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He Loves Me...KNOT

Page 10

by RC Boldt

  “That’d be great, man. I appreciate it.”

  “Except I’m not mudding and taping. I’ll paint, but that’s it.”

  “Noted.” I tug open my fridge and grab a bottle of water. Uncapping it, I take a swig. “When will you be here?”

  “Probably by about five tonight.” He pauses. “You just purchased that place a few weeks ago.”

  My brow furrows, unsure of where he’s going with this. “Yeah?”

  “And you’re already doing prep work for painting.”

  “Right.” I draw out the word slowly, still not following.

  “You ripped out all the carpeting and installed hardwoods throughout the entire place—yourself—and installed all new kitchen cabinets. Did I miss anything?”

  “I built an eight-by-two island in the kitchen and added a half bath to the first floor.”


  I drag a hand over my face wearily. “I got up way too early this morning, after not getting much sleep last night, so you’re going to have to spell it out for me.”

  When he doesn’t immediately respond, I realize what I’ve basically just admitted to.


  “All right.” Wells’s tone is dripping with smugness. “First off, the last time you ended up finishing the major renovations in Mach speed was shortly after that day in June that we never discuss. I’m wondering if I should find it curious that you’re reverting back to being Superman HGTV-style when you’re there, in Jacksonville, operating as current employer of a certain woman.”

  My lips part to form a response. “I ju—”

  “Or the other more intriguing fact that you were up early this morning—didn’t sound too happy about that part, by the way—and mentioned not getting much sleep last night, to which there was definitely a hint of pride in your voice.”

  “I’d forgotten how great it was to be best friends with a lawyer,” I respond drily and I’m greeted by his laughter.

  “I’ll be sure to stop and grab some beer on my way.”

  “Sounds great. You have the address of this place?”

  “Got it plugged into my GPS.”

  “Great. Drive safe.”

  “Will do.”




  The salty spray hits my face as we speed across the waters of the Gulf on the jet ski, the brightness of the full moon lighting our way. I’m holding Knox tight, and I relish the feel of the hard wall of his abdominals beneath my grasp.

  We approach Sand Island, the small uninhabited strip of land with a thick line of trees blocking the view across the expanse of it. Knox slows the jet ski as we near the shallow waters before he kills the engine and hops off. After helping me down, he reaches for the small anchor and walks the jet ski up the shore a bit before ensuring it’s secured.

  When he lifts up the seat and reaches inside to withdraw a folded beach mat, I’m overwhelmed with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

  Knox holds out a hand for me and when I take it, his gentle, yet firm grip helps to soothe some of my nervousness.

  Once he unfolds the large mat and places it on the sandy shore, we lie back upon it and admire the night sky glittering with stars.

  “I hoped the weather would cooperate for tonight.”

  At his hushed tone, I turn to face him, only to discover that he’s already watching me. My breath hitches at the combination of affection and tenderness in his eyes.

  “You planned this?” I inquire softly.

  “I wanted tonight to be perfect.”

  It’s our last night together before he leaves for Auburn early tomorrow morning.

  I shift to my side and face him fully. “You know what everyone’s saying, right?”

  He turns his attention to the starlit sky above us, and his jaw clenches and unclenches. “They’re wrong.”

  I release a small sigh and whisper, “But what if—”

  His head turns abruptly, and his eyes lock with mine, shimmering with a fierce intensity. “Do you believe that I love you?”

  “Of course.”

  “And do you love me?” He searches my features, and I wonder if he’s worried that I don’t.

  Rising to rest on my arm, I lean over and place a soft kiss to his lips before I whisper again, “Of course.”

  “Then nothing will happen.”

  I duck my head, averting my eyes, unable to resist voicing my main worry. “But the girls at college are prettier and more…experienced than I am.”

  His hand cups my cheek, lifting my face up to force me to meet his gaze. “You are my everything, Emma Jane.”

  I’m overwhelmed by my insecurity over our future and sorrow at the fact that he’ll soon be hours away from me. Those emotions, intertwined with my love for him, propel me to act. Slinging my leg over his body, I straddle him and press a tiny kiss to his lips. “I love you, Knox.”

  His lips curve beneath mine. “I love you back.”

  When he takes my lips in a kiss, it starts out gentle and oh so tender before rapidly turning hotter and passionate. His fingers tangle in my hair, and he angles my head to deepen the kiss. Knox grows hard beneath his board shorts, and my own bikini bottoms provide no real barrier against the feel of his arousal.

  I rock my hips, and a low groan rumbles through his chest before he tears his lips from mine. My chest rises and falls as I draw in ragged breaths, and I peer down at him, wondering why he stopped. Knox’s hands move to my hips, applying a little pressure as if he wants me off him, but I resist.

  “What are you doing?” I frown.

  “EJ.” He tips his head back against the mat and his eyes fall closed with a wince. “I don’t want things to get too out of hand.”

  “You don’t”—I swallow past the sudden lump in my throat—“want me?” The confusion is apparent in my voice.

  His eyes flash open. “I want you too much. I just—” He breaks off to drag a hand over his face with a sigh. “I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.”

