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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

Page 20

by Jessie Wolf

  Doctor Brim just smiled. “Which one has the ‘Heathers’?” when I pointed to the last transport he chuckled. “Will then I know which one I’ll be riding in. Lenard, Johnny I’ll let you two sort out who gets the MCU.” Shouldering his pack he headed for the last transport with a smile. It was like he was reliving a fond memory from his time in the four ninety-first Highlanders. I get my next surprise as the other two do a quick roshambo to see who rode where.

  When Mr. Lenard won he smiled at Prof. Recco. “Looks like I get to ride in style for a change. Have fun old friend.” Looking over at me he holds out his arm and questions. “Shall we my Lady Maiha?”

  Taking his arm I head for the MCU. Once we were inside and everyone was settled I signaled that we were ready to roll out. Once we were moving I allowed everyone to get up and move around. It has been almost a month since I was last in my personal MCU thanks to the attack on it by the rebels in my own House troops at the time. We all took our time looking around and checking out the upgrades and repairs. We were half way to the Hall of Heroes when Mr. Lenard approached me.

  “Excuse Lady Maiha, but I have been meaning to ask. Why are you and your wife even at our school? I mean you have more than enough educational credits to be a teacher, surely you don’t need a diploma from us.”

  With a sigh I look up at the man and smile. I can tell he was truly interested in why the Head of House for one of the most prominent High Families was enrolled in his school. “Well, sir it all revolves around the fact that I lack certain social skills that only our school can teach me. You see I was raised by my grandfather with private tutors for schooling. To say my grandfather was ill equipped to raise a little girl is an understatement. I was a true tomboy in every sense of the word. I know more about living on the battlefield than sitting down to a fancy dinner. Sure my mama can teach me these things, but I would still have no idea on how to interact with women and the ladies of the other High Families. So to learn these things mama thought it would be best if I went to our school. The same goes for my lovely wife as she has some of the same bad habits that I do. So that is why she is here. As for my little sisters they have spent the last few years as Temple maidens and lack the understanding in dealing with the public in general.”

  “Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me, my Lady. Now I have one more question for you if you’ll be so kind as to explain to me what gave you the idea for this field trip?”

  I looked at him for a minute before giggling. “Sorry sir, but what would you say if I told you that it was the students staring at the backside of a Death Dealer?”

  Chapter 10

  Upon hearing this; the man burst out laughing. “Ok I’ll bite. How did the students staring at the backside of a Death Dealer inspire a field trip?”

  Giggling myself at the stupidity of the question I took my time to explain. As I went over the conversation at breakfast this morning I was surprised to see him nodding his head. When I got to the part where I was at a loss as to explain why most Death Dealers are single he took over.

  “You saw their curiosity as a way to show them how much the men and women of our armed forces, both planetary and Household, give up to protect them. When you add in the fact that all Death Dealers give up their citizenship to their native planets to become Empyreal citizens and its defenders you show them what it means to be citizens of the Empire. I must say Lady Maiha I am truly surprised by your grasp of what we have been trying to teach the young ladies of our school for years. Thank you, if this trip has the desired effect you is hoping for then I believe it’ll become a yearly thing.”

  “To be honest sir, I was only hoping to show my students the final price of their freedom. The price paid by those who gave their all, and asked for nothing in return.”

  “I believe that you will accomplish your goals, and give our students a much needed kick in the pants, as it were.” The man had a smile on his face that showed more than just happiness. There was respect there, a respect I had not expected to see. “I look forward to how you present the memorials to your students.” With that he turned and found his seat, pulling out a book and began to read.

  I visited with my sisters as we traveled through the city of Haifa to the Hall of Heroes. Our convoy made a very impressive sight. Just before noon time locally or fourteen hundred we pulled into the park that had become known over time as Veterans Memorial Park. It has been awhile since I was last here. It is set in a valley with a seventy foot high, three quarters of a kilometer long, and sheer cliff face wall of solid black granite known only as the Wall of Remembrance. At the end of the valley stands an all-white sandstone building that was imported from Earth Prime. This is the Hall of Heroes. Built by the Nakatoma family for the Death Dealers over four hundred years ago to honor the bravest of the brave.

