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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

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by Jessie Wolf

  “Hartman, when you’re not driving us around what is your normal M.O.S.?”

  “Oh… I’m one of the drivers for the Firefox recon cars, my Lady.”

  I have heard of the Firefox recon cars before but I had never seen one. I didn’t even know what their capabilities were. Thankfully De Dee put the information on my H.U.D.

  M-789 Fast Attack Vehicle Firefox

  Length: 15 ft.

  Height: 8 ft.

  With: 6 ft.

  Weight: 1200 lbs empty, 1900 lbs combat

  Armor: none

  Armament: varies per mission setup,

  Standard configuration: two seven point six two millimeter machineguns, one forty millimeter grenade launcher

  Second configuration: two seven point six two millimeter machineguns, one two hundred millimeter twin laser guided missile launcher

  Third configuration: two seven point six two millimeter machinegun, one twenty-five millimeter chain gun

  Power planet: one twelve cylinder, turbo charged, rear mounted diesel engine with a standard eight speed transmission. Top speed: one hundred and fifty miles per hour

  Holy Hanna, if he can drive one of those babies at anywhere near its top end he is one hell of a driver. No wonder Dana put him as our driver. The men and women who crew the FAVs are some of the best in the military. Not to mention some of the bravest. They had to be, to be part of those crews. I just hope that Hartman doesn’t do something stupid, like ask Lisa to marry him.

  “Thank you, Hartman. I look forward to seeing you on Friday at the end of the school week. Now, would you mind putting up the divider, please? I need to talk to my family in private for a moment.” I watch as he raises the sound proof separator. “Ok, sisters, we need to have a quick talk about how you are to handle anyone trying to bully you.”

  “But sissy, if we let you handle it how are we to learn to stand up for ourselves?” Nanami was the first to point out this out to me.

  “Yah, if we always come running to you or Alice we’ll get labeled as crybabies.” Of course Nanase was going to back up her twin, I expected no less.

  “Sissy, you know I love you, right?” Fuyuko asked me. When I nodded my head. “Good, because if they want to try and bully me they will be in for a rude awakening. You know what happened in my past and I won’t ever be a victim again. It’s like you said that day in Haven Port. They push us, we flatten them.”

  When I look over at Alice I can see that she is more than willing to back my sisters on this. Now, I may be the Head of House for House Nakatoma, but there are some battles that you just don’t fight, and this is one of them. “Ok, I’ll let you handle them in your own way, but I must place one condition on this. No matter what you do, unless they try to hurt you with a weapon, you’re not to use any of your Death Dealer abilities. Is that acceptable?”

  All three look at each other than over at me before Fuyuko answers for them. “We can deal with that, but the same goes for you two as well. It’s only fair that if we can’t use certain things neither can you.”

  I just knew she was going to pull that bite. Her only misconception is I know how to fight dirty and they don’t. “Of course, it’s only fair that I restrict myself to the same level as you are. However there is one major exception to this rule, girls.” When all four gave me their undivided attention. “I don’t care who it is or where you’re at; do not let anyone hurt you, the three we are here to protect, or this school. No matter what happens, remember we are the only bodyguards the Princess and her two closest advisors have here. They are our number one concern.”

  “Yes, sissy, we’ll remember and we won’t let you down.” Fuyuko tells me.

  “Now that, that’s out of the way. Do you have everything you need?” I asked them.

  All three of my younger sisters rolled their eyes at me before answering. “Yes, sissy, you know we do. You made us double check everything twice yesterday and again this morning.”

  “I know, I’m just worried about you is all, and before you say anything about that just remember that is MY job as the oldest. Now do you all have the network frequency for our secure private net?” the smiles on their faces lets me know they can’t wait to try it out. “Ok, let’s link up.” De Dee opens up the link between me, Alice and my sisters.

  ‘Everyone set to rock and roll?’ I asked them.

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’ ‘Five by five, ma’am.’ ‘In the green, ma’am.’ One by one my sisters check in on our secure combat net. Alice is the last one to do so, but then she is my XO for this mess. ‘Cocked, locked, and read to rock, Wave Dancer.’

