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A Healer's Destiny

Page 14

by Katherine J. Sinclair

  Chapter 14

  Elah awoke to a soft knock on the door. "What time is it Nissa?" she called and nearly jumped out of her skin when Nissa answered from inside the room. 

  "It's 7 in the morning" Nissa said, putting down some plates. 

  "Then why did you knock?"

  "I didn't knock"

  "Who knocked?"

  "I did" said a male voice from the open door.

  Elah looked up to see Alon closing the door and walk toward the bed. He sat down next to her and smiled at her.

  “I've come to take you to breakfast” he said, watching her pull her blanket up to cover more. “Nissa, can you get some clothes for Elah and put them in the bathroom so Elah can get ready."

  “You're being a bit demanding this morning” Elah pointed out, looking at him shocked. “Why don't you come back in fifteen minutes.”

  “No, I'm good” he said, with a shrug. “I'll just wait.”

  As Elah got up, Alon put his feet up and relaxed. Stretched out on the bed, he looked like he was ready for a nap and Elah frown at him as she passed him on her way to the bathroom. Ignoring Elah, Leif started casually talking to Nissa as she closed the door. She wanted to know what they were talking about but couldn’t hear through the door, even though she tried.

  Elah came out to find Alon still laying on the bed. “Great, your ready” he said, jumping up and going over to stand by the door with a smile.

  Elah put on her shoes and walked to the door, where Alon opened it and placed his hand gently on her back and guided her out the door. She felt very aware of his hand and started to worry about where their relationship was going. She didn’t want more than friendship, not now anyway.

  They walked through the castle and out to the back area. To the left of them, was a large lake and to the right the gardens met the forest, it was all very beautiful. He led her through the gardens to an area of the garden that was near the forest on the far right side. There were tall hedges that enclosed a small grassy area with an old wooden bench surrounded by beautiful flowers. Elah was amazed at how beautiful and private the area was.

  Alon pulled out a basket and placed it on the bench. He gestured for her to sit and he sat between her and the basket. He then handed her a plate and put some food on it. “Here try this” he said, putting something Elah had never seen before on the plate.

  She looked at it and put it in her mouth, it was sweet and melted in her mouth. “Wow, what is it?” she asked, smiling at him.

  “Chocolate, it’s from the cocoa plant that we received from the dark fae before the war” he explained. “But obviously sugar has been added to sweeten it.”

  “What war?” Elah asked confused.

  “Remember when you saved the king” he said, watching her nod. “Well he was not happy about being attacked on his own land, so when the dark fae did not apologise for what happened, a war started.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry”

  “You don’t have to be sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong” he said, looking at the sadness in her eyes.

  “Yes but how many lives have been lost because they didn’t say sorry or at least work something out”

  “I think they wanted a war. Don't feel bad, all you did was help a man in need”

  “The king must have a lot on his plate with his sick wife and a war”

  “Yes but he sent one of the best men he knows to help him with the war”

  “Why didn’t he call me earlier?”

  “I don’t know, maybe he thought she would get better”

  “But she could have died”

  “Do you know how long she had left?” he asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

  “About a month at best” she answered plainly.

  His head dropped into his hand and struggled to hold back the tears, he could have lost her. “I’m so glad you are here” he said softly.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry Alon, she must be very important to you” Elah said, rubbing his back.

  “More than you know” he said, sitting up and grabbing her to pull her into a hug.

  Elah let him hold her tight, she wasn’t sure what his relationship was with the queen but guessed it must be important. She waited until he let go before pulling back to look into his wet eyes.

  “I’m here anytime if you need me” she said softly.

  “Thank you, that means more to me than you will ever know” he said, looking into her eyes and loving having her with him. “So would you like more food?”

  “No thanks, do you have anything to drink?”

  He poured her a glass of juice and they sat there finishing their food in a comfortable silence. While siting silently sitting, Elah noticed a bird sitting on the branch and held out her hand. It landed and started to tell her about some great fruit trees in the area while Elah healed its sore muscles. The bird looked at her in surprise, thanked her and flew off.

