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A Man's World 3: Roxy's Flight Instructors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Becca Van

  “Fucking slut,” Rich roared and then pain slammed into her head. She saw stars as agony exploded into her brain and blood trickled down her forehead into her eye, and over her face. She jerked, not realizing she’d pulled at the steering wheel, and then she heard a horrific bang and her world spun.

  Roxy didn’t know what was happening because she couldn’t see. Blackness had formed over her eyes but she could hear. The noise of the crashing car was horrific. Metal connected with something and then glass rained down all over her, cutting into her arms and legs. Her whole body was jarred and jolted, bumped and bashed about. The only thing holding her into her seat was her seatbelt and even that hurt as it cut into her skin from shoulder to waist.

  Finally the noise was gone and even though she couldn’t see she could hear. The ache in her head was phenomenal and she felt sick to her stomach. She hurt from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, but she was still breathing.

  She heard a gurgling groan from nearby and it took her a few moments to remember who was with her and where she was. She didn’t know how bad North was hurt and since she couldn’t see, she couldn’t check him out. Not that she was going to help him but he could have that gun pointed at her and shoot her at any moment.

  Roxy felt around her, trying to find the door handle, and when she did she was surprised and pleased when it opened. She knew it was going to hurt when she took her seat belt off because it was the only thing holding her into her seat. It seemed the car had landed on its roof.

  She braced one hand down and then after taking a deep breath she released the belt and groaned when she hit. Her face was wet but she couldn’t stop to worry about that right now, nor about not being able to see. She needed to get away from North so he didn’t put a bullet in her. Roxy eased her way out of the car, reaching down with her hands and searching for the ground.

  She screamed when hands clasped her upper arms and lifted her out. Roxy tried to fight them off but she was hurting too much and very weak. Already her strength was waning and she staggered when her feet met the ground.

  “Ma’am, calm down. You’re safe. I’m a police officer.”

  Roxy sagged against the man for a moment, relief surging through her, and then she locked her knees and tried to stay upright.

  “He’s got a gun. Please, you have to secure him. He kidnapped me.”

  Another male voice came from behind her. “Passenger’s dead. A piece of the windscreen broke away and pierced his chest right through the heart.”

  “Oh, thank God,” Roxy said before she let herself sink into oblivion.

  * * * *

  “Jeezus, what’s going on up ahead?” Book said as he saw traffic banking up. An ambulance came racing up behind them and then it moved into the emergency lane to circumvent the stationary cars.

  “Drew, is that North’s car up ahead?”

  Booker hoped the answer was negative because from what he could see the car was on its roof and it looked like it had rolled quite a few times. His heart leapt into his throat and bile surged up his esophagus.

  Drew leaned forward. “Fuck! Yes.”

  Dusty pulled up behind the car in front of him and then all four of them jumped from the truck and ran. They were close when a police officer helped Roxy get out of the wrecked car and she came up screaming and fighting. Fear raced through his body when he saw the blood covering her face but she was alive and breathing and fighting. He was proud of her even though he was scared.

  The officer said something to her and then her legs buckled and she passed out. The cop caught her up into his arms and carried her toward the paramedics. He, his brothers, and Drew gained her side just as the cop lowered her to the stretcher.

  Drew pushed his way through the two policemen and Book followed.

  “Get back,” one of the cops yelled as his hand went to his gun holster.

  “That’s my sister,” Drew yelled.

  “And she’s our fiancée,” Book said, pointing to Dusty and Stefan.

  “Where’s the guy who was in the car with her?” Stefan asked as he looked toward the car.

  “He’s dead,” one of the officers answered.

  Drew sagged for a moment before straightening up and watching as the paramedics worked on Roxy. They already had a catheter in her hand and a drip going. One of the medics wiped the blood from her face and Book felt ill when he saw the bruises marring her face and the stitches in her forehead had been ripped open.

  The responders lifted the portable gurney into the back of the ambulance and Stefan got in after the medic.

  “What hospital?” Dusty asked and waved when one of the men told him.

  “What the hell is going on?” one of the officers asked as he stared from Book to Dusty and Drew. Just as he finished asking that question the radio on his shoulder went off advising of an APB on North, his car, and that it was a hostage situation.

  The cop responded to the dispatcher and then arched a brow in question.

  Drew stepped forward and began explaining.

  * * * *

  Stefan was worried sick about Roxy. It had been three days since North had kidnapped her and she still hadn’t woken up. He was tired and cranky from spending the last three days and nights trying to catnap at her bedside and his brothers were, too. They were all sniping and snarling at one another and even the nurses were getting pissed at them.

  The doctor had come in each day and had shaken his head when they asked if there was any change to their woman’s condition. She’d had cuts all over her arms from flying glass but at least they hadn’t been deep enough to need stitches. Her head was another matter. She’d hit her head when the car had rolled and the sutures from the other head wound had ripped open. The lump near the injury sight was big and the bruise on her forehead was black. He was just thankful that she didn’t have a fractured skull, but he was beginning to get scared that she was in a coma and would never wake up.