  ‘Ok, everything looks good to go. Now when we get there Fuyuko you’re first up on point with her Majesty. After third period Nanase and Nanami will switch out with you. Alice you take over after lunch and I pick up after seventh period until the end of the day. At last bell we all meet up and escort her and her two friends back to their rooms. At dinner time we follow the same procedure. If at any time they argue with you; you have my permission to pound the shit out of them. If that is not enough to get their attention then you are cleared to use your full combat mode to get the point across. I don’t care if you have to break their bones to keep them in line, just do it. Because keeping them in line will help keep you alive. Do I make myself clear?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am!’ was the only reply I got from my family. Now most people would not be talking about stuff like this, but since the school would not allow our normal bodyguards to stay on or near the campus I was forced to use my sisters and wife. If it was up to me I would place a full division of Death Dealers around the whole place. To do that though I would have to remove far too many civilians. For the next hour as we traveled, we went over what each one of them was expected to do if something went wrong and we had to get the Princess out of the school.

  My baby sisters weren’t too happy with the fact that they were stuck with getting her to safety. However when I explained that Alice and I were the only ones staying behind if there was a fight it mellowed out the twins. Fuyuko wasn’t happy about being their rear guard, but I didn’t care. I wanted them out of the way and safe. That way both Alice and I could cut loose and destroy who ever had attacked us.

  About ten minutes before we hit the main gate to the school compound Hartman lowered the compartment divider. “My Ladies, we are just about there.”

  “Thank you, Hartman, oh by the way who all is a part of this detail?”

  “Well, ma’am that is a little confusing. We have one team of Death Dealers surrounding her Majesty, a full team of both Hell Hounds and House troops surrounding them and us. Finally we have the House Recon Platoon surrounding everyone. So basically you have representatives from every one of the Military Units that were at the Battle for Fiddlers Green.” I was surprised to hear the name the troops had given the battle on the House compound’s practice range. Until now I had not thought to give it one. Sure the loss of life demanded it but I just couldn’t find one that fit. What Hartman had given me was the perfect name. When I had laid out the battle plan to everyone I had made a promise of a place for them to be buried. I had delivered on that promise. Now those who fought that battle had named it after the cemetery that I built for them.

  “Thank you, Hartman; I didn’t know what the troops were calling the battle, but now that I know. Well I’ll make sure everyone in the universe knows.”

  “Um… thank you ma’am. We, well the troops that is to say, we were wondering if you were going to name it something else, and we are only calling it that until you give the battle its official name.”

  “Hartman, there is one thing that I have noticed about history and the names of battles. It is this; the only people who have a right to name them are the men and women who fought them. No historian, palliation, general, or king has that right.” I looked out the window as we pulled up to the schools gate. “Now, look sharp, we are about to be scanned by the gate guard.”

  “He can try ma’am, he can try.” The smile on his
face lets me know that something is up. I wonder what he has up his sleeve. That’s when I notice the scan blocker. Oh hell we’re in a diplomatic car. The only thing that gate guard is going to see is a blank screen. I start to giggle when my sisters look at me funny, I point to the blocker. When they see what I did they join in the giggle fest.

  We wait for the guard to do his scan, then for him to call his boss, then for them call someone. Needless to say it took them the better part of a quarter of an hour to get us moving again. By this time we had backed up the traffic to the point that anyone who was not there before us was going to be late. Then again when you have the escort we did it was going to back things up. Talk about turning heads on campus. I don’t know what were more over-the-top, the two black and red Hell Hounds, and the two black and white Mountain Wolves APS’s; the six Firefox FAV’s, or the eight Death Dealer IFV’s. There was more than enough firepower surrounding us to cause an Inter System incident. If anyone of these ‘daddy’s girls’ got their nose out of joint I’ll be the one to catch hell for it. Then again, that is what I get paid for, and as the System Governor I’ll be the one to deal with it in my off time from school.

