School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4) Page 18

by Jessie Wolf

  “He has been undermining their credit standing with the local merchants. Forcing them to pay higher and higher rates for things like sanitary napkins, soap, laundry detergent, and even foodstuffs. All the things that the girls have to buy off the local economy that the school store does not carry. When their debt gets so high he buys it off the merchant then tells the girls they have to pay up the full amount or he’ll turn them into the credit management companies as a bad debt. He is basically forcing them to either come up with outrageous amounts of cash or become part of his growing ‘High Families mob’.” When she finished I knew I needed to take this asshole down and take him down hard. I would have to destroy the Longfellow boryokudan and to make sure that no other boryokudan tried to do what they have; I would have to do it in a way that sent a message to them all.

  “Nia, gather your team and setup a meeting with Longfellow for me.”

  “Who should I say the meeting is with, my Lady?”

  The answer I gave her let her know just how pissed off I was with David Longfellow and his boryokudan. “Tell him to set the table for Death.”

  Chapter 9

  As I walk into the dining hall I get more than a few dirty looks, most of those from the Heathers. Personally I don’t care; I have bigger fish to fry. After what I had learned from Nia I was thinking of murder. When she gave me the full report of what she had found out about what was going on in this area I went from pissed to homicidal. The fact that one of the faculty was a part of Longfellow’s scheme to corrupt the students of this school I wanted to kill the man outright. However Nia pointed out that would be counterproductive, besides I had reinforcements inbound that would effectively remove that individual from the board. She reminded me that when dealing with the Yakuza it was a game of ‘GO’ and not chess. I had to do more than out think them, I had to take and keep more territory. I had to be thinking ten moves ahead of them, not just looking at what was in front of me. There was one thing that I could do right now to drive a blow to Longfellow.

  I head straight for the faculty table. Once I was in front of the Headmaster I bowed to him. “Sorry for interrupting your meal sir, but certain information has come to my attention as a member of the faculty.”

  Doctor Brim looked up from his breakfast with an amused smile on his face. “Does this concern the goings on of last night, Mrs. Nakatoma?”

  I return his smile. “Yes sir, it does. As a matter of fact I have found out who it was that attacked the other students and why they did it.”

  I swear the man could play poker with mama, as I could not tell what he was thinking by his face, he gave nothing away. “I take it that you and the new History teacher have discussed how you’re going to punish these students?”

  Before I could answer Security Chief Bronson was demanding answers that I didn’t have to give. “Mrs. Nakatoma, you told me no more than an hour and a half ago you didn’t know anything. Now you come in here and tell us that not only do you know who did it but have already decided their punishment? Just who do you think you are? I demand to know who pulled that stunt last night! I want their backsides in my office for what they did to my security system! I will not have the students jeopardizing the security of this school any longer! I want their names and…”

  He never finished his demand. It could have been because of the look on my face or it might have been the man behind me. I’ll never know; then again I really don’t care. One of the things I did before coming into the dining hall was to stop off at the security office and get one of the Death Dealers that had arrived here this morning to sure up the security of the school. Now, normally a student or teacher would be unable to influence the security staff, but then again I was no ordinary student or teacher. I was the First High Lady of the Death Dealers for this system. “Allow me to introduce Sergeant First Class Ripley of the two ninety-first Military Police, third Battalion, One hundred and First Division Death Dealers. He along with the other Death Dealers that have been assigned here on an indefinite period will be handling the security of the students from now on and making sure they do not come under undue influence. You sir are only here because I cannot find enough evidence to have you arrested for your part in what has been going on at this school. Now I suggest that you sit down and shut up before the Sergeant blows your head off.” I could tell he wanted to argue with me, but he was smart enough to realize he was not in control here. Turning back Doctor Brim. “Sorry about that sir, but there is a problem here at our school that goes far beyond what the ‘Heathers’ have been doing or what happened last night.”

  Doctor Brim looked up at me with a smile that said more than his words. “I believe that is a topic for another time. Now, I believe we were discussing what you and the History teacher were planning to do to the students that were involved in last night’s unseemly activity.”

  “Yes sir. Both myself and the other Mrs. Nakatoma found out who was involved and believe that since they came to us that we should be the ones to hand out their punishment. However we are more than willing to hand them over to you and Professor Recco for punishment if you feel we are unable to handle the matter ourselves.”

  He looked over at his Vice Headmaster to see if Prof. Recco had anything to say. The fact Doctor Brim would even do this said more than words about how much he respected the man’s opinion. “Headmaster I believe that we should allow our new instructors handle this matter.” When Brim looked at him for clarification Prof. Recco was more than willing to explain. “It’s really quite simple sir. They found the troublemakers, they can deal with them. If this had happened in one of their classes they would have to deal with it on their own; this is no different.”

  “I believe that is the correct course of action. Very well, Mrs. Nakatoma we’ll leave the matter in your hands and to your discretion.” The Headmaster had a little grin on his face as he told me this. I have a strong suspicion that he knows who the culprits in last night’s shenanigans were. His next words only made me believe this even more. “I trust that you’ll instruct your… ‘students’ in the errors of their ways and what the word discretion means?”

