School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4) Page 19

by Jessie Wolf

  My private discussion would have to wait for later as Doc. Brim was talking to me again. “…able to secure transport for over fifty students?”

  Thankfully Dee de was able to supply me with what he was asking. “Yes, I believe I can have enough transport here for all of our students by eleven hundred hours. I only need to contact my House troop Commander to arrange for the security detail.”

  “How long do you need to arrange this?”

  I did a quick calculation in my head. With the rebuilding of my House troops by hiring the remains of the mercenary units that fought on our behalf during the war we had picked up some top notch troops. With these new units and the reconfiguring of my House Units I could have everything I needed in place inside of twenty minutes. When I told the Headmaster that I could have every thing ready and rolling to be here in twenty minutes his eyes bulged out of his head.

  “Um… are you sure of your time line, Lady Nakatoma?” he asked me with some uneasy. As I think about this from his point of view I can see why. If I can put a military force that quickly into the field then my family was a real threat to the safety of his school in his mind.

  “Yes sir, but that is only a pair of troop transports and an accompanying platoon of FAVs. It would take me far longer to put a combat unit in the field with everything that goes into doing that.” I had no need to tell the man the truth that I could have my enter House Hold Military out the gate and on the attack inside of thirty-five minutes. After the reconstruction I reformed my House troops into a quick reaction force and fast attack command. I would never again let the enemy come on to the grounds of my home again.

  He gave the idea of my field trip a few more moments of thought then nodded his head yes saying. “If you can have all that taken care of by nine hundred hours then you have my permission to go.”

  “Thank you sir. If you’ll make the announcement at the morning recall I will go take care of the details.” I started to walk away but stopped and turned back to him. “Oh, and sir, my House troops have yet to disappoint me. Those men and women will be here at eleven hundred hours if they have to blow a hole in the space time continuum.” I head back to my family to finish my meal.

  I had no sooner sat back down than Alice was asking questions. “What are you up to this time, missy? What was all that about up there with the Headmaster wanting to know how fast we can get our troops in the field? You’re not planning on attacking the school are you?” I start to laugh at her worrying over something that will never happen if I can avoid it.

  “Relax pussycat. I was just arranging a field trip for our classes this afternoon. Nothing to worry about, I promise.” It might have been the mischievous grin on my face I don’t know, but Princes Daniela was gave me a look of distrust and very unladylike snort. Everyone else at the table was looking at me now with some trepidation. Of course my little sister Nanami had to comment to the new girls.

  “Whenever Maiha gets that look on her face be prepared for anything. She is totally bat shit crazy at times.”

  Now normally I would never do what I am about to do, but we are in school and I need to make her understand that just because I’m her sister she can’t get away with that kind of language. “That is two demerits Miss. Nakatoma.”

  “Hay, you can give me demerits, you’re not a tea…. Oh no!” the look on her face when she realized that I am a teacher and can give demerits was one of total shock.

  “That is right baby sister. And before you go thinking you can run to Alice to argue against them, remember that you also have her as a teacher as well. Not only can we give out those demerits but we can spank that pretty bottom of yours. Don’t ever forget that we are teachers again, especially when in class. Do I make myself clear on this?” I was looking at all three of them when I said this. I needed for them to understand that Alice and I were in a very uncomfortable position and didn’t like it one bit. However we would do our jobs to the best of our abilities, showing no favoritism to anyone.

  They all reply by standing up and bowing saying. “Yes Mrs. Nakatoma. We understand. It’ll never happen again we promise.”

  “Good, now I would suggest that you go get ready for class.” After another quick bow they bussed their trays and headed off to class. Alice and I sat there for a few more minutes with the others.

  Cissy was the first to say something. “Maiha, I know it is not my place, but weren’t you a little hard on them?”

  Susan was right behind her. “Yah, they were only joking with you. Why did you come down so hard on them? You know they love you and Alice to no end.”

  Lisa was just as upset. “No kidding. Those three little girls would do anything for you two. What is with the total bitch act, and don’t go pulling that ‘I’m a teacher’ crap with me.”

  “Maiha, I hate to agree with them, and I don’t want to tell you how to treat your sisters, but you may have gone a little overboard with that act.” Princes Daniela put in.

  Even our newest members of what I was beginning to think of as friends were giving me a strange look as if I had grown a second head and pair of arms. I sighed heavy before looking up at them all. I know I came down hard on them, but if I didn’t then they would have never respected or understood mine and Alice’s position as teachers.

  “Look, I don’t have to explain myself, but I will so you all won’t think me a total witch. The reason I came down so hard was to remind them that Alice and I are exactly that, teachers as well as students. We have them in our classes this afternoon, if they should call us sissy, or sis, or anything other than Mrs. Nakatoma we are going to have a problem in the classrooms. Sure we don’t need to teach, but the school is short two teachers because of us.” The grunt from Alice let me know that I needed to correct that statement. “I should say because of me, but our mama was the one who made us responsible for fixing it. Over half the problems in this school is because of the ‘Heathers’, the other half is because of the faculty just turning a blind eye to what is going on around here and letting certain students get away with whatever they want.”