  I place my hands on my hips, and the movement causes me to shift where I’m still straddling him, eliciting another groan from Knox. “Listen here. I love you and I want this.” I wave a hand to indicate our surroundings. “It’s a perfect night. Beautiful. What more could you ask for?”

  “A bed.” Knox answers this matter-of-factly. “Not a freaking beach mat.”

  “Well, I love you and I love this mat.” I lower myself and begin to press tiny kisses along his jawline. “And I want you to make love to me on this mat.” I press my lips to the base of his neck, and he makes a rough sound in the back of his throat.

  “I didn’t bring anything,” he whispers. “I didn’t plan this, EJ.”

  “It’s okay. I trust you.” I nibble on his earlobe and revel in his sharp intake of breath. “You can, uh, pull out,” I offer shyly.

  His hands frame my face, and he steers me back slightly to peer up at me. “Are you sure?”

  He knows I’ve never done this before, and I understand why he’s hesitant. But he needs to realize how much I love him, and that I want to end this chapter of our lives—post high school, pre-college—like this.

  “I’m sure.” I punctuate this with a brush of my lips across his.

  With a gentleness that’s utterly breathtaking, he proceeds to love me, to carefully and slowly love my body with his hands and mouth before he takes my virginity. And I realize something’s changed.

  Knox owns my whole heart, but now he’s ingrained in my soul, too.


  Emma Jane


  “Holy shit.”

  “For real.” I stare back at Madison where we sit on a wooden bench.

  We’ve just finished our outdoor yoga class here in the center of the large park near the waterfront, and I started to fill her in on what happened last night between me and Knox.

  I haven’t delved any deeper, nor have I divulged anything about our compli
cated past. Since she’d joined the F&F team two years after I had, I’d never felt a need to do so; I hadn’t thought it was pertinent information. I certainly didn’t think I’d ever be given a reason to bring it up.

  Her lips curl slightly, eyes shining with humor. “Guess you didn’t tell him to namasté away.”

  I shove at her playfully. “You’re hilarious.” Taking a sip of water from my thermos, I turn my attention to the various parkgoers who are jogging or walking their dogs, enjoying the early morning. “It was just a one-time thing, anyway. So no big deal.”

  “Right. And it’s not going to be weird that he’s also the current owner and person in charge of your employment?”

  Or that we used to do what we did last night all the time? Every chance we could? That we once talked about our own happily ever after?

  Her eyes light up even more as she nudges my shoulder with hers. “You have to dish. How was it? Did it start with the whole, ‘After working so late tonight at the office, I just couldn’t get you off my mind’ kind of thing? Or did he show up at your door and shove his way inside and go all alpha male on you?”

  Staring back at her, I’m not sure how to answer. “Wow.” Raising my eyebrows, I ask, “Did someone just subscribe to Showtime After Hours?”

  Madison makes a derisive sound. “I need to live vicariously through someone.”

  We fall silent for a moment, both of us lost in our thoughts.

  I don’t know what makes me say it, but the words just spill out. “It was nice.”

  My friend rears back with a horrified look. “Nice?” She shakes her head so forcefully I find myself worried that it might come off. “No. Absolutely not. Nice should never be a word that goes along with a night full of sex.”

  “Well, we didn’t have a night full of sex, really…”

  She shifts abruptly to face me, and folds her legs to sit cross-legged on the bench. Jabbing an index finger in my direction, she commands, “Start from the beginning, when he showed up at your door, and go from there.”

  “He showed up and told me he wanted me, that he needed me. We agreed it would only be for one night.” With a wry smile, I add, “And it was only once, anyway, since we only had one condom.”

  She cocks her head to the side and frowns as though she hasn’t heard me correctly. “Wait a minute. You only had one condom?”

  “Right. Because I’d forgotten to buy more since I haven’t exactly had any ‘gentleman callers’ in a while. At least, not since Jeff.…” I wrinkle my nose, recalling the last guy I’d dated who’d turned out to be less than stellar.

  “First of all”—Madison holds up a finger—“Jeff was a douche.” She holds up another finger. “Second, Knox didn’t have a condom with him?”

  “No,” I answer hesitantly.

  “Huh. Interesting.” She narrows her eyes. “Don’t you find it odd that a man of his caliber doesn’t carry protection? He’s smart and freaking hot. You know he must get serious action.”

  “I guess I hadn’t thought about it.” I shrug. “I was too busy trying to survive the awkward morning-after situation with him.”

  “So how did he deal with the only-one-condom thing?”

  “It wasn’t a big deal. He just—” I break off and instantly feel the rush of heat flood my cheeks as I recall the way Knox had brought me to orgasm countless times throughout the night.

  “Ah,” she says knowingly. “He improvised.”

  Nodding, I release a sigh and bring my leg up, setting my foot on the bench and wrap my arms around my knee. “He did.”

  “So how firm are you guys on it being a one-time thing?”

  “Firm.” I punctuate this with a nod. Because I know it’s necessary that we never cross that line again. It’s far too risky.

  “Well, I know what this calls for.”

