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Emmitt's Treasure: Judgement of the Six Companion Series, book 2

Page 21

by Melissa Haag

  Hours later, we pulled into a familiar drive. When I’d left years ago, I never thought any other place would feel like home. I glanced at Michelle. I still loved my family, but home was now the woman beside me.

  It’s been quiet here. Your father started patrols as soon as I contacted him. Your mom has an apartment ready for you. They’re waiting.

  Gravel loudly crunched under the truck’s tires, but Michelle didn’t stir. Would she be up for meeting my parents tonight?

  The area before the main building was free of cars, no doubt a courtesy for us. I parked beside Winifred’s car, cut the engine, and opened the door. Michelle remained breathing steadily beside me. She obviously needed sleep. My parents would be disappointed they’d have to wait to meet her, but they would understand.

  When I closed the door, Jim was trying to get Aden out of his seat.

  “He’s like a noodle,” he said. “Slippery and hard to hold on to when he’s passed out. I bet Michelle will be easier to carry. Want to trade?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “You’re not going to wake her?” Winifred asked softly, lifting Liam in her arms.

  “Not intentionally. If she sleeps though me carrying her inside, it means she needs the rest.”

  “Your father called a pack meeting. The pack needs to understand what’s happening. We can’t protect Michelle and her brothers without the pack.”

  I nodded as I opened the truck door. Michelle didn’t move, and I was tempted to press a kiss to her temple. Instead, I removed the jacket covering her so it wouldn’t fall.

  Sliding an arm behind her back and another under her legs, I gently lifted her out of the truck. Her eyes popped open, and her arms flew around my neck. Lifting her had startled her, but the results were worth it. She was clinging to me.

  I closed the truck door and waited for her to register what was happening. She looked around, briefly watching Jim and Winifred carry her brothers inside, before studying our surroundings.

  “Emmitt, put me down.”

  She sounded determined, but not mad. I set her on her feet.

  “I was trying to let you sleep.”

  “I know. Thank you.” She reached out and held my hand. “Is this where you grew up?” she asked, looking at the main house.

  “Yeah.” I led her to the porch, wondering what she thought of the place but too afraid to ask.

  It wasn’t much to look at. The long, two-story log cabin, winged by several outbuildings, encompassed the parking area. Constructed before the 19th century, the buildings had seen better days. Pieces of chinking were still missing here and there from between the aged, roughhewn logs, even though I could see places where some of the chinking was new. A few of the old, single-paned windows rattled in the wind. Mom was constantly pointing out things to fix to any idle, willing wolf. There was just so much of it to do and too few wolves idle. Most were out working, trying to bring in the money needed to support the families here.

  I opened the new, oversized front door. Michelle stepped inside and looked around the huge entry. The rugs filled with shoes and the overflowing coat hooks on the walls might look weird to newcomers, but it meant welcome to any wolf ready to shed his fur. Here, a man would find clothes to wear to blend in with humans.

  She’s awake, I sent Winifred.

  Good. Jim’s coming down to get the bags. Your parents will wait for you.

  Following the scent trail of Liam and Aden, I gently set a hand on Michelle’s lower back and guided her further into the room. Tonight would have been easier on her if she’d stayed sleeping.

  “Nana Wini sent a call out for a pack meeting in a few hours.”

  She glanced up at me with worry.

  “Pack meeting? Why?”

  “It’s time you are introduced to the pack. It lets everyone know you are under the protection of the Elders.”

  “What about the boys?”

  Since she already knew we protected cubs, I figured she was asking if they had to attend the meeting. We started down the long hallway to the main living area.

  “They’ve already been put to bed.”

  “I mean their safety.”

  She really didn’t understand us. But, her first impression being what it was, I couldn’t blame her. I just hoped it would change someday soon.

  “It will be discussed in the meeting as well. We will keep them safe.” I hesitated a moment, hating that I had more to ask of her. “I know you’re probably tired, but my parents would like to meet you. If you’re up for it.”

