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G-Force (Book 1): G-Force

Page 14

by Nye, Laine

  Brad drifted back to earth and landed in their backyard next to the high fence. He walked back over to his mom. “It's really not bad once you get used to it Mom.”

  “Well then, it's too bad I won't be getting used to it.” She replied. “But it is impressive to see Brad. This ability of yours is really something.”

  They went back into the house. A little while later, Steve asked Brad if he would take his car to go get some milk for the family. Brad eagerly accepted.

  He drove down to Washington Boulevard which is the main road in North Ogden. He was looking for a little drive-in store he knew of where he could pull up to the window to buy the milk and not have to leave the car. He slowed down in the dark while traveling in the inside lane trying to spot the place and not go past it.

  Suddenly, there were flashing red and blue lights all over the interior of his car. He looked in the rear-view mirror to see a patrol car directly behind him. Brad signaled, pulled over into the right lane and then pulled off the shoulder of the road. His heart was pounding while he waited for the officer to approach his car.

  Brad rolled his window down as the officer reached his side. The cop had a mean looking demeanor about him.

  “What are you doing driving so slowly and impeding traffic in the fast lane?” He asked Brad gruffly.

  “I was just looking for the drive through place to get some milk.” Brad replied.

  “You don't go twenty-five miles per hour in a forty-five, boy. That's just plain stupid.”

  “I'm sorry officer. I'll watch it from now on.”

  “Let me see your license and registration.”

  Brad pulled out both documents and handed them over. The officer looked them over then looked up at Brad sharply. “You're Steve Shaw's son?”

  “Yes, I am. Do you know him?” Brad asked.

  “Step out of the car sonny boy. Now!”

  Brad slowly released his seat belt and opened the door. He was getting more nervous by the second. “What's the problem now, sir?” Brad asked.

  “I’ll do the talking!” The cop said. He grabbed Brad's arm, yanked him to the rear of the car then threw his upper body over the trunk face down. He kicked Brad's feet apart roughly and did a body search. Finding nothing, the officer grabbed Brad, stood him up and spun him around pushing him over the car trunk again. Brad put his elbows on the trunk for support. Sticking his face up close to Brad's, the cop spoke in a hostile manner. “I'm going to search your car, sonny. You got any objections?”

  Brad couldn't resist. “Would you like a breath mint sir? I'm sure I have one in the car.”

  The cop grabbed his shirt and pulled Brad closer to his face. “What about this situation do you find funny little boy?”

  “Nothing officer. Can I have my shirt back now?”

  The officer slammed him backwards with the fist that was holding Brad's shirt then let go. Brad was mystified and intimidated. He was also resisting the tingling in his spine and the growing impulse to let his protective instinct take over. He was holding back from any form of gravity modification. It wasn't easy. Still bent backwards over the trunk he looked down at the name tag of the cop and everything suddenly fell into place for him with a sickening realization. The name plate said Sherman Greene. That was the name of the boxer in high school who stalked his Father long ago. He was the one who Brad's father had finally knocked unconscious after more than a year's worth of intimidation at Greene's hands.

  Nervously answering Officer Greene, who was obviously still a bully and who was obviously still holding a massive grudge against Brad's Father, he said, “Go ahead and look in the car. I have nothing to hide from you.”

  “Yeah? That's what every pipsqueak of a punk I ever pull over says just before I find their drugs or guns. Sit down on the ground boy.”

  Brad was starting to get mad at the mistreatment. He felt that it was for no reason except an old rivalry that didn't even involve Brad. “Why are you acting like this? Driving slow isn't a felony.”

  Greene just glared at Brad and said, “You haven't sat down yet boy. You need some help?”

  “I'm not a boy any more than you are Officer. I would like to request that a second officer come so you can't abuse me.”

  Greene responded by putting a hand on Brad's shoulder and shoving him straight down until he was on the ground. The situation was humiliating for Brad with all the cars going by that could see him sitting in the dirt.

  Officer Sherman Greene walked back to the car door and started looking around inside.