  “What was that about?” Alon asked, watching where the bird flew.

  “Oh, nothing. She was just telling me about some great fruit trees” Elah explained, with a laugh.

  “Seriously, you can talk to the creatures?” Alon asked in surprise.

  “Yes, how else can they tell me what’s wrong”

  “I guess I never thought of that”

  “You probably haven't had any reason to consider it”

  “True. I guess we better start heading back. When do you want to work on the queen today?”

  “Whenever, I don’t really have any plans for today”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll take you over once I put this away, so you can have the rest of the day to maybe explore” he suggested, getting up and grabbing the basket.

  “Thank you for taking me here, it is very beautiful and I can see why you like it”

  He smiled at her and walked her back to the castle. As they walked Elah tried to remember the way so she could return but there were so many turns that she just gave up.

  Once they reached the castle, Leif asked her to wait by a door, he then left to put the basket away. While Elah waited she looked around to see Averill walking toward her. Her heart sank and panic started to flood her system.

  Just as he got close, Alon came back through the door and they walk past Averill without saying anything. Elah held her breath the entire way, until he was out of site and let it out as quietly as she could but Alon noticed.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, watching her catch her breath.

  “Oh, nothing” she answered, trying to look away, she could feel that the blood had drained from her face and knew that her face was probably pale.

  “Elah, please don’t lie to me”

  “It’s okay, you’re here and that’s all that matters”

  “Okay but if something is bothering you, I want you to know you can tell me”

  She looked into his eyes and nodded. She still felt sick just from the sight of Averill but she couldn't involve Alon, he was better off not knowing.

  With a weak smile, Alon put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. She could feel his warm body against hers but nothing could warm the her painful memories of Averill. Once he let go, he took her hand and led her through the castle and into the queens room.

  The queens room was again darkened by the thick, silky curtains drawn across the large windows. Elah weakly smiled at Alon before she went and sat next to the silent queen. Alon watched Elah make herself comfortable before he sat in the same chair as the day before. 

  The queen had gained some colour to her skin by the time Elah finished but was too exhausted to say anything and rolled over and fell asleep without saying a single word. Elah placed a blanket over the Milkah before she quietly left the room and waited for Alon to join her. 

  "Sorry, I just wanted to check on her" he whispered, closing the door. "How is she?"

  "She's getting better but who ever is looking after her, needs to make sure she is getting more water, she was a bit dehydrated"
Elah answered, as they walked. 

  "I'll let them know" he said, trying to keep the anger from his voice. 

  When they reached Elah's room Alon opened the door letting her in. While they relaxed in the rooms small sating area, Nissa brought them lunch and quickly left them. Nissa looked a bit awkward around the two of them and was unsure how to interact with them, especially when they were together.

  Their conversation was easy and the hours flew by but by mid afternoon Alon had to leave. He told Elah that he had some work to do and left her with a soft kiss on her cheek. 

  Elah sat in the chair feeling her cheek. She hadn't realised just how much he was effecting her, she was happy when he was around and she felt like she was walking on clouds.

  She looked down to the flower he had given her and found herself looking at the necklace Lavi gave her. She wondered where he was and if he thought of her. She figured Lavi had moved on by now but that didn't stop her from missing him.

  She was deep in thought when Nissa came in and didn't notice her. Nissa cleared her throat, gaining Elah's attention. "Oh Nissa, what can I help you with" Elah asked. 

  "Is he still here?" Nissa asked, looking around the bright room. 


  "Oh, so will it be just you for dinner?"


  "So the prince seems pretty happy"

  "I wouldn't know" Elah said, confused by her statement. 

  "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry"

  "It's okay but I haven't meet the prince" Elah said, looking at a now confused Nissa. 

  "Oh, sorry my mistake" Nissa said, not sure about what was going on. 

  "So what have you been up to today?" Elah asked, trying to make Nissa more comfortable and figured they were due for a change in topic. 

  "Not much, I just watched the men do some training"

  "Oh, do you like watching them train"

  "Well, I guess" Nissa said, looking at her feet. 

