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A Man's World 3: Roxy's Flight Instructors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Becca Van

  But then why did Dusty kiss me?

  “Shit! I am so damn confused. Why can’t men just tell women what they want?” It would make life so much easier if people were upfront with one another. There would be no second-guessing or mind games to have to circumvent through or around. She wasn’t good at working out the underlying meaning of words that were left unsaid. She was a straight-laced girl and couldn’t understand why everyone else couldn’t be the same.

  Although Roxy didn’t speak her mind often, when she did she didn’t hold back. She’d always figured that if she didn’t have anything nice to say then saying nothing was better than opening her mouth. But sometimes she let her temper get the better of her. She was only human after all and not infallible. Over the last twelve months that she had worked with Miller on and off she’d broken her silence and given back as good as she’d gotten upon the rare occasion. She hadn’t been proud of herself but there was only so much a girl could take and Miller had learned to push her buttons.

  Miller wasn’t the only pilot who had given her grief about her gender but his colleagues had been a lot more subtle than Captain Dickhead. She shouldn’t call him that anymore. She’d said that to his face but she felt a little sorry for him now that he was sick. There had to be a reason he was the way he was. She didn’t care that he didn’t like her or that she didn’t like him, but she hoped that he recovered from his stroke. Either way, she couldn’t see him ever being able to fly again. That was going to be hard for the man to digest and come to terms with but at least he was alive. He could have died. She was glad that he hadn’t and hopefully after therapy he would be back to his normal asshole self. She was going to have to call the hospital or someone from the airline to find out how he was doing. Maybe the Milan brothers had found out.

  After gathering up her dirty clothes and rolling them into a bundle, she took a deep breath and headed toward the kitchen.

  The kitchen wasn’t what she’d expected considering there were three bachelors living in the house. It was a chef’s dream and she could imagine spending many an hour in this room. The cupboards were a high-gloss black, the granite counter was white, and all the stainless steel appliances looked brand new. The dining room off to the other side of the counter had a large timber table that was big enough to seat at least twelve people and from the looks of the seam in the middle it was extendable.

  Booker and Stefan were cooking something on the large cooktop and when she inhaled she realized that it was bacon and eggs. Roxy couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten those and her mouth began to water and her stomach growled.

  Dusty was at the coffeepot currently pouring the dark brew into four mugs and when he’d filled the last cup he turned around and saw her. “Hey, baby, come and sit down.” He frowned when he saw the bundle of clothes in her arms and came over and took them from her.

  “Hey, sweetness.” Stefan glanced at her over his shoulder, smiled, and winked.

  Booker looked at her with a frown before turning back to pile bacon pieces onto a platter.

  Dusty took her clothes from her arms and dumped them under the kitchen counter on the floor. He grabbed her arm and guided her to the table, pulled a chair out for her, and sat her down before going back to the kitchen and the three men started bringing the food over. The table had already been set with silverware and plates.

  Dusty took the seat at the head of the table which put her on his right. Booker took the chair next to hers and Stefan sat across from her.

  “How are you feeling, darlin’?” Booker asked as he handed her the plate of toast.

  “I’m fine,” she answered and handed the plate back after taking a piece.

  “Is your head still hurting?” Stefan asked.

  “A little. It’s not bad though.” Roxy picked up her mug of coffee and took a sip and sighed when she realized it was just the way she liked it. She wondered how they knew how she drank her coffee but guessed that they had probably seen her making it as she filled her travel mugs before one of her flights.

  Booker glanced at her plate and then nudged her arm before handing her the plate of bacon. She took a couple of pieces and put them beside her toast and then he scooped some scrambled eggs from the bowl and put them on her plate.

  “You need to rest for the next few days. The doctor gave you a medical certificate which states that you won’t be fit to work for two weeks,” Dusty said.