  “You won't find anything!” Brad yelled.

  Greene stuck his head out of the door and said, “Say one more word Shaw and I'll run you over to the county jail.” The jail was three miles away, in Ogden.

  Just keep the gravity right where it is Brad, he thought with his teeth clamped. Finally, Greene quit searching, looking disappointed. He walked back to Brad, grabbed his shirt again and lifted him to his feet.

  “I get that you don't like me but what have you got against my shirt.” Brad asked.

  Greene stared with a threatening look for a few more seconds then said, “You can go boy. But don't mess up in my jurisdiction. If I pull you over again, I'll think up every excuse in the book to take you in. You got that? Oh. And say hello to your old man. Tell him Sherman Greene sends his regards and would love to meet him when I'm off duty.”

  Brad looked up into Officer Greene's hateful eyes. “Just because my dad whooped you is no reason for you to abuse me.” Brad said quietly and without provocation in his voice.

  He walked back to the car to get in, and then stopped. “Can I please have my license and registration back?”

  “Why would your dirt bag dad tell you about our fight?”

  “It wasn't a fight. It was a one hit wonder. My dad hit you once and it’s a wonder it didn't kill you.” Brad retorted.

  Greene seemed so taken back by Brad's very real understanding of that day back in high school, that even though his hostile attitude increased even more, the truth had finally seemed to steal his power and control momentarily. Brad used that moment to take his documents back, jump into the car and leave, half afraid that Greene would follow him and pull him over again with worse intentions.

  With great relief, he saw that Greene was letting him leave when he turned off his emergency lights. He drove back home without the milk to tell his father what had just happened.

  He walked into the house and found his dad sitting in his favorite chair in the family room.

  “Did you forget what you went out for?” Steve asked him.

  “Dad, I ran into Sherman Greene tonight!”

  “What? Tell me what happened son.” Steve could see that his son was very upset.

  “I was driving kind of slow looking for the drive through place, and he pulled me over for it. Once he found out I was your son, he started mistreating me.”

  Brad told him everything that happened while his father's expression became increasingly angry. Kate came into the room to hear the story as well.

  When Brad finished telling what happened, his dad looked at his mom and said, “Tomorrow, I'm going to go see the Chief of Police. This type of abuse will not be tolerated, especially since it involves Greene. I knew that man should never have been allowed to be a cop!”

  “Are you okay Brad?” Kate asked him.

  “Yeah. I was just frustrated I couldn't use a little gravity force on him to stop all of this.” Brad replied.

  “Well, it's a good thing you didn't. It could have really caused you some grief,” Steve said.

  “I know Dad; that's why I didn't try anything.”

  Brad went to bed, but he tossed and turned for a long time until he finally could get Greene off his mind. He started musing over the demonstration he had shown his parents in the back yard. He was so happy that, in someone knowing the truth of his capability, nothing bad came from it. The pent-up desire to share this huge secret of his was satisfied by sharing it with his parents but on
ly in part.

  He thought about letting his friends know. How would they react? Was he ready to show them what he could do? He tried to imagine their shock and awe, and the way they would react to him from then on. He didn't even notice he was smiling to himself as he mulled this over. His decision became increasingly more concrete the longer he considered it. Tomorrow night then! That's when it would be.

  He then thought about Sherry, who he hardly ever let out of his mind. Should he tell her. Show her? He would see how it went with his friends then decide if she should know as well. But then, he thought of the fact that he had known her just as long as he had known Jeff. Why not tell her too? His heart raced with the determination to let all of his closest friends in on his secret.

  “The next couple of days are going to be real interesting for me,” he thought.

  Then he remembered how he had drifted on the wind while showing his mom what he could do. The feeling of actually flying was exhilarating to him. Wouldn't it be great if he could show Sherry how he could be carried by the wind? “It would be even cooler if I did this with her at my side!” He thought. That idea kept his mind occupied for a long time until finally thoughts of Officer Greene were far in the background. Then, he fell asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  During lunch time the next day at school, Brad rounded a corner in the hall while talking with Paul and Rudy and bumped into someone who also was not paying attention to where they were walking.

