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Montana Sky: Nolan's Vow (Kindle Worlds) (Grooms with Honor Book 0)

Page 17

by Linda K. Hubalek

  “I mentioned Mary because you were very smitten with her when you were younger. I always thought you two would marry and work beside your grandparents.”

  “Well, Mary was the one who changed my dreams about marriage to her.”

  “Because it wasn’t her dream back then. If a couple’s hopes and dreams aren’t headed in the same direction to begin with, it can turn out disastrously.”

  But there is no guarantee anyway. Mary thought her marriage would be wonderful, but it wasn’t, plus she ended up a widow with two young children, but plenty of money, apparently, to do what she wanted.

  “Thinking ahead, if you and Mary became good friends again, could you see yourself married to her and being her children’s father?”

  Nolan still saw Holly beside him, not Mary.

  “No, not after meeting Holly.” Nolan put his elbows on the table and rubbed his face, wondering how a chance meeting with a waitress could turn his world upside down.

  “So, Holly it is. Can you see having children with her, knowing they may look like Indians?”

  “Doesn’t bother me one whit.”

  “What if she wants to go find her mother’s family?”

  “I’ve suggested it, even saying I’d take her down to Oklahoma Territory to look for her relatives. She had an aunt and uncles last she knew, but that was before her mother died.”

  Pastor gave him a serious look. “What if you marry, and she wants to move to be with her relatives?”

  “I would consider it, as long as my grandparents had help, or if they’d move with us. But we’ve kind of talked about that, and her being raised in a white world, Holly doesn’t think she’d fit in with her Cheyenne relatives.”

  “And that goes back to Holly not feeling like she fits in here, or anywhere else.”

  Nolan understood what the pastor was saying, but what was the answer then?

  “What would you do if Kiowa Jones starts to court her?”

  Nolan’s heart sank with that thought. Holly and Ki matched in looks. Had their heritage already attracted them to each other? That thought had crossed his mind several times since seeing them together at last Sunday’s dinner at the parsonage.

  “Could you continue to live in town, knowing they were married and starting a family?”

  Or would Nolan run away like he did when Mary married? He might like to, but this time he had his grandparent’s welfare to consider.

  “If you seriously want to marry Holly, could you handle how your wife, and your children, may be taunted or bullied in the future? Could you support and build their confidence to have good and productive lives?

  “We’ll always pray people will be kind to one another, but we know that’s not how the world works, unfortunately.”

  Nolan blew a breath, his chest heavy with Pastor’s questions.

  “A lot to think about isn’t it? But I want every groom—and bride—to be ready to honestly answer those questions before they stand in front of our church altar.”

  Pastor drained his coffee cup, put the lid back on the cookie tin, efficiently ending his counsel to Nolan.

  “Think about these questions, and then talk to your grandparents to see what they want, too.”

  “We’ve already talked about this once,” Nolan started to say.

  “But things have changed for your grandparents in the week you’ve been home. Ask what they want for their future, too. This is their café, their home, and their care you’re wanting to take over, besides you wanting to add a wife and children to the family.”

  “Can you talk to Holly, to see what she wants?” Nolan pressed Pastor Reagan.

  “If and when she brings it up. And even then, I won’t tell you what she says, because it will be a private conversation with her pastor.”

  All Nolan could do was nod in agreement. Nolan trusted his conversation was confidential, too.

  “Although I suggested you let Holly spend time with the Paulson’s, remember the Taffy Pull is Friday night. If you’re truly interested in Holly, you better ask to escort her to the evening’s event, before someone else does.”

  Nolan walked toward Main Street and past the café, hoping his steps would answer Pastor’s questions. It didn’t matter that sleet and snow was pitting his face, because his thoughts were focused on his future.

  But no matter the scenario he played in his head, Holly was always the woman he picked for his future, not Mary. It was clear he wanted to court Holly, with the goal of marriage and family in their future.

