The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 33

by Alexandra North

  Grabbing my phone, I dial Abby and we arrange to meet in The Velvet Cupcake in half an hour. She never lets me down.


  “Right, so what’s the emergency, babe?”

  I settle down in front of my pretty best friend and park my bag with hunch of my shoulders. I’m buggered. Well here goes.

  “Hi, Abs - I’m sorry for the short notice, were you Ok to getaway?”

  “I’m fine, I’m putting an Ad for a nightmare client to bed and the deadline is like, yesterday - so I haven’t long but I could tell this was important, could hear it in your voice. Is everything OK?”

  “Let me order us something and I’ll start.” I make a grab for the menu and avoid eye contact.

  “Lu, you’re scaring me.”

  I reach up and cover her hand with mine, smiling at her grey glittery shellac nails, she always maintained her nails. “I’m OK please don’t panic, but I just need you, babe - this is big - mahoosive as Finn would say.”

  Her eyes are like saucers as they scan my face for answers and she gulps, nodding in acknowledgement. “Well, I’ve already ordered us hot drink’s and a cupcake each. I figured you’d need a sugar fix - was I right?”

  I rub her arm in thanks, she knew me so well. “Thanks, love, you’re a star - the hot drinks great… the bun I already have…”

  Her screwed up expression is evidence of her complete confusion. “I don’t get you - am I being thick?”

  “I’ve already got a bun…” and I point to my stomach “you know…in my oven.”

  Her hand flies up to her mouth and eyes pop open wide and we stare at each other for what feels like hours, but in reality is seconds. “OMFG!”

  I bite my lip and wince, nodding at her statement. “OMFG it is.”

  “Oh, Lu, are you OK?”

  I nod, then shake my head.

  “No then. Well you won’t be, you’ll be all over the place. Oh you poor thing. These bloody Silver men with their big cocks - no scrap that, big virile cocks!”

  “Will you stop saying the word ‘cock’ in the cafe, love… please - everyone is starting to stare.”

  Abs scrunches her nose and looks around apologetically, muttering “Oops, sorry!” before pointing at my tum and enthusiastically saying, “Anyway on another note, that… must be why that Indian therapist wouldn’t do reflexology on you in Dubai!”

  I look up at her. “Do you think she could tell? She did keep commenting on me having soft fat tissue on my foot or something or other- maybe that means pregnancy? I’m not sure I believe in all that to be honest.”

  “No, I get you but she wouldn’t use aromatherapy oils either and you can’t use those in pregnancy I know that much from when you had Finn and now with Suzie. Nope - she definitely knew - how clever.”

  I chuckle at her excitement and we stop as our order arrives. As I add sugar to my tea I sigh and lean both elbows onto the table, my face collapsing into my hands. “I have to tell Seb tonight, Abs.”

  “He doesn’t know yet?”


  “Oh shit. How come?”

  “There hasn’t been the right time. I did a test in Dubai, after you and I talked about my dodgy periods the night of the Ball.”

  “You’ve been dealing with this since then… on your own?”

  “Well… no, I did a test, didn’t think I was, then I did another and I was, then I came home and went to the Doc immediately.” I decide to leave out Toni’s part in the pregnancy testing - there was just no point - Abby would find her, kill her and leave her for the wolves and that wouldn’t help anyone.

  “Why didn’t you say, I’d have come with you?”

  “I know you would but if I wasn’t taking Seb to join me, I had to do it alone, babe - you understand?”

  “Of course I do - Na would have been exactly the same. He would be. Oh christ. So is everything alright?”

  “They think so at the moment. I had a scan and I’m only early - 7 weeks’ish.”

  She nods, listening to me, her face a mish mash of scrunching and frowning in all the right places.

  “We went out last night and I was all set to tell Seb, just get it all there in the open and he took me to a cinema, booked out solely for us and one thing led to another and before long…”

  “You were doing what got you into this position in the first place.”

  “Hmmm. After that I felt too slutty to say Ta Da I’m preggers!”