  “Two weeks?” Roxy asked in a strident voice. She only ever used that tone when she was pissed off and drew in a deep breath and released it before continuing on in a calmer tone. “I don’t need two weeks off. I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

  Dusty reached over and clasped her chin between his finger and thumb to get her attention since she was scowling down at her breakfast. “The doc said that it’s too dangerous to fly after a head injury. Something about altitude. You aren’t going back to work until that certificate has expired, Roxy.”

  “You have no right to tell me what to do,” Roxy said in a loud voice.

  “Actually he does,” Booker said. “We are the instructors and as such if we think a pilot isn’t up to par we have every right to say so.”

  Roxy pushed to her feet but she didn’t get to move away from the table. Booker wrapped his hand around her wrist and tugged lightly. She glared at him but he glared right back. “Sit down and eat your damn breakfast.”

  The tension in the air was so rife she could have cut it with a knife but she knew damn well that everything that Book said was true. She had no doubt that he would notify the manager of the airline about that fucking medical certificate and she wouldn’t be cleared to fly until she was given the all clear from the airline doctor if she protested. There was no way they were going to let her win this argument, she could see by the implacable resolve on Booker’s face that he wasn’t about to give in. She glanced over at Dusty and Stefan, saw the same resolute expressions on their faces and gave in with a sigh.

  She sat down and started to eat her breakfast with the intention of ignoring them. When she was finished she was leaving. She didn’t need to ask for a ride back to her place. She had some cash in her pocket and her credit card was in her purse in the bedroom she slept in the previous night. As soon as she was done she was out of here.

  Chapter Eight

  Booker held in his sigh of relief when Roxy sat down and started eating. He knew that they still had a long way to go with her but at least she hadn’t stormed out of the room like she had been going to. He watched surreptitiously yet intently from beneath his eyelashes and the corner of his eye and saw her frowning. From the way she was chewing quickly she was up to something.

  He looked over at Dusty and Stefan and saw that his brothers were studying her, too, and was glad that he had them at his sides. Roxanne Crowe was a handful especially when she’d decided on a plan of action. It was going to take all three of them to keep her safe. That was something they needed to explain to her, too. He didn’t like that Drew’s job had put his sister in danger but they would make damn sure she stayed safe.

  He was also itching to tell her how much he liked her and how he wanted to strip her down naked and make love to her until neither of them could walk, but first she needed to be told that he and his brothers wanted a relationship with her. He was a little envious that Dusty had gotten to kiss her and see her naked but his time was coming. He was going to have her in his arms very soon.

  Roxy finished her food, drained her coffee, and stood up. She removed her dishes from the table, rinsed them, and put them in the dishwasher, then she hurried back around the counter, picked up her clothes from the floor, and hurried out.

  Book pushed his chair back, stood, and hurried out after her. The sound of two more chairs scraping on the floor let him know that Dusty and Stefan were following him. He paused in the door of the bedroom and watched as Roxy pulled her wallet and cell from her purse and then shoved her uniform into the bag. She stood still for a moment looking at her phone and nibb
ling on her lip before she started dialing.

  Booker had had enough of her taciturn attitude. He stalked over to her and removed the cell from her hand, looked at the screen, and tensed when he saw she had been about to call a cab. She’d obviously programmed the number into her phone. He shut the cell off and put it in his pocket.

  “Hey! Give that back.”

  “No, we need to talk, Roxy.”

  “Oh for the love of…” She glanced at him then Dusty and Stefan as they moved further into the room. Roxy backed up and sat on the edge of the bed. “So talk.” Her posture was defensive. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her body angled away from them.

  Booker just hoped that she would give them a chance to have a relationship with her but he wasn’t sure about anything right now. Her belligerent expression and distrustful posture wasn’t exactly encouraging.

  “Firstly, you aren’t leaving here. It’s not safe,” Dusty said in a calm voice as he sat down next to her. Booker sat on her other side and Stefan climbed up behind her.

  “Secondly,” Book paused to take a deep breath and exhaled before speaking. “We want a relationship with you.”

