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Imperator: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 11)

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by Anna Hackett

  His frown turned fierce as he fought through his pain. “Escape.”

  “We need to get back to the House of Galen.” For a second, Sam let herself think of her friends. She knew Blaine and Harper from her security team were safe at the House of Galen, along with several other women.

  “Harper and the others…they want you out of here,” Galen said. “Been searching for you for a long time.”

  Warmth filled Sam’s chest. All this time she’d felt so desperately alone, and she hadn’t been alone at all.

  “Take it easy there.” She leaned Galen back against the rock wall.

  She moved over to the small bucket of water her captors left for her. Quickly, she washed his face, scrubbing away the blood. His skin felt hot.

  “You know about the Thraxian implants?” she said.

  He nodded, his gaze sharpening.

  “They have a plan involving them,” she said.

  “What plan?”

  “I don’t know all the details. But I know it’s bigger than Zaabha.”

  His eye widened, then narrowed, and his gaze turned inward. He gave a small, slow nod. “For now, we focus on our escape.”

  “Galen, I want to ask you something.” She paused for a moment. “Why did you take the humans in?” she asked. “Everyone here whispers about all the resources you’ve used rescuing humans.”

  A tiny smile tugged on his lips, and it suddenly occurred to Sam that there was some handsome under all the rugged.

  “My gladiators keep falling in love with humans.”

  Sam splashed more water on the cloth and wiped down his neck. “Do you have someone you love back home? Someone who’ll be worried about you?”

  “Love isn’t for me.”

  She looked up. “Why?”

  “On my planet, I was raised as a royal bodyguard. Love was forbidden. The only attachment I was allowed was to my charge.”

  “Your charge?”

  “The crown prince of my planet.” A flash of pain crossed his face. “Raiden is my prince. Our planet, Aurelia, was destroyed by a rival planet. They’d hired Thraxian mercenaries to murder the royal family and destroy Aurelia.”

  Sam sucked in a shocked breath. The thought of anyone destroying an entire planet was horrifying. “I’m sorry.”

  “And I’m sorry you lost yours as well, Sam. Earth still exists, of course, but you have no way home.”

  His words were like a blow to her belly. “What?” she breathed.

  “You didn’t know?” His gaze traced her face. “The wormhole the Thraxians used was unstable and is gone. Even with our fastest ships, you’d be dead before you reached Earth.” He exhaled softly. “I’m truly sorry.”

  No way home? She sank back on her knees. No way back to her family. A family she’d never see or hug again. The pain of that realization was worse than any slash from a sword. She’d never again hug her mother or smell her perfume. She’d never again elbow her brothers and tell them to quit being idiots. She’d never again snuggle up with her papá to watch a ballgame, or tickle her nieces.


  “We need to get out of here.” She shoved her pain away. She couldn’t deal with it right now. It was another pain she’d process at a later date.

  Galen studied her for a second before he gave her a nod. Sam thought she saw a glint of respect in his eye.

  “Plan?” he asked.

  She eyed the door. “I’ll call the guards in and tell them you’re dead. We’ll surprise them and take them down before they have a chance to call reinforcements. After we take them down, we run. We need to get to the lower levels and find an exit to get off this platform.”

  He pulled in a breath. “Not sure I can fight.”

  “I saw you out there, Galen. I have no doubt that the man who saved his prince, who built the most successful gladiatorial house on Carthago, and who rescued an entire group of humans, can do this.”

  Air whistled through Galen’s teeth. He nodded and held something up. It was a shard of metal from a broken sword.

  “I found this on the sand in the arena and managed to hide it.”

  She closed her hand around it. A weapon. It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing.

  He nodded at the chain on her ankle. “What about that?”

  She smiled. Reaching up, she pulled a thin sliver of metal out of her hair. It took her two seconds to pick the lock and remove the chain. “Let’s do this.”

  She watched as he shifted back down on the floor. He might be injured, but there was a vital heat that pumped off him, and an aura of command. The Thraxians sure picked the wrong man to make their enemy.