  Nolan paused to look in the big hotel window before entering. Holly was laughing as she helped Maridell wrap greenery around the stair railing. It struck him that it was the first time he’d seen her truly happy and carefree. Pastor was right. Holly needed time to be a young woman without the worries of the world on her shoulders. But he wanted Holly to know he’d be waiting for her when she was ready to plan her future.

  All the females in the room turned when Nolan entered the lobby. He rubbed his boots on the door mat to give himself a second to think about his words. They needed to make Holly feel good about herself and look forward to spending time with him.

  “Hello, Nolan. What brings you over in this surprising weather?” Mary came over from the dining room door. Nolan hadn’t seen her when he looked in the window or...would he have waited to talk to Holly? Maybe.

  “Hmm, I need to talk to Holly for a moment.” Nolan waited for Holly to turn his way, but she ignored him. Now what?

  Patience is the key to handling women and livestock. Why did Isaac Connely’s quote from years ago pop in his mind? Because he needed to diplomatically use it now.

  Nolan took off his hat and walked over to where Holly was staring at the fragrant greenery in her hands. Paulson’s had pine boughs shipped in for their decorations since there wasn’t an evergreen growing in this part of the state, unless you count a few cedar trees along the river’s edge.

  “Miss Holly Elizabeth?” Nolan watched Holly’s eyes widen as she looked at him. Good. That got her attention. Then her eyes narrowed instead.

  “What do you want, Nolan? You’re the one who suggested I come work at the hotel.”

  Ouch. Patience is the key...

  “I’d like to formally ask if I may escort you to the Taffy Pull on Friday evening?” Nolan politely asked before holding his breath for her answer.

  “Why? It’s only a couple of blocks to walk from the parsonage,” one of the younger Paulson girls, Cecilia, asked before Holly could answer.

  At least the girl’s quick question caused Holly’s lips to tip up on one side.

  Here was his chance.

  “Cecilia, when a young man asks a young woman if he can be her escort, it means he wants to get to know the woman better, by spending time together. It could also mean he’s courting her, wondering if she’d want a future with him.”

  “Oh, well, you’re too late, because Mr. Jones already asked Holly to walk her over to the hotel,” Cecilia stated before turning to continue winding a handful of red velvet ribbon around a section of banister already covered with greenery.

  Nolan wanted to knock his head against the newel post at the bottom of the stairs. How had Ki asked her before he did?

  “Holly?” Nolan asked for confirmation but Holly didn’t answer.

  “You can ask to escort me to the taffy pull, Nolan,” Mary came up beside him, putting her hand on his forearm.

  This wasn’t going as he had planned. What could he say to get out of this mess, without hurting both women’s feelings?

  “That won’t work, because you already live here, Mary!” Cecilia said, as if it was a silly question.

  Bless the child for expressing her innocent thoughts.

  “Cecilia’s right, Mary. It won’t work,” he said while slowly removing her hand from his arm and giving her a meaningful look, hoping it portrayed he wasn’t interested in Mary in that way anymore.

  Nolan turned back and walked up the steps to sit right below Holly’s
perch. She couldn’t avoid him now.

  “Holly? Please look at me.” Nolan held out his hand, palm up this time, patiently waiting for her to take it.

  “What do you want, Nolan?” The happy woman he saw in the window was replaced by a sad, wary one.

  “May I escort you to the Christmas Open House?

  Her blush made him continue with hope.

  “And any New Year’s Eve party there might be in town?” And to everything else I can think of in the near future?

  He held his hand steady, waiting for her to take it, or shake her head no instead of reaching for his gesture of hope in their future.

  “Oh come on! Say ‘yes’, Holly!” Maridell urged her in exasperation. “Nolan really likes you!”

  “What about…?” Holly whispered and looked over his shoulder, probably at Mary standing below him.

  “I’m asking you, not anyone else, Holly.”

  Nolan turned his hand sideways. “Do you trust me?”

  “Always,” Holly whispered when she took his hand to shake it.

  “Then please let me escort you to future events so we can talk about our future,” Nolan quietly pleaded.

  Holly took a deep breath and let it out before answering. “All right, you may.”