  “Don’t be silly - Sebastian would have been fine. God, these alpha men thrive on sex, they can’t expect you to suddenly become celibate just because you’re with child - this is 2015 for fuck’s sake. You must tell him tonight! Do you want me to have Finn - Nathan is coming to mine, but we are staying in?”

  “No, thanks though - I’ll get him to bed and I’ve arranged for Seb to come round about 8.00ish.”

  “I’ll watch from my window for the firework display.”

  “You live 3 miles away.”


  “You don’t think it will go well?”

  “I know the longer you leave it, the harder it will be. I also know how controlling the Silver men are and it is going to be a constant fight for you to maintain your independence once he does know.”

  “I know!” She gets me so well. “That’s what I’m worried about.”

  “Oh, Lu, it would be my worst fear too - Nathan would have me wrapped in cotton wool.”

  “I just feel bad that I’m pressurising him like this.”

  “Really, Lu? It was his cock that created this baby too and Sebastian loves you - adores you to bits. I know it’s early days for you as a couple, but it’s not early days for you as friends - you’ve known one another forever. I think he’ll surprise you.”

  “I’m not so sure.”

  “Give this a chance. If it’s what you want. I’m here for you, if you need me.”

  I tuck into my cupcake with gusto and finish off the rest of Abby’s as well and smile as I’m reminded of my craving for sweet things during my pregnancy with Finn. And so it starts and so the pounds creep on.

  “One last thing before we go. I’ve been meaning to ask your advice on something.”

  “Please tell me you’re not really a man!” she laughs in mock drawl.

  “No silly!”

  “Oh good I’m not sure I can take any more serious news. Fire away.”

  “Do you remember I mentioned I feel like I’m being watched?” I watch her face carefully for any flicker of recognition and see none.

  “WTF, Lu? Seriously? Your life’s like a bloody soap opera at the moment!”

  “I know, but I’m serious Abs. I’ve had this sense that someone is watching me for weeks now, but I never see anyone. Everywhere I go, I get that awful feeling like I’m not alone, in a disturbing way - you know? But when I turn around or look out of the window, there’s nothing - no one.”

  “Are you sure you’re not just overworked and now with the pregnancy, the hormones, you’ll be exhausted…?”

  “I thought that too, Abs, I did, but it’s getting worse. I had it outside at The Ashton, I had it outside my house, the lounge, the kitchen and my bedroom windows - at work. It’s giving me the real creeps. Something feels very wrong.”

  She winks at me to lighten the mood and chuckles. “Look, I know that Seb is running with the big players now and hey, I’ve googled the Silver brothers several times since Na and I started dating - I know, I know, sad but you know me - anyway, Sebastian is beginning to make the Society headlines, inevitable really now he’s become wealthier but he’s not a celeb and neither are you? Not yet anyway. I thought only famous people got stalkers?”

  “Yeah, I suppose. I mean I’m not saying it’s a stalker. I never really thought of it, or them or whatever this fucking is, like that but it’s starting to stress me out. I think they, it, he, she, may have been in the house.”

  “Oh Jesus, Lu. What makes you thin
k that?”

  “When we got back from Dubai, there was coke can in the kitchen I’d not had, like someone had been there and a plate in the sink with crumbs and I’m beginning to notice some of my things are missing.

  “Like what?”

  “Some panties from a set Seb bought me, one of my favourite bras, a pair of shoes I use for work all the time… just little bits that could have a very good reason for their disappearance but I have a nagging niggle…”

  “Why haven’t you said anything sooner? Does Seb know? Your parents? Suzie?”

  “Oh God no - I don’t want to worry my family and once Sebastian is aware, can you imagine the life I’ll lead? Er - haven’t we just talked about this - Operation suffocateLutothepointofmaddness!”

  “Well, I understand that, but you have to discuss this with him and you have to do something.” She shudders openly. “I’ve got the hebbie jeebies now!”

  “Welcome to my world, Abs - I’m on the brink of insanity, I swear.”