  She paled slightly but nodded. Nervousness oozed from her, but no fear. I smiled and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

  “They’re waiting for us in the apartment we’ll be using.”

  She didn’t say anything more as we walked the long way to the door of the rooms we’d be using. I gave her a reassuring smile, then opened the door. Mom had put us in one of the newly remodeled apartments. It had a sitting area, a coffee bar, two bedrooms, and a bathroom, based on the doors in the hallway.

  Mom and Dad, Mary and Gregory, and Jim and Nana turned toward us.

  Michelle’s pulse hiked up a notch, and I wanted to wrap my arms around her.

  “Mother, Father, this is Michelle.”

  Michelle gave them a quiet smile and a nod in greeting.

  “Call me Charlene,” Mom said, offering her hand.

  Michelle reached for it and as soon as their hands touched, they both froze. Mom’s heart started racing and Michelle’s gaze grew vacant. It was a look I’d seen before.

  Mom swallowed hard, glanced at me, and tugged her hand from Michelle’s.

  Michelle didn’t move at first. Then, she blinked and looked at Mom, letting her arm fall to her side.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  Michelle stared at Mom. Mom was watching her just as closely. What was going on?

  “Sorry, I’m a little tired,” Michelle said.

  It was the truth, but I knew it wasn’t the reason behind her behavior.

  She gave Mom a weak smile, then glanced at Dad.

  “This is Thomas,” Mom said, continuing with the introductions.

  Dad nodded in greeting, not saying anything about Michelle’s reaction to Mom.

  “And you already met our friends, Mary and Gregory.”

  “Hello, again,” Michelle said.

  Mary smiled warmly as Mom continued.

  “Nana told us some of what you’ve been through. I wanted to let you know that we will do everything we can to protect you and your brothers so you can feel safe here. We’ll let you get some sleep and see you at breakfast.”

  Then, Mom turned to me and claimed a hug. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered. I gave her an extra squeeze before letting her go.

  “I’ll see you after breakfast,” Winifred said, leaving with the rest.

  Jim closed the door behind Winifred. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll stay on the couch tonight,” he said, giving me a meaningful look. Was he extra protection or supervision?

  “That’s fine,” Michelle said. “The boys will probably wake you up in about two hours, though.”

  “I can handle it.” He stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes.

  Wondering about the sleeping arrangements, I walked with Michelle down the short hallway. Her brothers were snuggled in a full-size bed in one room. Michelle stepped in, kissed them both, then closed the curtain that was letting in the dim, pre-dawn light.

  I stepped in behind her and touched their heads, making sure they were warm enough with the light blanket. Summers up here were cooler than in the states. Seeing that the boys were fine, I led Michelle from the room, leaving the door slightly ajar so Liam and Aden would know they weren’t locked in when they woke in a strange room.

  Across the hall was the second bedroom. Michelle walked in first and stopped at the sight of both our bags waiting on the bed.

  “You’re welcome,” Jim said from the living room, his words too quiet for Michelle to hear. />
  By taking the couch, he’d really only left me with one spot. But, would Michelle choose to sleep here, or with her brothers like she had when she’d first come to us?

  The blush staining her cheeks told me she was thinking about it.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she said without turning.

  “How about don’t hog the covers or I’ll push your furry butt to the floor?” Jim called from the living room.

  I snorted, and she turned to look at me.

  “I just want sleep,” I said sincerely, for both Jim’s and her benefits. “I won’t get it out there with Jim or if I’m further away from you than the next room.”

  She considered me for a moment then nodded. “Hog the covers, and I’ll push your furry butt to the floor,” she said lightly.

  I grinned, and she shooed me from the room so she could change.

  I waited in the hallway until she called me back in.

  The lights were off, but I had no problem seeing my bag so I could change into shorts. She didn’t move as I undressed except to close her eyes. I grinned in the dark, folded my jeans, then moved around the bed to close the curtains. She peeked. I saw it and wanted to laugh at the relief on her face when she noted my loose shorts.