  As we pull up to the main building I look over at my sisters and Alice. “Remember, even though we do not have our blades with us, we still have to wait for the Head Mistress to invite us in.” before they can ask any questions the door opens up and I get out. I move over so I’m standing in front of the main entrance to the school and wait. My sisters and Alice move so they’re standing on each side of me.

  “Why are we waiting out here?” Alice asked for the four of them.

  “This is a place of learning and peace. A temple if you will, and as such we shall show it the same respect as we would the Temple at home.” When they all understand what I’m getting at they all bow to me. We stood there and watched as the Princess and her two friends head inside. Yes, I know that we aren’t doing our duty, but I will not violate the spirit of this place, just to keep an eye on a Royal. I don’t care who they are. We watch as more of the over privileged little darlings go inside, and still we waited. After about thirty minutes of standing around the Princess comes back to us.

  “Lady Maiha, don’t you know where you’re going?”

  “Princess, we know where we have to go, but we are waiting for permission to enter.” At her blank look I explain. “We cannot enter a place of peace and learning without permission from those who protect and rule here.”

  “But you’re the System Governor, and a student. Surely that is all the permission you should need.”

  Shaking my head no, I smile at her. “I wish that were the case, your Majesty. Do you remember how I had to wait outside of the Temple at home?” she stood there for a few seconds thinking back over what I had just said. Then as if a light had gone off in her head, her eyes got round as dinner plates.

  “I’ll be right back! I didn’t think about this place being the same as the Temple.” I watched as she rushed inside pushing some of the other students out of the way. I have to hand it to her. Ever since she spent time with Gin, Kina, and Nia she has been far more attuned to her surroundings. That and the bitch slap from Fuyuko. Who knows that knocking the snot out of an Imperial Princess could get their attention so thoroughly? A few minutes later she was back, but she was escorting the Head Mistress this time. “I am so sorry, Lady Maiha, I had forgotten about the restrictions placed upon you and your family when it comes to entering a Temple for the first time. I have brought Head Mistress Caroline for you.”

  “Your Highness, it is not your fault. Most people do not look upon schools as temples of learning, only as store houses of knowledge.” I give her a very deep bow of respect as to show that I know who she is to the rest of the school who are watching our little drama. Turning to the Head Mistress my family and I all bow to her. “Head Mistress, it is an honor to attend your school. May we poor warriors enter your temple of learning? We promise not to bring violence to this place of peace.”

  I am actually surprised when she returns our bows. “The honor is mine, Lady Maiha. Please, be welcome to my school and may your time here be one of peace and harmony.” When she stands up straight “Now that the formalities are out of the way, would you young ladies please follow the Princess to the central office. She’ll be your guide for the first few days. Miss Alice, I did not expect to see you here today. Are you reenrolling?”

  “Um… Ms. Caroline, I am already enrolled.”

  “I’m afraid not young lady; I know all the names of my students. And the last I looked Allison Wellington was not on the enrollment forms.”

  “Um… that’s because I’m enrolled under my married name, ma’am.” Alice was starting to blush at this. As much as she loved me there were times when her being married to me caused her some embracement. I mean before we were married she was just a simple APS pilot in my House Guards unit. Now she is a full-fledged High Families Lady. never mind the fact that she was a four time ace before that or that she had a combat record that most APS pilots could not match.

  “Oh my you’re married now dear. That’s wonderful. Who was the lucky young man?” I could tell

  “That would be the Lady Maiha Nakatoma. We had our ceremony the same day that the Grand Lady Dai Etsu Nakatoma was married to our new father James Bailey.” I watched as she stood straight and tall. Pulling in all of her pride and with a smile a mile wide she said. “My married name is Lady Allison Ann Wellington y’ Nakatoma.”

  I almost laughed when Ms. Caroline’s eyes bugged out in her head. I can tell that no one has yet to put the two of us together as a married couple. “You and the Lady Maiha Nakatoma are married?”