  But Sam also sensed that he was a man who held himself apart. Even in the middle of the busy House filled with his people, he wasn’t one to lean or share his own needs. Sam knew because she’d been the same. Being the boss meant putting other people’s needs before your own.

  Galen slumped down and Sam moved to the door.

  “You killed him!” She raised her voice, banging on the bars set into the door. “Galen’s dead. You killed him.”

  It only took seconds before there was a thump, and the door scraped open.

  She stepped back, making it look like her chain was still attached. This time, two Thraxian guards entered.

  Assholes. As always, just looking at them and the golden glow beneath their dark, cracked skin made white-hot fury flow through her veins.

  Rage replaced her exhaustion.

  She watched one alien toe Galen with his boot, but Galen didn’t move. The Thraxian went down on one knee.

  “Dios mío, he’s dead.” Sam channeled some of her mother. Her mamá was the queen of drama when it suited her.

  The aliens weren’t paying her any attention as they prodded Galen. She crept closer, moving up behind the closest guard. The one that was kneeling moved to roll Galen over.

  Sam launched herself at the standing guard and jammed the metal shard into the alien’s back.

  Chapter Two

  As soon as Galen heard Sam attack the guard, he launched himself upward at the other Thraxian.

  He caught the alien off guard and headbutted the man in the nose. The Thraxian went down with a shout, and Galen leaped on him. He landed several hard punches to the man’s head.

  Dazed, the Thraxian blinked up at Galen with inky black eyes burning with rage. His ugly, jagged essence hit Galen. Galen leaned over him, pressing his knees to the alien’s chest. Then he gripped the Thraxian’s neck and, with a quick twist, snapped it.

  Galen stood and spun. Sam was still fighting with the other guard. There was gold-colored blood sliding down the alien’s back and side.

  Suddenly, she reached up and gripped the Thraxian’s horns, then she turned and ran up the wall. She flipped, and her momentum brought the guard crashing down to his knees. She was on him in a flash, her thighs clamped around his neck. She twisted, knocking him to the floor, and followed with a hard jab to his throat.

  The guard grabbed his throat, making harsh, choking sounds.

  The woman did not mess around. Galen reached her, then leaned down and grabbed the bloody shard protruding from the alien’s side. He yanked it out and then rammed it into the alien’s neck. The Thraxian made a gurgling sound as he died.

  Sam leaned down and grabbed the guards’ swords and scabbards. She handed one weapon and sheath to Galen. Swallowing back the pain, he strapped the scabbard to his belt, and saw Sam sling her scabbard and belt around her waist.

  She lifted her sword, testing its weight. “Let’s move.”

  Together, they moved through the open door. The hall was empty.

  Pain hit Galen and he staggered into the wall.

  “Hey.” Sam slid an arm around him “You’ve got this.”

  He felt the heat of her and he smelled something under the stench of blood, sweat, and grime. Something sweet and womanly.

  “Let’s get to the lower levels,” she said.

  He nodded and hobbled al
ong beside her. “You should leave me.”

  “I bet you’re used to giving orders,” she muttered.

  “I am, and used to weighing the odds. Yours are better without me.”

  At the end of the hall, she peered around the corner. She urged him on. “I’m used to giving orders too. I’m used to doing things my way and I like being in charge.”

  Galen frowned. “As am I.”

  She winked at him. “This should be fun, then.”

  “You aren’t going to leave me.”

  “Nope. I like a challenge.” Her face turned serious. “And I never leave anyone behind. Especially not a man who sacrificed his freedom to his worst enemy to help me and save his people.”

  A muscle ticked in Galen’s jaw. She made him sound like a hero. Old pain gnawed on him, opening up inside him like a void. If she knew the truth, she’d think differently.

  “Come on,” she urged. “Keep moving.”

