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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

Page 24

by Jessie Wolf

  “No not really, but I think that I get the idea. I just don’t understand how they could be parolees.” Cissy tells me.

  Bethany was right behind her. “I do not wish to pry into their pasts, but I would not let the other students know that the Princess and her friends are parolees. Please hear me out Lady Maiha. One of the things that can undermine your goals of changing our school would be for the student body to find out that the Princess is in disgrace with her father. There are still too many who owe Longfellow and his thugs. They would use that information to get out from under his thumb.”

  I start to think about what Bethany just told me. If David Longfellow has his hooks into that many of the students then it was high time to take care of him. Before I can say more I see the other students along with the Headmaster, Vic, and EOCH all heading my way. I smile and step forward. With a bow to the Princess and her friends. “Thank you Sisters for showing hospitality to my guests.”

  Daniela was faster on the up take then Susan or Lisa. “The honor is ours Lady Maiha. If you excuse us we still have time for evening prayers. Come sisters let us pay our respects to the Reverend Mother before rejoining our friends.” All three give me a quick bow and head off to the Temple. The Headmaster seeing this display asked the question on everyone else’s mind.

  “Excuse me Lady Maiha, but why are the Princess and the other two heading for your family Temple?”

  “The answer is simple Doctor Brim. While the Princess, Susan and Lisa were here over the summer they wished to try the life of a novice of our Temple. My own sisters were at one time novices and my mama was the Reverend Mother for a while as well. They learned a great deal of what it is to be devoted to the service of others during their time here as novices. The current Reverend Mother was their mentor while they were here. They are just going to pay their respects and say their evening prayers.”

  One of the girls in the back raised her hand. When Dee De gave me her name I answered her. “Yes Miss. Forestall you have a question?”

  “Yes ma’am, Mrs. Nakatoma. Is there any way we could visit your family Temple? I know that I’m not the only one that would like to see what it looks like and why it means so much to her Highness.” The girl might have seen more than expected, but her next words put my fears to rest. “We know that it is not part of the plan for this visit to your family estate, but I have a few classes with the Princess and she talks about the Temple here every now and then.” More than a few of the girls were nodding their heads. This might fit in better than I thought, but I needed a little more information.

  “Tell me something Miss. Forestall. Are you willing to follow the rules for entering the Temple?”

  “Yes ma’am I know that I am, but I cannot speak for the rest.”

  Another girl off to the side raised her hand to ask a question. I was in for another surprise as I recognized the girl to be a member of the Heathers. I nodded for her to ask her question. “Mrs. Nakatoma, what are the rules for entering the Temple? I wish to know before making that kind of commitment.”

  “So that everyone know the rules are simple. Please understand that when they were written it was in a very male dominated society.” When I had everyone’s attention I went on to explain the rules. “First none of you can enter the Temple proper the way you are now dressed. The only way they will make an exception to this rule is if you were to come to the Temple crying for sanctuary. The next rule is that when you are inside you may only speak when given permission by the men that are with us who will act as your superior. Only they can give you permission to speak. If you are with one of the nuns they are your superior and are the ones responsible for you. Now if you are all willing to obey these rules I’ll arrange for a tour of the Temple.” I received around of ‘yes ma’am’s from my students, as well as the Headmaster, Vic. and OECH.

  I look over at mama and she just smiles at me then nods her head yes. She may not be the current Reverend Mother, but she still had a lot to say about how the Temple was ran. “Very well then. Tomorrow morning each of you will get see what it is like to be a novice at our family Temple.”

  Chapter 12

  As we led the students toward the steps leading into the house mama whispers to me. “Remember that you have to greet them at the top of the steps daughter.”

  Damn I forgot all about that. I need to welcome my guests to the House formally. I take a few quick steps to get ahead of everyone else and climb to the top step and turn around. When everyone sees me stop and face them they come to a halt. I have to think back to what I’m supposed to say. It takes me a few minutes to remember the words used in the formal greeting.