  "Okay, who is he?" Elah asked, assuming she must be watching for someone not something. 

  "How did you know?" Nissa said, looking at Elah shocked. 

  "I have my ways" Elah said, with a cheeky smile, wondering how Nissa couldn't see the obvious. 

  "Well, he really is out of my reach but really cute"

  "Would he be there now?"

  "I think so"

  "Then show him to me" Elah said, getting up and walking to the door. She really had nothing else to do and felt if she showed interest in Nissa’s interests, their relationship might become more relaxed. 

  Nissa looking at her with an excited smile and the two walked to the training area, with big grind on their faces. Once they got outside, Nissa pointed out a tall male with his back to them. He had golden hair and was well built. 

  From behind he looked like some type of Greek god. His olive skin glistened in the sun light and every move he made showed of his toned muscles, Elah could see why Nissa was taken by him.

  They watched for a while, until he finally turned around, causing Elah put her hand over her mouth in shock and whispered "Oh my goodness."

  "I know he's not as good looking as the prince but I think he's amazing" Nissa said, looking at him like he was candy. 

  When Elah didn’t say anything, Nissa looked at her to see tears flowing down her cheeks. "What's wrong?" Nissa asked, worried she said something wrong. 

  Elah brushed her hand down Nissa's arm to signal that she was okay and started walking toward the man standing the training area. Nissa suddenly pulled her back and looked at Elah shocked.

  "You can't go out there” Nissa gasped.

  "But it's River" Elah said, not taking her eyes off him, in fear he might disappear. 

  "How do you know his name?" Nissa asked, looking confused.

  Elah looked at Nissa, then scanned the area and grabbed a bow and an arrow. She carried them out onto the field and was about to reach out to River, when she was jerked back, almost falling to the ground. Her whole being went numb as she looked up to see that River hadn't noticed her, she felt so close but yet so far away from him. She wasn't sure what hurt the most, nearly having him or not having him at all?

  Determination was the only thing that kept her together but as she turned her head to see what was holding her back, she went cold. Her face and every limb in her body was drained of its warmth, as she looked at Averill standing over her. 

  Gripping her arm tightly and he looked at her hard. "What are you doing?" he growled at her, with hate in his eyes. 

  "I need to see River" Elah managed to get out, with fear building in her quicker than ever before. 

  "No your not" he hiss, pulling her off the field and further from River. 

  In her desperation, Elah dropped the bow and stabbed him in the hand with the arrow. She knew she had hit his bone by the way the head of the bow stop, and felt satisfied that she was causing him pain for once. He let out a painful roar and pulled out the arrow, gripping it tightly. He then quickly organised his grip and hit her with it, slashing her face. 

  Elah stared at him in shock and could feel her wet blood trickle down her face and onto her chest but the fact that his hand was red with his own blood made it worth it for her. "River" she screamed and he hit her again, this time connecting with her lower neck. 

  "What's going on?" Elah heard a familiar voice roar from behind her. 

  Before she could turn to look, she was dropped to the ground and someone charged at Averill, knocking him to the ground. There were a few grunts and groans before she was picked up and found herself in Rivers arms. 

  She smiled through the pain and tears, and buried her face in his familiar chest. He was warm and the sound of his heart relaxed her but her body still trembled. She wrapped her hand around his arm and healed his cuts and soon to be bruises before he could protest. 

  "Where is her room, Nissa" River asked her, walking toward the door. 

  Nissa was in shock from witnessing the events unfold and to add to that she couldn't believe River knew her name.

  “Nissa” River yelled at her, she looked like she was in some type of daze.

  “Umm, this way" Nissa managed to say, as she forced herself to focus on the task. 

  Nissa quickly led River into Elah's room and stepped aside as he put Elah on the bed. His brown shirt was soaked with blood and without thinking he removed his shirt to catch the blood still running out of Elah's cuts.

  "Can you get a medical kit" River asked Nissa but she just stood staring, too shocked to move and too taken by River. "Nissa, medical kit" River shouted at her. 