  “You have my word on that sir.” I give the man a bow of respect to show that I understand his meaning. “They will not be pulling something like this again.” I turn to leave, but remember the other matter I needed to discuss. “Oh, by the way Chief, I’ll be sending three students over the security office to give your security systems team a hand. The young ladies all have extensive experience in security systems and how to get around them. I believe that if they are working for you in the security office instead of trying to fight it they just might learn what it means to be respectable citizens of the Empire.”

  Prof. Recco looks up at me with a quizzical look on his face. “If I may ask, Mrs. Nakatoma, just who are these students and why are you sending them?”

  “They are Susan Whitehorse, Lisa Campbell, and Stacy White. As for why it is very simple, if you want to catch a thief” I let my voice drop dead quite “use a thief. Those three girls are some of the finest hackers I know of. It only makes sense to use their talents for our own proposes.” Looking over at Chief Bronson. “Don’t you agree, Chief Bronson?”

  “I don’t know who you think you are young lady, but I don’t care. You are not going to just send some convict into my security office without my say so.” Chief Bronson was in a full blown tizzy. The blood vessel over his right eye was throbbing. I believe that if his blood pressure gets any higher he’ll have a stroke. Time to turn the pressure up another notch.

  “I hate to tell you this, but not only can I send those students into your office, but as the Citizenship and Moral Conduct teacher for the Senior and Junior classes and Modern History classes for the freshman and sophomore classes I have every right to do so as long as it is for school credit.” I just give the man a smile and a wave as I turn my back on the man and walk away. I really hope the bastard tries something, hell anything. That way Sergeant First Class Ripley has an excuse to
put the fracking son-of-a-bitch down. I know that is unladylike for me to think that way, but the man is responsible for over a full third of the girls here who have been corrupted by Longfellow in his attempt to gain control of those families. I want to remove the shit head but like I said I don’t have the evidence to do so.

  “Lady Nakatoma, you know that man is going to be a problem.” Ripley says from behind me as we walk towards the service line. I merely nod my head. “You want him to have an ‘accident’?” I barely hear Ripley ask the question. I know by the way he’s asking that he already doesn’t like the security chief. That is one of things about Death Dealers they all believe that there are certain things that are off limits and kids are one of them. As much as I would like to give the go ahead for the ‘accident’ I can’t, not yet anyway. I still need Bronson in play for now. If Longfellow or whoever else is in on this scheme suddenly finds their leak plugged by the loss of the source it’ll tip my hand. I am just not ready for that, I need more time and more information, if I’m going to shut down the yakuza on this planet. I shake my head ever so slightly to let him know the time is not yet right for that.

  Bronson has a reprieve for now. However the first time I have undisputed facts that fracking piece of shit is dead. “As much as I hate it, Sergeant, I need that man for now. When you and the rest of the Death Dealers are squared away in your quarters I need you to do me a favor.”

  “What are your orders, my Lady?” that’s one of the things I love about the military, especially the Death Dealers. If they know you outrank them and you’re the one in charge they don’t ask too many questions so long as the orders are legal and moral. You get an added benefit with Death Dealers. “Do you want heavy or light?” flexibility.

  I quickly tell the man what I need as I get my breakfast. “Before you go I need one more thing from you.”

  “Yes ma’am, what is that?”

  “Get me that evidence so I can put that shithead behind bars or in the grave.” He merely nods his head and takes off to carry out his orders. I watch as he leaves and have to admit that he cuts a very nice picture. Hell. Most active Death Dealers are easy on the eyes. As is evident by the looks from the other girls in the dining hall that are watching him leave. I shook my head and smile as I head over to my family’s table to join them for breakfast. As I sit down I hear a very soft sigh from one of my table companions. Looking around I try to figure who it was that let out that sigh. I immediately spot who it is. Susan Whitehorse has a very dreamy look in her eyes as she watches the Sergeant leave the dining hall.

  “Would you like to meet him, Susan?” asks Fuyuko with a mischief filled look on her face. “I’m sure Maiha can introduce you.” Everyone at the table was now looking at the poor girl as she turned a bright red due to her blush. “You do know that most Death Dealers are single right?” the more Fuyuko teased her, the brighter, and more pronounced her blush became. Some of our table mates were now starring at Fuyuko with open mouths and looks of astonishment. “What, didn’t you girls know that? I mean I think that everybody knows that. I think it has something to do with them not having a planet to call home or their oaths to the Emperor.” Looking over at me with true honesty she places the unspoken question out in the open. “Sissy, can you tell us why so many of the Death Dealers are single? I mean you knew granddaddy better than any of us, not to mention you do know all those Death Dealers. Can you explain it?”

  I had only taken a few bits of my meal when I realized that all but Alice knew what it meant to be first a soldier, then a citizen of the Empire. That alone was enough for me to change the schedule for my classes today. Standing up I turn and head back up to the Headmaster and the faculty table. Once there I once again bow to Doctor Brim before speaking. It must be this simple act of respect that has our new Headmaster giving me a look of respect in return. “How can I be of help, Mrs. Nakatoma?”

  “Sir, if I can arrange for transportation for later in the day I would like to take mine and Alice’s students for a little field trip today.”

