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Erotic Takeover

Page 13

by Tina Donahue

  She hurried down the steps, keeping up with him. “We’re eating inside McDonald’s rather than in their PlayPlace?”

  “I don’t think they allow food out there. I never take mine from the inside.”

  “That’s because you’re a good boy.”

  Reaching his car, he opened her door and lifted her skirt. “Not that good.”

  Jodi slapped his hands away and her skirt down. The sun had started to set, creating long shadows but not enough dusk to hide everything, especially her nudity. With numerous cars still in the lot, she worried about their owners approaching.

  No one did.

  Thankful, she noticed how warm the air was, though not unbearably so, and filled with the pleasant scent of flowers and grass. Those lovely fragrances brought back memories of high school and college, moments that still had the power to wound. Back then, everyone in her classes hooked up with someone over the summer, eager to go to parties, a movie, the mall. Having a good time that always seemed to elude her.

  Tonight was different. Even though Mac’s interest in her wouldn’t last forever, she couldn’t resist being young, hopeful, eager and bold for the first time in her life. “Tell me where we’re going. I’m not getting into the car until you do.”

  “Have it your way.” He tickled her.

  Jodi gasped and fell into her seat to get away from him. Mac lifted her legs into the car, pushed her skirt in and shut the door.

  Slouched in her seat, she stared as he got inside. “Am I dressed okay for wherever we’re going?” Although her skirt was nicer than jeans, her black top and sandals weren’t fancy.

  “You’re dressed better than I am.”

  They were probably going to another outside place like Dilli’s. Jodi relaxed, her hand on Mac’s thigh, her fingers laced between his. “I found out the strangest thing the other day. Viv has kids.”

  “Yep. Three of them. I wouldn’t call them strange though.”

  “Not them. The fact that she has any kids at all. She’s so young and gorgeous.”

  “Her husband thinks so too.” Mac turned from the road and wiggled his eyebrows at her. “That’s why she has three kids.”

  “He doesn’t mind her modeling?”

  “Her body, her choice.”

  “He must really be confident that she loves him. Most guys would be jealous as hell about anyone looking at their woman’s body.”

  “I think she told him that Rocco and I are gay. Maybe even in love with each other.”

  Jodi laughed.

  “Are you still worried what your parents will think about what you’re doing?”

  She’d never stopped worrying. “They’re never going to know. No matter how blasé I might get, showing them the pictures you’ve taken would be like discussing my sex life with them.”

  Mac grinned, possibly remembering the highlights of their fuckfest. His cock buried in each of her openings, their shouts of unashamed delight, the comfort of falling asleep in each other’s arms. “Good move,” he said at last.

  Jodi’s laughter died as he suddenly pulled to the curb. She turned in her seat to see if there was an ambulance behind them. Nope. Just cars. Mac hit the locks. Her door swung open. Surprised, she looked up into the face of a young guy who offered his hand.

  “Welcome to Garner’s,” he said.

  She finally noticed the valet sign and the crowd outside the Art Deco building. The structure was solid white, tinted gold by the setting sun. Semicircles with geometric figures embellished its lone spire. Leaded glass filled the arched windows. Surrounded by modern skyscrapers, the building looked like something out of Hollywood’s heyday, except for the mega-short dresses the ladies wore, all made of glittery fabrics and surely expensive.

  Jodi fingered her gauze skirt that she’d bought at K-Mart.

  “Mr. Callaghan,” the young man said after helping Jodi out of the car.

  Mac was already at the trunk, closing it. Draped over his arm were a tan blazer and dark-blue tie. “Ben.”

  They shook hands.

  “How’s school?” Mac asked.

  “Good. But I won’t be sorry when I graduate.”

  Mac patted the younger man on the shoulder then slipped on his jacket and pulled the tie over his black T-shirt. The women in line watched him. Jodi couldn’t blame them. Even with his ridiculous outfit, he was gorgeous.

  Smiling, he joined her, his attention on no one else, as though she were the only woman in the world.

  Jodi’s throat tightened with emotion that she was experiencing this, even though she knew times as great as tonight couldn’t possibly last.