  Stefan, Book, and Dusty had taken turns holding her hands and talking to her, but it didn’t seem like they were getting through to her. She hadn’t moved one muscle. Drew had called every day but he’d been called back to the office to debrief the higher-ups of the CIA with what North had been up to, and he’d had to search the dead asshole’s apartment and bank accounts. All the money North hadn’t spent was now being held for evidence.

  The media had had a field day when it had been leaked by some asshole regarding one of the CIA team supervisors being on the take and the directors had done interviews trying to control the damage done by one of their own.

  The doctor wasn’t sure whether Roxy would fully recover from blunt force trauma to the head, but Stefan and his brothers weren’t giving up hope. Their love was alive and if it took months of rehabilitation for her to recover then he and his brothers would be by her side every step of the way.

  When they weren’t arguing, they were planning. When Roxy recovered they intended to buy into the company they were working for, training pilots and contracting their services out to commercial airlines. They’d had enough working for other people and wanted to own and operate their own business, and Roxy was going to be one of their pilots. He looked forward to sharing the cockpit with her in the near future and hoped he could talk her into joining the mile high club.

  Stefan picked up the book he’d been reading to Roxy and started reading again. The nurses and doctors had told them to keep talking to her and hopefully she would hear them and come back to them.

  He looked up when the door to the room opened and a tired, stressed Drew entered. “How is she?”

  “No change,” Dusty answered in a hoarse voice.

  “Fuck! I wish that asshole was alive so I could hunt him down and shoot him myself.” Drew walked over to the bed, sat on the side near Roxy’s feet, and rubbed her shin through the blanket.

  “I’d shoot him first.”

  Stefan fumbled and dropped the book at the sound of Roxy’s croaky voice. He jumped to his feet and grabbed ho
ld of her hand. “Roxy, thank God. We’ve been worried sick about you.”

  “Water,” she croaked.

  Stefan poured some water from the jug on the side table into a cup, tore the paper off the straw, and then held it to her lips. “Don’t drink too much, sweetness, you don’t want to get sick.”

  Dusty hurried to the door and after opening it, yelled for a nurse.

  “Can you please not yell?” Roxy frowned. “I have a mother of a headache.”

  Dusty raced back to her side, shoved Book out of the way, and clasped her hand. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “What seems to be… I’ll get the doctor.” The nurse must have seen that Roxy was awake because she hadn’t even made it all the way into the room.

  “Open your eyes, darlin’.” Book demanded as he pushed Dusty aside.

  “They are open,” Roxy said. “I can’t open them more the slits because it hurts too fucking much. Can you close the blinds?”

  “Roxanne,” the doctor said as he entered. “We are all very glad to see you awake.”

  “So I heard. How long have I been out of it?”

  “Three days.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “No. You’ve had these three men very worried about you. Now, how many fingers am I holding up?”

  Stefan watched as the doctor examined Roxy and listened when he asked her questions. “Good. I think you’re well and truly on the road to recovery. I’ll have another MRI scan ordered, just to be safe.”

  The doctor left after checking Roxy and organizing another brain scan.

  Stefan had never been so relieved in his life. He and his brothers had been scared that Roxy was in a coma and she wouldn’t come out of it, or maybe even die. She would need to rest up for quite a while before she could even think about going back to work, but that was okay with him.

  She was alive and she was going to get better.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Two months later.

  Roxy had spent another week in the hospital after she’d woken up as a precautionary measure. The doctor hadn’t wanted to release her because of the swelling she’d had on the brain. Her sight had returned back to normal, thank God. The doctor had explained that losing her sight had probably been her body’s way of trying to protect itself. She hadn’t been allowed to work either and even though she had needed the time to heal she was itching to get back to work and get her full pilot’s license.

  Dusty, Booker, and Stefan had moved her out of her apartment and when she’d been released to go home had driven her straight back to their place. Drew visited often and after the debacle with his boss he’d been promoted to supervisor and was now organizing and directing teams. He looked less stressed and Roxy was proud of him.

  But there was something going on with her men. She always had one of them with her but the other two would disappear for hours on end. When she questioned them they always said they were working. Though she knew they weren’t telling her the whole truth because none of them would look her in the eye when they answered.

  Roxy wasn’t worried that they were seeing someone else, because they told her they loved her all the time and she could see the sincerity in their eyes, but something was definitely going on.

  The continual dizziness and headaches after the kidnapping and accident had put a damper on their love life and no matter how much Roxy teased and tried to entice them, none of them broke and she was beginning to get downright bitchy. She loved them all so much and she was horny nearly all the time now that the headaches were almost gone. Although she cherished sleeping with her men every single night. They took turns sleeping beside her, cuddled up with her. She was never cold at night anymore, not when she was surrounded by her three men.

  She rolled over in bed and opened her eyes when Book pulled her closer against him. Stefan and Dusty had already left the bed and she could hear them pottering around in the kitchen.

  “We have to get up, darlin’. Your doctor’s appointment is scheduled in just over an hour.”