  “Where will you be taking them?” I could tell he was really interested in what I wanted to do. “Also, how will they get there, and why only your students?”

  “If I can arrange it, I’ll have two of my troop transports from my own House guards pick them up. We will be gone for the rest of the day along with most of tomorrow. As for where it will be to, it will be two places.” I stop there and give him no more information, but I can tell I have his full attention. With a simple small and a faraway look in my eyes as I remember old friends. “I’ll be taking them to visit the Hall of Heroes and the Wall of Remembrance this afternoon. Tonight they will be my guests at my family home, before going to Fiddler’s Green tomorrow morning.”

  The looks of surprise that crossed the faces of the faculty were ones that I’ll remember for a long time to come, along with some of their responses.

  Dee De gave me their names as each of them raised objections. The most vocal of them was Mrs. Winnifred Smyth, the Fine Arts Instructor. “I fail to see how taking our young lady's to see a bunch of names on a wall that promotes war and violence is suitable. They should be going to a more cultured place such as the Arts Museum. Not some graveyard in the middle of nowhere.”

  “I quite agree. For far too long those monstrosities to warfare have been used to glorify senseless brutality. I must object to such a waist of our student’s time. We teach our students to be ladies of breeding, not war mongering brutes. Leave that to those fools over at the Military Academies’.” Was Mr. Richard Castle’s reply. Our schools department head for the Standard Languages department.

  “Here, here, it serves no purpose in exposing our young ladies to such morbid memorials. Instead they should be spending their time in better pursuits, such as studying for their upcoming placement exams.” That was our department head for Mathematics, Doctor Amanda Grayson.

  I could tell that most of the teachers here were your stereotypical anti-military peace loving liberals. You know the type, take away the guns, knives, and bombs, and you’ll have peace. Never mind it was their attitudes of ‘live and let live’ that placed the First Human Empire at the mercy of the Homunculus Consortium seven hundred years ago. Didn’t these fools ever learn their lesson? That no matter what happens if you want to live in a peaceful world you need a military force to protect it. Thankfully I was saved from making an ass out of myself by losing my temper by an unforeseen ally.

  Mr. S'chn T'gai. “How dare you people show such disrespect of our fallen hero’s’! Each and every name in the Hall of Hero’s and on the Wall of Remembrance is someone who died protecting your freedom! I’ll not have any of disrespect my brothers and sisters in arms again! The next one to do so can turn in your resignation and pack up your office! Am I clear on this matter?!” the man was almost out of his mind with rage. I was afraid he would actually attack some of his fellow teachers. “If you think I am joking or I don’t have the power to fire your ass, I suggest you remember that I am the Representative for the Office of Education and Cultural History, at this school.” When he had everyone’s attention with that remark he actually calmed down. “Now, I believe the young lady was going to explain her reason for this trip.” Looking over at me with a smile he wave for me to continue.

  “Um… Thank you Mr. S’chn T’gai.” I had a really hard time trying to pronounce that name. Thankfully he spoke up at that point.

  “Lady Maiha, just call me Mr. Lenard.”

  “Thank you, sir. Now as far as my reasons for this little trip, I believe that my students can learn from the experience by seeing that their freedom has been paid with the blood of hero’s. Not with gold or silver, but the blood, sweat, and tears of men and women of our military. They need to understand what it means to be true citizens of the Empire. I believe that by taking them to these places it just might get through those pieces of granite they call minds, that freedom isn’t free.” The more I talked about my planned trip the more passionate I became. I star
ted to understand why mama wanted me to be the new Citizenship and Moral Conduct teacher. I had a point of view that only a true veteran or a Head of House could have. Then add in the fact that I was also a citizen of the Empire for over seventy years was just a side benefit.

  “Headmaster, I believe we should allow the Lady’s Nakatoma to have their field trip. My only concern will be the security of the students.” Said Mr. S’chn T’gai, with a very wide smile on his face, his next words though almost threw me for a loop. “It has been a long time that we have had a teacher with the passion of this young lady.”

  “I agree whole heartily.” Doctor Brim was looking over at Mr. S’chn T’gai with more pride than I would have thought, I mean after all he was the only teacher with a Bachelor’s Degree, in Humanities. Sure he has a teaching license, but that does not explain the Headmasters show of pride in the young man.

  That’s because he is a winner of the Empire’s highest award, the Parliamentary Medal of Honor. (Dee De)

  “You have got to be shitting me? He’s a winner of the PMH!”

  Oh yes commander. The young man won the Parliamentary Medal of Honor in the Battle of Iberian Five. He held his position while his platoon evacuated their wounded over a period of five hours on his own, with nothing more than a fifteen millimeter Hellebore auto-gun. (Charlie)

  “Damn! Never thought I would have the chance to meet a PMH winner that was alive.”

  Are you kidding Maiha?! You have one yourself. (Dee De)

  “Hay, but I got mine over sixty-five years ago, so that doesn’t count.”

  In the words of my counterpart, BULLSHIT commander! You have just as much right to that medial as the young man in front of you. What you did in your younger years has just as much impact now as it did then. (Charlie)


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