  “Oh, excuse me,” Brad said. Then he saw who it was. His name was Rodney Blake. He was the kid who had bullied Brad before the Shaws had moved to Florida. He was the one who had taken Kung Fu lessons and practiced on the kids he didn't like.

  “Well, well, well! If it isn't Brad Shaw, my favorite punching bag. Geez I've missed the practice you gave me,” Rodney said.

  “Oh, come on man, just leave him alone,” Rudy said.

  “Shut up Van Buskirk.” Blake said. Then to Brad, “You’re mine! You should watch where you are going.”

  Brad spoke quietly to him. “Come on Rod, let it go. The past is over.”

  “Only my friends call me Rod. You were supposed to call me Rodney. That's two infractions buddy. Should we start?” Rodney went into a Kung Fu stance.

  “Do you have any friends?” Brad asked.

  Brad knew there was no avoiding it. There never had been. Only this time, there was a difference. Brad knew how to handle this situation. He also understood that he would have to be subtle with his defense so that no one in the hall would catch on. He did not want to take a chance that some student might sense his ability the way Linda Day had.

  “Okay Rod old buddy, go ahead.” Brad told him without raising his hands.

  Abruptly, Rod jumped into the air and shot out his right foot in a powerful kick. Brad had already seen it coming; his spine tingled as he pulled partial gravity out from under Rod who therefore flew up too high, with his kick way over Brad's head. Brad immediately increased the gravity underneath Rod to a higher than normal level, and he slammed down to the floor without being able to land on his feet as planned.

  It stunned Rodney for a moment, and he was puzzled by the lack of bodily control he had just manifested, but he jumped to his feet ignoring the pain in his back on which he had landed. Crouching down in another Kung Fu position, he closed on Brad whose back was near the wall. Rod's hand lashed out with lightning speed, but Brad's instinct for protection was faster. He stepped aside and caused the fist to drive into the wall behind him. Rod let out a yell as his hand hit the wall far too hard, then he “fell” into the wall.

  “You'll have to do better than that Rod old boy. You are embarrassing you're Kung Floosey woosey teacher.” Brad goaded him.

  Rodney Blake spun and jumped in the air again to kick Brad, and once again. Brad pulled the gravity out from under him just enough that the kick and jump were thrown out of proportion. His feet went up over Brad's head. Then once again, he was dropped heavily onto the floor.

  “I'm getting bored Blake, unless of course this is a clown act and you're trying to make me laugh. Now stop clowning around. All these people are laughing at you.”

  And indeed, they were. They were also cheering Brad, who as far as they knew, had made only minimal efforts to avoid Rod's overly rambunctious moves. Rod got to his feet more slowly this time. His back was hurting and his breath was knocked out of him. Forgetting his Kung Fu moves in anger and frustration, he dove at Brad's midsection with his head low in order to butt Brad in the stomach. Brad jumped into the air much higher than he should be able to without martial arts training, or gravity control, and dropped down on Rodney's back with both feet.

  Brad turned around and looked down at Rod who was on the floor at this point. Brad grabbed his hair and “lifted” him to his feet with one hand. He slapped Rod and said, “There. Now we have had your silly fight with your silly Kung Floosey woosey and you are in much worse shape now than when you came to school this morning. Don't you wish you would have left me alone?”

  All of the witnesses were cheering for Brad and jeering at Rod. Boy, it felt good for Brad to finally not be the humiliated one lying on the floor!

  He walked away with Rudy and Paul who peppered him with questions, congratulations and amazement! Brad was smiling from ear to ear. His satisfaction grew by the minute. What a different outcome this had been compared to the situation with Milo Weathers. There would be no more victimizing Brad Shaw for as long as he lived! Of that, he was sure.