  Now I was beginning to get upset. “Yes, Mrs. Caroline, we are. That is also why I am paying the extra funds to have a single room mate. Which just so happens to be Allison Nakatoma if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Oh… I am sorry, Lady Maiha, I meant no disrespect to you or Lady Allison. It’s just that well to be honest; I never would have thought that the Lady Allison would marry someone of your standing. Not with the way she always went on about the High Families girls.” The smile on her face let me know that there was a story here and it would be embarrassing for Alice.

  “Well, I think it was the fact that I am hardly your normal High Families Lady.”

  “You can say that again.” Mumbled Fuyuko from behind me.

  Looking over at her I can’t help but glare at her for that comment. Before I can say anything Mrs. Caroline steps in. “That, young Lady, was uncalled for. Let me have a look at you, oh yes, you would be the Lady Fuyuko Nakatoma. If I’m not mistake you do not have much room to talk young lady. Oh and before you two go making similar comments, Ladies Nanase and Nanami, I talked to your mama. All four of you, no correct that, all five of you are in need of lessons in being proper young ladies.” Yup, this old lady knew my sisters and Alice all too well. Wait a minute what did she mean by ‘all five’.

  “Now, shall we get you girls rooms?” and with that she turned around and walked off. Shrugging my shoulders I followed her into the building leading my family. For the next half hour we sat and filled out the paperwork and everything else it takes to be a student of Joan Eunice Smith School for young Ladies. About half way through I started to have cramps in my lower abdomen. It felt like I was being squeezed by a large press. Looking over at the young lady who was helping us. “Excuse me, but where is the nearest restroom?”

  “Oh, just down the hallway on the right. Why, do you need to go now?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I do.” I know I should not have snapped at her, but I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with some over caffeinated, airheaded, secretary. I get up and head out the room and down the hall to the restroom. I don’t even get half way there when I hear Alice say.

  “You’ll have to forgive her, Stephanie, it her time of the month.”

  I almost stop and head back in there to correct her, but then I do some fast math in my head. One cramps,
plus two number of days as a girl, plus three mood swings, plus bloated feelings all equals. Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. PMS has arrived ladies and gentlemen. Please remember do not feed the female Death Dealer. You may not get your hand back. Making sure I have the emergency supplies that Alice gave me earlier I head for the restroom.

  I head straight for the nearest stall. Once I closed the door, I pulled my skirt up and panties down. Taking a seat on the toilet I look down at my panties. What I see confirms my worst fears. Yup, it’s a girl. After doing my business and cleaning up I look in my purse for the tampons and spare panties that Alice stuck in there. After reading the directions on the applicator packaging I inserted my first ever tampon. Joy of joys, I have my first period ever. If I ever find the monkey nut son-of-a-bitch who wrote the program for secondary configurations of Death Dealers I will gladly pound the shit out of them.

  Welcome to womanhood, dearie. (De Dee)

  ‘Oh piss off you tin plated pain in my ass.’

  Now, now, no need to be that way. (De Dee)

  I must agree with De Dee, commander. This is only a natural function of your body. Why are you so upset? (Charlie)

  ‘Both of you can drop dead as of right now!’

  For some reason the giggling and chuckling from my two erstwhile companions does not sit well with me. Sure they are a pair of AIs, but they are the closest thing to true ‘spirit guides’ I know of. That is if a spirit guide can give you directions in guerilla warfare. With the two of them giving me a hard time I failed to recognize the danger I had put myself in until it was too late.

  The urine filled water balloon hit me square in the chest. Now normally I would have had my combat sensors running being in a new environment like I was, but I figured hey this is a high school’ what would be dangerous around here. For all of you out there who forgot what High School was like let me give you a quick recap of the dangers. There are the jocks, cheer leaders, preppies, thugs, geeks, nerds, and all those little groups. That’s when I hear the laughter. I turn to see who had just nailed me with the piss bomb. Charlie and De Dee are both equally pissed off. Not only have they insulted us, these people have tried to make a laughing stock of us. Charlie has my combat HUD up and running scanning for anymore in coming projectiles and De Dee is accessing the schools security cameras footage. Oh yes there will be Hell to pay for this act of subterfuge.


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