  “You do?” Roxy’s voice came out a little breathy and some of the tension eased from Book’s body.

  “Yes, sweetness, we do.” Stefan leaned forward and kissed her bare shoulder where the T-shirt had slipped down, then he continued to nibble and lick up the side of her neck before nipping her earlobe.

  “Wait! What do you mean it’s not safe to go home?” Roxy pushed off the bed, took a couple of steps away, and then turned around to face them with her hands on her hips. All of a sudden her face paled and she hurried over to Dusty. “Give me my cell. I need to call Drew.”

  Dusty grabbed her hand and tugged until she fell into him. She reached up and gripped the edge of the shirt and tugged it back up over her shoulder just as Dusty clasped her hips and shifted her onto his lap. “Your cell phone needs to stay off. Drew has my cell number if he needs to contact you and you can use it if you want to call him.”

  Roxy’s face paled even more and Book was worried she was about to pass out, but she took a deep shuddering breath and exhaled slowly, and he was pleased to see a little color return to her cheeks.

  “He’s been made, hasn’t he?” Even though it was posed as a question, Book could hear that she was making a statement.

  “Yes,” Dusty answered.

  “He thinks I’m in danger?”

  “Yes,” Stefan answered this time.

  “Do you know what’s going on?” Roxy asked as she glanced at Stefan then Book before finally meeting Dusty’s gaze.

  “We do,” Book said.

  “So which one of you is going to tell me?”

  Dusty sighed and then he explained what Drew was up against. When his brother was finished telling Roxy what was going on and her face turned pale again, Book decided it was time to change the subject. She’d been through enough in the past twenty-four hours and he wanted to lighten the mood a bit.

  “I want you to make a list of everything you’ll need. For the next two weeks you will be staying here with us. In fact until we know it’s safe for you to go back home, you’ll be living here.”

  Dusty helped Roxy to her feet and then took her hand in his before leading her back to the kitchen. Stefan brought the full coffeepot over to the table as well as mugs, before going back for a pen and paper. Book sat next to Roxy, Dusty sat at his usual place at the head of the table, and Stef took the seat across from her.

  “Make a list of clothes and other stuff you’ll need, baby,” Dusty said, pointing at the pen and paper in front of her.

  Book and his brothers sipped on their coffee while watching Roxy chew on her lip as she compiled a list. When she’d finished she pushed the pad of paper away. Stefan slid it over to him and perused it.

  “You didn’t put much on here, sweetness.” Stefan raised an eyebrow in query.

  “That’s more than enough.”

  “Just get her what you think,” Dusty said.

  “Look,” Roxy began.

  “No, you look.” Dusty leaned forward and got into her face. “You are going to be living here indefinitely and are going to need clothes to last. If I had my way you won’t ever leave.”

  “You’re such an arrogant ass,” Roxy snapped.

  Dusty grinned. “Get used to it, baby. I’ll do everything within my power to keep you safe.”

  “Damn it, Dusty.”

  Dusty didn’t give her anytime to continue. He leaned forward and planted his lips over hers. Without lifting his mouth from hers, his brother lifted her from her chair, scooted his seat back, and plonked her down on his lap. Their mouths slanted and Book saw Dusty’s tongue engage Roxy’s. She moaned and then reached up and gripped his hair and it looked like she was trying to pull his mouth closer.

  Booker wanted a taste of her, too. He needed to know what it felt like to kiss Roxy, to have his hands on her body and to make love to her. His cock was so damn hard and he was so fucking horny he was leaking pre-cum. He tapped his brother on the shoulder and pushed his chair back, waiting for his turn.

  Dusty slowed the kiss and then before Roxy had even opened her eyes, he passed her over. Her lids fluttered open when her ass landed in his lap and then he was kissing her. He pushed his hands up into her hair, supporting the back of her head, and devoured her mouth. She tasted so fucking sweet, he couldn’t get enough of her. He kissed her with a voraciousness he’d never experienced before and the more he got the more he wanted. Their tongues tangled and twirled, their lips skimmed and slid, and then he nipped her lower lip. She moaned and her hands landed on his shoulders, clutching at him and tugging on him as if she wanted to get closer.

