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He Loves Me...KNOT

Page 20

by RC Boldt

  “EJ,” I utter softly.

  I just finished topping off the gas tank, and she still didn’t rouse from her nap when I got back in the truck, which is a testament to how exhausted she is.

  I lift the center console and lay a small pillow in its place between us. I’m glad I decided to bring it along for our ride back to Jacksonville.

  Reaching over, I try to get slack in her seat belt and guide her to a more comfortable position, to lay her head on the pillow between us. Groggily, her eyes open.

  “Just lie here. Then you won’t wake up with a kink in your neck.”

  Without a word, she shifts and lays her head on the pillow, her eyes already closing. Some dark tendrils of her hair spill over my khaki-clad thigh, and I give in to the urge to sift my fingers through it, to smooth it back from her face. The low murmur she emits brings a small smile to my lips.

  There were many times when she’d lay her head on my lap while we’d watch TV just so I’d play with her hair. She’d told me it was relaxing, but for me, it was something little, something nonsexual, that only I did for her. The same way she’d been the only one who knew I hated to talk if I’d had a stressful day and just wanted to take the jet ski out on the water. She’d hop on the back, wrap her arms around me, and we’d ride for a while, letting the wind whip at us. We’d ride in silence until I felt calmed by the serenity of both the water and her presence.

  As I pull back on the interstate to head toward Jacksonville, my phone, hooked up to my hands-free earbuds, alerts me that I have an incoming call from Wells. Glancing once again at EJ’s sleeping form, I quickly fit in the earbuds and press the button to accept the call.

  “Hey, man.” I still figure I should try to keep my voice lowered for her benefit.

  “Are you…busy?” There’s avid curiosity lacing his tone.

  “I’m driving, and she’s asleep.”


  I wait for him to continue, but when he doesn’t, I prod. “Ah, what?”

  “Nothing. Just wondering how you and sleeping beauty made out.” He chuckles softly. “Pun intended.”

  “Fine. It seemed like her dad’s come around finally.”

  “That’s good, but it’s not exactly what I was asking.”

  “I’m not talking about that, Wells.”

  “And here I thought best friends were always supposed to kiss and tell,” he jokes. There’s a beat of silence. “Have y’all talked?”

  I know exactly what he’s asking. With a sigh, I shake my head even though I know he can’t see me. “No.” Blowing out another breath, I say, “I just…I’m not sure I want to know.”

  “You do, but you don’t.” He releases a sigh of his own. “I get it, man. I do. But there’s no way you’ll get anywhere pussyfootin’ around.”

  “I know.” I recognize how defeated I sound, admitting this. Quickly checking to ensure she’s still sound asleep, I return my attention to the road.

  “Can I be honest with you?”

  Caught off guard by Wells’s uncharacteristic question, I can’t help but let out a small amused laugh. “Since when have you asked before offering your thoughts?”

  His sober tone becomes evident and sets me on edge. “Y’all have changed. Not to the extent that you’re unrecognizable but you’ve both matured and grown into your own persons. I think maybe…” He trails off, and I find myself hanging in limbo, waiting for his next words.

  “You think maybe what?”

  “Seeing you and Emma Jane together got me thinking that maybe it wasn’t meant to be the first time around.” He pauses for a beat. “Sometimes love needs a second chance.”

  As I mull over his words, a part of me realizes how hokey my best friend sounds. In typical Wells fashion, he quickly addresses it.

  “I totally saw that on a greeting card when I was picking out a birthday card for Mom. So don’t go thinking I’m getting all sappy and suddenly watching Nicolas Sparks movies and shit.”

  “Noted,” I say with a laugh.

  “Drive safe and keep me posted.”

  “Will do. Later.”

  Once I press the button to end the call and withdraw the earbuds, I turn on the radio to play softly in the background and allow myself to ruminate over everything.

  Hoping like hell I’m able to come up with a plan.


  “Just cancel.”