  “Yeah,” Roxy sighed as she snuggled up against Booker. “Why did your mom call you Booker?”

  He shifted until his head was resting on his hand and smiled down at her. “She used to watch this cop show and one of the guy’s names was Booker. She took a shine to it and decided it was a good name.”

  “Did you get any stick over it when you were a kid?”

  “No. I was always big for my age and I think the other kids were a little intimidated.”

  “I can imagine. What about Dusty and Stefan? Where did your mom get their names?”

  “From the same cop show.”

  “Wow she must have been enamored.”

  “She was.” Book chuckled. “When the series came out on DVD we bought it for her.”

  “Wow, when I see her I’ll have to ask her to borrow it.” Roxy grinned. She really liked their mother, Maggie. They had clicked right away and Roxy felt like she’d found the maternal female she’d missed out on her whole life. Maggie had stopped by a few times and she had told her stories about her men when they were growing up.

  Book groaned.


  “We’ve seen every episode of that show at least ten times.”

  Roxy laughed and then tickled his ribs. “Oh, you poor baby.”

  “I’ll poor baby you.” Book rolled her onto her back and tickled her back. She laughed so much her stomach hurt. He kissed her and then got out of bed. “Up and at ’em, darlin’. You don’t want to be late.”

  “You’re right.” Roxy got out of bed and sighed with disappointment when Booker was dressed. He winked and smiled before heading out to the kitchen. The sexy bastard had known she had been ogling his gorgeous body.

  Roxy hurried through her shower, got dressed, brushed her teeth and hair, and then walked toward the kitchen. Her men had breakfast waiting and they all sat down to eat. She caught her guys looking at each other often but none of them spoke, and she could see the gleam in their eyes. Something was definitely going on and although she wanted to ask, she knew she wouldn’t get a straight answer. They’d been hedging around her for the last couple of months.

  She sighed with frustration. Frustration that they were planning something and hadn’t given her one clue as to what, and frustration because she needed them all to make love to her in the worst way. Oh she’d tried to tease them with seductive moves, like brushing up against them whenever she could and wiggling her ass into their hard cocks but they seemed to have nerves of steel. No, that wasn’t true. She’d caught Stefan jacking off in the shower and when she’d offered to join him and take care of his not-so-little problem he’d refused.

  She hadn’t been about to take that lying down or standing up, but when she started stripping off, intending to join him for some water play, he’d yelled for Dusty. Dusty had taken one look at her, picked her up, and carried her away. She’d even tried using feminine wiles on him that day and had forced a couple of tears from her eyes, but the asshole had just laughed, plonked her on the sofa, and strode away. She wasn’t good at the usual female stuff and hadn’t tried that again. She’d felt a little silly for doing so in the first place.

  Roxy knew it wasn’t that they didn’t want her. There was no way they could hide the boners they walked around with ninety percent of the time. It had taken her a few days to figure out they were scared of hurting her and after the doctor had told her she wasn’t to do any physical activity until all the headaches and dizziness was gone, well they had taken those orders literally.

  Hopefully today would end the sexual drought and when she got the all clear she intended to make up for lost time. She was so hungry for them she was scared one touch from one of them would make her snap.

  Roxy hurried back to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, grabbed her purse, and headed out. Dusty was waiting for her and, without saying a word, took her hand and led her to the truck.

  An hour later Roxy walked out of the doctor’s office with a sm
ile on her face. She’d just been given the all clear and to make sure that Dusty understood what that meant, she’d asked the doc if it was all right for her to have sex. The doctor had replied of course and then he’d frowned at her. “Have you been abstaining because of the no physical activity rule? I didn’t think about sex when I said that. I just meant no heavy lifting or running or jumping.”

  The scowl and dark look which had crossed Dusty’s face had been priceless and Roxy hadn’t been able to hold onto her mirth. She’d laughed so much she’d ended up crying and the doctor had joined in. He’d patted her on the shoulder as he’d shown the door and winked at her.

  Now she was once more sitting in the passenger seat of Dusty’s truck as he drove, but she frowned when by passed the turn off to their street.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Are Book and Stefan going to be there?”


  Roxy stared out the window as she imagined everything she was going to do with her men, not taking any notice of where they were going, and she squirmed in her seat as her juices flowed. Her breasts were aching and her cunt was just begging to be filled as it clenched continually. She was grateful when she saw the sign to the airport and was pulled from her lascivious thoughts because she hadn’t even realized that she was panting.

  “Why are we going to work?”

  “You’ll see,” Dusty said with a smile and reached out to take her hand. “We’ll take care of you later, baby. I promise.”

  “You could have been taking care of me before now.” Roxy smirked.

  “Don’t tease, baby. I’m on edge right now and now isn’t the time or the place.”

  Roxy sighed but nodded her head. She’d jump their bones in front of everyone if she didn’t keep herself under control.

  Dusty parked in the staff parking lot, turned the truck off, got out, and came around to help her down. “Ready?”

  “How do I know? I don’t know what we’re doing.” Roxy let him lead her into the airport terminal.


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