  Giggles and something swinging above Holly’s head caused both of them to look up. Cecilia held a kissing ball above Holly’s head, and was gleefully hinting for Nolan to kiss Holly.

  “Aren’t those supposed to be hanging above the doorways?” Nolan asked, wondering if he dare kiss Holly now, in front of everyone.

  “Yep, we made ten kissing balls, but we haven’t hung them up yet.” Cecilia replied.

  “But whoever is caught under the ball is supposed to be kissed, so…Nolan, Holly is clearly under the kissing ball,” Maridell pressed her point.

  “Then I must do my duty and kiss the pretty lady under the ball.”

  Nolan pushed Holly’s skirt over so he could move up to sit on the same step. He looked into Holly’s eyes as he wrapped his arms around Holly’s shoulders and pulled her forward until their lips were mere inches apart.

  “Our first kiss and it’s under the first kissing ball. And I plan to kiss you under the other nine balls before Christmas is over.”

  Holly only hesitated a moment when Nolan’s lips gently touched her own, and pressed a little bit harder for a few seconds. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was a promise to Holly he was sincere, and serious.

  “Thank you for the kiss, Miss Holly Elizabeth. I look forward to the next one.”

  He rose and walked to the door as the girls squealed and chattered about his bold act. Nolan turned back at the door, glad to see Holly blushing, but smiling broadly.

  “I’ll see all you ladies at the Taffy Pull!” He tipped his hat to them all, but winked at Holly when she sat staring at him.

  When he reached for the door handle, he saw Mary standing just inside the dining room door watching him. But he didn’t acknowledge Mary. She was in his past, Holly was now his future—if he could convince Holly he’d always be proud of her, just the way she was.

  He’d laid the foundation for his future with Holly. Now he needed to talk to his grandparents about theirs, and how it would involve him and his future wife.

  Chapter 16

  “So how’s the cookie baking going?” Nolan’s warm breath fanned the back of Holly’s neck as he bent low to whisper in her ear.

  Holly kept tabs on Nolan’s movements around the room all evening, as he did hers. Kiowa may have escorted her to the taffy pull, but hadn’t stayed by her side. Ki poured the batches of taffy out on metal baking pans to cool a bit, then was the first to pick up and start pulling the batches before handing them to a team of two to pull and twist the taffy. It may be he was used to heat, being the blacksmith, because he didn’t seem to mind touching the hot candy.

  “Very well, considering I have a wonderful new stove to work with. Plus several young helpers excited to decorate the cookies with frosting and colored sugar.”

  “I talked to Gramps about scrapping the café stove in the near future and buying a new one. I assume I’d have your vote?”

  “In other words, am I baking for you when you open the café?” It was bold of Holly to ask, but being with the Paulson girls had given her a bit of confidence. Being around a normal family with banter between the parents and sister siblings had shown Holly what life could be like in Clear Creek, and with Nolan.

  “I’m counting on it. There’s no one else I’d rather have in the kitchen than you,” Nolan lowered his voice again so only she could hear his comment.

  Nolan’s hand briefly touched her shoulder and she wished it would have stayed longer.

  “I noticed the kissing balls are all hung around the hotel. Please avoid being under one with Ki. I really want to be the first to kiss you under each ball.”

  “I’ll try, but you know that will be hard to avoid, when they are above every door in the hotel.” Holly whispered across her shoulder at Nolan.

  “Maybe you and I need to walk through the hotel then?” Nolan’s hand trailed down her back, causing her to shiver. She wished she could lean back against him as they’d done on their train travel. Holly had missed their frequent contact from those days.

  “Nolan, I need a partner to pull this taffy. Please grab a hold of the other end of this strip.” Holly stiffened when Mary addressed Nolan, waiting for him to help Mary with the taffy.

  “You better ask someone else before the candy cools too much. Holly and I were discussing a new stove for the café, and she was going to show me the hotel’s new one.”

  Mary was still trying to connect with Nolan, but he wasn’t taking the bait. Did Nolan really want to be with her, instead of Mary? Holly hoped so, but didn’t see why. Mary was such a better woman than herself.