  As I climb down form the MCU I take in all the changes done to the park over the last fifty years. Off to one side is a mockup of a forward fire and resupply base. Walking trails have been installed that wander around to separate displays of equipment that have been used by both Death Dealers and their opponents from all over the Empire. There is even an area that has the different APS’s that have been used by Death Dealers. One in particular stands out from the rest for me. To say that I am shocked to see it here would be an understatement worthy of my mama.

  The last time I saw this beast was over sixty years ago on a forgotten battlefield on some backwater nowhere planet. Then again it was one of the last of its kind at the time. Forty-five feet high, eighty-five tons, two one hundred and eighty millimeter rail guns for main armament, six rapid fire thirty-millimeter chain guns for antipersonnel combat. Its paint job is the same one it had all those years ago. Black with gold trim everywhere but its head. No one can mistake that death face for anything but what it is: “the Grim Reaper.” I can’t believe I am looking at the K9-3R that was given to me by the Emperor as a reward all those years ago for my bravery.

  I thought I would never see it again after that battle as I had left enough charges to blow it sky high leaving nothing but scrap behind. Mr. Lenard must have sensed my distress over seeing that monster standing before me. “Don’t worry Lady Nakatoma; the Grim Reaper is nothing but cobbled together pieces of armor. The real one was destroyed over sixty years ago in the battle for Tierra three. Its story is one that I love reading the most. They say that the pilot blew up the original to keep it out of enemy hands, and as a last act of defiance.”

  I look over at him and give him a sad smile while shaking my head to let him know he is mistaken before speaking. “That K9-3R was my grandfather’s. He told me all about the only APS he ever really liked. He told me all about its quirks and what a pain in the ass it was to keep running. He never really liked AP Suits but then again he was never really an APS pilot, not like me or my family. He was a true Infantryman’s Infantryman. He believed in the Spirit of the Bayonet, getting up close and personal with the enemy looking them dead in the eye.” Holding out my arm to point at Grim Reaper “But that beast held a special place in his heart. Come on I have students to get organized and moving through the park.” I don’t wait for him to say anything, but headed for the transports.

  I watch as mine and Alice’s students filed off the transports. I almost smile as I see the two Heads jump down from their transports as if they were still in the service. I can tell they have been reliving their youth and telling the girls that were with them stories from when they were combat soldiers. From the looks on their faces I can tell that most of these girls were impressed by the two gentlemen. Only the ‘Heathers’ looked as if they could care less. They were going to be a problem, I decide to place them in my group and let the other teachers take the rest. If they wanted to be stuck up little bitches, and not learn anything from today’s trip then I was going to drop the hammer on them.

  After dividing everyone up I gather the ‘Heathers’ off to one side where no one else would hear. “Ok, ladies, and I use that term loosely here, if you think th
at you have nothing to learn from being here today tell me now.”

  Of course this was all Janet Smyth needed to express their displeasure at being here. “Just what are you playing at, bitch. Do you have any idea of who you’re screwing with? You maybe the Head of House for your family, but not mine or anyone else’s in the Heathers. We run this school, not you, don’t you get that.”

  I had had enough of this little cunt; before I knew what I was doing my hand snapped out and smacked her across the mouth. Maybe it was where we were at, or the fact that I was tired of dealing with the ‘Heathers’ bullshit. “Listen up cunt! Because I’m only going to say this once. From now until we get back to the school my name is Mrs. Nakatoma and I am your C and M teacher. You will show me the respect of being your teacher or you’ll find your little ass on the first outbound drop ship to Gideon Prime. Where you’ll find yourself enrolled in Carfax Abby School for Delinquent Girls. The same goes for the rest of you. Your time of bullying the rest of the students at this school is over. If last night hadn’t gotten your attention let me explain it for you in simple terms. You pick on someone, anyone, there will be consequences to be paid. Oh and by the way those students will be facing their own punishment for pulling that stunt, just like you all will be paying for doing what you did to Bethany, Lisa, Stacy, and Kimberly. Oh, yes I know exactly what happened last night after dinner.” I was interrupted by Janet who had turned red from embarrassment to white with rage.