  I flash a curious glance at my friend. “I’m almost afraid to ask.”

  “Girls’ night out.”

  Squinting my eyes, I give her a sharp look. “You’d better not drag me to that place in Midtown again where the guy goes around sketching people and they all basically look the same with apple cheeks.”

  “He was really sweet, though!” she protests with a laugh.

  “He extorted twenty bucks from us!” I remind her.

  “Fine, I promise I won’t drag you there.”


  “I have it on good authority that this new pub is a great find. And”—she leans in conspiratorially—“we can find you a guy you won’t have to worry about facing at work.”

  Great. Madison has it in her head that she’s going to play matchmaker and find me a guy. The day after…yeah. So I respond the only way I possibly can.

  With a vast amount of enthusiasm, of course.


  Whoops. Guess I failed.

  “Oooh! I think I’ve found one for you.”

  I’ve heard Madison claim the same thing at least five times already tonight.

  I’m more interested in the preseason game and the fact that the Jags are down by six points and it’s in the final quarter. Not to mention that sack Becket took looked downright brutal. His teammate, Diego, got face-masked to hell and back, and I’m shocked his head didn’t literally snap off.

  “What?!” I gasp in outrage at the television displayed above the bar where we currently sit in the new pub. At least Madison hasn’t let me down there. However, when it comes to “finding one” for me, she’s striking out.

  “No, seriously, Emma Jane. This guy is freaking hot. Dark blond hair and a great smile.” Madison’s voice turns dreamy.

  My eyes remain glued to the television where Becket’s currently looking for a receiver. My entire body tenses when I see him getting rushed by the defensive players, but suddenly, he darts off, and I realize all that speed work he claims has been kicking his ass is paying off. Because he’s running like the freaking wind.

  “Go, Beck, go!” I chant beneath my breath. When he scores the touchdown himself, my whoop of delight is joined by the other patrons who are tuned into the game, as well.

  Grabbing my phone, I quickly shoot off a text to him.

  Me: You nearly gave me a heart attack with that sprint move, buddy. I’m sitting with Madison in some new pub in Midtown and cheering you on. Now, hurry up and win the game. Love you.

  I know he won’t get my message for a while but I want him to know I’m watching and thinking of him.

  “And wait…it looks like he has a tattoo on his arm of a…barbed wire with a skull and crossbones or something. Sexy.” Madison’s still going on about the guy she spotted, apparently.

  “Oh-oh! He’s noticed us.” She leans in closer and hisses with urgency, “He’s coming over here.”

  “Super.” I’m praying the Jags’s kick for the extra point doesn’t get blocked. “You can talk to him, and I’ll continue watching my best friend play football.”

  Clearly not pleased with my response, Madison starts, “You’re a sad excuse for a Southern belle. You’re supposed to—”

  “Well, hello, ladies.”

  That voice. Oh, dear God. That voice.

  I know that voice.

  My eyes pinch closed with dread because if that voice belongs to who I think it does, that can only mean someone else isn’t too far behind.

  “Long time no see, Emma Jane Haywood.”




  “Things are still good between y’all?”

  My head snaps up at the odd tone in my best friend, Katherine’s voice.

  “Yes,” I answer slowly. “Why wouldn’t they be?”

  “No reason.” She shrugs casually and pokes at her salad.

  We met for lunch across the street from campus. After this, I need to head back to the library to do more studying since Knox and I have a phone date later tonight.

  I roll my eyes. “Well, obviously there’s a reason. Otherwise, you wouldn’t hav
e asked.” Sometimes Katherine can get so snooty over things.

  Katherine and I grew up together, our mothers had grown up together, and we went through debutante school and cotillion together. I’ve known her my whole life, and sure, she was prissy and didn’t appreciate the tiny diamond stud I’d recently had my nose pierced with, but she’s always been there for me.

  However, I’ve begun to grow weary of her constantly second-guessing Knox’s loyalty to me.

  “I just think of him being the typical handsome baseball player on campus, girls flocking to him at every turn, and wonder…” She trails off with a shrug and her insinuation makes me bristle with irritation.

  Knox has never given me any reason to doubt him. Plus, with the appeal of Facebook catching on, people have begun to post pictures and tag people like crazy. I basically know what he’s doing before he even gets to call and tell me himself.

  I raise my chin and announce primly, “You don’t have to wonder about anything.”

  What she doesn’t know is I found a receipt in his wallet when he was home over Thanksgiving break. He’d asked me to grab a few more dollars out of it when we were filling up the coolers with ice to go night fishing.

  The receipt was from a jeweler, and the amount on it had sent my eyebrows practically flying to my hairline.

  I haven’t mentioned it to anyone because I don’t want to get my hopes up in case I’m mistaken, but there’s honestly no other explanation.

  Knox is planning to propose.

  “What’s got you smiling like the cat that ate the canary?”

  My attention snaps back to Katherine who’s eyeing me with interest.

  Shaking my head, I avert my gaze to my salad. “Nothing, just excited to see Knox for Christmas.”




  “Tell me again why we’re here instead of tossing back beers at my place?”


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