  “Ready for a great steak?” he said then frowned. “Wait—you do like meat, right?”

  She ran her fingers down his chest to his abs, the feel of those hard muscles making her breath catch. “Some better than others.”

  “Bad girl.” With her hand in his, he led her to the front door.

  She held back. “What are you doing? There’s a line.”

  “Not for us.” Mac nodded in greeting to a man in a dark suit who guarded the front entrance.

  The guy offered a broad smile. “Good evening, Mr. Callaghan. Enjoy your meal.” He opened the door.

  Several men in the crowd grumbled about the special treatment she and Mac received. Jodi wondered if his artistic nudes would be plastered all over the restaurant walls. Could be the owner paid for the portraits by giving Mac unlimited access to the restaurant.

  To Jodi’s surprise, there wasn’t a photograph in the place. The softly lit interior was mostly gleaming wood and dark leather booths that gave it a cloistered, romantic feel.

  The scent of seared meat, garlic, grilled onions and freshly baked bread made her stomach growl.

  Mac looked from her belly to the maître d and the hustling wait staff as he passed. All of them beamed at him. He smiled in return and kept moving, not waiting for a seat. As far as Jodi could see, there were no available spots. The tables and bar area were packed.

  Didn’t make sense for them to be in here with Mac strutting around as if he—wait. “Do you own this place?”

  He slowed and looked over. “Not now. I will. Maybe.”

  Good god, the man could be so cryptic. “What does that mean?”

  “Mom needed to invest her money somewhere so she decided to buy this place. If she holds on to it and it doesn’t go out of business, I’ll own it someday. Unless she wills it to one of my half-brothers or sisters.”

  Oh. “Is being rich always that complicated?”

  He laughed. “You have no idea.”

  Mac stopped at the end of the aisle and ushered her into a private room that was nicer than anything in her parents’ house. Several small lamps with Tiffany-style shades offered a soft glow. Candles in fluted glass containers flickered on a table draped with a snowy-white cloth. Four burgundy wing chairs surrounded it. Unlike the walls in the other part of the restaurant, these were papered in a vintage design depicting peacock feathers, some of them in maroon, others in silver, the background lavender.

  “Wow.” She kept turning in circles to capture everything. “This could have been a high-end brothel in the olden days for princes and the aristocracy. I should have worn my leather straitjacket here.”

  Even before her words had faded, Jodi’s face flamed. Damn, she was changing. Looking over, she caught Mac’s smile.

  He slid the wooden door into place, sealing them in, and headed for her. “You’re a bad—“

  A knock on the door caused Mac to stop. His shoulders slumped. “Why does everyone keep bothering me?”

  “Because you’re the boss?”

  His chest shook with laughter that he stifled before he let the waiter inside, a good-looking young guy named Pete dressed in black pants, a white shirt and bowtie. He and Mac shook hands, talked about Pete’s upcoming audition for a new reality show—which Pete claimed he’d only landed because Mac had taken such great headshots during their photo shoot a few months back— and then Pe
te got down to business.

  Mac waved away the daily specials and ordered from the menu. Baked brie for an appetizer and prime ribeye as his entrée. Jodi nearly choked at the prices. His prime rib alone was over fifty bucks. His meal did include a salad, sides and dessert, but still… She scoured the menu for something reasonably priced. Dream on. Even the cheapest salad cost twelve dollars.

  “Get whatever you want,” Mac said. “Including an appetizer. We can share.”

  She nodded. “I’ll have the French onion soup.” It cost the same as the smallest salad.

  Pete smiled at her choice and waited.

  “That’s all,” she said. “Except for water.”

  “Wait.” Mac turned to her. “Do you like pork chops?”

  Who didn’t? “I guess.”

  “Garner’s has the best. You’ve got to try them.” He ordered a double thick portion for her with julienned apples, mustard glaze, a Caesar salad, the house potatoes and sautéed mushrooms.

  “We’ll look at the dessert menu at the end of our meal,” Mac told Pete. “Bring us a bottle of your best red wine. Dry.”