  “Show me the features you like on the new stove. I’ve looked at several in the catalog at the mercantile, but can’t decide if the extra features are worth the extra cost.”

  They were in the dining room of the hotel and Holly led Nolan into the hotel kitchen. Several other people were in there cooking batches of taffy so they couldn’t get close to the stove, but Holly pointed out her favorite features from a distance.

  “It’s a Windsor Steel Range with a double oven, with the fire box in between the ovens. It has eight lids on top. Helen said the high closets for warming cost extra for this stove.”

  “What’s the reservoir capacity? I saw one stove advertised that held twelve gallons of water. Of course it was an extra feature to buy. It didn’t come with the basic stove.”

  Holly had problems thinking about stoves with Nolan standing so close, looking over her shoulder and asking her questions. “Um, I’m not sure, but I’m guessing this stove holds about that much water, too.”

  “Several stoves advertised they could use soft or hard coal or wood, which would be an improvement from the old wood stove we have now.”

  “Any improvement on regulating heat would be wonderful.”

  “You know, you wouldn’t have to come in as early to the café to bake if you had two ovens. Plus you could continue baking during the day if we only needed one oven for meats.”

  “That would be nice to come in later, especially during the winter months.”

  “I’m still debating what hours and days to be open. Gramps insists we need to be open on Sundays, but I’d like to have that day off to be with my wife and family.”

  “Wife and family?” Holly hated to ask but he brought it up.

  “I’ve a special lady in mind for my future. Time will tell if it works out.”

  Why didn’t Nolan say more? He’d asked to escort her to several events, so Holly hoped he was talking about her. But she was the one who balked, because of her heritage. Could she dream he could live with it?

  “Holly? Are you ready to call it an evening?” Kiowa’s question pulled Holly back to the present and caused Nolan to step away from her side.

; “Oh yes, about any time, I guess. Is all the taffy made?” Holly hated to leave the party since Nolan was still here.

  “Most of it is pulled, cut, and wrapped. The rest of the candy will soon be ready for the open house, too. Our contribution is done, and I’m ready to walk you to the parsonage. Maybe I could come inside and we could talk a while?”

  She wanted to say no, in case he had feelings for her, but yet she wanted to talk about his heritage. Where was he from, and why did he live in Clear Creek now?

  “I’m sure Kaitlyn will have the coffee pot on and expect a report of the evening’s work.” Was that enough hint that they wouldn’t be alone? Nolan was listening to their conversation and Holly wanted it to be clear to him as well as to Ki.

  Laughter by the front door greeted them as they walked toward the lobby where they had left their wraps. Couples were kissing as they left the hotel because a kissing ball hung right above the entrance.

  “Looks like I’ll have to kiss you before we can leave, Holly,” Ki grinned at her, and then threw a quick glance at Nolan, who had followed her and Ki out of the kitchen. Nolan’s jaw moved side to side, but he didn’t say anything. Would Ki kiss her in front of Nolan? It was all in fun, but Nolan was the only man she’d ever kissed.

  “Well let’s show them the proper way to kiss, Nolan,” Mary moved in front of Nolan, raised her arms around his neck and pulled his head down, kissing him full on the lips before Nolan had time to react.

  “Mary,” Nolan pulled Mary’s arms off his neck and stepped back. “We weren’t under the kissing ball so you shouldn’t have kissed me.”

  “We used to kiss a lot of places without needing a kissing ball, Nolan.” Mary smiled while glancing at her and Ki. Holly’s face probably matched the red ribbon used to hang the ball from the ceiling.

  Why did she think she had a chance with Nolan? Mary was still in the picture, and Nolan would come to his senses, courting—and marrying—Mary instead of her.

  “Holly? Ready to go?” Ki’s words were sharp. He looked ready to bite someone’s head off instead of kiss it.

  “Yes.” Ki held her cape out for Holly, and then waited for her to button the front and pull on her gloves before opening the door.


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