides in beside me, his hand immediately finding my thigh beneath the table, whilst Abs joins me to my right. She leans in and whispers, “Nathan makes me bold. Am I bad to be enjoying all this filthiness?”

  I grin at her. “Not at all. It’s just a bit of fun and look at them Abs? I don’t know about you, but Sebastian makes me …..

  Nathan stretches his arms around Abby and draws her into his chest. “What are you two beauties whispering about?”

  “Why us, of course.” Seb winks at me, arrogance oozing from his pores. He was right, of course, unfortunately.

  “We were talking about naughtiness,” Abby pouts and I roll my eyes, she was terrible at secrets. “I for one am enjoying being introduced to new challenges.” I watch, as she plays Nathan beautifully, biting her lip just at the right time. His eyes are drawn to her mouth and his jaw suddenly tenses. He was definitely a goner where she was concerned.

  “Ok, ladies, question for you. Men love porn, why don’t women?”

  I snap my head in Seb’s direction, surprised at his random and rather outspoken question and he shrugs, giving me that irresistible look, that combined sex - God with puppy dog eyes so well. “Porn? Really? Do all men like porn - it can be so degrading?”

  I flick to Na, who nods with a grin and back to Seb. “Told you. Not all porn - granted, but some. I bet you that in the right setting, watching the right type of porn, with me by your side, you would be like putty in my hands.” He leans in and whispers to me, “… and I won’t make you feel degraded at all - but I will make you beg.”

  I know he’s probably right and his words are doing silly things to my nether regions, but I’m not about to let him win. That would be no fun. “You’re an arrogant bastard, Silver and carry on like that and you’ll be watching adult movies tonight on your own with nothing but Madam palm and her five daughters for pleasure.”

  Na chuckles loudly at my retaliation and pleased with myself, I cross my arms in defiance and Abs does the same. “Yeah, just like she said. No to porn, No to porn!” Before muttering behind her hand. “…but actually I’m up for it, if you fancy trying it later, baby?” She bites her tongue cheekily at Nathan and I swat her playfully. “Hey you, I heard that - who’s side are you on?”

  “Oh, definitely the one that makes me scream Lulu and me-thinks that is over here. Soz, babe.” She slides over to kiss Nathan, who happily reciprocates her attentions.

  “We’re going to go dance, are you joining us?” Abby waves at me and I shake my head. Her and Nathan can go have some one-on-one time, as I’m sure they are craving it just as much as I am. I look across at Seb, whose just collared a waiter for more drinks and my heart starts to beat faster – just a glimpse and I’m sent spiralling into jitters. All this talk of making me beg for it and porn is already having an effect on me and I instinctively lick my lips and feel my nipples harden at the thought of his hands on my body and his scent as I kiss his neck.

nbsp; “Your eyes give away everything, baby – I’ve told you before and right now I feel like I’m about to be eaten alive.”

  I lower my eyes in shame. Is it that obvious?

  “Hey, hey? I’m only joking – don’t ever hide your emotions from me. I want to be able to read you; need to for us to work. If it makes you feel any better I feel the same. We should never have come here.”

  “Why?” I look about us and my question is answered immediately. Everyone is horny. Everyone is here with the purpose of getting laid and everyone is pushed to their limits.

  “Because all I want to do is slip under this table and tongue that sexy little clit of yours until you beg me to slip my finger inside of you; until you beg me to fill you with my come.”

  I gulp at his words, dirty and erotic and my cervix aches in response. “I wish you could.”

  In the dark I think I see his brow rise in surprise and it pleases me that he knows how much I want him and that I’m willing to try new things, but instead he just leans in to plant a slow kiss on my lips, sending hot fires to my belly and creating a pool of dampness in my panties. “Baby, there are so many clubs I could take you to back home, where legalities don’t exist, and we could do just what I’ve described – openly and without my brother and your best-friend nearby. Where people walk around naked, their breasts and pussies on display, cocks being pumped, threesomes, four-ways, you name it but with you, I won’t share. It’ll never happen. I won’t allow anyone but me to see you naked. You are not for another man’s eyes.”

  God, if he kept talking to me this way I was going to come without him touching me, I am so turned on. I love the fact that he is so protective and alpha about my body. I am his and that is fine by me.

  I reach across under the table and place my hand on his cock, its hardness solid and searching, desperate to be released and so hot, but I’m only there an instant before he plants a hand over mine and removes it slowly and deliberately; his face composed, but I can tell he is finding it difficult to maintain equilibrium.


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