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A Healer's Destiny

Page 8

by Katherine J. Sinclair

  Chapter 8

  The next morning Elah woke up excited to find out who was coming to visit. She completed her chores quickly and put on her favourite dress ensuring to tuck her dagger in its usual spot, her left boot. Her grandmother could see Elah was over excited and sent her out to collect some flowers to calm her down and to get her out of the house.


  Elah returned to found her mother sitting out in the garden. Her face lit up with delight and she ran into her mothers open arms. “I missed you” Elah cried out, as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

  “I missed you too” her mother whispered, with tears of her own. “Lets go for a walk so we can catch up.”

  “Okay” Elah replied, with a sniffle.

  Elah put the flowers she had picked on the garden table and they walked to a nearby stream and sat on some rocks. Her mother was wearing a beautiful red dress with white flowers embroidered around the trim, it was beautiful and Elah wondered what the occasion was.

  “So have you been doing much healing?” Ebele asked, running her fingers through the cool water.

  “Just the animals in the area. Grandma doesn’t have much use for it and granddad has not been around much lately” Elah explained, watching the water curve around her mothers fingers..

  “Well at least you have been using it. I have been trying to strengthen my gift too but have not had much luck.”

  “Oh, that is great, can I ask what your gift is?”

  “You must keep it to yourself” Ebele said, watching her daughter’s reaction turn from curious to surprised.

  Elah smiled at her mother. “I won't tell anyone.”

  “Okay, well I can see visions of what is presently happening. For example the day you healed River I got a vision of you and River in the forest” Ebele explained. “I can’t control what I see and when I see it, which is why I have been trying to strengthen it, I would like to control what I see and when.”

  “I’ve never heard of that one” Elah said, looking at her mother with such interest.

  “I think I inherited it off my mother, except she could see past, present and future as well, my father said she was very powerful” Ebele sighed.

  Elah looked at her in amazement. She was surprised Ebele was sharing with her since she was so secretive about her gift. She knew her father knew about it but always thought he was the only one who knew.

  “So what have you been doing to strengthen your gift?” Elah asked.

  “I have been working on concentrating and trying to enhance my mental abilities through exercises and medicinal methods”

  “Have you tried concentrating on certain events?”


  “No, perhaps I should give that a go, I can use the boys since I know what they are doing and see if that works” Ebele said, with renewed enthusiasm. “We should head back now.”

  Elah collected the flowers from the table and headed into the cottage to find her grandmother with her brothers and Lavi. The boys had observably helped to decorate the cottage while she was out.

  There were flowers and ribbons all over the living room. Elah stood on the inside of the door in shock, unsure what to do.

  River then suddenly grabbed her and gave her a hug, “Happy birthday Elah” River said, letting her go.

  Talib was next to wish her a happy birthday followed by Lavi. “This is amazing” Elah said, not knowing what to do with herself. “Thank you.”

  “Well I have something for you” River said, giving her a gift.

  She looked at it and carefully unwrapped it to reveal a small wooden box with beautifully carved designs all over the box. The inside was delicately lined with dark purple silk. “Wow! River, its so beautiful, thank you” she said, kissing him on the cheek.

  Her mother gave her a book she had put together. It was filled with information about different herbs and spices, including medicinal uses. Talib gave her a couple of books, one with different short stories and the other was his book containing information about some of the different gifts. And Lavi gave her a silver necklace he had made, when she put it on it looked like a leafy vine reaching up behind her neck.

  After Elah thanked them all for the wonderful gifts they went and ate lunch in the garden. Elah enjoyed hearing about what her family had been up to but she could tell River had something on his mind so after lunch River took her to the stream.

  “I have something I’d like to share with you but it’s a secret” River told her, sitting on the same rocks Elah sat on earlier with her mother.

  “I will keep your secret” Elah said sincerely.

  River pointed to the stream and a spiral of water lifted from the moving water and began dancing in the opposite direction of the flow. Elah’s mouth dropped open and she looked from the water to River and back again.

  “Are you doing that River?” she asked surprised.