  As they moved down the corridor, moans and screams echoed from the nearby cells. The sound set Galen’s teeth on edge. He wanted to help free everybody, but right now, he had to focus on getting Sam out of here. After that, he’d worry about Zaabha and the Thraxians.

  She led him to some stairs and they quickly moved downward. At the bottom, they rounded the corner and came upon a Thraxian guard.

  The alien spun, his eyes widening. He reached for his sword.

  Sam released Galen and moved fast. She launched herself at the man, and with hard, ruthless kicks and blows, she drove the Thraxian to the ground.

  She’d made a name for herself in this battleground. Galen was well aware that humans were not the largest or strongest species to be found on Carthago, but clearly, she hadn’t let that stop her. There was pure steel under the sleek muscles.

  Sam moved back to his side again, and they crept forward. Soon the temperature began to rise, and the scent of smoke filled the air.

  They came to a large, metal door. Sam wrestled with the giant latch and swung it open. A wave of heat and smoke assailed them.

  They stepped inside and Galen saw it was the engine room of Zaabha.

  Ahead were rows of ovens, all firing with flames and covered by thick metal grates. They were manned by dirty, tired-looking workers. As Galen and Sam entered, the workers turned to look at them, their faces blank and their eyes empty. He had no idea how long these people had been here, but he didn’t need his ability to feel essences to know they’d been broken.

  “Let’s find the exit,” Sam said. “I’ve heard rumors that there’s an emergency exit in here.”

  Galen looked at the workers. “Where is the emergency exit?”

  No one moved or said anything.

  “Please.” Sam’s tone was softer. “Please tell us where it is.”

  Again, no one spoke, but Galen saw a young boy—a thin, scrawny teen with soot on his cheeks—move a little toward a far corner.

  Galen instantly saw the wooden trapdoor set into the floor. From what he knew of Zaabha, it would lead to a metal rope ladder that could be lowered toward the ground.

  All of a sudden, sirens blared, cutting through the air. Galen stiffened. Drak. Their escape had been discovered.

  “Quick,” Sam said. “We need to hurry.”

  Together, they strode toward the trapdoor. Sam reached down and yanked it open. Below, he saw a tunnel leading downward, with a ladder attached to one side.

  Sam smiled. “Great, let’s—”

  There was a sudden clank of metal, and Sam leaped back with a hiss. She slammed into Galen and he caught her. A solid-metal door slammed closed over the top of the ladder, blocking the exit.

  “No!” She dropped to her knees, yanking at the steel plate.

  Galen could already tell it was too thick and heavy to move. “They’ve gone into lockdown.”

  Sam stood, looking out the barred windows lining the engine room. He followed her gaze. The desert lay far, far below.

  Sam looked at him. “If we can’t lower a ladder to the ground, then we’ll have to lower Zaabha.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  She swiveled. “First we need to bar the doors.” She strode back to the large doors. She looked around and then grabbed some long metal tools that were clearly used for stoking the fires. Galen followed and grabbed some more tools. Together, they slid them through the handles.

  Then Sam turned toward the closest worker. “How do you shut them off?” She gestured at the ovens powering the engines.

  The older worker just stared at her. “You’re the Champion of Zaabha.”

  “Yes. And I’m planning on destroying Zaabha and freeing everybody.”

  The worker looked around at the others with wild eyes.

  “Impossible,” an old woman bit out.

  Sam pointed to Galen. “See him? That’s Imperator Galen of the House of Galen. He and I are going to do it together.”

  A young woman stepped forward, her long hair tangled over her face. “I’ll show you.” She moved to the nearest oven, fiddling with some metal valves on the side. “If you shut off these valves, it snuffs out the fires.”

  “Thank you,” Sam said.

  Galen pushed off the wall and together, he and Sam moved to the closest ovens. He followed the woman’s instructions, ignoring how hot the metal was, and closed the valve. Across from him, Sam did the same.

  They watched the fire die down inside, then eventually go out.

  Sam looked at him, and they shared a brief smile. They continued to move down the line of ovens, shutting them down.