  Moving to my side of the bed, I pulled back the covers and slid in.

  “I’m sorry about what I said in the truck,” she said softly. “You’re right. I don’t need to be afraid right now. I need to be strong and face whatever happens. I just don’t want to drag anyone else down into my problems. I wish there was a way I could face Blake and still keep my brothers safe.”

  I rolled on my side to face her.

  “We will find a way.”

  Giving into the urge, I reached out and touched her, laying my hand on her side. She didn’t seem to mind. Her breathing slowed and, eventually, her pulse did the same.

  When I knew she slept, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to relax.

  Chapter 16

  Aden’s voice woke me. Michelle was snuggled close to my side, still sound asleep, as I listened to Aden and Jim quietly converse in the living room.

  “Where are we?”

  “This is where I grew up,” Jim said.


  “Not these rooms. This is just one of the apartments here.”

  “What’s an apartment?”

  “It’s a house within a house, like the place you, Liam, and Michelle have back home with us.”

  “Oh.” There was a slight pause. “Are we going back there?”

  “Yes. Eventually. Maybe we can hang out here for a while, though, so you can play with Paul and Henry some more.”

  “They live here?”


  “I’m hungry.”

  Jim laughed softly. “Of course you are.”

  I heard the rustle of sheets and knew both boys were now awake.

  “I’m hungry too,” Liam said softly.

  “How about you two wake up your sister?”

  Damn. I glanced at Michelle, then the door. I couldn’t sneak out with Liam in the hall. Without any other choice, I hid under the covers.

  The bang of the door opening followed by the pattering of feet woke Michelle. Then, everything went quiet.

  Michelle lifted herself up on one elbow, moving the covers enough that I could see her face. She looked like she was playing it cool, but I could hear her rapid pulse.

  “Good morning, you two. Is Jim awake? Tell him we’ll be up in just a little bit.”

  They didn’t move.

  “Who is that?” Liam asked.

  She glanced down at me then back at her brothers.

  “It’s Emmitt. Jim had the couch. You two had the other bed. So, I let him sleep here after he promised not to steal the covers.”

  The boys were quiet for a minute before Liam spoke.

  “If you married Emmitt, we could live with Nana and Jim forever.”

  Panic washed over Michelle. I couldn’t tell if it was because her brothers were willing to marry her off for a safe place to stay or because they were suggesting me.

  “If you don’t want to marry Emmitt, we would be okay with Jim, too,” Liam said.

  I laughed silently, and she nudged me.

  “We’ll talk about who I’ll marry some other time, but I’ll keep what you said in mind. Now, go get dressed and wait with Jim.”

  They ran from the room, and Michelle threw back the covers to get out of bed. She didn’t look amused. In fact, she looked a little worried. I tried not to speculate why. There were plenty of reasons that didn’t have anything to do with marriage or me.

  She grabbed clothes and left the room. A moment later, I heard the bathroom door close. The boys were already back in the living room, wrestling Jim in an effort to pry him off the couch. I made the bed then grabbed a fresh set of clothes. It would have made sense to change in the bedroom and go straight to breakfast. The kids were hungry and more than ready to go. But, I wanted to have a reason to wait for Michelle in the hallway.

  She didn’t seem surprised to see me leaning against the wall when she opened the door. Her skin was still damp and smelled like the honey and oatmeal soap Mom kept in all the bathrooms. It was a good smell. A wolf smell.

  Michelle blushed as I continued to look her over, and her scent sweetened. Her gaze dipped briefly to my bare chest then back up. The skip in her pulse was hard to miss, and I winked at her.

  “It’s all yours,” she said, indicating the bathroom as she fled.

  I grinned and stepped inside. The shower felt good. In fact, everything felt good. Sleeping next to Michelle did that to me. Made everything seem right.

  Showered and changed, I went to join everyone in the living room, catching Aden’s repeated comment about being hungry. That kid was a wolf at heart.

  “I’m starving, too,” I said. “Let’s go eat. If I get there first, I’m eating all the food.”