  “I can’t just cancel.” She releases an exasperated sigh. “He’s my best friend, and this is our designated FWOB night. We plan these ahead of time, especially when it’s during the season.”

  I bristle at the fact that she and Becket actually have a designated night.

  “Remind me again what that all stands for? The FO—”

  “FWOB,” she corrects me. “Friends. Without. Benefits.”

  I narrow my eyes speculatively. “Are you sure about the without part?”

  She crosses her arms, her lips pursed. “Knox. He’s my best friend. That’s it.”

  I step closer. “I can’t help but ask. Because I have a tough time understanding it.” I take another step, bringing us closer and leaning in. “How a man like him isn’t completely crazy”—I pause and dip my head lower so that, with my next words, my lips drag softly against her own—“for y—”

  The knock on the door causes us to jerk apart, and EJ’s temporary assistant timidly peeks inside the office.

  “I’m so sorry to interrupt, Ms. Haywood, Mr. Montgomery.” Keri Mitchell’s brown eyes dart to me briefly before returning to address her. “I have the information you requested for the presentation.”

  EJ flashes the young woman a grateful smile and walks over to accept the file from her. “Thanks so much. This is all we need to finalize things for tomorrow.”

  Keri dismisses herself, slipping out of the office while EJ walks around her desk to take a seat. Her next words are hushed since her office door is still ajar.

  “Is there anything else of importance you need from me?”

  Crossing the distance to her desk, I splay my palms flat on the surface across from her and lean in. My voice drops to something low and seductive, hushed and mindful of the open office door. “Be ready for me to come over after your date.”

  I exit, offer a polite greeting to Keri along the way, and return to my own office where I have fewer tasks to reconcile than I’d expected.

  My time here is wrapping up, and I know I’ve done everything in my power to get this business back on its feet. With EJ sealing this deal tomorrow—and I have no doubt she will—Fit & Fashion will be back on the most secure footing it’s had in a while.

  Then I have to figure out where I go from here.

  And if it’ll be with her by my side.


  Emma Jane

  Last-minute prep for the presentation tomorrow for Mr. Feldman is finally complete. Coastal Media is the final box I need checked off the list of requirements Knox originally gave me.

  We haven’t discussed it, but I’m certain he’ll realize I deserve this promotion. Sealing this deal will confirm it.

  However, once I dug into this project, I decided to go for the “gold”: I’m aiming for a combined deal with Feldman’s Coastal Media and the magazine he owns, Elite Fitness.

  With a long, tiresome exhale, I sink back in my seat after saving the completed proposal and the PowerPoint presentation.

  “If this doesn’t secure my job, not sure what will,” I mutter under my breath as I click my mouse and print the necessary number of copies of the PowerPoint. Most clients prefer a hardcopy in front of them, so I normally have that option at the ready.

  I must admit, I feel confident about this because I’ve come to know Mr. Feldman and respect his business practices. We’ve spoken on several occasions at social engagements, and he always reminds me much of my own granddad.

  Fingers crossed, he’ll recognize the benefits of my proposal, that Fit & Fashion joining Coastal Media, as well as his magazine, Elite Fitnes
s, which caters to athletic men and women who are established in their fitness routine, will be mutually beneficial.

  Glancing at the time, I realize I’ll be late to meet Becket if I don’t hurry up and head out now. Hurriedly, I pack up my things, lock up my office and say good night to Keri. I turn in the direction of the bank of elevators when Knox suddenly approaches.

  “If you don’t mind, Ms. Haywood, I’d like to go over a few quick things regarding tomorrow’s presentation on your way out.”

  I have to bite my lip to try to hide my smile. I’m certain I know what he wants to go over, and it isn’t tomorrow’s presentation. But I know he’s trying to maintain professionalism here, so I nod perfunctorily, and just as my lips part to agree, Keri interrupts.

  “Ms. Haywood? I know you’re on your way out, but if you’d like, I can sort through everything you sent to the printer and staple it for Mr. Feldman and his partners tomorrow.”