  He nodded with a big grin on his face. “I discovered it soon after you came to stay here and I have been secretly working on it” River confessed. “You're the only one who knows.”

  “Wow! That is amazing, I’m so happy for you” Elah said, giving River a hug.

  They sat by the stream for quite some time. River played with the water, making it dance across the surface of the stream. It was beautiful to to watch the different shapes he created and the way the light moved through the water created a spectacular light show on its own.

  While Elah watched the show, she snuggled up to River and sent her healthy energy through his body. She healed his body of sore muscles and gave him more energy to continue playing with the water but she also took the opportunity to explore him. Not only was she surprised to see how strong he was becoming but she was also surprised to see how far into his mind she could reach.

  As they were relaxing on the rocks, Lavi came over and sat down with them causing River to stop playing with the water. “Its nice out here” Lavi sighed, watching the stream bubble over and around rocks.

  “I know, it’s amazing for a swim in summer” River said, breathing in the moist fresh air.

  They all smiled at each other and relaxed on the rock and listened to the soothing sound of the running water. “I wish I could stay like this with you guys forever” Elah breathed, looking up into the trees canopy.

  "Yeah that would be nice but a swim sounds nice too" Lavi agreed. 

  "Maybe you come out here in a couple of months for a visit" River suggested to Lavi. 

  "We'll see if your father will let us out if his sight” Lavi laughed. 

  "Well I promised granddad I'd help him move his new table" River said, getting up, knowing that if he didn't move soon, he was never going find the will to. 

  "Do you need help?" Lavi offered but didn't really want to leave. 

  "No, I think we'll be right" River said, as he left. 

  Lavi rolled over to look at Elah, she looked content. Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear he looked into her eyes. "I've missed you" he said, getting up and offering her his hand. 

  Without thing she took his hand and he pulled her up with a cheeky grin on his face. He then kissed the back of her hand before he started pulling her into the forest. They ran further and further away from the cottage until they reached a large paperbark gum. 

  Elah leaned against the soft bark to catch her breath. As she stood there Lavi came over and leaned his arm above her head and looked into her eyes. 

  She looked longing into his eyes, there were very few moments she hadn't thought of him, in fact the only times she didn't think of him was when she was with Alon. She had wanted to see him since she had left and now he was standing in front of her.

  She moved her head so that she was a few millimeter’s from his nose. She could feel his breath and watched him as his smile grew.

  As her heart raced, he moved closer and brushed his lips against hers. She smiled before pushing her lips against his, she couldn't wait any longer to feel the lips she had been dreaming of agains
t hers. Her hands again lit up as she poured her energy and emotions into him. As she kissed him, she slid her hands from his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist and didn't let go when he reluctantly drew away.

  He looked down at her and smiled then drew her head against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She let out a small sigh and relaxed in his arms. "Now I could stay like this forever" he said softly.

  She giggled, moving to look in his eyes and reached up pulling his head down to hers and gently kissed him. "I wish you didn't have to go" she whispered and kissed him again.

  "Perhaps we should get into trouble again" he laughed, remembering how much time they spent together.

  "Don't tempt me" she giggled, knowing that wouldn't work.

  "We should get back before someone finds you in my arms" he said, knowing that would result in her parents never letting him see her again. 

  "Maybe we should just run away” she whispered, running her finger across his lips.

  “You don't know how much I would love to but we can't” he sighed, taking both her hands in his.

  Elah sighed before kissing him, she at least wanted to kiss him one more time before he had to leave. It didn't take much before he relaxed and kissed her back.

  As he pulled away, he took her hand in his and they began to walk slowly back towards the cottage. “Your healing has strengthened” Lavi said.

  “I’ve been working on it but the forest animals are not as good as you guys” she replied.

  “I know but at least you are still working on it”

  “Have you got your gift yet?”

  “No, not yet” Lavi answered, looking away as he had just lied to her.

  “I’m sure it will come when it’s ready”

  “I’m sure. Are you enjoying living with your grandparents?” He asked, trying to change the subject.