  “You got it.” Pete left, sliding the door back into place.

  Mac scooted his chair closer to hers and took Jodi’s hand. “I know you’re worried about the money, but don’t be. Trust me, I’m not. You’ve had a tough day. You need to relax.”

  His voice was soft, his expression unbelievably tender. What in the world was she going to do when this was over? Which it would be. Men like Mac didn’t make their futures with women like her. They’d become close these last days, which was a miracle in itself, but it would never go beyond being friends with benefits. “I barely worked. I was at the salon for hours.”

  “Having your hair ripped out has to be tough. You earned tonight.”

  She laughed. “What would you have done if I’d had all my hair pulled out?”

  “Spanked you for touching one strand on your head. You should let it grow out. I love the color.”

  He was too good for her ego. Such a danger to her heart.

  It didn’t care, wanting what it could have now, encouraging her to push worry aside and let things simply happen.

  The wine made dismissing her fears easy. The appetizers didn’t hurt. Both the food and booze relaxed Jodi like a hot bath or a slow, sensual massage. The chops were excellent, seared enough on the outside to make them crispy, succulent on the inside, the meat so tender she barely had to chew.

  She and Mac ate from each other’s plates, neither of them able to decide which entrée they liked best. They laughed about the UPS guy’s reaction to Viv’s nudity then talked about other stuff. Silly, inconsequential things that only they had shared and meant so much to her.

  At last, Mac laid his hands on his belly and stretched out his legs as though he were at home, ready to watch sports on TV as Jodi’s dad always did after a big meal. “Damn, I’m full.”

  She ran her nails lightly down his arm. “You don’t want dessert?”

  Mac rolled his head over the back of his chair and smiled at her. He looked well fed and content. “Do you?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve been a good girl. I deserve a reward.”

  “That you—Jodi?”

  She’d already slipped out of her chair to the floor.

  Mac caught her wrist. “What are you doing?”

  “Having dessert.” Mac could be so dense at times.

  His eyes finally sparkled with understanding and joy. “No shit? Bad girl.”

  “You have no idea.” Jodi fully intended to show him. She went between his legs, uncertain what had given her the courage to do this. Maybe the three glasses of wine she’d had or the pleasant conversation that deepened their friendship?

  Or maybe she was falling in love…and had been from the moment she’d met Mac.

  Oh god, she was so screwed but couldn’t stop her feelings or deny what she wanted.

  Jodi unbuttoned his jeans and lowered his fly. His cock blossomed at her lightest touch on his stretchy boxers. He groaned with need as she guided his rod through the placket.

  Filled with tenderness and longing, Jodi slipped his crown into her mouth.

  “Holy mother shit,” Mac sputtered. He dug the heels of his sandals into the hardwood floor. His toes curled and splayed.

  Jodi sighed, loving his cock’s silky texture that was smoother than the richest ice cream. She relished the head’s plump contours and the salty taste of his—

  There was a light rap on the door before it slid open.

  Jodi hesitated but couldn’t stop. She slipped his cock farther into her mouth.

  Mac coughed then said, “We’re not through, Pete.” His voice was surprisingly steady, despite Jodi’s tongue flicking over his shaft. “Come back in twenty.”

  “You got it. Enjoy.”

  The edge of the door tapped against the jamb.

  “God,” he croaked, sagging in his chair.

  Jodi figured she should have cared if Pete had seen her but she didn’t. This night was too extraordinary to follow rules.

  She guided Mac’s cock to the back of her throat. He panted. She licked his length with wonder and desire then suckled him with all the passion she felt. His rod grew even harder, longer.

  Delighted at the pleasure she was giving him, Jodi tongued the back of his crown where he was the most sensitive.

  “No, no, no,” he babbled.

  She stopped and concentrated on his shaft, licking the thick veins, worshipping them with her mouth and tongue. When he’d finally settled down, she returned to his crown and lapped it ruthlessly. He stiffened, collapsed then went rigid once more. On a muffled growl, Mac came in her mouth.