  She looked at him stunned and forced herself to focus again. She nodded at him and ran out the door, much to River’s relief.

  It wasn't long before the door flew open but it wasn't Nissa that came through the door, Alon stood by the bed next to River. "Alon" Elah breathed, with a weak smile. 

  River looked at him with an angry expression on his face. Elah noticed the way River looked at Alon but turned her attention to Alon, who was ignoring River. Alon looked at her shocked and confused.

  "What happened?" Alon asked, with anger in his voice. 

  "Nissa has gone to get a medical kit" River said ignoring Alon but answered Alon’s next question instead. 

  "Oh, Alon, this is my brother River" Elah said, trying not to be rude but winced at the pain the cut on her face caused her when she talked. 

  "Shhh, don't talk, Elah. I know who he is" River said, with bitterness in his voice. 

  Alon looked at him with authority in his eyes but knew River was right to be angry with him. Elah noticed River’s look and figured he was just being protective, she had no idea just how angry he was, especially when River blamed Alon for everything that had happened to his sister. 

  As Nissa came through the door, River smiled at her and held his hand out to receive the kit and laid it on the bed. He searched through it and pulled out some creams and bandages, trying his best to ignore Al
on and block Elah's view of him. 

  As he cleaned her up, she watched them both and wondered what was going to happen when she was left alone. Was Averill going to seek her out? She started breathing heavily at the thought of him and both Alon and River noticed.

  "Am I hurting you?" River gasped, pulling his hand away. 

  "No, it's okay" she replied, worried about what was going to happen if she told them of her fear. 

  "Then what's wrong?" Alon asked, standing next to the bed where her head was, not willing to move incase River blocked his access to her again. 

  "Please don't leave me" she said, as tears started rolling down her face. 

  "Oh Elah, it's okay" River said, rubbing her arm. 

  "Here this will help with the pain" Nissa said, handing River some pills and a glass of water. 

  Alon helped Elah sit up while River helped her take her pills. "I'm not useless you know" Elah said, trying to take the water out of River's hand, without success. 

  "Please just let me help you" River said, putting the water to her lips. 

  Elah frowned at him but let him help her. She hadn't seen him in so long that she didn't want him to leave out of anger and decided she would just let him do as he pleased.

  “These cuts might scar” River sighed, wondering just how deep they went.

  “I don't care about that, you should have seen him” Elah said grinning, pleased she had hurt him.

  “Elah, you shouldn't have gone on that field in the first place” River growled. “You're lucking you didn't get hit with one of the other weapons. You could have been killed.”

  “It was worth it” she mumbled, mostly to herself.

  River looked at her hard, the same way their father did when they were in trouble. This caused the smile to drop from her face but she still looked pretty pleased with herself.

  It only took about half an hour before the pills started to take effect. While the pain subsided, she also felt very drowsy and it didn't take long before she fell asleep. 

  "Nissa can you please bring River and I some food" Alon asked but mostly just to get her out of the room. 

  They waited until she left, before Alon asked "what happened?"

  "One of your men attacked her" River answered, with anger in his voice. 

  "Which one" Alon asked, trying to keep calm.

  "Why are you lying to her?" River asked, folding his arms on his chest.

  "I don't know what your talking about" Alon responded, with narrowed eye.

  "Your name is not Alon" River growled, trying to keep his voice down.

  "That's none of your business" Alon growled back.

  "While my father is off doing your fathers bidding, I speak for her. So it is my business"

  "I want him arrested" Alon said, trying to change the subject. 

  "Get someone else to do it" 

  "Who is he?"

  "I'll tell you, when I'm done with him"

  "From what I hear, you've had your turn"

  "Like I said, I'm not done"

  "Your not the only one that cares about her"

  “What, are you saying you care about her”

  “Of course I care” Alon growled at him narrowing his eyes into smaller slits.

  "How can you say you care about her when she doesn't even know who you are" River growled at him, still trying to keep his voice down but finding it increasingly difficult. "She will find out, Leif."

  "I will tell her. Now tell me who did this" Leif said, pointing at Elah. 