  “No you’re not. I know you and this doesn’t sound right. You need to go with your gut and talk to Sebastian - just tell him you’re pregnant first. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to double bag this one. Something maybe you should have thought about a few weeks ago?”

  I ignore her hint at contraception again and sink deeper into my chair. “Lucky me.”

  “My advice would be to soften the blow, with a blow-job in between - that way he’ll at least be calm and relaxed?”

  I giggle at her silly suggestion. “I’ll see how it goes but I might just need to take your advice on this one, babe.”


  Four hours later and I’m thankfully ensconced inside my house, Finn has been bathed and fed and is now snuggled up in bed.

  What the bloody hell?” Meg shouts standing in the open front doorway trying to light her now soaked and floppy cigarette. “Did you hear that boom?” her voice is drowned out by the ground-shaking rumble of imminent rain.

  I slide into my favourite coral toe-post slippers, hook a leg underneath my bum and flop back onto my Lemsip-advert plumfy chair. I’d been downstairs since settling Finn for about five minutes when I’d heard the knock at door and Meg had come round from hers. She only lived a few doors down and I felt bad as I hadn’t spent much time with her since my sexual escapades with Sebastian. She and I had been good for each-other when we’d suddenly both become single mums and I’ve definitely not been there for her of late.

  “Wow, that storm sounds close. Yes, there’s the lightening. That was, what - two seconds?” I ask, as a flicker of ultraviolet light floods the lounge. My mind is definitely on other things.

  “Yeah I reckon. Although we should all be used to it on Rose Avenue now; the thunder bolts and lightening is very very frightening and a regular occurrence since Mr. Sexy Silver turned up.” She laughs, amused at her childish tune.

  I raise my brows to her in question “Are you annoyed that Sebastian and I got together Meg – I know you fancied him?” I sense that the comment came over as a little bitchy and I’m surprised at my own territorial instincts. Where had that come from? Blame it on the hormones.

  “No don’t be daft, chick,” she corrects me, fumbling to light another Menthol. “He is a gorgeous catch but I knew from our first night in Lords that he had unfinished business with you – even if you didn’t you daft brush.”

  I scrunch my face up and shake my head, reluctant to go into too much detail with regard to the fuck up that Seb and I are at present, she doesn’t know about the pregnancy, nor do I intend to tell her for some time. After all, Meg was going home to Leo and the last thing I want is an ex, no matter how brief, feeling smug at my poor decision making. Speaking about going home - she really needed to soon - he’d be here in an hour.

  “I’m not sure what our business is, other than risky at the moment. We were basically fuck buddies, getting together for mutually beneficial sex – sorry… make that great sex then we became more, but he is a player through and through and comes with a lot of female baggage!” I correct myself smiling secretively, in despite of my anger towards him. It really was fantastic. Who’d have thought such good friends could have such hot energy in bed?

  Who’d have thought you’d be pregnant the first time you slept together?

  Meg snorts “All right, don’t brag. You know that you’re both perfect for one another but equally too god damned stubborn to realize it yet - right? I’m just glad to see you getting back into the sexual saddle, shall we say.” Giggling she draws heavily on the last part of her fag and stubs it out in the little terracotta ashtray, I’d brought back from Portugal a few years ago. “Besides, I have to say I’m rather taken with Leo, but he’s a bit of a slow burner and that Chris ain’t half bad either. It’s great to finally have some fit men in Bodley. What do you think? Surely they can’t resist all of … this?” she wiggles her arms silkily up and down her body, in the style of a generation game hostess.

  Another huge clap of thunder rolls overhead and I jump, making us both giggle even more.

  “Chris and Leo?” I decide against forcing my own views on these men on her - she is happy and that’s what matters - who am I to comment on the fact that she’s up for testing the waters with several at once?Instead, I just grin back at her. “I think we need to get your lucky knickers out and strategise.”

  Meg shrugs her shoulders saucily in response. “Or I could just get my lucky knockers out? That should do the trick!”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  I’m full-on belly laughing at this point, glad of the distraction from my thoughts about all things Sebastian and baby for all of two minutes but notice something flash past the window. I look up to see Meg step aside, allowing someone to come in out of the heavy rain. Speak of the devil.