  It was Bethany who summed it up for everyone else. “She had to come down on them like that to set an example for the rest of the student body.” When everyone looked at her like she had gone crazy she just smiled. “If she doesn’t show her own sisters favoritism, then she won’t show it to anyone else. If I’m not mistaken, I would say she is even harder on them when they are training to pilot their APS’ or anything else they would do on the battle field. Am I right, Maiha?”

  I didn’t have to answer because Daniela was giggling at the memory of watching me chew out Alice after a very difficult training excursive. “You have no idea how foul the Lady Maiha’s language becomes when it comes to that. You should have seen… um never mind.” The look I gave the princess was enough to let her know she didn’t need to give examples. Everyone at the table giggled when they saw her change the subject rather quickly at my look.

  “Let’s just say I have a very colorful past that comes out when I lose my temper.” I tell them; of course the love of my life just has to comment on that understatement.

  “With language that would make a star sailor or battle hardened veteran blush.”

  “Hay! I’m not that bad! At least anymore.”

  “No thanks to Gin and the others.” Giggled out Lisa.

  “Ah, my friends. What would I do without you? Thanks a lot Lisa.”

  “You’re welcome.” The girl has a smile a mile wide when she says that. There are times I just want to pound my head on a wall, and this is one of them.

  I decide to change the topic. A person can only handle so much examination from their peers. “To answer your question from earlier love. This afternoon we will be taking our classes to a few memorials around the area and then out to the estate to spend the night. Then tomorrow morning they will take a walk through Fiddlers Green.” When she hears this her eyes come out of head for a moment before understanding dawns.

  Alice looks over
at the others. “Earlier Bethany you asked what it was like to be a pilot for an APS. Do you still want to know?” When Bethany quickly nods her head yes Alice gives her a sad smile. “Then today and tomorrow you’ll learn what the cost of being a pilot for one is.” With that she stood up and picked up her tray heading for class. Bethany and the others watched her leave before asking me anything.

  “Um… Maiha what did Alice mean by that?” Bethany was truly confused by Alice’s actions and words.

  “It’s simple Bethany. Later today you and the others along with the rest of your class will be accompanying us to the following places, Hall of Heroes and the Wall of Remembrance this afternoon. Tonight you will be my guests at my family home, before going to Fiddler’s Green tomorrow morning.” When the Princes, Susan, and Lisa hear this they all gasp in surprise.

  Princes Daniela turned grim before looking over at first Bethany and then each one of the others who had joined our table this morning. “No matter what happens you will show these places the respect they deserve or I will personally turn your families into poppers.”

  Lisa was just as hard. “I will do everything in my power to destroy your lives and ladies I know more about the net and how to use it than the fools who guard it.” The threat was left unspoken but it was plain as day.

  Susan was nowhere near as polite with her words. “I don’t care what happens over the next forty-eight hours, but if one of you shows the first sign of disrespect for where we are going I’ll gut you myself.”

  All four of the former Heathers had looks of surprise and fear on their faces at hearing these very blunt threats on their lives. Only Cissy was confused by the actions of her new friends. So much so I needed to explain.

  “Cissy, the first two are at the same place. The Hall of Heroes is where the Death Dealers place the picture of every man to ever win a medal that is a Golden Star or higher, in short it is a place for their heroes. Now the Wall of Remembrance is something different. It is just the names of all the Death Dealers who have fallen in combat. Until recently it was the only cemetery they had. Both of these places are very special to Death Dealers and to my family. Fiddlers Green is the first cemetery to ever exist for Death Dealers and it is on my family’s estates. There are more than just Death Dealers there as it is also a memorial to all those who died fighting the rebel House during the last war here on Hades.”

  I could tell that she and the others had questions they wanted to ask but I was no longer in the mood for talking. Besides I had to get things set up for the field trip. I left them sitting there and headed off to classes after bussing my tray. Between morning classes I contact the estate and set everything up with my House troop commander. Colonel Fujiyama, made a few changes to my original plan, but they were ones that I could live with. There was one thing I can say about my House troops, if anyone ever made the mistake of underestimating them it would be their last. No one will ever catch my House Military unprepared again. For Colonel Fujiyama the three times the rebels had been able to spring a surprise attack on us he took them as a personal affront to his command.

  I was in my Home Economics class when I heard the first transport pull into the school grounds. Within a few minutes I heard the rest of the units pulling in. there was one surprise when I heard my Mobile Command Unit pulling in. unlike the others it made a very distinctive sound. The high pitched whine of its twin turbine engines is unlike anything else. Just knowing that it was here made my day. Looking up at the classroom clock I saw that it was just before eleven hundred hours. I told the Headmaster that I could have everything in place by eleven hundred and my troops didn’t disappoint me.

  Before the end of class I heard the intercom system come to life, followed shortly by the Headmasters voice. “The following classes will report to their rooms, and pack for a bag for two days’ worth of travel. This is a mandatory trip that will reflect on your grades, so be on your best behavior.” Once he was done with his announcement of the trip he began naming off the classes that would be going on the trip. All eight of Alice’s and mine were named off. Dee De gave me a quick head count of how many students we were going to be riding heard over and it came to one hundred and sixteen. One hundred and sixteen teenage girls, over half of which have no clue about life other than what they have been taught by their parents, all of whom were high value targets. The more I think about this, the more I think it’s a bad idea. Oh well too late to back out of it now.