  Roxy was a bundle of fire in his arms and he wanted to tap into her wet heat. He was already so in love with her and wanted her in his arms, bed, and life permanently, but of course he couldn’t tell her any of that. Not until she was more comfortable with them, but if the only way to keep her was by making love with her then that’s what he’d do.

  Book stood up, taking her with him, and after his brothers quickly cleared the table he set her ass on the sturdy furniture, nudged her legs apart, and stepped between them. He broke the kiss and stared at her beautiful face. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips were puffy from his kisses and they had that sexy bee-stung look, and when her lids lifted he saw that her eyes were glazed with passion.

  “I want you, Roxy. We all do. Will you let us love you?” Book asked in a voice raspy with need.

  Roxy inhaled and then exhaled before looking over at Dusty, who was standing beside him, and then she looked over her shoulder at Stefan, who was standing behind her. Her mouth opened but she snapped it closed again when nothing came out and he tensed in preparation of her rejection, but the refusal never came. Instead she nodded her head and reached out for him.

  Booker wanted to kiss her again but he knew if he did that he wouldn’t want to stop. First he needed to get her naked and then he and his brothers could show her just how good the four of them could be together. He reached for the hem of her shirt and when she looked down at his hands and then back up into his eyes, he quirked his eyebrow in question.

  Again she nodded and without any preamble he lifted the shirt up and over her head. He groaned when he saw her luscious perky breasts topped with hard brown-pink nipples, and although his first instinct was to taste those sweet little berries, he threw her shirt aside and hooked his thumbs into the side of the boxers she was wearing. As he drew them down over her hips, legs, and off over her feet, he tried to calm his breathing and his raging lust.

  This was about Roxy first and foremost. He needed to show her how much pleasure they could give her before he even thought about entering her sweet, wet pussy. He inhaled the musky odor of her desire and closed his eyes for a moment just to relish her honeyed perfume, but her naked body was burned into his retinas and he wanted to see more of her.

  He force
d his eyes open and nodded to Stefan. Between the two of them they carefully eased her down until she was laid out on the table like a delectable feast. And that was what he was about to do. Feast on her sexy naked body.

  Stefan bent over at the waist and slanted his mouth over hers. Roxy whimpered and moaned, reaching back to hook her hands at the back of Stef’s neck.

  Dusty shifted closer until he was palming her breasts in his big tanned hands, kneading and massaging those soft globes of femininity before strumming his thumb over one tight bud and then sucking the other into his mouth.

  Roxy moaned and arched her chest up as if begging for more and Booker could do nothing but acquiesce to her silent demands.

  He hooked his arms around her thighs, opened her legs wider, and lifted them up toward her body. He growled with appreciation when he saw her glistening, puffy aroused folds, and his mouth watered as he hooked an ankle around his chair and brought it in close before he sat down and scooted forward even more. He lowered his head and took a long slow lick.

  She tasted so fucking good, sweet and tart, and he wanted more. So much more. Book flicked the tip of his tongue over her clit and smiled when she mewled. He loved the little sounds of passion she made but he wanted her to scream his name before he was done.

  He sucked that little bud into his mouth and suckled on it gently and she pushed her hips up into his mouth and her thighs jerked in his hands. Book wrapped his arms around her legs more securely, placed the palm of one hand over her pubis and lower abdomen, and then he used a finger to rim her dripping hole.

  She cried out and shoved her pussy up tighter against his mouth and then he began to penetrate her. She was so fucking tight and wet, and hot, he could barely wait to get his cock inside her and love her until she couldn’t walk, but he wanted her to come before he did that.

  Book released her clit from his lips, laved his tongue over the little pearl quickly, like a cat hungry for cream. He licked, slurped and drank down her sweetness as he began to pump his finger in and out of her cunt.


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