  “It’s okay but I’d rather be at home”

  “I know. You know by the time you can come back, I will have finished my training and have left”

  Elah stopped in her tracks and dropped her head with a sad look in her eyes. Lavi then positioned himself in front of her and gently lifted her head by placing his finger under her chin. He weakly smiled at her, not sure what to do.

  “I’ll think of something” he whispered, then dropped his head to kiss her. “But for now let’s just enjoy the moment.”

  Elah didn't like the sound of that but there was nothing she could do. He was going to finish his training whether she was at home or not.

  As they walked closer to the cottage they let go of each other hands just out of sight and walked in to find the family sitting around listening to their grandfather tell them about his visits to the city. It sounded like he enjoyed it there and told River that once he married they would move to the city and he can take the cottage as his own.

  River looked pleased with the prospect of owning the family home, now all he had to do was become old enough to marry and find a bride. River was not too far from being old enough to marry but had never had the opportunity to find anyone since he lived so far from the city or anyone of the opposite sex for that matter.

  As River sat in the living room listening to his grandfather he thought about what he was going to do but there was only one thing he could do. “Can I come into the city with you next time you go?” River asked, hoping to meet some new people, even just to make some friends of his own.

  “Of course you can, so long as it’s okay with your parents” his grandfather replied.

  “Its fine with me River, you could do with some time away and don’t worry about your father I’ll deal with him” Ebele said, knowing River longed to make some new friends.

  River looked excited, he always enjoyed going to the city with his father but never had the time to socialise with people his own age. Talib smiled at his brother knowing what it was like to not have friends of his own and was happy for River but he also prayed that his day would come soon too.

  After dinner their grandmother gave Elah a beautiful maroon coloured dress with a silver leafy design embroidered around the trimming and bodice. Elah felt lucky to have received all the wonderful and thoughtful gifts. She also knew River had a great day as well. She knew he deserved it, he worked hard and usually put everyone else before himself.

  After helping to clean up Elah left the group and went to lie down. It wasn’t long before Talib showed up and laid down beside her.

  “Did you enjoy your day” he asked quietly.

  “Yes, I’m so glad you're all here” she replied, rolling over to look at him.

  “Elah, tell me the truth, how are you doing living here?” he asked, checking to see if anyone could hear.

  Elah sighed, “It’s not bad but I’d rather be at home, I miss you all a lot” she said, with a tear rolling down her cheek.

  “We all miss you too, it's not the same without you, River spends less time with us and I think mum is has no idea what to do with herself.”

  “Oh, Talib I would do anything to come back”

  “I know but I guess mum and dad have their reasons” he sighed. “I have to tell you something but you have to keep it secret”

  “I’ll keep your secret Talib” Elah said, wondering if there was anyone else that wanted her to keep a secret.

  “I’ve secretly applied to go to a university in the city and my letters will be sent to you” Talib explained.

  “That’s wonderful, what do you want to study?”

  “Law. I’ve also applied for a scholarship, can you please send word when you get the reply.”

  “How am I going to send word.”

  “Just write me a letter”

  “But wouldn’t that look strange since none of us get mail”

  “True, so I guess you need to start writing to us, send one of us a letter each week or something like that.”

  “I don’t know if that will work, what would I say”

  “Elah you need to start thinking for yourself. If your secret gets out, you're going to need to use some wit and be a lot more sneaky because people will just walk all over you and take advantage of you if you don’t start protecting yourself”

  Elah’s mouth fell open, shocked. “Talib, don’t say that” she said, knowing he was most likely right.

  “Elah, you have to learn to look out for yourself because we can’t always be there for you”

  “What if I got married?”

  “You can’t marry River or I and as for Lavi, I don’t think he will be able to, besides you are not old enough to marry.”

  “Why couldn’t I marry Lavi”

  Talib sighed, “Dad is working on getting him into a secret unit, he will never be around.”

  “Does Lavi know about this?”

  “It's what he has been training for, besides why would you want to marry him?”