  When the bell rang for the end of class I headed out like everyone else, only I don’t head back to my room, but outside to my MCU. Imagine my surprise to see two of my House troop transports, a full company of FAV’s and my personal bodyguard unit out front. Looking around I see someone I was not expecting to, Major Howard of the Hell Hounds. The smile that reaches my face is one of true happiness.

  “Major! What on earth are you doing here? Are we under attack again?”

  The chuckle that escapes him lets me know he understands my joke. “No ma’am! But it was getting boring just sitting around base, so I decided to take the boys out for a little walk.”

  Over the next twenty minutes we just stood around talking like a pair of old soldiers. The major was one of the few who knew my secret; he was there with me from the beginning. While we were waiting for my students to show up my family joined us. The major treated them as equals, then again they were. Each one of my sisters had proven themselves in the only place that mattered to men like the major, the battlefield. In the last battle of the rebellion Fuyuko had downed fourteen enemy APS before having her own destroyed. Nanase and Nanami had each claimed twelve a piece. While my sweet Alice claimed an all-time high of nineteen, to bring her total kills to over thirty making her one of the few living multiple aces with more than twenty kills. They all have seen more than their fair share of combat. I couldn’t be prouder of them.

  “Well, little sisters are you ready to see my past and what had brought me to Hades in the first place?”

  Fuyuko was the first to say anything as always. “Um… sissy what do you mean see your past?”

  Nanase chimed in with her own curiosity. “Hay, you never talk about it. Why are you bringing it up today?”

  Nanami wasn’t far behind her. “It’s not that we love you sissy, but you’ve never told us why you really came to Hades.”

  Alice just gave me a look of love and understanding. She knew more than anyone of the nightmares that plagued my sleep. She has seen firsthand the terror of losing a friend, a brother or sister in arms and not being able to do anything to stop it or help. She and all others with the exception of mama would understand my need to show respect to long dead brothers.

  Before I can answer their questions our students began to arrive. All one hundred and sixteen were looking at the troop transporters like they were visions out of a nightmare. One of the girls voiced what was on all of their minds. “We aren’t riding in those things, are we?” Dee De gave me her name so I would know who I was speaking to.

  “That is exactly what you’re riding in Miss. Hamilton. You and your classmates. Now we don’t have all day so I suggest you get aboard.” I have a feeling that these pampered little princesses were about to get a very rude wake-up call from life. Sure troop transports are not much to look at, but they are still more comfortable to ride in than tracked armored personal carries which had crossed my mind when I first thought of this little trip. “Oh, and girls, this is what our military use for every day transport. If you think this is hard then I’ll be more than happy to arrange for you to take a ride in one of my House military’s combat vehicles.”

  The groans that came from the girls let me know just how much they thought of that idea. Turning to Princess Daniela and the eight girls that have come to be her entourage. “Princess you and your friends are in the first transport and please show your new friends how to get in and strapped down. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, thank you.” Looking over at my family. “Alice get our little sisters on board the MCU and secure
d please. I’ll join you all shortly.” Before I could say more one of the other girls made her displeasure at not riding in what is most likely the more comfortable.

  “I don’t think so. That MCU is where the ‘Heathers’ are going to ride. That is where we should be riding anyway. You and your sisters can ride with the rest of these losers in those ugly things. Come on girls.” Everyone was shocked by Janet Smyth’s very blunt demand to ride in what was obviously a private vehicle of House Nakatoma. Thankfully Major Howard stepped in to handle the situation before it got out of hand.

  “Young lady, I don’t know who you are, nor do I care, but if you make one move toward that MCU I’ll give the order to fire.” Pointing at the two top mounted gun turrets with their twin twenty-five millimeter chain guns to make his point. “That is the personal transport of her Ladyship Maiha Nakatoma and her family. The men and women who operate that vehicle have a very dim view of anyone else trying to force their way on board.” He left the fact that they had no problem with shooting people like her out of the equation.

  Needless to say she and the rest of the Heathers all headed for the last transport in line. I spend the next ten minutes making sure that everyone was on board one of the two troop transports. As I was heading for the MCU Doctor Brim, Professor Recco, and Mr. Lenard S’chn T’gai came out of the school each carrying what looked like field packs. Stopping I turn to them with a questioning look. “Can I help you gentlemen?”

  “You certainly can, Mrs. Nakatoma. Which transport do you want us old soldiers on?” doctor Brim asked. At my look of confusion Professor Recco and Mr. S’chn T’gai both chuckled. “What didn’t you realize that I and the two gentlemen with me would be joining you? Mrs. Nakatoma, it is school policy that the Headmaster, Vic. Headmaster, and our OECH rep. accompany all field trips. So which transport do you need us on?”

  Until now I was worried about the ‘Heathers’ causing problems for the transport crews, but not anymore. “If that is the case, then I will let you gentlemen decide who gets to ride in the MCU, and let split the two transports.”


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