  “I Maiha Mana Wendell-Nakatoma, Head of House Nakatoma, heir to the Dragons' seat, daughter of Ohmie Rinn Owens Steel Hart, granddaughter of Matsue Nakatoma Owens and James J Owens bid you welcome to our home. Offer no harm and none shall be given. May your stay here be one of peace and learning. Please follow my sisters inside.” When I finish I bow to everyone and turn to head inside. I can hear the excited whispers of the girls as they quickly gather around my sisters. Alice and mama head inside with me to the Grand Hall.

  Looking around I see that the household staff have been their usual efficient selves. Two long rows of tables have been set up for the girls to sit at along with a single table has been set up at the front of the Hall for my family to sit at. Each table was set with a place for a student to eat dinner with us. I quickly counted the number of place settings at my family table and saw that there was one missing. Mama supplied the answer to this mystery.

  “Your father is having dinner with the House troops this evening. He promised me that he would get the message out about all the young ladies being off limits. He said something about the threat of forty-five and forty-five, plus six month loss of pay and one e-grade.”

  Alice and I both start to giggle over hearing the classic threat of forty-five days extra duty and confinement, forfeiture of six months of pay and one stripe. Looking at mama I can’t help but to feel sorry that she doesn’t understand our giggling at Top using the oldest threat in the military. I quickly explain it to her. Once she understands the reference she starts to giggle herself.

  We stopped talking as the girl’s from the school were led into the Great Hall. They were asking my sisters all kinds of questions about the estate grounds, the main house, and the Temple. I smiled at this as for some reason my sisters were becoming quite popular. Clapping my hands to get their attention, I wait for silence. Once I have it I address them again.

  “Ladies and gentlemen if you would be so kind as to find a seat at one of the tables. We will be having dinner shortly. Storm Dancers find your places at the head table.” I watch as they split into individual groups. I notice that the Heathers are not sitting in their normal groups. They were sitting with different groups of girls in their normal clique patterns. Something was going on. It was as if they were breaking up and disbanding. I have Dee De bring up my HUD and focus on my visual enhancement sights. Looking at the Heathers I see that more than one of them is missing their pin. This bears more investigation.

  Walking over to the three school officers “Gentlemen I am sorry but the only places we have for you to sit at are among the students. I hope you don’t mind?”

  When the three of them chuckle at this I am at a loss for what to say. Mr. Lenard gives me the answer to their merriment. “Lady Maiha, neither I nor my two colleagues here have any problems with sitting with the students. Professor Recco and I were talking on the way here during one of the few moments to ourselves. This day has reminded us of our youth traveling around in the back of a troop transport, walking for hours, it was like we were all back in the service. Now to sit down and eat a meal with those that we teach is just icing on the cake. Too often we as teachers forget what matters to the students of our school. Maybe actually sitting down and eating a meal with them, will let them know that we are human as well. That they can come to us with their problems.”

  “I agr
ee whole heartedly my friend. It is time for us educators to climb back into the trenches and awaken our fellow teachers to their responsibilities. I believe that from now on I will sit the teaching staff with the students. I believe that was why the students came to Lady Maiha and Lady Alison over what happened last night.” Doctor Brim put in. I could tell that my hair brained idea is going to have far reaching consequences, and changes for the school.

  “If I may make a suggestion, gentlemen?” When they were all looking at me. “Why don’t you each sit at a different table? That way you’ll be able to answer any questions or help the students at that table. If you do this here then back at the school the girls will be more willing to come to you with their problems as they will see you more as mentors than unforgiving figure heads.”

  “That, Lady Maiha sounds suspiciously like the old ‘Hearts and minds’ stratagem.” Professor Recco observed. “And in this case it just might work. Gentlemen I believe we should follow her advice.” With that he headed over to a table that had a group of freshmen at it. I watched as Doctor Brim and Mr. Lenard each took a separate table as well.