  “Evening, ladies,” Sebastian drawls in his deep sexy voice, his eyes immediately on mine. “I wonder if I could have a word with you, Lucia.” He smiles in the direction of Meg and adds, “In private, if you don’t mind, love.”

  Arrogant bastard. He’s early and now my nerves are going haywire.

  As my stomach does somersaults I try to hold his gaze steadily. It takes everything I have to appear nonchalant, as if I don’t want to throw his cocky arse back on the street and say I’m not ready for you, come back in an hour but it needed to be done and now.

  “Oh don’t mind me, guys, I’ve tea to sort for the kids anyway.” Meg flusters, open mouthed in her awe of Sebastian’s presence. I sense that she is not ready to escape from the difficult atmosphere but would actually prefer to be a voyeur. This is probably the most excitement she’s had in forever, now that she’s dating dreary Leo the accountant. Sebastian turns his head back to her, obviously questioning why she is still there and with a quick eye-roll directed at me, over Sebastian’s head, she mouths Good Luck and closes the door behind her. Thanks, I’ve a feeling I’m going to need it.


  It’s only then, that I allow myself to really look at Sebastian and my mouth dries, as I take-in the image of his black leather attire. Oh my word he’s come in his motorbike gear; I’m already on the back foot – which he probably realised would happen when he decided to come. He’s so not playing fair!

  Putting his helmet down on the console table, he walks straight through to the lounge, down the stairs and into the kitchen, (sorry my kitchen, I think petulantly) and barks up in my direction, “Are you coming down then?”

  He’s in a great mood.

  Dumb-founded at his arrogance, I duly follow, hastily checking my appearance in the frameless hall mirror en route. I flick my hair over and smooth it out a little and apprehensively pad down into the basement floor. Taking a deep breath, I hold it a while and then expel it with an exaggerated pursing of my lips; this was going to be tough but I had that excitable flippy-floppy tummy thing going on that happened before you went on a death-trap ride; all eagerness and fear rolled-up into one ball of butterflies.

  Sebastian h
as already opened the back door when I enter the kitchen, the fresh breeze that fills it is a welcome addition. The rain is pouring into the small yard to the exterior of the house and the sound is deafening as it runs off the roof, through the gutter and escapes via the many cracks, running in heavy trickles onto the path below.

  “Well?” he practically spits the word out, his eyes burning into me in pure contempt.

  What the fuck? Who the hell does he think he is? What have I done?

  I purposely delay answering him and wander over to the door leaning against it. I stare right back at him, taking in his dark brown eyes and tight jaw. God, he is angry.

  “I don’t jump at your every command, Sebastian.”

  His eyes assess my every move but he doesn’t speak so I continue. “Get rid of the attitude. Now!” My own voice trembles. I am so annoyed. He was pissed, I understood that but he wasn’t helping and the more he acted so foul the more I retracted from him and it would get us nowhere fast.

  He rubs his hand over his smooth head in exasperation, obviously uncomfortable.

  “We need to talk.” Nothing but silence…again.

  “We do. I agree.”

  “You’ve ignored me since last night - do I have something to be worried about?”

  “No. Of course not.” Leaning out into the night air, my face and hair are instantly soaked from the overhanging drip above. Great. Not such a good look. Fuck it. The air is so humid in the kitchen, due to the weather and the tempestuous tension in there, that the cool water now running off my hair onto my skin is actually very liberating and enjoying the sensation I step out onto the patio. I don’t wait for Sebastian as I hold my arms up to the dark grey turbulent sky and embrace the cool shower. Seb is leaning against the doorframe, just watching me. I cannot tell what he is thinking, but his eyes are hooded and his mouth set in a grim line.

  “I should never have let you go inside last night.” He sounds emotional. “We started the night off fine. It was amazing and then I don’t know where it went wrong? You went all insular on me - you were so cold.”


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