  Jodi drank him dry. Grinning, she let his cock slip out of her mouth and eased it to the side.

  “Oh Jesus shit,” he gasped.

  She made a soft, purring sound then continued suckling his right ball while fondling the left. His sac enthralled her. It was so damn male Jodi could hardly contain herself.

  Mac groaned. “I can’t stand it.”

  She spoke around his nut. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “Hurt? You’re fucking killing me.”

  In the best way. Ignoring his pleas, Jodi suckled his ball until she’d had her fill of it then concentrated on the other.

  At last, Mac slumped in his chair, his ass on the edge of the seat, legs spread widely. Jodi gave his boys one last kiss and crawled from beneath the table. She’d just taken her seat when there was a tentative knock on the door.

  “Come in,” she called out.

  “Shit,” Mac muttered, searching frantically for his napkin. It had fallen to the floor. With nothing else to cover his well-loved balls and cock, he yanked the tablecloth toward himself. The plates rattled.

  Jodi smiled serenely at him then at Pete. “I don’t think we’ll be needing dessert.”

  Chapter Ten

  They returned to the studio and went at each other, burning off the fuel they’d consumed at Garner’s. Propped against the sofa, Mac had Jodi straddle him, her back to his front so he could play with her boobs while she worked his cock in her cunt.

  Her pussy’s easy slide down his hard rod blurred his vision and snatched his breath. It took a monumental effort to remember her pleasure while she was delivering so much delight. Gritting his teeth to stave off orgasm, Mac stroked her nipples then finally teased her nub. She faltered slightly, her pumps not as assured, her throaty growl telling him she was as lost as he was in the swirl of pleasure.

  Too many lovely sensations pressed close, threatening to overwhelm. Mac encouraged every vibrant moment. He jerked his hips to sink his shaft deeper into her. Jodi’s pleased cry proved she was through with control and dedicated to driving them both to the edge and beyond. He rubbed her clit harder. She fondled his balls gently even as she moved like a piston up and down his cock.

  Within seconds, Mac’s orgasm slammed hard. He let out a joyous howl that filled the room. Jodi fell against him on a p
rolonged wail then a whimper. They panted together. He sensed their hearts beating as one. A silly, romantic notion but Mac didn’t care.

  They snoozed on the floor but he awoke a short time later, wanting more. Pulling off the condom, Mac tossed it aside, not caring where it landed. Jodi regarded him sleepily as he crawled close.

  “Time to wake up?” she whispered.

  “Only if you want to.” This time, he straddled her, his head facing her feet, his shaft and balls dangling above her face.

  Directives weren’t needed for what they both craved. Jodi parted her legs and bent her knees, giving Mac what he wanted. Braced on his elbows, he wrapped his arms around her thighs to keep them parted then finally had his dessert, savoring her pussy, clit, heat and scent.

  A jagged groan escaped him. He lapped and suckled her, never wanting this to end.

  Jodi’s body wiggled at his carnal attentions even as she licked his length and caressed his sac, her grunts and moans matching his.

  They rocketed toward their respective peaks, lost in the wonder of the evening and their shared desires. Words weren’t necessary or even possible as their climaxes erupted, pulling everything there was from them before the sensations drifted away, leaving Mac and Jodi drained, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  After they rested, Jodi donned the leather thong with the awesome slit through the crotch. The item fit her perfectly, its smooth animal skin hugging her curves, the opening in front displaying her naked folds, still puffy and damp from his passion.

  Mac set up the lighting as quickly as he could. Wasn’t easy. As Jodi waited for him, she reclined in a chair, one leg draped over its arm, the other stretched out, her thighs parted widely. She’d folded her arms over her head, her expression relaxed and poised, her randy pose making it impossible for Mac to think.

  Jodi smiled as though she understood the hell she was putting him through.

  Two could play at that game. Once Mac had her posed in the same damn position—without her legs spread so far apart—he kissed her deeply, nibbled her nipple and licked her clit then stopped and squeezed off shot after shot while her inner fire smoldered just shy of breaking through. Precisely the look he wanted and knew Quinn would love.


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