  Once everyone had found a table I headed to my family’s table and to my seat in the center. Clapping my hands to get their attention I waited for silence. “Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests. Welcome to Ichirou Hoshi or Deep Red Star my family’s home. Tonight each of you will stay with one of the families here at the estate after having dinner. Then tomorrow either myself or one of my family will be your guide for the tour of our estates, the Temple, and finally Fiddlers Green. Now a bit of warning, one of the areas you will see as you tour the estate grounds is the combat training range. Please stay in the area that is marked out for your safety. There will be House troops in that area to answer any questions you may have about what you see there. When it comes to the Temple please show the greatest amount of respect for the nuns or monks that will be your guides. These people have devoted their lives to this profession, and are very humble people. Another area you will see is the APS hanger bays; there you will meet a very colorful man by the name of Chief Donnelly. He will show you what it takes to take care of an APS unit. After lunch which will be held here in the Great Hall, I will lead you all to Fiddlers Green. While you are there I want each of you to think about the men and women who paid the ultimate price for you freedom. Now, let’s enjoy the meal that the Household staff has prepared for us.”

  When I finished I sat down and signaled the wait staff to begin serving. The girls were all surprised by the food they were served. So was I, for some reason my household head has seen fit to serve a traditional Japanese fare. I see that more than a few of the girls were having problems with their chop sticks. Before I can say something to the wait staff I see them start to move among them handing out forks and spoons for those unable to use the chop sticks or giving advice on how to use them. I am surprised to see that more than a few of the Heathers are using the chop sticks like they were old hands at them.

  I am taken away from my observation of the students when Nia and Chief Donnelly enter the Hall. I don’t even bother with ceremony and wave for them to come straight to me. I can tell by the looks on their faces that the meeting did not go well or that Longfellow wants something in return for meeting with me.

  Every one watches as Nia and the Chief move between them and approach me. The way that Nia is moving tells more than what her words ever will. She is madder than a wet cat and Chief Donnelly is just as pissed. Either Longfellow said or did something to Nia or he made threats to her. I have a feel that if given the chance Chief Donnelly will carry out his threat of using an assault class APS to give Longfellow a recital exam just might happen this time.

  Once Nia is in front of me I can tell she is fighting to keep her anger in control and not embarrass me in front of the others. I decide to save her the trouble. “What did that ass clown do this time Nia and don’t tell it was nothing.” I don’t even bother with getting and leaving to have privacy. I want to let all the girls know that what I said at dinner the other night applied to them all.

  Nia can tell that I am up to something so she just bows deeply at the waist to me, before speaking. “Lady Maiha, I am sorry, but David Longfellow has refused to speak with you.”

  “What did he say exactly, Nia?”

  “That he will never sit down the matters of men with a little girl who should know her place. That he will do as he pleases to insure that his businesses succeed, and that if you or anyone else gets in his away he will destroy them. I am sorry that I failed you my Lady, but I fear there will be no compromising with him.” Nia is shaking with barely controlled rage when she finishes.

  To say that I am pissed would be to say the polar ice caps are cold. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to look up at who would dare place their hands on me. “Daughter, you have tried to work with this man and his family since the war. Now, it is time for me to handle this problem.” His voice was hard, his eyes dark with anger, and his presence a welcome surprise.

  “Papa! I thought you were having dinner with the troops?”

  “I was until I heard from the troops that escorted Nia to her meeting with Longfellow. From what they told me, she was not shown the respect she deserved as an ambassador. It seems that to David Longfellow the only place for a woman is in the kitchen or on her back.” The more he said the madder I became. No one treats an ambassador like they are trash, I don’t care who they think they are.

  “HOW DARE THAT MAN! I want four troops of Jump Infantry ready to roll out in a half hour! I will lead them myself! No one treats the people of this world like they are property! I will leave nothing but ash and dust of the Longfellow family! I will remove them from the rolls of human history! I…” mama stops me mid rant.