  Elah rolled over, shocked Lavi never told her, although he did tell her he wanted to go on adventures. “You know he’d be a pretty good catch” Elah said, trying to defend him without giving their secret away.

  “I knew it, you like Lavi!”

  “So what if I do, its none of anyone’s business”

  “Does he know?” Talib asked but Elah didn’t answer. “So if I go and tell him, what do you think he will say?”

  “I don’t care but if you do I’ll tell mum about your application”

  Talib smiled, she had turned on him to protect her little secret. “Okay I’ll keep your secret but you need to prepare yourself for disappointment because when he leaves he won’t be back.”

  “Why wouldn’t he come back?”

  “None of dad’s students ever come back because they leave to work, they can’t come back. You have to remember we can’t live our lives around dad’s work, we have to make our own paths” Talib said, trying to make her understand she has to live her own life and not base it on marriage or their fathers path.

  “Then when you go to the city take me with you”
r />   “Well let’s not make any plans yet, if it happens we’ll talk. I don’t think dad would let it happen anyway because if someone found out about your gift there, you could be taken and locked away”

  “And what's the difference, I’m practically locked away now”

  Talib looked at her surprised that she looked at her current situation that way. “What do you mean?” He questioned.

  “Everyone is so afraid I’ll let the world know about my gift that I can’t go anywhere, see anyone or do anything, I feel like I’m being kept in a box”

  “Oh Elah, I’m so sorry you feel that way. If I go I’ll talk to River and see if we can both work something out for you.”

  “Thank you Talib, I’ll send you a letter when your papers arrive”

  “I guess we both just have to wait and see what happens from here”

  They both laid in the bed thinking about what their futures had install for them. Elah was just about asleep when River pushed her in the middle to make way for himself. Ebele slept on a mattress on the floor while Lavi slept in the living room.

  In the morning Elah quietly left the room and went downstairs. Lavi was laying on the couch reading a book and peered around the book when he heard her trying to quietly leave the house. He followed her out the back door, curious about what she was up to.

  “Your up early” he whispered, as he closed the door behind them.

  “I usually get up to at this time, I like the fresh morning air” she said, not knowing what to say.

  “Elah are you okay?” he asked, sensing something was wrong.

  “What’s going to happen when you leave?” she asked.

  “Well I want to come and visit you as soon as I can but I have to get around your father”

  “No, when your training is finished”

  “Oh, I guess I have to go and work but I have no idea what to do to keep you in my life. Do you any ideas?”

  "I don't know either" Elah admitted but was hoping he had a plan. She guessed this is what Talib was talking about, maybe she should start making her own plans for the future. 

  "I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when the time comes. For now I'd like to just be glad to see you."

  Elah wasn't quite happy with his answers but she didn't have any answers either so she decided to enjoy his company while he was around as well. She looked at him and wondered if he would meet her in the forest but didn't want him to catch her with Alon either.

  “What if you secretly meet me in the forest” Elah suggested, knowing he was probably going to say no.

  Lavi stared at her for a moment, considering what she was asking. “I don't think your father will give me the time to do that” he sighed. “And I could never forgive myself if something happened to you.”

  “Okay” she whispered , wishing he would just take a chance.

  Lavi then kissed her before they went back inside and started preparing breakfast. They had at least half a day’s walk ahead of them and she didn't want Lavi leave feeling mad at her for suggesting they meet in the forest, especially since she knew he thought it was dangerous. 

  It wasn't long before Talib came in and started helping them. Elah felt happy to be with her family and tried to ignore the fact that they were going to have to leave her again. 

  After breakfast everyone got ready and Elah had to say goodby to her family. She watched them walk until they had left her sight, then walked to the stream and sat on the rocks. She thought about what Talib said. What was she going to do with her future? Was her future even going be hers to direct? Perhaps she could make medicinal remedies and sell them in the city, it was probably what she was going to end up doing anyway.

  After watching the water bubble down the stream Elah was no closer to having any answers than she was before. This frustrated her to no end and as a result she mopped around for the rest of the day. 


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