  "And what are you going to do to him?"

  "Make him pay."

  "And what right do you have, you are not related to her" River said, trying to calm himself down. 

  "Look, I know your trying to protect her but I want to protect her too" Leif said, trying to calm the situation down.

  "Why are you so interested in her, you can have anyone?" 

  "I don't want anyone"

  River sighed. "I know you don't want to hear this but I have had two others ask me if they can court her, so back off"


  “Leif, you wouldn’t want me to tell them about you, so I’d like to keep their names to myself”

  “Fair enough. What did you say”

  “I haven’t said anything yet, I didn’t know where Elah was, or if she was still alive” River answered with bitterness in his voice. “Besides, I think she should have a choice in who courts her and I pray she makes the right choice.”

  “I agree, she should have a choice. Would you give me permission to court her, if I ask her first?”

  “Not until you tell her who you are and she must also agree to it”

  “I will tell her”

  “That’s great but until you do I’m not giving you permission”

  Leif looked at him hard, he knew he had to tell her but also didn’t want her to loose her either. If River agreed to let someone else court her, he might loose his chance.

  “Fine, I’ll do it your way but only for Elah. Now tell me who did this?” Leif said, giving in but still wanted to know who hurt her.

  “If I tell you, Elah gets a say in what happens to him” River said, folding his arms over his chest again.

  “That seems fair, I will involve her you have my word”

  “Thank you. It was Averill”

  Leif growled and started pacing the room. Anger boiled in side and he wanted to hurt Averill but had to control his anger. “Please, River, go and get someone to give Averill a cell to sleep in tonight” Leif told River, the tone in his voice made it an order.

  River looked at Elah before narrowing his eyes at Leif. He wasn't sure if he should leave her alone in the room with him but he also didn't want to disobey an order.

  “Please” Leif sighed. “I promise she will be fine.”

  River nodded and left the room, leaving Leif to compose himself. He took a few breaths and sat next to Elah. He looked at her and was about to touch her hand when Nissa walked in.

  “Nissa, leave the food and come back when River gets back please” Leif said, without taking his eyes off Elah.

  Once Nissa was gone, Leif gently placed his hand on Elah’s hand and watched his hand light up, as he sent his own healing power through her body. He watched as the cuts closed and searched her body for other injuries. As the glow slowly dimmed he lifted his hand and got up off the bed.

  As he sat in the seating area he thought about what River had said and wondered how and when he was going to tell her who he was. He also thought about who the others might be that wanted to court her and it hurt him to think that she could choose one of them over him.

  He knew he could force her to marry him but knew that would most likely make her hate him. The thought of her hating him brought sadness to his heart and he asked himself what he would do if she rejected him. He had no answer for this.

  Leif watched the door swing open and River and Nissa walked in. River sat in the chair next to Leif, while Nissa waited for instruction.

  “Nissa, please stop standing there looking lost, sit down” Leif said frustrated.

  Nissa sat next to River, to scared to sit near Leif in his current mood. “How did you go?” Leif asked River.

  “He will be spending the night in a cell” River answered, with a grin on his face.

  “Good” Leif said grinning back at River, knowing that River would have left Averill with a few more bruises for good measure.

  The two boys sat back and relaxed, happy that Averill was not going to cause any more trouble tonight. After relaxing in silence for a while, they started eating the food. River made Nissa eat then told her to go to bed, she was happy to go but would have preferred to spend more time getting to know River without Leif.

  River reluctantly went to bed soon after Nissa left, as Leif offered to stay, just incase she woke up. Leif was relieved that River didn’t notice he had healed Elah and figured he should probably be more careful next time. It didn’t take long befo
re he fell asleep in one of the chairs, with his feet up on the timber coffee table.

  It was two in the morning when Elah woke up. Still drowsy she looked around the moon lit room to see Alon asleep in a chair. She quietly walked over and helped him onto the bed. She wasn’t sure if he even woke up but was just happy to see him look more comfortable. She used some pillows and made a barrier down the middle of the bed to keep them separated before she snuggled up and went back to sleep on the other side.


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