  “ENOUGH!” when I look over at mama I can tell that I had let my emotions get the better of me. “Calm yourself daughter. You need to let your father handle this.” Turning to papa. “James, please go gather the needed troops and bring that fool to us. There is no need for you to be gentle with his men, but he and his son have done enough damage to the students of our daughters’ school. I will have them answer for their crimes against not only the local peoples, but these young ladies as will.”

  Papa merrily smiles and bows to us both. “I’ll have them before the two of you have finished entertaining our guests this evening.” With that he turns and marches out of the Great Hall. As he is leaving though he stops and asks Nia. “Well, Nia are you and Chief Donnelly going to join me?”

  They don’t even take the time to say goodbye. They are out the door at a pace that would rival the best sprinters. I can hear papa calling out orders as he walks down the hallway. From the sounds of it he is going to the Longfellow’s with more than just the four troops of Jump Infantry. If I had to guess he is going to after everything they own with at least half of the House troops including the Scout class APS units. Why do I have the feeling that papa is going to carry out my threat of leaving nothing but ash and dust.

  I took a few seconds to calm myself further and find my center. When I look up at our guests I realize that my outburst has frightened a good many of them. I realize that I need to apologize to them. Taking a deep breath I stand up and address them all.

  “Honored guests, please forgive my show of temper. It was not my intention to frighten you or for you to see such unbecoming behavior.” I give them all a bow before contenting. “My reasons for such behavior are unforgiveable. A true leader does not show or use such behavior in front of guests, or those they would lead.”

  Headmaster Brim stood up from his table and looked around the room before speaking. “Lady Maiha, I believe that you can be forgiven your behavior in this matter. It is not often that our students see what a Head of House must deal with. When you add in the fact that you are also the Planetary Governor to the mix you have a far greater amount of responsibility. I do have a question for you though.”

  “Go ahead sir. You are my guests and if you can use thi
s to teach our students something feel to ask away.”

  “Thank you, Lady Maiha. I notice that when you had lost your temper that your mama was able to get you to regain your composer. Do you consider the Grand Lady Dai Etsu to be one of your advisors?”

  “Oh yes sir. If it was not for my mama there has been more than once where I would not have the answers I needed. I remember the words of one of our greatest philosophers. ‘One in power must answer to those who they rule.’ I may not have always known the best way to handle a problem; I go to her, Top Bailey or any of the many other elders for advice.”

  “I am curious about one other thing. What angered you so much as to lose your temper? From what I have seen of you Lady Maiha you are not one prone to such outbursts.” Doctor Brim just gave me the perfect reason to explain my outburst.

  “That sir will be made clear to you and our students in a little while. However to belay your curiosity I will tell this. Sometimes as a Head of House or even a Planetary Official one must make compromises with certain members of the community of questionable character. One such individual has been plaguing the students of our school. When this was brought to my attention by members of the student body I sent an ambassador to setup a meeting with him. The woman who just left is that ambassador. The answer she delivered was not one I was hoping for. Now I am forced to use other means in dealing with this individual.”

  The next person to stand and ask a question was a surprise. “Excuse me Lady Maiha, but if I am wrong please correct me. Are you really going to war with the Longfellow boryokudan?” the fact that Janet Smyth was asking this question in front of everyone here tells me more than anything else that I need to do this.

  “Yes, Janet I am going to war with those criminals. For too long they have terrorized you and your fellow students. They have used blackmail, strong arm tactics, and outright theft to get you girls into debt to them. I am all for free trade, but price gouging and blackmail I have no tolerance for. This family of thugs has gone too far in forcing you and more than a few others to act as their unwilling agents. During the war I told all of the yakuza on this planet that if they left the civilians alone I would not get involved in their business. Most have abided by this agreement; however the Longfellow’s believe they do not have to deal with me or the rest of the Government.”


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