  “Those bitches had it coming you don’t leave the ‘Heathers’. Once in it’s for life. If you want to leave then you get what they did and more. No one turns their backs on…OOOWWW!” the second time I smacked this little bitch I put some force behind it.

  “I told you enough was enough! The next words that come out of your mouth had better be I understand or you’re on your way to Carfax Abby. And by the way not only can I send you there I don’t even have to go to the Board of Regents to do it. Hell, I don’t even have to have your parents’ permission. As the Planetary Governor I can send you there as a juvenile delinquent. Now as we walk through this place I want each and every one of you to take a good look at everything. Because there will be a test on what is here. Also each of you will be assigned one hero whom you will do a ten page report on. In it you will be expected to tell about how, when, where, why, the men you are assigned won their medal. Also what that medal means, how many have won it, and finally how many times it was awarded to a living man.”

  One of the other ‘Heathers’ raised her hand to ask a question. I was afraid Janet was going to start up again about how the ‘Heathers’ don’t have to do stuff like this, but she let the girl ask her question. “Excuse me Mrs. Nakatoma, but why would the number of times it was awarded to a living man be important?”

  Dee De gave me the girl’s names so I wouldn’t look like a fool when I addressed her. “The answer to that Miss. Watson is simple. This place is known for two things. The Wall of Remembrance and the Hall of Heroes. Most of the Death Dealers that you will see in the Hall of Heroes died winning their medals. The very few who were awarded their medals when alive is extremely small. Now that being said remember one more thing as you walk around here today. If you show anything other than the respect it deserves you will regret it. Am I understood?”

  I received a round of ‘yes ma’am’ from them. “Alright let’s head over to the walking trail first before going down the Wall.” I turn and led them over to the start of the walking trail. For the next hour we moved from one static display to another. At the mockup of the forward fire and resupply base I watch as the girls began to understand the hardship that is a soldier’s life. A few of them actually asked if this was a true representation. When I told them that it was close they gave me a strange look, like they didn’t believe me. When I told them they left a few things out, they wanted to know what those things were.

  “They can’t give you the feeling of always wondering if your friends are going to come back from a patrol or worrying when your number is up, the fear that you might freeze in the next fight, there are so many things that they can’t replicate them all. Remember there is always a strong feeling of fear in the atmosphere in places like this. That is something that can only be experienced by living it.” I moved on from there to the rest of the static display. When we reached the one of Grim Reaper I stopped to read the plaque at it base.

  The K9-3R Silver Knight ‘Grim Reaper’ which is displayed here is a representation of the one piloted by First High Lord of the Death Dealers James J. Owens. Given to him by the Emperor for bravery in the face of the enemy. Commander Owens went on to win many more awards and accolades. He climbed the ranks of the Death Dealers from private all the way to the highest post within their ranks, First High Lord. This display was placed here by Grand Lady Dai Etsu Nakatoma. For more information on First High Lord Owens please proceed to the Hall of Heroes.

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Nakatoma, but do you know why your mother would have a display dedicated to this man?” it was a surprise to me that the girl who asked that question was Janet Smyth.

  “May I know why you would like that information?” I was truly curious as to why she wanted to know.

  She began to turn red with embarrassment when I confronted her. “Well it seems like this man means more to your family than just another Death Dealer. I mean I can see that the Death Dealers mean a lot to your family, but this man has some kind of special place for you all.”

  The fact that it was Janet that asking these questions was surprise enough for me, but the fact that she really wanted to know about my past life was a true change for her. “I’ll tell you if you tell me why you changed your mind about this place. Don’t tell me you haven’t had a change of mind either.”

  She looked up at ‘Reaper’ before answering me. “My granddaddy told me about this APS saving him and his friend’s life on a planet called Tierra three. He always told me that if I ever got the chance to thank him for saving his life that or his family.”