  “You’ll kill us all if you crash the platform,” a woman yelled.

  “We aren’t going to shut them all off,” Galen said. “We just want to lower the platform enough for us to get off.”

  “Then you’ll abandon us,” someone else said.

  Sam spun, her hands on her hips. “We can’t fight Thraxians alone.”

  Galen stepped up beside her, his arm brushing against hers. “We need an army. We will be back.”

  “I promise,” Sam said, “we will return for you.”

  Suddenly, the platform started to tilt beneath their feet.

  Sam bumped into Galen, and he wrapped an arm around her. As he held her close, he realized she had curves that he hadn’t expected—lush breasts, round hips, and a generous ass. A hidden softness that he hadn’t guessed at.

  The platform tilted farther and people screamed. Galen and Sam went sliding, and hit one of the barred windows.

  “Galen, look,” she said.

  He stared outside at the huge sand dunes below. They were getting closer, but the platform was still too high up in the air for them to jump.

  Suddenly, a heavy pounding sounded on the engine room doors.

  “Shit!” Sam moved, crawling up the floor to stare at the doors.

  There was more banging from the outside, and the doors vibrated. The metal tools they’d used to bar the doors held. For now.

  But the banging increased, and they both watched as the metal doors started bending inward.

  “Drak,” Galen ground out.


  “We need to get off this platform,” he said.

  They both made their way back toward the windows. Most of the workers were huddled together now, fighting to keep their balance on the tilted platform.

  At the window, Galen felt another wave of nauseating pain. He’d done a pretty good job of keeping it at bay, but right now, he felt like his insides were on fire.

  Sucking in a breath, he grabbed the metal bars of the windows and heaved. He heaved again, and the bars began to bend. He kept working on them, listening to the banging at the doors and feeling sweat slide into his eye.

  “Keep going, Galen.” Sam pressed against his back, her hands coming around him to grip the bars beside him. She added her strength to his.

  He heaved again.

  “That’s enough,” she said.

  Galen studied the gap and knew it would be a tight fit, but
it would do. Sam climbed through the gap and out onto the ledge outside. He followed, shoving his shoulders through the opening.

  The wind tore at their clothes, and a wave of dizziness washed over Galen.

  Sam gripped his arm. “Hey, boss-man, stay with me.”

  He gritted his teeth. He’d vowed to get her out of there, and if there was one thing Galen was good at, it was keeping his vows.

  Except your one to the royal family and your fellow royal guards.

  Old guilt bit at him. Now certainly wasn’t the time to ponder past failures. The platform tilted more, and Galen watched as several items and people spilled over the side from the arena above. A Srinar guard fell past, screaming, arms waving. A shower of sand poured over the edge.

  Then came a smashing sound from inside the engine room.

  Galen stiffened. The Thraxians had broken through the door.

  Sam grabbed Galen’s hand, fingers twining with his. “It’s now or never. We jump, or we go back into a cell.”

  He hissed out a breath. The ground was still too far away. They’d break every bone in their bodies.

  Inside, the deep, guttural shouts of the Thraxians added to the roar and groan of the yawing ship. He glanced over, and through the bars, he saw the Thraxian guards thundering in their direction.

  “We are getting out of here,” Sam said.

  She yanked on his hand and leaped off the platform, pulling him with her.

  With a curse, Galen followed her.

  They were falling.

  The wind whipped into Sam’s eyes. Dios, they were falling fast.

  The ground rushed up at them, and she knew this was going to hurt. Her hand was torn from Galen’s.

  She hit the dune hard and tasted sand in her mouth. She groaned, pain rocketing through her. Pulling in a breath, she rolled over. She was pretty sure she’d bruised a rib or two.

  “Galen,” she croaked.

  A few meters away, she saw him lying facedown in the sand. He groaned.

  With a gut-deep effort, she crawled over to him, grabbing him. He rolled over and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to his chest. Together, they lay there, trying to pull themselves together.


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