  She’s a sweetheart and ever so eager to help. I offer her a grateful smile. “Oh, it’s not necessary, Keri. It can be done tomorrow.”

  Keri frowns slightly, before her expression turns hopeful. “I’d really feel better and not like a slacker if I could just get it done ahead of time.”

  “Well, then.” I toss a look at Knox like, Wow, she’s a go-getter, huh? before I turn back to her and hand her my keys so she can unlock my office. “Go ahead and get them.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Haywood.” She accepts the keys and darts back to the door, unlocking it and quickly ducking inside.

  When I turn back to Knox, his eyes are shining with laughter. He leans in close and whispers in my ear, “Maybe I should call you Ms. Haywood later. You seem much more accommodating.”

  I swat at him and roll my eyes. Before I can hiss a sharp response, Keri exits the office with the printouts in hand and hands me back my keys.

  “I’ll have these all set for tomorrow, Ms. Haywood.”

  “Thanks again, Keri.” I flash her an appreciative smile. “Please don’t stay too late. Have a good night.”

  I start walking down the hall after she bids both Knox and me a good night, and he sidles up beside me as we approach the elevators. Once an available car opens, we step inside and wait for the doors to close.

  As soon as we begin our descent, Knox moves closer to where I stand on the side near the numbered buttons. Releasing his hold on his briefcase, he lets it drop softly to the floor near our feet, and crowds me in the corner, both hands braced against the wall on either side of my head.

  Dipping his head, he skims his lips across my cheek in the softest caress. “I wish you could cancel tonight.” His mouth dusts along my jawline as the elevator descends. “And come home with me.” He shifts to my earlobe, and his lips latch onto it before he grazes it with his teeth. “So I can show you how much I missed having you in my bed last night.”

  My breath catches, not only from the magic he’s forging with his lips, but because I missed being in bed with him last night, too. He’d asked me to come home with him, but I’d declined, using work as an excuse, telling him that I’d need the proper clothing. I don’t like my routine to be thrown off kilter, but it had been so tempting to take Knox up on his offer.

  So tempting.

  But so much still needs to be addressed. I fully recognize that I—we got lost in the moment over the weekend, but it doesn’t erase the facts. We still have issues we need to acknowledge.

  “Knox, you know I can’t.” Good grief, even I can hear the wavering in my voice.

  His mouth descends, trailing delicate kisses along the column of my throat. “You can.” One of his hands slips beneath the fabric of my flared skirt and cups me at the apex of my thighs. “You cancel, come home with me, and I can put my mouth all over this sweet pussy.” He applies pressure right where I ache for him, sliding a finger beneath my panties and caressing my wet folds. “Right before I sink my cock deep inside you.”

  My eyes fall closed at his hypnotically arousing words while one of my hands clenches the edge of his suit jacket, and the other holds my briefcase in a white-knuckled death grip.

  “Say you’ll come home with me, EJ.” His words roll over me in a caress, the raspy quality of his voice the only clue he’s just as turned on as I am.

  My lips part to respond just as the elevator dings. His eyes dart over, noting the floor level, before he ducks and reaches for his briefcase at our feet at the same time the door opens.

  Second floor. Another straggler pulling an unusually late Monday steps on board with a tired nod of greeting. We ride the rest of the way to the parking deck in silence, and upon exiting, Knox falls into step beside me.

  “You don’t have to escort me to my car.” My eyes sparkle in amusement. “I’ve been seeing myself out for a while now.”

  “Humor me.”

  Pressing the key fob to unlock it, I open the door and reach in to settle my briefcase on the passenger seat. I turn to say goodbye to Knox, and I’m startled to find him in close proximity yet again. With a palm resting atop of the car door, he has the other braced on the roof.

  “I at least demand a kiss good night.” His mouth curves into a sexy smirk.

  Uneasy, I survey the near-empty parking deck before I toss out a teasing, “Is that so?”