  “What happened to your grandfather?”

  “He passed away from Rightcures disease five years ago. I really miss him. He always kept my stepfather in line and away from me and my sister.” The look in her eyes told me very thing I needed to know about Janet’s home life. The signs of abuse were there for anyone to see. With her position as in the ‘Heathers’ she was finally able to dish out the abuse she had been forced to endure for so long at the hands of her stepfather. I decide to take a chance and tell her about my connection to the Nakatoma or I should say James J. Owens’ connection.

  “J.J. Owens was my grandfather. That is our connection to him. He was family.”

  Janet’s head wiped around so fast I thought her neck would snap. “Your grandfather was this man?”

  “Yes, he was. He died just before the rebellion this past year. He was bringing me here to Hades to go to school at the Hades Military Academy. We were going to come to this place before I was to be enrolled in school; he wanted me to see what you are seeing for the first time. Now I have a question for you. Have you learned anything from what you have seen yet?”

  “I don’t really know yet, ma’am. Everywhere I look I see the price that gets paid by our military, but I have always known what that is from the stories my dad and granddaddy used to tell me. I don’t know what you want me to learn. I just don’t understand the question.” The poor girl was almost whining. She was truly upset over not being able to grasp the meaning behind this field trip.

  Sighing heavily I point to the APS that was standing in front of us. “The man who piloted the original ‘Grim Reaper’ was a hero right?” after she nod I went on. “If he was a hero then so was your grandfather, and your father. Don’t you see Janet; all those names out there on the Wall are heroes to the Empire. Those names are not just a memorial they are a cemetery. This valley was all they ever had until just a few weeks ago. Before now every Death Dealer was given a burial in deep space or sent into the heart of some sun. They have no home plan
et to be buried on, they can never go home after they become Death Dealers, but yet they still fight and die for the Empire in every hellhole war zone at the command of the Emperor.”

  Janet interrupts me with a very simple question. One that has plagued mankind for all time. “Why? Why do they do it then? If they can’t go home then why do they do it?” Finally the girl is starting to ask the right questions.

  “They do it for something they believe in that is greater than themselves. They believe in the ideal that all people, no matter their position in society, are created equal. That everyone has certain rights. But there is one thing they hold above everything else, freedom. And they all understand that freedom isn’t free. It must be paid for with the blood of patriots on a regular basis. That is what you girls are here to learn today.” When I finish talking to Janet I turn and started to walk off, but I stop and look back at her. “Janet, I know you’re better than this bitch act you put on. I have only one more question for you before I’ll leave you alone. Would your granddaddy and dad be proud of the way you have been treating your fellow students?”

  I don’t wait for her to answer instead I head down the trail that takes me by the Wall. Every now and then I stop and look at a name or two. The names of long dead friends. About half way down I run into an old man who would be somewhere around my real age of ninety-seven staring up at a set of names. I can tell he is a Veteran from the same time as me. I watch as he places his hand next to one name in particular. I see the tears in the corner of his eyes as he remembers his old friend from so long ago. I crank up the reception on my audio sensors and I can just make out what he is saying.

  “Well, Tommy it’s been close to seventy years since that day on the beach. I can still hear your voice telling me to keep my ass down before some Kellick shoot it off. It seems that our grandchildren will be picking up where we left my friend. My granddaughter got into the fancy ass all-girls school you told me about here in Hyphae. You know the one, that Joan Eunice Smith School for Young Ladies. Yah, my little girl is going to the same one as your daughters and granddaughters go to. I’m so proud of Bethany getting away from that shit hole she was in. I still can’t believe my own daughter married the prick of a husband she did. The man has ruined my child by filling her head with all those ideas, just glad her mama isn’t alive to see what’s become of her.” I shut down my sensors I don’t need to hear anymore to know who he is talking about. The Bethany is without a doubt Bethany Hightower. I take a quick look around but do not see her or the party she is with. I key up my family’s combat net.


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