  Aden made a dash for the door, and I used an unfair amount of speed to beat him to it. He giggled as I pretended to get stuck in the door with him. Once clear, we took off running at his pace. Liam was only a few steps behind us.

  I heard Jim say, “Come on, little sister, or you’ll be left crumbs.”

  My family. I breathed deeply, enjoying the moment.

  The smell of bacon led us to the common area and the adjoining kitchen. Aden, Liam, and I had our plates loaded by the time Jim and Michelle appeared.

  “Tell me Mom made biscuits,” Jim said, going to the ovens. I’d forgotten to check them. Jim found a pan with a few biscuits left and split one between the boys.

  “You’re going to like that,” I said, ruffling Aden’s hair. “And if you’re smart, you’ll steal Jim’s from his plate before he can steal yours.”

  Aden grinned and followed Jim to a table.

  Meeting in the commons in ten minutes, Winifred sent.

  The feel of her message was different, a pack-wide communication. I glanced at Michelle as she sat beside me and decided to wait until after we’d eaten. It didn’t take us long to finish; and, when we did, Paul and Henry came and asked to take Liam and Aden on a tour. Michelle hesitated, and Jim immediately offered to go, also.

  Michelle and I took the plates to the kitchen and set them in the large tub of soapy water.

  “Are you ready?” I asked, turning toward her.

  She looked at me blankly.

  “The pack meeting.”

  Behind her people were already filing into the room. She glanced over her shoulder, tension washing over her features. But, she didn’t let it rule her. She wrinkled her nose at me. I smiled and took her hand.

  Her steps were a little slow as we made our way into the crowded room. People moved to let us through. They already knew why she was here. News of humans in the Compound had spread quickly. Michelle’s hold on my hand tightened just before we got to my parents. I gave a light squeeze back and turned us to face the crowd. Michelle’s pulse was racing, and I smoothed my thumb
over the skin of her hand in an attempt to calm her. I would have been willing to hold her closer but didn’t think she’d appreciate the public display of affection.

  Dad stepped forward.

  “There was a challenge last night, which Elder Winifred declined. Michelle has acknowledged Emmitt in front of Elder Winifred.”

  Public acknowledgement of my suit felt really good. Next step, Claiming.

  Michelle fidgeted next to me, less enthused about the announcement than I was.

  “All challenges will end now,” Dad said, implanting the command in the members of our pack. “Not only is this a command from me—”

  “It’s from me as well,” Winifred said from the back of the room.

  The compulsion filled me and settled over my mind. It would have relieved me if I wasn’t aware there were wolves out there who could ignore her commands. I looked around the room, wondering if there were any present.

  “Just as we count Charlene as one of our own, we now count Michelle.” Dad smiled at Michelle. “Michelle has brought two cubs with her. They are under pack protection, but I am looking for a Mated pair to protect them as their own, to put the safety of the cubs above the safety of the pack.”

  There was a slight murmur at this. It wasn’t done often, and I was glad Dad had thought of it. Asking for another layer of protection for Liam and Aden would be like giving the boys a second set of parents. People who would die to protect them.

  “I’ll keep them as my own,” Mary said from beside us.

  “We will,” Gregory agreed.

  I should have known it would be Mary and Gregory. They’d quietly done the same for Jim and me when we were younger.

  Thomas nodded to Gregory. As if it were a sign, people started to leave. Many of them looked back to study Michelle before they quit the room. They were probably asking themselves the same thing I had. How many more gifted women like Michelle, Gabby, and Mom were out there?

  After the room emptied, Mom turned to Michelle.

  “I’m sorry about that. We needed to lay down the law right away so you wouldn’t run into any trouble.”

  “And my brothers?”

  “That’s what Mary and Gregory are for. While you’re here, they will be an extra layer of protection. Mary and Gregory will always be close by; if you need to leave your brothers for any reason, they will step in while you are gone, protecting Liam and Aden even more ferociously than you could. They were guardians for Jim and Emmitt while they were growing up.”


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