  Wordlessly, he snakes an arm around my waist and yanks me flush against his hard body. His lips crash down on mine in a deep, ravenous kiss before he gentles it to nip at my lips slowly, tenderly.

  Once he finally draws away, his eyes lift to mine, and the emotion simmering beneath the surface nearly robs me of breath.

  He whispers, “Good night,” before dusting one final kiss on my lips.

  After I slip inside my car, he closes my door before picking up his briefcase and walking away.

  “I chose the worst night for FWOB, didn’t I?”

  My eyes collide with Becket’s in confusion. “Why do you say that?”

  He reaches across the small table where we’re seated in the corner of the restaurant, away from the bulk of prying eyes. His index finger grazes between my brows as he gives me a soft smile. “That crease right there just won’t let up.”

  My shoulders deflate slightly, and I flash him an apologetic look. “Sorry.”

  “No worries. There’ve been many times when I couldn’t get my mind to stop replaying an interception I threw.” Leaning back in his chair, he removes the cloth napkin from his lap and places it on the table. “So tell me what’s on your mind.”

  With a wry laugh, I shake my head. “Do you have all night?”

  “I’ve got all the time in the world for you.” Becket offers this simple response, spoken with pure sincerity.

  “Beck.” I reach across the table, turn my palm over, and he grasps it. “Do you have any idea how lucky I am that I found you in that bar years ago?”

  He flashes me a sweet, boyish grin. “Bet you never thought you’d get scouted in a gay bar to be an NFL quarterback’s BFF, huh?”

  I shake my head, a soft smile playing on my lips. “Never in a million.”

  His expression sobers, becoming more thoughtful. “I think it was fate, Blue. We needed each other.”

  I tip my head to the side with a contemplative expression. “I think so, too.” Giving his hand a squeeze, I release it with a sigh. “Ready for what’s on my mind?”

  “Always.” He frowns suddenly. “Wait. As long as it’s not something gross with feminine stuff.” He makes a sick face.

  I raise my eyebrows pointedly. “This coming from the man who volunteered to be a stand-in birthing partner for his friend?” I’m referring to Dr. Presley Hendrixson.

  He grins smugly. “I did that mainly to ruffle her husband’s feathers.”

  “The husband who happens to be a former SEAL?” I stare at him incredulously. “The same guy who endured being held captive and tortured for over a year? You want to ruffle that guy’s feathers?” Shaking my head, I mutter, “Men.”

  Becket just chuckles. “He loves it.
Deep down, he’s a big teddy bear like me.”

  “Now, that much is true.”

  “So go on.” He takes a long drink from his water glass, focusing intently on me. “Tell me everything.”

  I blow out a slow breath and begin. “I have a lot riding on this proposal tomorrow…”




  I’m seated at my desk, stunned, while the young, tearful woman sits across from me, on the edge of her seat as if preparing to make a quick escape at any moment.

  “To say this is”—I try to form the right words—“disheartening news would be an understatement, Ms. Mitchell.”

  “I just didn’t know what to do,” she weeps quietly and dabs her eyes with a tissue, hands trembling.

  “Well, you did the right thing by coming to me.”

  Yet again, I’ve been misled. By the same damn woman, no less.

  Everything at my house, everything that happened the weekend we traveled to Mobile, played into her hands perfectly.

  I played into her hands like a fucking jackass.

  She’d sunk to an all new low by sleeping with me to try to blind me from her actions here at work. To steal an intern’s ideas, one who’d been placed with her while she was short an assistant, no less, is the bottom of the barrel.

  I rise from my chair and walk around my desk to approach Ms. Mitchell. “You’ll have to give the presentation today, then.”

  The frail looking blonde peers up at me with wide eyes. “R-really, Mr. Montgomery?”

  “Absolutely.” I give a firm nod. “These are your ideas. You should be the person to present them.”

  She covers her mouth with her hand as if trying to regain composure. Finally, she stands and straightens her shoulders.

  “Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.”

  She exits my office, and I’m left to figure out how to confront Emma Jane.


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