  Rodney Bake's arm was hurting from the non-fight he had with Brad. His elbow was bad enough that he decided to go to the school nurse. She wrapped his arm in an elastic bandage and told him that if the pain continued, he should see a doctor. Rod was confused. How had Brad done it? How had he beaten Rod? Why did Rodney feel so heavy after he jumped in the air? Why did he feel so light when he jumped in the air? What had Brad done to him to make him smash into the wall headfirst. Rod's self-esteem and confidence level suffered a terrible blow. He had always thought he was near invincible with the training he'd had. Now he wasn't so sure. He hoped that his defeat at the hands of Brad didn't get around the school.

  Rodney needn't worry. Brad was not interested in spreading the story and he asked those who were present to please not talk about it. Some of them complied. The others talked about it but did not gain any friction with their story. They simply were not believed.

  When he got home in his car, he was still feeling the exultant emotions that had been with him all day. Going into his house, he saw his father looking at him with frustration lining his face.

  “Son, I have something to tell you,” Steve told him.

  “Something bad?” Brad asked.

  “Yes. It turns out that Sherman Green's brother is the Chief of Police, and he told me he didn't believe one word I told him about your confrontation last night. He's more professional than his brother, but it's obvious he was protecting Sherman. You are going to have to be very careful not to do anything to get pulled over again. Nothing good will come of it. It's not like I can go punch him out again. He's a cop and I would go to jail this time.”

  “Thanks for trying though Dad.” Brad answered. He was still feeling mostly victorious about the Rodney Blake event. He was also excited to be with his friends tonight. Therefore, the Sherman Greene incident was low priority for him right now. And Milo was slipping further and further from his mind.

  “Wait until my friends find out what I can do!” Brad thought.

  After supper was finished, Brent pulled up in the driveway with Jeff, Rudy, Brent and Allen. Brad said goodbye to his parents and went out the door in a hurry.

  “Hey, Bradster, we heard about your little confrontation this morning.” Jeff said. “Way to go!”

  “Yeah, that was really cool Brad, how did you do it,” Brent asked.

  “That's what you're going to find out tonight,” Brad told them.

  “What. Is this something you learned in Florida?”

  Rudy asked

  “Sort of. You'll just have to wait and see,” Brad told them.

  “Oh, come on man,” Jeff said, “Tell us now.

  “Nope. Gotta show you. Brent take us to Rainbow Gardens.”

  Rainbow Gardens was a large tourist-type shop and bowling alley at the mouth of Ogden Canyon that led to Huntsville. There were natural hot springs that came out of the Ogden River right at the mouth of the canyon, and so Rainbow Gardens had originally been built there with two or three swimming pools. The pools were long closed, but the Gardens remained open with the shops and bowling. The bottom of the main indoor pool had been turned into part of the shop.

  “Why do you want to go there?” Brent asked.

  “Because we can get some privacy behind the building. What I'm going to show you, I don't want anyone else to see.” Brad told him earnestly.

  They talked excitedly for the rest of the trip over to Rainbow Gardens. All of them wanted to talk about every detail of Brad's victory over Rodney Blake.

  When they got to the Gardens, Brad told Brent to drive around back. They soon parked in the dirt about two hundred feet from the building. They all piled out of the car and turned to Brad expectantly.

  “Okay. Show us what you've got,” Jeff said.

  Brad led them away from the car about twenty feet, and then said, “Okay, everyone, gather around me real close.”

  They did so watching him warily.

  “Wait a minute!” Rudy said backing up. “He's going to nail us with his martial arts or whatever.” Brent and Allen also backed away.

  Brad started laughing. “No, no, just get over here by me and trust me. No one is going to get hurt.”

  They gathered in close again. Brad looked at each of them and said, “Alright, what I'm about to show you guys, you can't tell anyone else. No matter what. Does every one promise me?”

  Jeff shrugged. “Yeah. Sure. Now show us Brad.”

  “Get ready,” Brad said. “You are about to leave the ground.”

  “What?” They all said together.

  “I'm dead serious guys. Get ready because here it comes.”


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